The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 100, The Lake Fairy’s Plan


Ryan looked up suddenly, and he saw the Lake Fairy appearing in front of him with a faint smile in her eyes, and the person he was talking to, Emilia, seemed frightened by the appearance of the Lake Fairy, hiding in a corner with tears in her eyes. Behind the furniture, there was trembling.

"My lady, this is a misunderstanding. I thought it was Amelia who greeted me." Ryan immediately knelt down on one knee and quickly defended: "I didn't know you were coming."

"You know now." Of course the Lake Fairy knew that Ryan had recognized the wrong person. The goddess did not pay attention to it, but stretched out her hand to signal Amelia to come out from behind the furniture: "Come out, maid, I won't hurt you."

"I have met Your Excellency the Lady of the Lake!" Emilia then cautiously came out from behind the furniture. The little maid reached out to hold the hem of her skirt and showed her respect.

Oh my god, I saw a real god appear in front of me today!

Today, the Fairy of the Lake is wearing a classical and elegant wrought gauze white pear flower dress, and a flower crown on her head. Her beautiful face always has a slight smile, her naked feet are hanging on the ground, and the Holy Grail that countless knights desire is held by her. In her hand, she motioned for Ryan to get up: "I said, I will come often."

"Uh... welcome, my lady." So Ryan stood up.

"I visited your new home and it feels good. In addition to the beautiful scenery and environment, I can feel warm in this home. A warm home can make knights fight more bravely on the battlefield." The fairy in the lake nodded: "Let us Let’s talk more upstairs, I have something to tell you.”

"Yes!" Ryan guided the Lake Fairy to the guest room next door.

The fairy in the lake sat on the single sofa chair without hesitation. The goddess motioned for Ryan to sit down. The faint smile on her face disappeared and her expression became serious: "Lian Machado?"


"That sword is the legendary thirteenth holy sword - the goddess of revenge?" The face of the fairy in the lake did not show what she was thinking.

"Yes." Ryan didn't need to lie. His answer was simple and clear: "I don't know if I am the 13th Carolingian Knight, but there is no doubt that this sword is the goddess of revenge."

The expression on the Lake Fairy's face changed subtly, and she murmured to herself: "Only gray horses can fight with red horses... The thirteenth Carolingian knight saves the world... The goddess of revenge appears..."

After a long time, a pale color appeared on the beautiful face of the fairy in the lake: "Sure enough, my prediction is correct."

"My lady?" Ryan expressed confusion. He could see that the fairy in the lake had a lot to say to him.

"Is the Holy Sword - Nemesis exclusive to you? Can this sword be wielded only by you using the pure subspace energy in your body?" the Lake Fairy then asked.

"Exactly." Ryan nodded. Regarding this, the battle between him and the Khorne champion was seen by the Lake Fairy, so there was no need to hide it.

"That's right, Ryan. Your appearance not only means that there is a stranger in this world, but also means that this world is about to face another final test." The fairy in the lake shook her head repeatedly. He said softly: "The birth of the third Chaos Eternal God Chosen shows that the end is near."

The ethereal voice of the fairy in the lake told a piece of history: "Chaos is extremely powerful but unfathomable, full of destructive power but constantly fighting among itself. Khorne, who advocates war and blood, despises the hedonism of Slaanesh, is cunning and changeable. Qi always has many conflicts with the corrupt and conservative Nurgle. These four evil gods are fighting eternally in the realm of chaos. Their attention is always rarely focused on the outside world, which makes us in the main material world struggle to survive. "

"The demons and believers under the four gods have a clear position. They will never tolerate fighting in the name of another god. The only way to unite everyone is to fight under an uncontroversial name, and this The name is..."

Ryan took over the words of the Lake Fairy: "It is the Eternal Chosen One of Chaos."

"Yes." The Fairy in the Lake nodded lightly: "Every few hundred years, there will be a mortal champion of Chaos who is destined to gather the greatest blessings of the four gods of Chaos. He is the Eternal Chosen God of Chaos, and there will be constant internal fighting. The barbarian tribes of the north will reunite under his banner, and soon the end will come, and the Everchosen will rise from his dark throne, preparing to destroy the world, and mortals will face the turbulent armies of the North or from below The rats that appear, we can only have a glimmer of hope by fighting to the death and using our last glimmer of hope."

"My lady, you don't need to be so pessimistic. The world has experienced several chaos invasions, and they have been stopped every time." Ryan could feel the pessimism in the tone of the fairy in the lake, so he persuaded: "Every time Didn’t we all successfully repel the Chaos army?”

