The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 940, Decisive Battle in Groveland Forest (Second update, please subscribe!)

January 16th, outside the city of Erengrad, in Growood Forest, the camp of Stika, the champion of Slaanesh.

As the son of the chieftain of the Sertrils tribe in Norsca, Stika was taken in by the great demon Dezju of Slaanesh when he was born. He soon grew into a handsome young man with a charming voice and a successful leader. He first started to plunder the coast of the old world. Get huge gains.

His father felt insulted by his descendants and jealous of merit, so his son murdered the chief at a feast after a victorious raid. Afterwards, Stika's soul merged with the Sejuju, and the young Chaos Champion became the new chief of the Setrils tribe. His suet-like jade skin, exquisite Chaos armor, and serpentine steel sword were obtained after he was sacrificed at the altar of Slaanesh.

Normally, merging with the Great Demon of Slaanesh should give Stika, the champion of Slaanesh, enough power and make him famous all over the world, but this fusion does not seem to merge the powers of both parties, but instead makes the two stronger. The desire for indulgence has been mixed together, and Stika has now become a indulgent maniac. As long as he has achieved a little victory and achievement, he can't wait to celebrate it. Because of this, this guy missed many battles and often failed to make it on time. Rendezvous or obey orders, Mortkin didn't like him and threw him and his army to Aisling.

The long siege made Stika feel very boring and uninteresting, and the cold weather also made the Slaanesh champion angrily scold us for wasting time in the white snowy forest. In the early morning of the 16th, the Brittanian army When Kalad and Bodrick's leadership had completely defeated his outer army, this guy was stripping off his clothes and dancing in front of the bonfire with a few Slaanesh warriors.

"I can spoil you or I can change you." Stika was seen wearing only a pair of underpants to show off his skin as beautiful as mutton fat. He stood in front of the bonfire and began to twist his body and ask everyone present. Everyone showed off their wonderful dance moves, and at the same time, everyone sang loudly.

I have to say that although Stika's dance looks weird, it has an extremely silky feeling, and her body twists are very well-proportioned and harmonious, which is extremely magical.

"I will swing with you~ to the supreme sky~"

"Watching Khorne Kane meet by the river of blood~"

"You and I have a heart-to-heart connection, fantasizing on the Claw Shores."

"Sit on that boat and swim and swim to the other side of love~"

"You and I will hold hands and come to the Fortress of Wandering (the Palace of Slaanesh)."

"Hold the skull in your hand as a flower and put it on your head~"

"You and I will fly and fly~over the chaotic wasteland."

The followers of Slaanesh are still holding a bonfire meeting, not knowing what is about to happen to them.

Just when everyone relaxed their vigilance, an astonishing number of rocket launchers flew from the sky. A large part of these rocket launchers were blocked by the woods, but a considerable number still landed in the camp. There were bursts of explosions inside, the mark of Slaanesh was blown to pieces, and the Norscans were blown to pieces in the fire and shock waves.

The Norscans were confused for a while. No one knew what happened, but the Brittanians obviously did not intend to give them any more chances. In the freezing cedar forest, Brittania The army appeared and began to attack the group of Norscans.

The elite infantry regiments from Brittany advanced in formation. The winter was too cold, which caused their physical strength to be exhausted quickly. However, the Norscans were caught off guard and were slaughtered in pieces like wheat. The shouts and roars of the Norscan chiefs sounded a little late. His tribesmen were disemboweled with sharp blades, shot with muskets and hand crossbows, and those who were hit by arrows fell to the ground.

Some Yankees tried to muster up courage, organized a defense with tomahawks and flails, and called on everyone to use curses and anger to resist the surprise attack of the Bretons.

The knights did not give them any chance. Duke Bodrick, Marquis Turas and Kalad personally led the knights to charge in the ice and snow. The power from the Lake God radiated light around Kalad, and the barbarians The blessings of Chaos on their bodies were weakened. Wherever the knights passed, they were like divine soldiers descending from the sky in the chaotic Norscan camp. Every blow tore the bodies and flesh of the Norscans, and a small group of resistance began. end.

After a charge, in order to save horse power, Kalad immediately ordered all knights to dismount and fight. The loud sound of horns resounded in the forest, bringing in other assault troops. The Norscans were almost unable to resist in the chaos.

Especially Kalad, he deliberately made his robe and armor extremely gorgeous, and also smeared the reflective bear essential oil presented by the Esun Church on the surface of the armor, making him extremely conspicuous in the forest. All Norscans People were attracted by Kalad's figure and chased him, but Kalad responded with violence and massacre.

Therefore, when more Brittanian troops and the Ugor Legion led by Beria and Meretskov joined the battlefield in the distance, the failure of the Norscans was already doomed, and a small number of Norscans The chief tried to form a thin line to prevent the knights from charging, but the knights had already dismounted, and the infantry who followed them used muskets and hand crossbows to defeat the Norscans' last resistance.

"My pants???" Among the chaos, Stika, the champion of Slaanesh who was still twisting his body just now, screamed and shouted: "Who saw my pants? Where did I put them just now? ?”

