The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 2711: mysterious light

Ye Luo Yue'er was tired and her body protected herself, so she needed a rest, so she fell asleep.

No one noticed that there was a faint light around Ye Luo Yue'er's body, which wrapped and protected her body, allowing her to truly rest and cultivate.

Su Jinhua breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Ye Luo Yue'er was all right.

However, the doctor paused and said, "She has a poor diet all the year round, and her body is weak, so she still needs to take good care of her."

Su Jinhua nodded, "I'll take care of her well."

Su Jinhua looked at Ye Luo Yue'er lying on the bed, she was indeed too thin.

Seeing Ye Luo Yue'er's weak appearance, Su Jinhua sighed inwardly, then frowned.

After the doctor went down, Su Jinhua waved his hand and asked the maid to retreat.

"Sir, you also need to rest!"

The dark guard quietly fell into the room, reminding Su Jinhua.

Su Jinhua said lightly, "I'm fine, you should step back first!"

The dark guard looked at Su Jinhua's expression and knew that the prince should be very concerned about the prince and concubine.

They had never seen the prince care so much for a woman.

I remember, when Luo Rouer tried her best to climb up to the prince, the prince's expression was also indifferent, but Luo Rouer had an excellent reputation. When she first entered the eyes of the former princess, the former princess saw that Luo Rouer really treated the prince. Very good, this marriage is settled.

You can only see the truth when you think of adversity.

When something happened to Ding Wangfu, Luo Rouer changed her face, but it was Concubine Shizi who was sincere to Shizi.

The prince's sudden illness when he was eating, the change in the prince's concubine's expression, the anxiety, they all saw it.

Moreover, Concubine Shizi didn't know what method to use to make Shizi better, but Concubine Shizi herself fainted.

No matter what the method is, it is clear that Concubine Shizi is really good to Shizi.

Now that the prince is going to stay by the prince's side, the dark guard can't say anything more.


After the dark guard stepped back, Su Jinhua sat beside the bed, just like that, guarding Ye Luo Yue'er.

He sat for a while, then stretched out Luo Yue'er's hand and put it in the palm of his hand.

This time, Su Jinhua clearly felt that Ye Luo Yue'er's hands were very thin.

Seeing her like this, his heart changed softly.


Ye Luo Yue'er actually returned to her original world this time.

When she woke up, she found that she was in the Gu family mansion.

Ye Luo Yue'er pinched herself hard, feeling like she was in a dream.

After she went downstairs to see her mother, she said to her mother Gu Ningshuang, "Mother, I had a dream that I appeared in a world in a book."

Gu Ningshuang looked at Ye Luo Yue'er's bewildered look, and a mysterious light flashed in her eyes, "Really?"

"Mother, aren't you curious?"

"The world is full of wonders, nothing to be angry about, and it's just a dream."

"But I think it's very real, mother, I really saw the person in the book, that person is very beautiful, I don't want him to die, I want to protect him."

Gu Ningshuang patted Yeluo Yueer's hand, "I know, Yueer, do whatever you want."

Ye Luo Yue'er looked at her mother's expression and always felt that her mother knew something, "Mother, do you believe that this world exists?"

"I don't know what you went through, but you have an obsession in your heart, which means that person is waiting for you to go back there."

Gu Ningshuang looked at her daughter and knew that she was not her body now, her soul body was in another place.

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