The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 942, The Kingdom of Knights welcomes you!

Cheers, shouts, exciting roars and the victory declaration of "Ula" came to an end for this surprise attack, as the head of the Norscan High King Varmir Aeslin was raised high by the seriously injured Kalad Lift, the last five thousand Norscans also ushered in their own total collapse.

Aislin's personal bodyguards, the Octagonal Star Guards, tried to recapture Aislin's body, but the remaining Norscans had already begun a complete rout. The defeated soldiers were carrying the defeated soldiers, and everyone was scrambling to flee. There were people everywhere in the entire camp. It was chaos, and after losing morale, the fate of the Norscans was doomed. The eight-pointed star pattern was powerless, and was finally swallowed up by the iron hoofs of the knights.

The human dwarf coalition launched a general offensive after a short rest. Marquis Turas personally led the Red Dragon Guards and the Mousilon Coldstream Guards to pick up the seriously injured Kalad. Surrounded on all sides, there were only about a thousand people in the end. Three hundred Norscans escaped, and the rest were annihilated by the Allied forces.

Human beings are really too tired. Even though many Brittanians have only been fighting for more than half a day, they are already so tired that they sit on the ground and cannot move. They are used to the warm Brittanian climate. The elite infantry regiments fought for a long time in the severe cold of 20 to 30 degrees below zero, which really stretched their energy and physical strength to the limit. Ordinary armies had long since collapsed.

"Your Excellency Kalad? Your Excellency Kalad, are you okay?" Turas stopped Kalad and asked about Kalad's condition. He saw that the legendary hero of the Knight Kingdom had fallen into a semi-conscious state. He was severely injured, with several sword and ax wounds on his chest, his abdomen was also pierced by Aislin's sword, and there were wounds of varying lengths on his shoulders, arms, and thighs, several of which were deep enough to show bones. Two lungs were injured and five ribs were broken. The Grimnir master-grade rune vibranium body plate armor forged by the dwarf rune master had turned into countless fragments, revealing the blood-stained clothes under the plate armor.

"I...victorious...!" Kalad barely regained consciousness, and he roared: "Yules, did you see it? I won, I defeated the High King of Norsca..."

Beria came from a distance on horseback. When Commander Ugor saw this scene, his heart almost burst out of his chest. He couldn't imagine how he would explain to Ryan if Kalad died in this battle. His political life It is very likely that it will end because of this!

"Fortunately, it's nothing serious." However, Duke Bodrick gave an answer that stunned all Mrs. Keesler. Duke Bordero and the chosen champion of Poseidon Mannann took out the wood elf from his arms. The best medicine stopped Kalad's bleeding.

Rokossovsky and Kuznetsov, who came over, thought that these injuries were enough for a normal person to die twice, but they were not serious?

But that was the fact. The injuries Kalad suffered were enough to kill him twice for a normal person, but for the Holy Grail Knight, they were very serious, but not fatal enough.

After confirming this situation, everyone could finally celebrate loudly. The overwhelming cheers and cheers formed a huge sound wave in the forest and snowfield.



"For the motherland! For Esun, and for all the soldiers who died, let us shout Ula three times!"


"Great victory!"

Amid endless glory and cheers, the army announced its triumphant return, and the two hundred thousand citizens of Erengrad held the warmest welcome ceremony for these human and dwarf heroes, despite the lack of food, cloth, and other celebration objects. , but the citizens still tried their best to squeeze out some food from the rations, and made olajiyi, blintzes and hamburger steaks for each of the soldiers who fought bloody battles to thank the heroes for their efforts to defend the city. everything of.

The results of Operation Bagration greatly exceeded the highest expectations of the Breton Reinforcement Command and Erengrad Shilavik.

Originally, the lowest goal this time was to try to relieve the siege of Erlengrad. The ideal goal was to open several passages. The highest goal was to force back and drive away the Norse Mountain Legion.

And now, with Aisling's death and the victory in Growood, the Norse Mountain Legion is no more.

