The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 966, The Eastern Light of the Empire——Herzig

PS: Updated, a little late today, please forgive me.

PS2: This chapter is 5,000 words long, so I wish you all a happy reading!

The news that Sulia received was actually a little late. While the Knight Queen and the Dark Elf maid were still discussing the war, the siege of Hezig, the capital of the Hawk Territory, had actually ended.

When the Battle of the Three Kings took place, the Slaanesh army led by Prince Sigvald, the Chosen Champion of Slaanesh, was still several days away from Middenstanger. Therefore, after receiving the news of the defeat of the Beastmen and Greenskin Alliance, , Prince Sigvald immediately gave up approaching Middenstanger and turned to attack the Hawk Territory.

This ancient imperial province once again faced severe disasters and terrible tests.

Taking advantage of the empire's attention on Oster and Ostermark, the Slaanesh Legion immediately swept across the entire Hawk Territory. Under the command of Prince Sigvald, the Slaanesh Legion gave full play to their wind-like speed. And the characteristics of invasion and plundering are like fire. They march very fast wherever they pass, and they often arrive before the defenders have time to react. However, when the Slaanesh Legion crosses the border, it is not like the Khorne Legion trying to kill enough people, obtain enough skulls and bleed enough blood. , unlike the Legion of Nurgle, which is full of thoughts about spreading plague and corruption, the Legion of Slaanesh transits as fast as the wind. After celebrating enough in one place and satisfying its own desires, it will move to the next place.

Of course, Prince Sigvald targeted Herzig, the capital of the Hawk Territory and the city known as the Eastern Light of the Empire. Along the way, he killed tens of thousands of Hawk Territory people and plundered several people. Town, a few days later, the army of Slaanesh has arrived at Hezig's city.

Elector Edbrand Ludenhof of Hawkland personally led the Knights of the Broken Sword and the defenders of Hawkland to fight against the Slaanesh Legion. The siege lasted for about five or six days. They came in a hurry and were better at mobile warfare. The army of Slaanesh and the field army lacked siege weapons and failed to attack the city. The two sides reached a stalemate. The army of Slaanesh was in high spirits because the coach promised that once Hezig was captured, no matter how terrible the desires and strange habits were, they could be obtained. satisfy.

At the same time, Prince Sigvald also managed to "charm" a large number of beastman troops from Drakwald Forest, and joined the siege as the "Imperial Alliance Army".

Edbrand-Ludenhof gathered almost all the adult males to form an army of more than 20,000 people, and was prepared for a long siege of the city. Fortunately, there was a bumper harvest last year, and the city's food reserves were quite good. adequate.

Edbrand Ludenhof is a tall, thin, middle-aged man with a horse face. In addition to the Elector, he is also the Grand Baron of Hawkland, the Marshal of the Talabek River Patrol, and The guardian of the temple and the title of Baron Herzig, this elector has always been famous throughout the empire for his loyalty and bravery. He fights bravely and is especially good at dealing with huge enemies. His eyes are like eagles. Although he is tall and thin, he is Unexpectedly strong, he is a rare and brave general.

There are advantages and disadvantages. As an elector, Edbrand does not like to stay in his own palace. He stays in the hunting palace in the south of Hawke Territory all year round and indulges in hunting activities. He rarely interferes in internal affairs. He is particularly He was proud of his large collection of hunting birds of prey, so large that every room in the palace had at least one bird of prey perched on it, and even during battle the Elector had a falcon perched on his arm.

Only when winter hunting is no longer possible, the Elector will return to Herzig and spend the winter in his castle of Elector Christopher. The high-walled fortress will separate him and his family from the filthiest and meanest. of poor people.

