Luo's father was also stunned. Even if he had an opinion on Luo Mu, he never wanted Luo Mu to die.

And it seemed that it was because of him that Luo Mu fell down.

Father Luo never thought that this was what Mrs. Lu did.

"She... will she die, will she be okay?"

Luo Fu's character is cowardly, and he is also flustered.

Besides, Luo Mu was also Luo Lingchuan's mother.

Luo Lingchuan is the heir of Nanhua Kingdom.

Father Luo was also afraid that Luo Lingchuan, his son, would blame him.

In short, no matter what the reason is, Father Luo has no reason not to save Mrs. Luo.

So Father Luo hurriedly asked Madam Lu to hide. He called a car and took Madam Luo to the hospital.

To the outside world, she only said that when Mrs. Luo was going up the stairs, she did not step firmly and fell.

No one would doubt such a statement.


Royal Palace

Gu Ningxin was stunned when she heard the news about the border crossing.

Gu Ningxin did not expect that Mrs. Luo would be hospitalized after returning.

Are you sick of being hospitalized?

Gu Ningxin ran to the hospital to see Grandpa Luo.

She told Grandpa Luo about this.

Grandpa Luo looked at Gu Ningxin and said, "Girl Ningxin, what do you think about this."

"I don't think this matter is as simple as it seems. How could Mrs. Luo step on the stairs and fall down? Listening to the news from there, Mrs. Luo seems to have fallen quite badly and has never woken up. If I want to spread the news again, I also called the hospital there, and the statement from the hospital also said that it was a fall."

After a pause, Gu Ningxin said, "Grandpa, do you think that the hospital has also been explained, and I can't say the specific reason. Can we send someone to check it?"

Gu Ningxin doesn't care about Luo Mu's life or death at all.

However, Luo Mu is also Luo Lingchuan's mother. If something happens to Luo Mu, Luo Lingchuan will also be sad.

She couldn't bear Luo Lingchuan's sadness.

Luo Lingchuan has been very busy recently, his face is haggard, Gu Ningxin looks distressed, so she doesn't want Luo Lingchuan to worry about some things.

Mr. Luo nodded attentively, "Girl Ningxin, your analysis is good, you do have to arrange for someone to take a look, this matter is left to you, but right now, you can't go there by yourself, just arrange for someone to come and have a look. ."

Mr. Luo is very partial. The safety of his granddaughter is the most important thing. As for the border crossing, Luo's mother's life and death, he is not so concerned about it.

Not to mention that people are not dead, they are alive, they are just injured.

Gu Ningxin naturally knew that her grandfather cared about her and worried about her.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I just arranged for someone to come and take a look."

After Gu Ningxin had a conversation with Grandpa Luo, she returned to the palace.

During this time, Luo Lingchuan took care of everything in Nanhua Kingdom. Luo Lingchuan was really busy and didn't care about other things.

Gu Ningxin ran between the hospital and the palace to take care of Grandpa Luo. Although Grandpa Luo was feigning illness, he had to hide it a bit.

However, Gu Ningxin often went to the hospital to take care of His Majesty. The news media gave Gu Ningxin all kinds of praise again. Gu Ningxin also had a good reputation and was filial!

So how Luo Mu said before that Gu Ningxin was not filial was useless, but now Gu Ningxin has the label of filial piety on her body.

After Gu Ningxin came out of the hospital, she secretly called Mi Dongqin.

She asked Mi Dongqin about the border crossing, that is, to know what news about Luo Lingchuan's father.

Because after Gu Ningxin knew Madam Lu's secret before, she also asked Mi Dongqin to check Luo Lingchuan's father.

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