The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 1000: Get real!

President Dongchun Huaan, the first person to move is the Yang family.

He wants to use the Yang family to deter other giants.

The reason why he had to take action against the Yang family was because President Dongchun Huaan knew that Gu Hanyao and Gu Ningshuang's younger sister, Gu Ningxin, died in the hands of the Yang family. Although Yang Chulei did it, but If it wasn't for the Yang family's backing, Yang Chulei would dare to do this!

Ye Luo Yunhuang's anger is his anger.

Although he is the president, he is also very protective of his shortcomings!

Dongchun Huaan immediately arranged for relevant departments to thoroughly investigate all the problems of the Yang family, including everyone in the Yang family and all the properties of the Yang family.

The major wealthy families are watching.

While watching, I found that the president had issued a series of orders.

Only then did everyone realize that the president was really moving.

Since the president got better, it seems that he has not shown much, and everyone sometimes ignores the president.

It is only now that I understand that the president after taking power is so resolute that he does what he says he does.

And it's real.

That is the Yang family!

There is also a lot of background.

Even if the background of the Yang family is there, if the president wants to make a move, he will make a move.

Mainly the current president, who already holds real power.

Moreover, the president did not directly attack the wealthy family, nor did he have the right to suppress the wealthy family.

It was because the Yang family violated the interests of the president and violated the laws of Dongxia, so the president took action.

Everything is reasonable.

But the people of the Yang family were angry.

The Yang family had made some preparations before, those preparation plans were launched, and some assets fell abroad.

Also, the Yang family head of the Yang family arranged for several descendants of the Yang family to study abroad, so that they could not return to China.

The Yang family leader even dispatched the dead family members and hired international hired killers to assassinate President Dongchun Huaan.

presidential palace

President Dongchun Huaan never expected that there would be a killer assassin.

He didn't even expect that Aunt Wu, the housekeeper he trusted, would personally kill him.

Fortunately, Dongchun Huaan and Ye Luo Yunhuang had already prepared, so the assassination plan of these people failed.

President Dongchun Huaan looked at Aunt Wu, "Aunt Wu, you are the one who takes care of your mother, why did you betray me and my mother!"

Butler Wu looked at Dongchun Hua'an and said, "You are kind to me, but my mother is in each other's hands. I can care about other people's life or death, but I have to take care of my mother's life and death. If I don't do anything, my mother will It's my fault that I can't kill you now that I'm dead, and I apologize with death!"

Gu Ningshuang quickly stepped forward and cut off Aunt Wu's hand.

"Her medicine is hidden in her hand, waiting for us to let down our guard, so that we can take another shot at the president. Nothing she said is true, there is someone behind her!"

Ye Luo Yunhuang said: "Twenty years ago, the assassination of the Presidential Palace, you should know something, you want to die is not so easy, your relatives will be buried for your stupidity!"


Gu Ningshuang said: "We don't have the kindness you think, and we treat the enemy with no mercy!"

Gu Ningshuang gave Aunt Wu a drink of the bottle of medicine in her hand, so that she could tell everything she knew.

Aunt Wu quickly fell to the ground, her whole body hurting like an ant's bite, and she felt like a double world of ice and fire.

When Aunt Wu's spirit was gradually lost, Gu Ningshuang said, "You can ask her questions now."

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