The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 972, the fire is about to go out

In ancient times, when the world was not yet divided.

Everything is still shrouded in heavy fog, and the world is full of rocks, giant trees, and immortal ancient dragons.

Until one day, the ancient saints came to the mortal world, and they built two portals in the South Pole and the North Pole.

Changes have occurred, new races, new civilizations. The ancient saints have changed the entire world according to their wishes. The dragon clan is still powerful, but no longer dominant, and differences arise.

Noble elves, stubborn dwarves, and complex humans.

Cold and heat, life and death, light and darkness.

Mortals once foolishly chose to believe in the power of order. They gradually evolved their own culture under the guidance of the Ancient Saints. The elves learned magic from the servants of the Ancient Saints, and the dwarves learned forging and smelting techniques from the Ancient Saints.

Humanity has learned the snake and rat ways of the ancient sages and their learning abilities.

How stupid.

Finally, the true god from the warp brought true civilization to this world.

The servants of the Four Gods came to the mortal world. They destroyed the portal of the ancient saints, and endless demons poured out of the portal.

The true gods were once only one step away from ruling the world. However, they eventually encountered some setbacks that are not worth mentioning.

The first generation Phoenix King Aenarion led the elves to stand up, and it released the power of the Sword of Kane to allow the elves to complete the Maelstrom.

Grimnir, one of the three main gods of the dwarves, penetrated deep into the realm of Chaos. It prevented the original demon prince's plan to become a god. Since then, Chaos has been unable to give birth to new gods.

Finally, in the last great expedition of his life, Emperor Charlemagne defeated Mokar, the first generation of Chaos Eternal God Chosen "Unifier", and established the majestic territory of the current empire.

Since then, the era of mankind has begun.

However, the fire will eventually extinguish one day, and by then, only darkness will remain in the world.

At the end of February 2515 in the imperial calendar, in the Chaos-occupied area of ​​Oster Territory, near the ruins of Von-Zhukov Castle.

With terrifying low groans and howls, the hellfire sword and the black iron battle ax whirled like a hurricane, cutting off pieces of flesh and blood from the body of a commoner in Osterland. When he was dying, the executioner did not stop any movement. It was not until all the flesh and blood from the Oster leader's body was chopped off, leaving only a skeleton, that the executioner put down the ax and sword in his hand comfortably. Kicked the skeleton away.

The skeleton fell from a high place along a hillside. Along the slope, there was a huge pit the size of two or three castles. Mountains of bones were piled up in this huge pit in an orderly manner. The entire corpse pit There was no telling how many corpses were piled up inside.

Black Iron Mortkin was wearing a complete set of black Chaos Cursed God-given armor. He put down the Hellfire Sword and Black Iron Battle Ax in his hands. The ice blue eyes of the Eternal God of Chaos behind the black mask were tightly closed. , he was enjoying this moment.

The pleasure of revenge greatly motivated the new Eternal Chosen God of Chaos. He could feel that his tired and frustrated heart was comforted, and he seemed to have the strength to continue fighting.

Temporarily, just temporarily, the Chaos Eternal Chosen looked at the huge corpse pit, in which more than 400,000 human bones were buried. The taste of revenge was so sweet, and Mortkin finally felt that he had regained some passion.

The passion to keep fighting and conquering.

"This is the price, this is the price you pay for slaughtering my hometown, Oster leader." Motkin put down his weapon. He wanted to speak, but he found that what came out of his voice was not Nuo. The low Gothic language of the Skars is a demonic language that is low, twisted, and full of echoes from the subspace.

These voices can still be heard and understood by his subordinates. No one knows why, but just like when you are hungry and want to eat, and when you are thirsty and want to drink water, everyone can understand what Motkin is saying.

Oleg von Zhukov must die.

Von-Zhukov Castle has been reduced to ruins. The originally glorious castle filled with various souvenirs, paintings, and historical relics is now only a piece of white land. After conquering the castle, Motkin ordered the massacre of the city three times. The first The first time was when Motkin broke through the outer defense line of the castle and ordered the massacre of the city. The second time was when the castle gate was opened and he ordered the massacre again. The third time was when he discovered that there were imperial troops and refugees using the castle's internal defense facilities and tunnels to resist. At that time, Motkin coldly ordered the entire city to be burned down.