In February, it is winter. The annoying ice and snow used to be something that the Hawk leaders hated, but now they cheer for every heavy snowfall, because the low temperature will prevent the Chaos army from attacking the city, and the ground is still freezing. The bones are still hard, the trees stretch their bare branches to the gray sky in vain, the refugees in the city wrap themselves up tightly, they are afraid and trembling in the dark, listening to the voices outside, chanting constantly Wear the names of Charlemagne, Ulric, Tal or Valenna in the hope of salvation.

The streets of Herzig are empty, and the city has implemented the strictest military control. The elector requires every resident and refugee to stay in the house as much as possible and not to go out, and at the same time conscripts every male aged 16-50 to fight on the battlefield. , now, the entire small urban areas and neighborhoods in Hawkland have become tidy, and teams of patrol soldiers are walking on the roads, vigilant about everything.

On the city wall, the Elector was discussing the city's defense with his general, General Scharnhorst.

The Hawk Territory is located in the east of the Midden Territory, the south of the Central Mountains, the north of the Talabek Territory, and the west of the Oster Territory. It can be regarded as the central transportation hub of the empire. Because of this, the people of the Hawk Territory are not hostile. Outsiders, they are optimistic and cheerful, and at the same time as wise and flexible as old hunters, but wars still plague the people here. Every two years, there will be at least one large-scale security war in the Hawk Territory. Since the legendary beast king nearly a thousand years ago, After the ravages of Gotwo, Herzig never regained its former glory, but the people here always refused to succumb to the darkness. They would rather die than give up their homeland.

"The Chaos bastards have stormed the North Gate and the West Gate in the past few days." The Elector said to General Scharnhorst: "We must be more vigilant. There must be other possibilities waiting for us."

"The enemy's attack is very fierce. Our order is to avoid close combat as much as possible. We have recruited every gun, every bow and every sword in the city." General Scharnhorst said: "Chaos Zasui lacks siege weapons and has no advantage in numbers, so Hezig will never fall so easily."

"Where are the reinforcements from the King of Knights and Boris?" General Scharnhorst is a general trusted by Elector Edbrand, and the Elector will not hide his worries in front of him: "We can't stand alone. Too long."

As Edbrand said, Herzig cannot hold out for too long in front of the Slaanesh Legion, because Hawkland is the smallest province among the empire's provinces, with a small population, and Hawkland and the Empire One of the biggest differences among the provinces is that the Hawk Territory only has security patrols and semi-professional garrison, plus the elector's personal guard. This province does not have a strong standing army. The reason is very simple. , that is, the small area of ​​the Hawk Territory does not allow for a fully professional army to be maintained for a long time.

When the Osterland was invaded, the Hawke Territory also sent many troops to the Osterland to support it. Therefore, apart from the Elector's Guards, Herzig City now lacks elites to hold the battle, even if all adult males are recruited. , the defenders only had 20,000 people.

The most elite army in the city now is the famous Hawkland Drakwald Patrol Battalion. The commander of this reinforced battalion is the Imperial General Katzburgh. This is a legendary strongman with a long-standing reputation. His most famous heroic deeds are He became famous throughout the province for killing a Minotaur in single combat.

The patrol battalion consists of five companies, three of which are collectively known as the "Green Hats". These halberdiers are praised for their red and green uniforms and their ability to face the charges of Beastmen battle groups without changing their composure.

A company of swordsmen, the "Scarlet Rebels", were responsible for protecting the flanks of the Halberd Formation and were renowned for their bravery and tenacity.

Of course, the first four companies are not as famous as the last company.

"Gundermann's Victorious Marksmen", the most famous musket company in the old world, uses long-barreled sniper muskets, a specialty of the Hawker Territory. According to the local people's original (boast) words (cow), the company Captain Gundermann Burtz can shoot a coin from 350 meters away. This is of course impossible, but if enough time is given to aim at around 100-150 meters, this marksman might really be able to do it.