There were shouts of killing everywhere, and Stika was only wearing a pair of pants. He was looking everywhere for his weapons and equipment, and where his pants were.

It was too late, the Ugor cavalry led by Beria had already rushed over. These Ugor cavalry were very adapted to fighting in the cold weather, and they were even more jealous when they saw these mortal enemies. They showed no mercy and soon... The Norscans who had just eaten breakfast and were full of soup were washed away, and the scimitars were slashed back and forth. Each cut made the Ugor people smile with satisfaction and ferociousness. This was the revenge of the Ugor people.

Among the chaotic army, Beria found a naked man who was almost naked, wearing only a pair of underpants and a braid that stood upright. The commander of the Ugor Army raised his hand and shot him without thinking.

"Ahhh! I've been shot, I've been shot! It's so exciting!" The Slaanesh champion covered the bleeding wound on his stomach and screamed: "Ah, so much blood, it's so exciting!"

"Where are these explosions? What's your weapon?" Stika's attendant, a high-level Slaanesh warrior, quickly shouted.

"I can't come!" Stika shook his head desperately. In the end, he was injured and was forcibly dragged out of the battlefield by his own bodyguards and fled north.

Since then, the Norscan left-wing army of about 10,000 people completely collapsed. The Norscans left more than 6,000 corpses and fled in panic.

Kalad did not order a chase, but immediately ordered the army to spend a few minutes adjusting on the spot and immediately turn to the east.

There, the dwarves should have been at war with the central army of Norscan High King Aislin.

Kalad's estimate was correct. As the Brittanian army rushed toward the middle of Groward Forest, the Norscan dwarves and the "Mustache Revenge Team" of the Eight Peaks dwarves had already interacted with the front of Aislin's central army. On fire.

The dwarves' surprise attack was a huge success at first. Aislin's army did not take any precautions at all and defeated several Norscan camps almost instantly. However, after learning that there were only a thousand Norscan camps, Aislin, the High King of Norsca, They were shocked when the dwarves showed up and attacked.

"The Nanguo actually took the initiative to come out of the city to attack us? Fight with us in the field? In my life, I can actually see one day when the dwarf takes the initiative to abandon the city and attack me???" Aislin sat in the Chinese army camp, with a look on his face Tired from a hangover, his bodyguards were even helping him put on his armor. The High King of Norsca had a disobedient expression on his face. He felt as uncomfortable as eating Nurgle's secret hamburger, Aislin thought to himself. Can these more than a thousand dwarves kill him?

Where do they get their confidence?

The last dwarf king of Norsk, Silverbeard, died of serious injuries after a duel with him. Of course, Aislin himself went back to recover from his injuries for a few years. Now these dwarfs want to rely on these thousands of people to kill them. In front of me, it is simply wishful thinking!

The High King simply ordered a simple high platform to be set up in the camp and a brazier was lit. He wanted to enjoy breakfast while watching how the group of dwarves collapsed and were slaughtered under the attack of his army.

But looking at it, Aislin felt something was wrong.

This group of dwarves does not look like they intend to attack. On the contrary, they are just content to hold on to their positions and use long-range weapons, such as mortars and cannons produced by Erengrad, to conduct long-range attacks.

Damn it! They have no intention of killing me! The High King of Norsca finally realized the opponent's plan. Aislin stood up suddenly. He had just loudly ordered too greedy, and all the troops who had come forward to fight for the dwarf's head retreated. From his right side, there was The heavy horn sound: "Duwu~duwu~duwu~"

"For the lady and the king! For Brittany!"

"Lady grant us victory!"

The Brittanian army appeared in the west, on the right hand side of Aisling. Now among the cold coniferous forest and white snow, the knights of Britannia and the elite infantry of the Knight Kingdom The Corps showed up.

The knights did not show any mercy to the enemy. Following Calard's order, the Brittanian knights, under the cover of the Ugor horse archers, rushed straight into the enemy's formation and galloped towards the Norscan flank.

The Norscans were shocked. The Yankees now realized that they were facing a new threat. A few Norscans, under the command of the chiefs and barbarian champions, quickly formed a thin line of defense on the flanks. In a hurry, they had just Pointing the tip of the spear at the enemy, the knights then charged.

It was of no use. Kalad, who was at the front, personally led the Poseidon knights and a large number of knights errant as arrows, and forcibly broke through the fragile spear formation of the Norscans. The lances were leveled, the swords were raised, and hundreds of The Norscans were killed instantly or knocked away.

The front line of the Norscan army collapsed, and then the infantry regiments followed closely. They waved their weapons and marched in neat queues, shouting the name of the fairy in the lake. These people who had participated in the Eight Peaks Mountain The soldiers of the Great Expedition were brave and fearless today because they knew that time was very tight. If they could not completely defeat the barbarians while they were unprepared, then this operation was destined to fail, and it was also destined to be a dead end for them.

In such a difficult situation, the Bretons broke out with great fighting power. They beat the Norscans back steadily and were unable to defeat them.

"For the lady!" "For Gruni!" "For Grimnir!" The roars resounded through the sky, shaking off the snow on the trees, and echoed throughout the battlefield.