Countless axes and swords burning with hellfire witnessed the destruction of Von-Zhukov Castle and the massacre of at least 400,000 people. Now, the proud ancestral castle of the Elector Von-Zhukov family has been removed from the map. Disappeared, Oleg witnessed it with his own eyes. From now on, he can only look for the memories of his home on the ruins.

Thinking of this, Motkin almost laughed out loud.

This is the price, this is the price for Oleg's evil deeds!

You destroyed my hometown, and I will destroy yours!

We were originally strangers, we had our own kingdoms, it was you! It was you who ruined all this. Since you did this, don't blame me for being ruthless!

Motkin had already ordered that all the graves of the ancestors of the Von-Zhukov family be dug up, the ashes of all the ancestors of the Von-Zhukov family were blown up, and then everything was burned down with a fire.

Looking around, the Eternal Chosen of Chaos is surrounded by his bodyguards, all members of the "Crimson Reaper" legion of the Chosen blessed by the Four Gods of Chaos. These loyal and brave Chaos Chosen warriors have sworn to follow Mortkin Until the end of the world.

Mortkin laughed ferociously. After hundreds of years, this period of time made the Chaos Champion Lord feel the vitality return to his body. Revenge was the only thing to consider.

Oleg von Zhukov must die.

This is the only reason Motkin is still holding on.

What no one knows is that the soul and body of this eternal god of chaos are falling into the quagmire of chaos. The blessings from the four gods of chaos are also a terrible curse. Normal people are not blessed to receive the gifts of evil gods, but Even a powerful champion like Motkin was tortured. Motkin knew clearly that the will of chaos that he had spent hundreds of years fighting against was doubly eroding and corrupting his will. He worked hard to The humanity and character that have been preserved for hundreds of years are being worn away at an accelerating rate.

"Strength comes at a price." The Dark Iron Avenger muttered to himself, and he raised his hand: "The fire will be extinguished."

He has been relying on the anger of revenge to fight against the erosion of the evil god, but now, half of his wish has been fulfilled, and the anger is slowly extinguishing. Without anger, it will be difficult to resist the erosion of chaos.

If this continues, sooner or later he will become a plaything of Chaos, a tool used to destroy the world. After losing himself, he will lead the army to continue southward as Chaos expected, until the entire mortal world is plunged into war...or fall into In eternal darkness.

Motkin didn't want this. Deep down in his heart, the powerful King of the North had always believed that the Norscans and the Imperials could not coexist. We could have lived in peace. We were all compatriots, although we chose different paths. Gods, the two sides should not have this kind of life-or-death relationship.

But this is fate. Ever since I prayed to Chaos for power, everything has become irreversible.

If he, Black Iron Motkin, is destined to fall into darkness, then he only has one small goal left, one last mission, and one last debt to deal with.

Just near the ruins of Von-Zhukov Castle, tens of thousands of dark Chaos armies are gathering one after another. Hundreds of Chaos Chosen, Chaos Warriors, Chaos Wizards, Barbarian War Chiefs, and Barbarian Shamans are waiting for the Eternal Chosen of Chaos. Ordered, his flagbearer held high the standard that sealed the great demon of Khorne, Karg'hank.

More than 70,000 Chaos troops were dressed in black and armored, and their murderous intent was sky-high.

More than a dozen Chaos Demon Legions are gearing up, waiting for Mortkin's instructions to hunt mortal souls and enjoy destruction.

The Chaos Dragon Sculex-The Great also spread his wings and hovered in the sky.

Mortkin looked at his army, he looked at the Chaos Warriors waiting for his orders, and an emotion called guilt arose deep in the heart of the Eternal Chosen.

It's him, it's all his orders.

The beginning of Barbarossa's plan was extremely successful. The Chaos army was divided into three groups and moved south. It could have been enough to break into the core of the empire before the empire could react, burn, kill, loot and enjoy the victory. They wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to severely damage Charlemagne. The Empire, making them tremble before the will of the Dark God.

But his desire for revenge and stubborn orders overwhelmed everything. He constantly ordered frontal assaults. In the battle of Von-Zhukov Castle, Chaos lost more than 100,000 people. In addition, the lack of his personal command led to the failure of Beka. The Battle of Fen, and the forced ordering of Gotwal the Cruel to lead an army of beastmen to deal with the Knight King Lion, ultimately leading to the tragic failure of the Battle of the Three Kings.