"...I can't foresee where the world will go in the future, but the world is only one step away from destruction every time." It will take a long time for the Chaos Eternal God to unify all the barbarian tribes, and the Fairy in the Lake seems not to want to continue this topic. , she changed the topic: "You have eliminated another Khorne champion. You have done a good job. The only way we can weaken the Dark God is through this method. The evil god has looked at you and Khorne more than once. In the battle of the champions, the mist of the potion and holy water successfully prevented the Evil God from peeking, but you still have to be careful. You have attracted the attention of the Chaos Evil God, and they will not give up. The Chaos Champions you fought and killed were all promoted by the Evil God's followers. Yes, the true strength of the Chaos Demon is far more than that... It is strange to say that Tzeentch, who always likes to spy on the main material world, is the quietest. He seems to be very weak..."

"Thank you very much." Ryan expressed his deep gratitude to the Lake Fairy for her protection.

"I am already arranging your territory. It is located in the north of the Principality of Carcassonne, the west of the Principality of Winford, and the east of the Principality of Bordeaux. Your current strength is stronger than that of ordinary Holy Grail Knights. When spring comes, the King of Knights will The invitation letter will arrive at Marienburg. Before that, you just need to wait. Ryan, patience is a virtue. I have arranged a rich barony for you." The fairy in the lake nodded: "As for a larger territory, you need your own Go and fight for it, do you know the Duchy of Connaught?"

"Isn't that place occupied by a large group of vampires and undead?" Ryan thought of something, and his expression became strange: "It seems that the current Knight King 'Tiger' Dinoah-Jean-Richard has summoned the army to fight five times. , three marquises died, and they still haven’t been able to take it back.”

Almost two hundred and seventy years ago, a famous "Dor Tower Incident" broke out in the Kingdom of Knights, also known as the "Pseudo Holy Grail Incident."

The King of Knights that year was Jules de Lyonnasay. This King of Knights died in battle while repelling the barbarian landing force from the north. He also did not designate an heir for the Fairy of the Lake to review, which resulted in the Kingdom of Knights having to start an election. At the King's Meeting, the Lake Fairy's spokesperson, the Lake Witch, and the Dukes each went to the Palace of Westminster to hold a King Selection Meeting to decide on the next King of Knights.

However, Madred, the Duke of Connaught, made a bold decision. With the help of the dark wizard (later confirmed to be the Chaos Tzeentch wizard), the Duke of the Knight Kingdom used a trick to kill the unsuspecting Lake God Witch Mo Jaina sealed and imprisoned her in the Tower of Dor, a black granite tower far away from the coastline and constantly beaten by the waves.

Afterwards, the dark wizard Marfleur created a "false Holy Grail" and openly announced to the entire Knight Kingdom that Madred had been recognized by the Fairy of the Lake and that he would become the next King of Knights. The Dukes and Holy Grail Knights were full of doubts. , but in the face of the Holy Grail, there is no way to question it. Since the Lake God Witch is sealed and cuts off the link between the Lake Fairy and the real world, the Lake Fairy cannot directly declare the Holy Grail to be a forgery. She can only ask the Knights of the Holy Grail in a dream to prevent Madred from ascending the throne. , as a result, a large number of frustrated knights-errant and kingdom knights were beguiled to join Madred's banner, and the entire country fell into civil war.

The civil war continued until a wandering knight passed by the Tower of Dor. If the reader still remembers it, he was the greatest wandering knight "Dor Rosenkavalier" Taylor Ford mentioned above.

When Taylor passed by the Dole Tower, the Lake Fairy used her strength to guide him to notice something strange at the tower. Taylor tried to approach the tower, but a giant dragon ape appeared and tried to kill Taylor to prevent him from saving the Lake God Witch. Taylor Buddha mobilized his war horse and had a fierce battle with the giant dragon ape. After hundreds of rounds of firefights, he finally pierced his halberd into the chest of the giant dragon ape and rescued the lake god witch. The lake fairy came immediately , Taylorfo became a Knight of the Holy Grail by virtue of his own strength and bravery. Taylorfo and the Lake God Witch went to the camp of the Holy Grail Knights together. With the blessing of the Lake Fairy, Taylorfo directly married the orphaned daughter of the former king Jules at the camp. He was given the title of Duke of Lyonnaise, and then crowned the King of Knights on the spot by virtue of his status as a duke. Madred was declared a rebel, his title of duke was revoked, and the army of the rebel duke collapsed and his castle was besieged. The brutal siege lasted for three years and the entire Duchy of Connaught was reduced to rubble.

The only beneficiary of this war may be Taylor, because it is generally believed that the Dole Tower incident was the beginning of the Knight Kingdom's decline from prosperity.