In one day, the combined forces of humans and dwarves wiped out more than 28,000 Norscan barbarian troops, destroyed more than 20 Chaos cannons, killed dozens of Chaos Champions and Barbarian Champions, and killed and eliminated Norscans. High King Varmir Aisling and his bodyguards are a warband of eight-pointed star-patterned champions of chaos who have dominated the Norscan mountains for hundreds of years.

The siege of Erengrad was lifted. The few Norscan siege troops in the south of the city automatically collapsed after learning of Aislin's death. They dispersed into the shadow forest in the northern part of the Oster Territory, and could no longer survive. Sufficient threat to Erlengrad.

Kalad was seriously injured and needed a long period of rest, and Duke Bodrick took over the command. The old Duke and his son, Baron Fedmund, called in Rokossovsky and others to discuss the next step of the battle. plans, and the latest intelligence.

Since the unparalleled success of Operation Bagration, no one has doubted the outstanding talent and command ability of the Bear Cavalry Marshal. Whether they are Bretons or dwarves, they have begun to use Rokosovs. Calling him by his first name + his father's surname "Marshal Konstantin Konstantinovich", this proves Rokossovsky's huge improvement in his status in the military.

The day after the battle, several people sat together, and Duke Bodrick carefully analyzed the current situation.

The siege of Erengrad was completely lifted, and the city was finally no longer troubled by chaos. However, the current situation was still not very good.

First, the scouts received news that a hundred thousand new Chaos armies were moving southward from the northern wasteland, and it was said that the Slaanesh army that had stayed at Zedevka had been replenished. The victory of Erengrad was certainly incomparable. Brilliant, but still unable to escape its short-lived fate, the city may face siege again at any time.

Secondly, the fatigue of the army is also a very serious problem. Operation Bagration completely defeated the Norse Mountain Army, which was a great victory. However, launching two offensives at the same time in a severe cold environment also made Britta, who was not accustomed to the climate, The Breton army and the Kislev garrison, which had gone through an extremely long siege war, reached their limits in energy and physical strength. Many Brittanians rested for a whole day without taking a breath, and their war horses were transported over long distances across the ocean. Fighting in the severe cold caused a lot of losses, and even those who were fine lost weight seriously. Even Mrs. Keesler was exhausted from the long and tragic war.

Finally, after a short discussion, everyone reached a consensus.

Their mission is over. Erengrad has used her sacrifice and strength to buy enough time for the old world, and the purpose has been accomplished.

It's time to seize this opportunity and retreat.

The more than 200,000 soldiers and civilians in the entire city will retreat towards the Empire and Britannia with the assistance of the Poseidon Fleet, the Nord Talon Fleet and the Marienburg mercenary fleet.

But just after the decision was made, Beria put forward an opinion. The general political commissar of the Northern Front said that on behalf of the Knight King of Britannia, he invited the entire Shilavik Group of Erengrad. Including all Kislev's troops who participated in this war, whether it was the Bear Cavalry, the Hussars, the Red Navy, or the militia that had been tempered by the war, Britannia, as a sincere friend of Kislev, has Reasons to accept and properly place these brave men who guard the old world.

Rokossovsky suddenly realized something, and he immediately rejected it: "No, our first choice is to withdraw into the empire."

"Yes, withdraw into the empire, that's right." Beria's face showed a neither yin nor yang expression. The general political commissar smiled and said: "Perhaps you can go to Bekafen to join Her Majesty Katalin? She will definitely do it. Overjoyed by your loyalty, my Marshal Constantine? Do you really not consider my sincerity?"

Luo Shuai's face changed drastically. He suddenly found that the joy of victory made him forget to think about many problems!

Who are these people?

A local warlord? Is it a separatist regime? Or... rebellious ministers and generals? Or even... establish a separate central government?

Luo Shuai knew the Czarina, and it was almost impossible for her to tolerate any situation other than the first one. Even if she adopted a tacit attitude towards Boyer except for the three cities, it was because of the situation.