The losses in the Battle of Bekafen exceeded 50,000, and the Beastmen army was almost completely wiped out in the Battle of Three Kings. In addition to the losses in the Battle of Erengrad and the losses in the Battle of Herzig, the Chaos army has lost nearly 30,000 people since it went south. One hundred thousand people.

Motkin, you are such a scumbag! Damn it! waste! As the Eternal Chosen God of Chaos, how many good men from the Northern Wasteland, Kurgan and Norsca have you allowed to lose their lives within the Empire for your own selfish desires? How many stupid and miserable souls did you give to the true God for revenge, and made them the playthings of the true God?

it was all your fault! Motkin!

it was all your fault! ! !

The feeling of guilt made Mortkin's heart twist like a knife. Everything was as the four true gods expected. This great invasion made the four true gods very satisfied. His army had fallen too deep and was beyond redemption. , they all feel that they are on the road to glory, the road to demon promotion. They will win the blessings of the four true gods through war and receive unimaginable rewards.

Only Motkin knows deep down in his heart that everyone is the plaything of the Four Gods. The lives of these people are worthless in the eyes of the Four Gods. They are just toys for fun. The real God will play with them if they find it interesting, and if they are not interesting, they will play with them. Go throw it away.

The King of the North cursed himself. He knew that not only was he unable to prevent this degeneration, he was even increasing his efforts and fueling the situation. These warriors who were loyal to him would soon continue to join the next battle of Wolfenburg.

The news that the Empire received that there were still 200,000 Chaos troops was false. Counting the peripheral armies and the main force of Mortekin, which had recently suffered constant attacks from the Undead Knights and suffered losses, there were actually only about 100,000 troops left. This is All his remaining armies, now within the entire Oster Territory, the Eternal Divine Chosen have no troops to mobilize.

Yes, there are 200,000 new Chaos reinforcements gathering in the northern wasteland, but Motkin knows that he can't wait any longer. The army of Knight King Lion Malcador has arrived at Herzig, and more than 60,000 people from the south of the empire have The army has arrived at Talabheim and there is no time to wait for reinforcements to arrive at the front line.

If you want to capture Wolfenburg and Oleg's head, you must hurry.

They know nothing, Motkin thought painfully in his heart, know nothing, a bunch of fools.

Motkin, are you satisfied with this? The lives of three to four hundred thousand good men were ruined on the land of the south.

Is it really worth it?

The sky in Osterland is still shrouded in black smoke, and the army has been assembled. The loyal Crimson Reaper Legion has formed a tight array along the surrounding area, waiting for the order of Mortkin, his strategist, God Tzeentch. Choosing Hal - Eternal Eye put away the dissatisfaction in his eyes and also waited for Motkin's order.

The fire will be extinguished, and the future swallowed by darkness is ahead.

The passion for battle and the enthusiasm for facing challenges are fading from Motkin's body. Deep guilt and self-blame are filling the heart of the Chaos God's Chosen Champion. Now only the power of revenge is still driving him forward.

The King of the North stood up from the throne made of the bones and funerary objects of the ancestors of the Von-Zhukov family. He slowly walked towards his personal guards in full view of everyone.

"Now, my revenge has reached the final step." The majestic figure of the King of the North flashed with red light, and huge chaotic energy formed an energy field around Motkin's body. This scene is undoubtedly favored by the dark gods. Said that Motkin can fully harness these energies and turn them into a war machine to destroy the fortress.

"I have no right to ask you to die. Everyone, this is my revenge." Motkin slowly picked up his weapon from the ground, and the light of chaos emerged from the ice-blue eyes in the helmet, which was so intense that it was almost Light like smoke.

Above the ruins of the entire castle, there was silence. The King of the North strode forward, and every step he took made a crisp sound on the ruins.

"But will you follow me, one last time?"

The Crimson Reapers of the Guards lined up in a straight array. These divinely chosen warriors blessed by the Four Gods of Chaos felt the determination of their king. No warrior said a word. They all raised their weapons and let go. On the chest, he banged his breastplate in greeting.

This is the highest level of etiquette among the northern barbarians.

They will follow Mortkin forever, even in the Realm of Chaos.

"There is only one target, Oleg von Zhukov's head!"

"For Chaos! For Black Iron-Mortkin!!!"

"Set off!"

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