The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 1596: was amazed

I have to say that at this time, Gu Ningshuang's whole body exudes a lustrous light. At this time, Gu Ningshuang's whole body exudes a powerful charm.

Situ Mobai was once again amazed.

Situ Mobai grew up in the Situ family since childhood. When his parents were there, he was also the most honorable young master of the Situ family, and he also met countless ladies from wealthy and aristocratic families.

Even now, he has seen many young ladies from aristocratic families. Even if they were raised by wealthy families, none of them had the charisma of Gu Ningshuang.

Gu Ningshuang's body exudes a ray of light from the inside out, which is bright and moving.

Situ Mobai's eyes flickered. He knew that such Gu Ningshuang might only be worthy of Young Master Ye Luo!

Situ Jingzhu was amazed when she saw her brother next to her, she said, "Brother, elder sister Gu is very strong!"

At this time, Gu Ningshuang worshipped Gu Ningshuang wholeheartedly. She didn't know that even her brother was amazed by Gu Ningshuang at this time.

At this moment, Situ Jingzhu's face suddenly changed, she saw a very strong person suddenly appear and kill Gu Ningshuang.

Situ Jingzhu's nervous heart was raised!


Yes, Gu Ningshuang did crush these killer assassins.

But at this time, a very powerful person suddenly appeared. As soon as this person appeared, he held the spiral teeth in his hand, spun directly, and killed Gu Ningshuang.

This kind of helical tooth is in the shape of a disc, and the circle is surrounded by sharp gears, which can kill you with a single cut.

And the spiral teeth are rotating, and they can kill several people at once!

The key is that this gray-robed man who suddenly appeared, controls the spiral teeth very well, and there is also a wave of spiritual energy on it, which is very powerful!

This gray-robed man stared at Gu Ningshuang, with killing intent in his eyes, a posture that he must kill Gu Ningshuang!

Gu Ningshuang's face turned pale and her eyes sank. She didn't dare to take it lightly. She immediately came out of the circle of killers, threw out the whip in her hand, and attacked the spiral teeth.

Gu Ningshuang's whip directly blocked the two spiral teeth in the air.

The strong force collided, and they all made the sound of bumping, and the sound of breaking the air was so powerful that even the surrounding dust was driven by this force and rolled up.

The dust is flying!

This is not enough, the key is that the mechanism can be opened on the helical gear, and a flying knife is shot out from the gear.

The flying knife came directly towards Gu Ningshuang's eyebrows, with a deadly killing move!

Gu Ningshuang's face changed, and her reaction speed was extremely fast, so she avoided this killer move.

Gu Ningshuang never imagined that a flying knife could even fly out of the helical gear, and it had powerful killing power!

The gray-robed man looked at Gu Ningshuang's sensitive reaction speed, his eyes flashed with a cold light, "Ice Blade, kill kill kill..."

The gray-robed man shouted, and countless flying knives shot out.

All were killed towards Gu Ningshuang!

Because Gu Ningshuang was about to avoid the ultimate move, he flashed to the side, the power on the whip loosened, and the spiral gear opened instantly, continuing to kill Gu Ningshuang!

With the ultimate move, kill Gu Ningshuang!

Everyone in the manor villa looked at this scene, their faces changed, and they were all horrified.

Everyone understands how much Young Master Ye Luo attaches importance to Gu Ningshuang. If there is any problem with Gu Ningshuang, they will apologize with death!

But the speed of the gear and the flying knife are very fast, they can't react at all, even if it is now to block Gu Ningshuang's ultimate move, it is too late!

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