But the current situation is that almost all of Kislev's remaining capable troops are here! As the supreme ruler of Kislev, can she tolerate the army being out of her control?

Don’t forget, Rokossovsky is still a death row prisoner!

"Because of the covenant, the empire will not recognize you. No matter it is the court of Emperor Karl-Franz or the ancestral castle of King Geisel of Nord, there is no place for you." Beria continued to be tempting: "As long as With an order from Katarin, you soldiers who have resisted Chaos with your life and flesh must return to the command of the Tsarina. Guess what she will do with you and your army?"

"You have planned all this, Beria?" Rokossovsky wanted to retort, but he could hear the paleness and weakness in his voice: "It doesn't matter if I die, but The residents of Erengrad are innocent, the soldiers who fought bloody battles are innocent, I will protect them even if I die!"

"You don't have to die. Britannia will provide you with a place of residence and political asylum. We have no covenant with Kislev. As long as Her Majesty Ryan says a word, the Tsarina can only obediently agree. I guarantee that you can Britannia got a place to live, was resettled, got bread, vodka and potato stew." Beria smiled like a devil, he patted Luo Shuai on the shoulder: "Consider it? Dear Constantine Marshal, you don’t need to make a decision now, I’ll give you half a day because I have other things to do.”

"What's the matter?" Rokossovsky asked subconsciously, feeling chills all over his body. Marshal Bear Cavalry would rather face chaos on the battlefield than deal with a senior bureaucrat like Beria who is full of yin and yang aura, or should he? A guy from Cheka.

"I want to arrange the relocation of the Kirov factory." Beria said sadly: "The factory equipment is not easy to dismantle, and the transportation of gunpowder is also troublesome."

"Chief Engineer Kalashnikov promised to move the Kirov factory to Britannia?" The marshal's head was filled with smoke from the second psychic blast.

"I gave them an offer... or His Majesty Ryan gave them an offer they couldn't refuse." Beliapi said with a smile: "Then I'll go out first?"

"No, I decided that our Shilavik can withdraw to Britannia." Luo Shuai indeed had the decisiveness of a soldier. He immediately said: "But you must make a commitment! Place these well and give everything to protect our country." soldiers."

"I can commit."

At this point, taking advantage of the precious time to relieve the siege gained by the Bagration operation, Erengrad officially began a large-scale retreat. Everything of value in the entire city was taken away and left to the barbarians. It's an empty city.

…………I am the dividing line that cannot refuse the conditions…………

Just a few days after the success of Operation Bagration, it was late January 2515 in the Imperial Calendar.

The Brittanian Knights' army was near Bergen Castle and encountered an army of more than 50,000 beastmen.

Originally, this was not in line with the tactics of the beastmen, but what made the Supreme Beast King Graktal of Drakwald feel helpless was that if the beastmen did not try to stop the knightly army, they would soon approach Middenheim. White Wolf There are few forests near the city, which are large areas of human settlement. It is also the sphere of influence of the white wolf pups headed by Boris Todbringer. Therefore, in order to prevent the Chivalry army from converging with Boris' Midden army, The beastmen must initiate a decisive battle.

At this time, there was also a good opportunity, that is, Lane chose to divide his troops. After the vanguard army in the front merged with the imperial army, it marched very quickly because of the logistics supplies provided along the way, while the main force of the Knights was still behind Lane. Under his leadership, they advanced at a constant speed. This part of the army only had more than 28,000 people. The supreme beast king Graktar ignored the opposition of another legendary beast king "One-Eyed" Kazzak and summoned some beasts from the Dracovald Forest. The people's army decided to rely on their absolute numerical superiority to fight the Chivalry army here.

However, when the two sides set up their formations on Middenland Avenue to prepare for the decisive battle, Ryan rode on the ferocious and wild griffon Imperius, looking at the dense army of beastmen in the distance, and sneered.

"There are many enemies, estimated to be at least 50,000." Regent Lawn said to the King of Knights: "Your Majesty, they have the advantage in terms of numbers."