This patrol battalion is the backbone of the elector's army. In addition to its strong combat effectiveness and being extremely good at fighting in forests and wilderness, the patrol battalion is also notorious for its unclean hands and feet. Many baggage and taxes that pass through their patrol routes are often " "Mysterious disappearance", after several investigations, nothing came to an end. Considering the arduous task of patrolling the forest and the possible trouble and turmoil of a thorough investigation, the Elector himself finally chose to acquiesce.

"It should be very close." General Scharnhorst replied: "If nothing happens, reinforcements will arrive today or tomorrow."

Edbrand Ludenhof breathed a sigh of relief. Such a huge reinforcement should be able to solve the chaos army besieging Herzig once and for all. He was extremely lucky that the empire and Britannia signed an alliance treaty. Charles Mann and Tarr are on top. He was still the one who firmly opposed signing the alliance at the beginning, because the alliance with Britannia might affect the timber exports, glass manufacturing and livestock production of the Hawk Territory.

Since he only had to hold on for another day or so, the Elector felt much more relaxed. He looked at the barbarian army under the city. They seemed helpless in the face of Herzig's city wall. They basically relied on hooks and ladders made of chopped wood to siege the city. .

The Hawkland has never been short of excellent musketeers and hunters. With volleys of muskets and waterfalls of arrows falling from the city wall, the Slaanesh legions were decimated. After several waves of attacks, they were still unable to attack the city wall. Sigvald The prince refused to bring the behemoth troops because he didn't like the ugly ones. The original Chaos Hell Cannon was also lost in the battle of Zedevka, so he had many difficulties when he encountered the siege.

The Chosen Champion of Slaanesh tried to personally lead the Slaanesh warriors to attack Hezig's city wall, but because his outfit was too conspicuous, he directly attracted the concentrated fire and bullets of Chief Hawk's musketeers. Sparks hit Sigvald's armor, which scared the Chosen Champion of Slaanesh. He came to the old world with Mortkin to have fun, and he didn't want to risk his life. delivered!

"According to this attack intensity, we can sustain it for a long time, my Lord Elector." Another imperial general walked up, holding a revolver in his hand. The equipment was obviously better than that of the surrounding nobles led by Hawke. It was quite luxurious, with gleaming black and gold military uniforms and gorgeous full-body plate armor.

He is the military advisor sent by Noor, General Erich von Küchler, a senior artillery expert who is responsible for commanding the artillery force in the Hawk Territory. He was sent by Baroness Emmanuel to provide professional The Elector valued him as a gunnery commander. After all, his eldest son Konrad Ludenhof studied at the Noor Gunnery Academy.

"I hope so." The Elector continued to personally direct the battle. The Slaanesh army attacked again and again, but they were all repelled by the heroic Hawk leader. The cannons on the city wall kept firing. The proud Hawk leader musketeers He poured out rows of bullets and white smoke at the Slaanesh warriors, trying to make Prince Sigvald retreat.

Sigvald did not want to give up. He hoped to dedicate the eastern light of this empire to Slaanesh and to his master, the Prince of Joy.

Until in the dim sunset, a knight of passion rushed to Prince Sigvald's side: "The situation has changed, my master's champion, there is a huge army coming towards us from the west! There are many of them. , also carrying a large number of artillery, look at the flag, it is the human coalition of Knight King Ryan Malcador and Midden Leader Boris!"

"Idiot! I knew it a long time ago!" Prince Sigvald waved his hand impatiently, signaling the Knight of Desire to get away.

Hearing that a huge army was coming, Prince Sigvald's personal bodyguards, the Mirror Guards, all turned their attention to their master.

The prince raised his reflective and transparent shield, gently inspected his arrogant face, and then said lightly: "Give up, in terms of beauty, he, Ryan Malcador, can't compare to me."

"Your Excellency, the number of enemies is much greater than ours!" A magic mirror guard reminded: "Once we are caught in a double attack, we will be in danger of being annihilated!"

"Shut up!" Sigvald's voice became shriller: "Don't I know? I, Sigvald, don't need anyone to remind me!"