(Talver: How come I, the illegitimate son of an imperial duke, became the King of Knights?)

After the war, a black knight appeared in the ruins. He called himself the Blood Red Duke. The undead who died in the brutal siege listened to the call of this vampire knight. Since then, Connaught has become a place of undead and curses. The land was no longer inhabited. From then on, no matter how hard the subsequent knight kings tried, they were unable to take back the Duchy of Connaught. This led to the existence of such a cursed land in Britannia.

"Exactly, because the casualties were too heavy, I ordered Richard to stop the attack, but you gave me confidence. I believe you can take back Connaught. You have to take your own territory and prove to all the knights that you can Do it, my champion." The corners of the lake fairy's lips curled up: "I believe you can do it."

"I will live up to your expectations."

After the business was finished, the Lake Fairy suddenly realized that she didn't have to worry so much. Ryan still had plenty of psychic powers, so she asked a strange question: "So, the witch left?"

"Yes, Veronica was urgently recalled by Gloria." Ryan nodded. The Lake Fairy could see that he was a little uncomfortable on his face, so she said: "Actually, this is not a bad thing. The witches of Gloria I don’t agree with the eight virtues of knights, and I will not interfere in your private affairs, but wizards are not suitable to be your partners. If you need to provide magic answers, Morgiana and the saints under her command can help you."

really! Veronica's statement that the Lake Fairy hated her was not nonsense, Ryan thought to himself.

The king chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose their king. Ryan has already shown his strong strength and potential in front of the Fairy of the Lake, especially since he is still very young and his potential is endless. In this case, the Fairy of the Lake will definitely It is Veronica who hates hanging out with him because the witch may try to influence Ryan's outlook on life and shake his loyalty to the Fairy of the Lake.

So this is actually interfering in Ryan's personal affairs, but the fairy in the lake said it politely.

There is an unwritten agreement between gods and mortals: what belongs to gods belongs to gods, and what belongs to mortals belongs to mortals.

But the Lady of the Lake is different. She may be one of the gods most involved in mortal affairs. Just as she easily arranged Ryan's territory, she will also speak out about Veronica's affairs.

"I have discretion, my lady." Ryan's answer was very subtle. He seemed to have listened to the advice of the Lake Fairy, but the answer did not satisfy the Lake Fairy.

At the age of twenty-five, he was already a mid-level legend. With the blessing of the Goddess of Vengeance, he could kill the legendary high-level Khorne champion without any pressure. In time, he would become a great knight of the holy realm. Several thoughts flashed through the fairy in the lake's mind. I started to get interested in this matter.

After saying a few more words, the Lake Fairy finally gave her instructions: "Also, I will leave temporarily during this period of time. The Elf God Department... I have some things to deal with."

"Elven God System?" Ryan was a little curious.

"Like humans, elves also have their own gods, and... there are far more disputes than humans." The fairy in the lake said helplessly: "As you know, elves are divided into three types, and this Between the three elves... it is far from quiet and peaceful."

"Then I use this gift to wish you a happy Winter Veil! My lady!" Ryan suddenly took out a flower from behind himself.

An iris flower.

Seeing this flower, the green eyes of the fairy in the lake shone brightly.

Normally speaking, the Lake Fairy has never seen any treasures as a deity, so it is difficult for her to be moved by the tributes offered by believers.

But the iris in Ryan's hand is different. The Lake Fairy can feel that this iris is condensed and crystallized by Ryan using his spiritual energy! Only the purest subspace energy possessed by Ryan can condense such beautiful and pure flowers!

There are six flowers in total, showing six colors in an extremely unscientific way. Each color represents a moving flower language. Under the crystallization of Ryan's spiritual energy, this flower will never wither and bloom forever. The most dazzling six-color brilliance exudes a moving fragrance.

"Oh! I like this gift." The Lake Fairy took the Winter Veil Festival gift from Ryan's hand. She smiled sweetly and stretched out her jade hand to take the flower from Ryan's hand.

The tender fingertips of the Lake Fairy swept across Ryan's hand, and Ryan smiled: "My lady, you are the unique flower in the world."

"Ha~ My champion, it seems that you are not only a powerful knight." The Fairy of the Lake is also a woman. Ryan's just right flattery can't help but make her happy. She hasn't felt this way for hundreds of years, so she He stretched out his hand, showed a charming smile and motioned for Ryan to come over: "In this case, I will not be stingy, come here, my champion, come to me~"

Emperor: The power of the Warp allows you to do anything, my son.

Ryan: I get it! Father.

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