The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 968, Battle of Herzig

Seeing the defeat of the Legion of Colored Evil, the morale of the human coalition was at an all-time high, and the knights fought bravely to take the lead. The army began to become chaotic, and everyone rushed forward, trying to get as many heads as possible.

If you have a head, you have military merit!

Especially at this time, the phantom of the Lake Fairy was shining in the sky. It was obvious that the goddess was paying attention to this war. The knights and knights' retinue were so excited that they even ignored Ryan's orders, especially the serfs, and the serfs and free people. , the opportunity to show up in front of the fairy in the lake can no longer be described as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Everyone rushed forward, scrambling to kill the enemy.

"Quickly order everyone! Stop, don't be obsessed with chasing!" Ryan immediately gave the order, but it was already too late. Only the Old Guard and the troops led by Morgiana, Berhemond, and Lawn were restrained by the commander. , the remaining troops rushed forward in a swarm.

This turned out to be a terrible mistake.

The legions of Slaanesh are not very effective in combat, they are difficult to attack when attacking cities, they often hold endless banquets that affect their march, and they are also prone to desertion. These are the weaknesses of followers of Slaanesh.

So what is the advantage of a Slaanesh follower?

Break up the war! Fight on the move, with fast small-scale maneuverability and extremely fast formation changes! And his superb fighting skills among the rebels!

At the same time, followers of Slaanesh also have a psychological advantage, that is, failure is great! I do not care! In addition to a real morale hit for the followers of Slaanesh, the loss of the coach will also plunge them into a whole new feeling.

So defeating can be such an interesting experience? So cool!

Being routed but not defeated, adept at mobile warfare and counterattacks, these are the characteristics of followers of Slaanesh.

"Don't pursue! Don't pursue! Old Guard!" Davout rushed past the Old Guard formation on his horse. The deputy commander anxiously asked everyone to stop: "His Majesty said, don't pursue!"

The loyal Old Guards immediately stopped and formed a straight line.

"No pursuit!" Duke Berhemond also ordered. The old duke, who was close to the demigod at the peak of the holy realm, immediately ordered the army to stop: "Laun, tell your people not to catch up!"

But the remaining troops couldn't control that much anymore, so they rushed forward.

Just as the Brittanians launched a pursuit, the retreating Slaanesh army suddenly regrouped at an extremely fast speed. The Slaanesh champion Baglai-Twisted Bane took over the command. The champion immediately ordered The army launched a counterattack.

Caught off guard, the pursuing human army immediately encountered very tenacious resistance. The Slaanesh believers waved their claws, overturned the knights from their horses, and pierced the chests and necks of the knights with their crab-claw-like claws, using their weapons. Tear into pieces those freedmen and serfs who were eager to perform meritorious deeds in an attempt to obtain the Old Guard's enlistment tickets and the favor of the goddess.

At the same time, the Knights of Fury refused to retreat with Prince Sigvald. These Chaos elites rushed from the north. They were all wearing purple fine Chaos armor, decorated with a lot of things, using lances and silver swords. After slaughtering the Bretons like chickens and dogs, the pursuers were now helpless. They were divided by the Slaanesh legions and eliminated one by one.

By the time subsequent reinforcements arrived, the Bretons had left behind more than a thousand corpses.

At this time, the pursuers realized that something was wrong. In fact, if Knight King Ryan was not here, the knights and infantry regiments at the forefront would have been defeated.

Fortunately, Morgiana and the Lake God Prophets used magic in time to protect and support their own troops. Aurora and Teresa released Frost Nova to delay the counterattack of Slaanesh's army, and Veronica released the Exile Light to specifically Regarding the Slaanesh demons, this caused those Chaos demons to be exiled from the mortal world one after another. Therefore, the overall situation, the Slaanesh army was still in an unfavorable situation.

At this time, Ryan was watching coldly from the air. The King of Knights knew that since they won such a glorious victory in the Battle of the Three Kings, the troops were indeed proud and complacent, thinking that any enemy was nothing more than this. This was absolutely unacceptable. He Don't have an army that doesn't obey orders.

In the chaotic battles and field battles, the Slaanesh army became more and more fierce and stronger!

Fortunately, reinforcements arrived at this moment. The army led by Midden joined the battlefield from behind. The army led by Hawke on the side raised the long-barrel fire in his hand towards the Slaanesh army under the order of Elector Eldbrand. Guns, rows of white smoke rushed into the sky, and the volleys were simple and effective. The human armies pouring in from all directions overwhelmed the Slaanesh legions, and their morale became unstable again.