"I have sent several beastman battle groups to set up ambushes on the outside! Today is the day when Lion Malcador will be destroyed!"

On the other side, Drakwald Forest, the Road to Hawkland.

The army is advancing rapidly.

"Your Majesty, Herzig is under siege!" The scout sent the message: "We are less than three kilometers away from Herzig!"

"All troops, speed up!" Ryan ordered loudly, and the King of Knights walked at the front of the team.

The human army eager to support Hezig ran into the ambush of the beastmen. In an instant, in the dark jungle, hundreds of beasts and horned beasts led a larger number of inferior horned beasts and centaurs. Various monsters rushed out of the forest, led by dozens of big horned beasts and minotaurs, pouring out from all directions like waves on the green ocean.




Thousands of beastmen looked extremely fierce. The screaming shamans praised the name of the evil god, heralding the coming of glory. The beastmen got the opportunity to serve the evil god. The sons of chaos opened their lazy mouths and muttered, Then they screamed, and then the crowds roared loudly, praising the gods, and rushed out of the forest in droves towards the vanguard of the human army.

The next second, they saw the knight king Ryan Malcador riding on the griffon Imperius, as well as the bearskin hats behind him, and the bearskin hats holding high a golden "L" letter and A tricolor flag embroidered with numerous place names!

"The King of Knights and the lady's divinely chosen champion, Ryan Malcador is here! Who dares to fight with me!" Ryan took the lead with a gryphon, and the King of Knights raised Thor's hammer. He was like a god descending to the world: "Ryan is here this!"

"Forward! For the lady and the king! For Britannia!" The Old Guard and the Holy Grail Knights immediately followed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! It's... Ryan! It's... a natural enemy!"

"Uluru~ coming!"

"We fail!"

"Gore... cry!"

"Ryan is here! Ryan is here!"

"Lightning...will...burn us!"


As soon as the big horned beasts saw Ryan and the Bearskin Hats, they came over directly. They were terrified and shivering. These beastmen, who were always known for their strength and bravery, almost subconsciously threw away their weapons and turned around to escape.

The screaming shamans were so frightened that they threw away their staffs and fled in all directions. They didn't even have the courage to look back. They ran as hard as they could with their hooves. Some screaming shamans even hit a tree and fainted.

The horned beasts and the inferior horned beasts were even worse. They were so frightened that they were peeing and their legs were weak. They could only crawl out of the battlefield on all fours. They were frightened and kept "puffing" and "puffing" while running away. "On-site removal of feces and urine.

All the beastmen were running for their lives. The only thing they were thinking about when they saw Ryan appeared was to escape. They clearly took advantage of the geographical advantage and used an ambush to catch the human coalition forces by surprise. The first reaction of the big horned beast war group was not to take the opportunity to engage in close combat. Instead of giving full play to their strengths, they thought about escaping, and they fled in an unorganized and orderly manner, all looking after themselves.

This is true for all the big horned beasts, and the remaining beastmen are even more miserable and completely defeated.

escape! escape! The further away the better! We can't defeat Ryan, never!

The ambush tactics carefully designed by Prince Sigvald were completely defeated. Thousands of beastmen were completely defeated before even one of them could be killed in front of the human army. The moment Ryan appeared, the victory or defeat was already determined.

The fear of the Knight King and his armies is engraved in the DNA of Drakvald's beastmen, and it can no longer be eradicated.

Ryan showed no mercy. With a wave of his warhammer, the knights took the opportunity to pursue them. After a wave of charges, more than half of the thousands of beastmen were killed, and the rest had all fled. The human army had only one unlucky knight riding on it. The war horse accidentally tripped over the corpse, causing him to fall off the horse and break his leg. No one was injured.

"WTF?" Prince Sigvald looked at this scene dumbfounded.

It was too late, Ryan personally led the knight group, rolling towards the Slaanesh army formation on the outskirts of Hezig!

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