"Oh, from my perspective, it looks like a chicken with tiles and a dog's ears!" Ryan laughed repeatedly.

"The huge beastman warlord sitting on the Razorbeast chariot should be the legendary beastman Drakwald, the supreme beast king Grak'Thar." Theresa was wearing an ice-blue magic suit. robe and dark tight-fitting leather jacket, and said towards Ryan.

"I look at this supreme beast king as if he's just trying to sell his mark!" Ryan raised Thor's hammer: "Knights! Lady's knights! Braves of Britannia!"

"Oh oh oh oh! For my king! For my lady! For Britannia!" Thousands of knights burst into deafening roars, and thirty Holy Grail knights lined up, ready to charge.

The beastman army had just come into close contact with the chivalry army, and they tasted the terrible bitter pill. Morgiana raised the potion chalice and raised a giant magical protection net. The beastmen screamed that all the shaman's spells were in vain. Veroni Ka led his group of wizards to summon pieces of meteors and flaming skulls, burning all the beastman formations in his path to coke. Theresa summoned an ice wall and released an extremely cold field, allowing The beastmen were sluggish, their limbs filled with lead, and were quickly defeated by artillery and shooting.

The most terrifying thing is Ryan. The King of Knights personally leads the charge of the knights. Thirty Holy Grail knights form arrows behind him. Behind him are tens of thousands of giant cavalry phalanxes eager to make achievements. Beastmen Wanting to use the spear array to resist the charge of the knights, Ryan, who was at the forefront, raised Thor's hammer, and a psychic shock ray several meters thick swept from the left to the back, and dozens of horned beasts and big horned beasts evaporated on the spot. Then several psychic storms exploded among the beasts. Immediately afterwards, the Knight King led the knights into the military formation, and the steel torrent crushed the entire beastmen battle group.

The Supreme Beast King Grak'Thar immediately realized a very serious problem under Kazzak's warning.

This battle is completely unwinnable!

The Supreme Beast King is also very determined to cut off the strength of a strong man. When he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately ordered a retreat. The Beastmen army immediately retreated on a large scale towards Middenheim, leaving only more than 3,000 old, weak, sick and disabled to delay the knights. , out of caution and consideration to avoid being ambushed, Lane did not order a chase.

So the Battle of Bergen ended. The Chivalry Army wiped out more than 5,000 Beastmen with a loss of less than 300 people. This was an out-and-out victory.

After the battle, Ryan ordered the battlefield to be simply cleaned before moving on.

It took two days for the army to find a hill next to a watchtower on Middenland Avenue and set up camp to rest. They planned to rest here for a day before moving on.

But on the night of setting up camp, an urgent military message was sent to Lane's red and blue King's golden-domed tent.

Ryan opened the military intelligence dispatch printed with the badge of Commander Bertrand, the commander of the Old Guards, and looked at it, but there was a puzzled expression on his face.

"What? The coalition composed of the Vanguard Army and the Middenheim supporting army encountered the main force of the Beastmen about sixty kilometers east of the Middenland Avenue?"

"The human coalition of about 12,000 people fought against the main beastman army of about 45,000 people, and achieved a great victory? Killed more than 16,000 enemies, and was beheaded by the supreme beast king Graktar? The beastmen were defeated and fled into the Drakwald Forest. ?”

"????" The King of Knights looked at the military information again with a confused face, and he suspected that he had read it wrong.

That's right, the battle report clearly stated that the battle was won.

Is this okay?

The king had no choice but to order the messenger: "Let your commander see it more clearly! I need a more detailed battle report and the spoils of war!"

"Yes!" The messenger took the order and left immediately.

It's really not true... Ryan asked his personal secretary Theresa, who was sitting aside: "Dear Theresa, how much do you know about Bertrand?"

"I do have a lot of information." Theresa sat behind the desk, and the sorceress asked strangely: "What's wrong? Ryan?"

"I would like to ask, is Bertrand blessed by Tarr and given the title Eye of Tarr because he is blind?"


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