The Sword of Ulric joined the battle. The swordsmanship of the leader of Midden was violent and full of wildness. Elector Boris said that his rune teeth must be stained with the blood of Chaos today. Morgiana, who couldn't stand it, also personally ordered the Holy Grail The guards stepped forward, and the previously arrogant Slaanesh legion suddenly began to struggle. Seeing the wind direction change, the Chaos army dancing with demons was once again in chaos. More knights joined later, and the old guards also followed Ryan's orders. Then he slowly advanced and entered the battlefield again.

Sir Baldwin from Le Angoulan fought his way into the siege. He thrust his lance deeply into the chest of a Slaanesh demon, then threw away the broken handle of the lance, drew out his knight's sword, and stabbed the helmet together. After piercing the head of a Chaos Warrior, when no one responded, he swung his sword again and cut off the head of the second Chaos Warrior.

The flying head and the splattered blood made Sir Baldwin feel happy. He seemed to have returned to the Arabi Desert. This was the life he wanted, serving the king and being loyal to the lady, instead of staying at home all day long. Rent collection becomes a waste of time! But win glory and wealth and become the hero of the kingdom!

Not far away, two knights and a dozen of their retinues were being besieged. Seeing that the flag was the knight of Le Angoulan, Baldwin immediately decided to rescue his colleagues. He continued to charge and received treatment from Morgiana, the witch of the Lake God. The technique replenished his physical strength, which filled the knight's heart with gratitude.

Baldwin was once unfortunately suffering from leprosy. There is no need to explain how terrible this disease is. Even the goddess of mercy, Thalia, was powerless against this strange and severe disease. Only the magic of the Lake Fairy could save Le Angu. Lang people, once a serf got this disease, the only outcome was to be taken away and burned at the stake.

His father, the count, didn't like this "angry" child, but he still asked him to find Morgiana, the Lake God Witch, and ask Her Highness Morgiana for help.

As luck would have it, Morgiana seemed to be in a particularly good mood that day. The Lake Witch quickly released her magic to cure him of leprosy, and gently encouraged him that it was a gift from the lady.

"For Le-Angoulen! For the lady!" Baldwin raised his knight's sword and wiped the chests of two Kurgan warriors with the sword. The horse raised its head and kicked a low-level demon of Slaanesh away!

Their comrades were saved, and the two knights gave Baldwin a knightly salute to express their gratitude, and then immediately joined the counterattack.

The prey is revealed.

The champion of Slaanesh, Baglai-Twisted Bane, is having a big dream. He feels that his performance today is really great. At the critical moment, he took over the command and became the commander-in-chief of the Slaanesh Legion. Moreover, he reorganized the army and completed the counterattack. His performance today was really great. As expected, men should do what men should do. It was so satisfying, just like a mouse getting into a rice vat.

Master Slaanesh will definitely appreciate me, maybe let me take over the position of Prince Sigvald?

Maybe, I still have a chance to become a demon!

Bagley is already looking forward to what's to come.

And at the moment when he was distracted, the sound of a row of Hawk leader's muskets sounded like thunder. Three rounds of lead shot ammunition penetrated his chest and waist respectively. The three smoking holes made Slaanesh The champion was suddenly bleeding profusely, and Baldwin's sharp knight's sword had already struck her head!

The champion of Slaanesh, who was still dreaming about becoming a demon, was so frightened that he quickly raised his hands to block. As a result, he forgot that his shield had been shattered in the previous battle. Baldwin's blow was directly connected to the shield and One arm was chopped off at the same time!

"Baldwin de Clement of Le Angoulant is here, tell me your name!"

"Prince Sigvald's champion, Baglay!"

The championship showdown begins instantly!

So this championship duel attracted everyone's attention. Baldwin fought against the Chaos Champion alone. Bagley's fighting methods were as fast as the wind, his sword skills were exquisite and his steps were light, and his dodge ability was even more outstanding.

In contrast, the heavily armored Baldwin used the traditional sword-and-shield fighting method of the knight, which looked very cumbersome in front of the Slaanesh champion. Bagley dodged several attacks. It seemed that this duel was not good for Baldwin. But the Jazz from Le-Angoulan found that they couldn't beat the opponent and simply defended instead of attacking.

You are missing an arm and have three holes in your body. How much blood can you still shed?

Sure enough, after more than a dozen moves back and forth, Baglay's movements began to slow down. The champion of Slaanesh lost his physical strength very quickly. He immediately realized that something was wrong and wanted to escape. Baldwin seized the opportunity and stabbed him with his sword. The left eye socket! Use the tip of the sword to gouge out the eyes of the Slaanesh Champion!

"Ahhh!" The next sword pierced Baglay's breastplate, and the champion of Slaanesh fell.

Along with the fall of the Slaanesh champion, the Slaanesh army collapsed again. At this time, the Knight King Ryan had joined the battlefield. Ryan knew that it was okay to let his army suffer a little, but too many casualties was not what a king should do. As the invincible Knight King, Berhemond and others joined the battlefield, and were attacked from the side by the army led by Hawke, the Slaanesh Army collapsed again. After throwing away more than 10,000 corpses, the remaining 8,000 people once again attacked Fleeing towards the central mountain range.