Aisling, the High King of Norsca, urgently ordered his army to retreat, but the front of Norsca was doomed to failure under the attack of the dwarves and Bretons, and the barbarian champion was naturally no match for Kalad and others. , horses' hooves rumbled, steel struck, and swarms of Norscans fell on the snow in the forest.

After Aislin reorganized his army at great cost, the battle outside the camp has come to an end, and the entire land has been covered with corpses - most of them are Norscans. With the first phase of With victory, the Brittanians and dwarves could breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for the barbarian counterattack.

Obviously, it is one thing to defeat the unprepared Norscans through a side charge. It is another thing to defeat the Chaos Warriors wearing full-body Chaos Plate Armor through frontal combat. Now with Aislin's order, the Norscans The camp opened again, and several black torrents came with the beat of drums and curses, and chants in praise of the Four Gods of Chaos, while attacking the armies of the Dwarves and Bretons from two directions.

Aisling commanded it well. Even if he was attacked from both sides, he and his army still maintained a numerical advantage. The Brittanians' hope of defeating themselves through a wave of charges was just a naive extravagant hope. Although the losses were huge, But Aisling still has a chance of winning, or so the High King of Norsca feels.

The two sides fought fiercely for about forty minutes. Sure enough, as Aislin expected, although the Bretons were brave and tenacious, they had begun to show signs of fatigue. They had been marching since early morning until it was already morning. The Nian army showed its decline in the severe cold and acclimatization. No matter how brave Kalad and the others fought, the movements of the soldiers and knights gradually became slower. Attacking from both sides was a huge advantage, but now this advantage is slowly being lost.

Kalad was bathed in the light of the goddess, and his whole body was obviously filled with power from the supreme heaven. The Holy Grail was personally fighting on the front line. He had already ordered the knights to all dismount after the two charges were completed. The knights of the kingdom The flag fluttered in the air, the Bretons' morale was high, and the dwarves moved forward bravely.

But none of this could stop the situation from deteriorating. Aislin, the High King of Norsca, couldn't help showing a happy expression and approving movements. He ordered his own bodyguards, the Octagonal Star Chaos Champion Warriors, to attack, preparing to give this battle a chance. end.

However, just when Aislin had just put his personal guards into the battlefield, on his left hand side, east of the camp, a shocking war cry came from the quiet forest: "Ula~Ula~Ulala Lala!!!”

It's Kislev's army led by Rokossovsky and Kuznetsov! It took them longer than expected, but they finally succeeded in defeating Skal, the Chosen of Khorne - and the Bloodrage's army arrived!

"The plan worked! Our reinforcements have arrived!"

"Mrs. Keesler did it!"

"Long live my lady! Long live Brittany!"

"Well done! They have completed their mission. This must be Valaya's blessing!"

Angry shouts and cheers resounded on the battlefield, and the inspiring scene made the exhausted Bretons burst out their last strength, while the Norscans were panicked when they saw this scene. As the Bear Cavalry, Hussars and Red Marines joined the battlefield, where were the Stika and Skaar troops who were supposed to support and cover their flanks?

"Where have Stika and Skal gone? Why are we fighting alone now?" Aislin, the High King of Norsca, waved his Chaos Rune Demon Sword and Blood Battle Ax angrily: "Traitor, incompetent! Useless person! !”

Now, being attacked on three sides, even the Norscans could not withstand it. They were defeated at an extremely fast speed and tried to withdraw into the camp while praying for God's favor and forgiveness - only a few barbarians succeeded. More than seven thousand barbarians fell outside the camp.

Rokossovsky charged forward. The giant bear he was sitting on released an extremely violent roar and stretched out his arms. The bear's claws grabbed the door and smashed the door bolt. The simple door could no longer be closed. , the camp was lost, and under attack from three sides, the Norscans were on the verge of collapse.

The High King of Norsca, Aislin, was forced to attack in person. He rode a steel bull and knocked over the enemies who tried to rush in. Although it had little effect, the enemies poured in like a tsunami. A giant bear crashed into Aislin, and the four gods of chaos The Divine Chosen easily waved the magic sword in his hand and cut the giant bear into two pieces. The Bear Cavalry fell from the war bear and rolled several times in the snow. He just stood up and tried to challenge. The bloody battle The ax fell on his forehead, and blood spurted out more than one meter high.

In the midst of the chaos, before Aislin let out a mocking laugh, a two-handed knight's sword burning with golden flames slashed down across his face, cutting a wound in Aislin's waist who couldn't dodge.

"You are very powerful." Aislin retreated in pain, and then the High King of Norska took a closer look, and the blood of the battle immediately covered Aislin's brain: "You have found the right person, Holy Grail Knight, I know what you want to do. "

"That's right, your opponent is me, the High King of Norsca." Kalad appeared in front of Aislin, and the face of the Great Holy Grail of the Holy Realm showed only indifference and determination: "Come on."

Amid the chaos, Kalad and Aislin stood in the middle of the camp, preparing to start the championship showdown.

They only have eyes for their opponents.

that is it.

Updated, second update please vote!

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