This time everyone learned the lesson and no one pursued them again.

Ryan was quite speechless about this. Is this the time to continue pursuing?

However, considering that the coalition forces led by Brittania and Midden took half a day to march more than 30 kilometers to arrive and then had another battle, the army was very tired. It was four o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived, and it is already evening It was seven o'clock, and the soldiers were tired and hungry. They really shouldn't chase anymore at this time, so the King of Knights gave up.

Since then, the Battle of Herzig has ended.

The human coalition suffered more than 6,000 casualties, of which more than 2,500 were killed, including more than 200 Brittanian knights. The Hawke Territory lost more than 3,000 people.

There were about 45,000 people in the Slaanesh army plus more than 8,000 beastmen. In the end, only the more than 2,000 people who retreated with Prince Sigvald were able to escape. Most of the beastmen were killed, and the rest fled. Azazel, the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, was banished.

On the battlefield after the war, Ryan personally inspected the smoke-filled city walls of Herzig and the suburbs covered with corpses. The Knight King sighed: "Another victory, but it does not help the entire battlefield."

Duke Bohemond came from a distance. The Red Dragon Duke chopped to death three Slaanesh demons. Hearing Ryan's words, the old Duke smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't be so harsh. We have won countless victories along the way. You Its reputation is now known to everyone from the northern wastelands to the Arabian Desert."

"I would rather keep a low profile. After all, it's not a good thing to be remembered all day long." Ryan couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and then the King of Knights frowned: "Okay, call everyone here! Yes! Who allowed them to disobey orders and pursue without permission?"

The noble knights were summoned by Ryan, and the guys who pursued without permission were yelled at by the King of Knights on the spot. They all lowered their heads in shame. After counting the casualties of the knights, the Lake God Witch Morgiana also represented the Lake Fairy against the knights. The nobles gave a very severe reprimand!

Even though the battle of Herzig was won, more people died than in the Battle of the Three Kings!

After the big stick was over, there were sweet dates. In this battle, twelve more freemen who had made significant military exploits got the opportunity to join the Old Guard to make up for the losses of the Old Guard. There were three people in the Old Guard. After receiving the knighthood, Ryan conferred the title on the spot.

On the other side, Elector Boris and Elector Edbrand hugged each other. The horse-faced Edbrand forced a smile on his face: "Long time no see, old man, everything is fine lately." What?"

"Good! Good! Great!" Boris laughed. The White Wolf Elector had never had such a pleasant experience: "We won, we won again! We keep winning!"

Battle of the Three Kings, right? Edbrand was not only a little envious: "Why did you come here? I'm really worried that Herzig will fall again."

"We have marched for more than thirty kilometers and arrived here." Boris still had a smile on his face: "You can't expect us to do more now. How about it, Ed, how is the battle situation?"

"The situation is not good. Many troops from the Hawk Territory participated in the Battle of Von-Zhukov, but almost no one survived. You said that the Ivey Territory and the Stir Territory did not send troops to defend against the movements of the undead, so forget it. God knows what Karl-Franz and Emmanuel are doing? Their army has just arrived at Talabheim! That son of a bitch Helmut announced that the city council did not pass, and he could not send a single soldier. Support us."

"Impossible!" Boris shook his head: "This is a decision made in the Imperial Parliament, unless he no longer wants to be the elector!"

"He sent the Knights of Tar's Wrath." Edbrand said: "In his own name."

"Enough." Boris's eyes lit up when he heard the name of the Knights of Tar's Wrath.

Elector Helmut is the Grand Duke of Talabek, the Grand Count of Talabheim, and the Elector. It is recognized in the empire that this man is a bastard.

A few minutes later, Ryan finished teaching the knights, and Elector Boris immediately introduced him with enthusiasm: "This is Edbrand Ludenhoff, the Grand Baron and Elector of Hawkland. He My son Konrad Ludenhoff and your son Frederic Jr. are studying at Noor University and Noor Gunnery Academy together... This is the Knight King Ryan Macado. I don’t think I need to do more. Introduced, hahaha~ The Battle of the Swamp of Pain, the Battle of the Three Kings, the battle just outside the city, he has scared the shit out of the beastmen~"

"Thank you very much for your support. King of Knights across the mountain, the people of Hawkland will always remember this friendship." Edbrand took the initiative to extend his hand to say hello.

"As a close compatriot, ally and your friend, this is the obligation I should fulfill." Ryan nodded, and the Elector and the Knight King held hands tightly.

After another victory, Herziger was only 150 kilometers away from Wolfenburg.

"We have some new information to share with you, please come in and discuss it in detail!"


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