The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 974: What are you doing in Xia Lusi?

Bull Knights have always been representatives of bravery and fearlessness, and they are also the pride of the Ost leaders. During the Great Norse Expedition, this group of Bull Knights followed Oleg von Zhukov deep into Norsca. The inland has won countless glory, but also saved a lot of lives. Many Norscans have never left the inland in their lives, and have never participated in any plundering of the south, but Oleg’s influence on the Norscans After all, there have been countless invasions and counter-invasions in the past three thousand years, and the bloody feud between the Oster people and the northern barbarians can only be ended through bloodshed.

It can only be said that this is not a world suitable for the Holy Mother. The chaos side and the order side are destined to fight to the death.

Because of this, Bull Knights are also the targets of Motkin. Any Chaos Warrior who hunts Bull Knights can be promoted by the Eternal Chosen. Therefore, in order to be promoted, many people are willing to take risks.

Manning Goode - The Cockroach Bully This chaos warlock is one of them.

This Chaos Warlock comes from the northern wasteland. He is not a chosen one, but has relied on countless struggles to get to where he is today and become a Chaos Warlock.

However, everything about this Chaos Warlock is shrouded in mist. The information about Manninggood-Cockroach Bully is unknown until now. Everyone only knows that this Chaos Warlock does not like to use behemoths and light infantry units. He He also didn't like the light cavalry assault tactics used by barbarian plunderers. He only liked to use heavy cavalry and heavy infantry to fight, and he was very experienced in the use of heavy cavalry and heavy infantry.

After hearing Motkin's call, Manninggood came to join his party.

As for who this Chaos Warlock believes in, it is also an unsolved mystery.

It is said that he believes in Khorne. It is true that this person is a reckless man. Once a war starts, he likes to fight head-on and use heavy cavalry to charge forward. However, Khorne believers absolutely despise magic. There is not a single warlock among Khorne believers.

Saying that he believes in Tzeentch, this person does claim to be a wise man, but this Chaos Warlock is actually often ridiculed as a retard because his tactics are too rigid and he often ignores the specific situation and forces the use of heavy cavalry and heavy infantry to charge. This is really not Tzeentch. Believers do.

It is said that he believes in Nurgle. The hot corrosive bile in the big sarcoma behind him does seem to be a creation of Nurgle, but this man is also a fan of reckless people. This is not the old man and fool that Nurgle believers like. Fighting style.

Finally, this chaos warlock is also very accomplished in the field of art. He especially likes to dance. As a dancer of the soul, whenever he dances, the people around him will be deeply involved in it and cannot extricate themselves. He is also known as a cockroach. He is a dancer and a gigolo with a lewd smile. However, this guy's eyesight is very poor. He often cannot see clearly what is in front of him. He often commands the army like a blind man. This is not the style of a Slaanesh believer.

Oleg von Zhukov had fought against this cockroach bully. He knew that the most threatening thing about the opponent was the initial charge of the Chaos Knights group and the subsequent heavy infantry advance. However, today the opponent did not have heavy infantry to follow. Come on, this will be much easier.

"Bull Knight! Advance!" Oleg shouted and ordered. He charged forward personally. Baron Wolfen drew a blunderbuss from behind him: "Aim at the Chaos Knight's mount! Shoot!"

"Shoot!" Eight bull knights and more than twenty retinues took out short-handed muskets. They fired volleys at the Chaos Knights on the opposite side randomly. White smoke rose into the sky, and the Chaos Knights rushed at the front. They fell off their horses in response, and the remaining cavalrymen drew their weapons and prepared for close combat.

At the moment of the collision of steel, the two-handed swords of the Bull Knights cut open the armor of the Chaos Knights and the Barbarian Heavy Marauder Riders, while the Chaos Knights' ax blades also easily cut apart the plate armor and shields. The collision caused armor to shatter, blood to spurt out, and more than a dozen riders on each side to fall off their horses.

Oleg von Zhukov is unstoppable. The battle of Baron Wolfen is easily reminiscent of a bad wolf. He is as strong and cunning as a wild wolf. The sword of Ivan the Terrible is constantly Endless power of frost spread out, which was enough to freeze a normal person into an ice sculpture within five minutes, but Oleg von Zhukov could use this sword freely. The chill coming from the sword body not only did not make Oleg feel cold, but instead gave him the warmth of home.

He recalled his mentor's words.

"You have gone through the Moka Trial and you are considered one of my descendants. If I have the chance, I will take you to the Giant Wolf Ring in Longtusk Fortress to introduce you to our history. Relax and remember to prepare a few jokes. Be vulgar and everyone likes it.”

"Guilliman's Codex is only suitable for use as toilet paper to wipe your butt. Don't listen to that bastard, or I will kill you."

Who is Guilliman? What is the Sacred Scripture? Why is his holy book just for wiping his butt? Oleg didn't understand. He swung the sword of Ivan the Terrible and chopped the oncoming Chaos Knight into two pieces with one strike. Pick, another Chaos Knight was chopped open from the abdomen to the head!

Oleg's bravery greatly boosted the morale of the Bull Riders. Behind them, a whole company of archers were ready. They released a hail of arrows at the mounts of the Barbarian Marauder Cavalry. The Chaos Cavalry The losses were considerable. In addition to fighting against the rain of arrows, they also faced the two-handed swords in the hands of the bull knights.

"Ahhh!" Rings of frost spread out on Ivan the Terrible Emperor's sword. The power of the Chaos Cavalry was restricted. Brutal close combat was what the Bull Riders were good at. Oleg One person slaughtered seven or eight Chaos Knights. His bravery made the barbarians dare not look directly into his face. The barbarian marauder riders were defeated and fled.

Although the losses on Oleg's side were not small, the group of Chaos Cavalry was eventually driven back. Manninggood-the Cockroach Bully chose to retreat after firing several rounds of corrosive bile. It had to go back and report to Motkin. Case.

"Retreat! Motkin's cavalry will be back soon!" Oleg was covered in blood. He immediately ordered: "Take care of the wounded. We must return to Wolfenburg immediately!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

After eight hours of traveling, it was almost dusk, and Oleg and his party finally saw Wolfenburg.

This is a giant fortress standing at the foot of the Central Mountains. The city is very large. As a former dwarf fort, the architectural structure of Wolfenburg's inner fort is closer to the characteristics of dwarves than humans. Even the artillery and The design of the city defense is also in the dwarf style. The peak of the Central Mountain Range stands just behind Wolfenburg. It was once a human-dominated area, but now few humans dare to enter the Central Mountain Range for hunting or mining.

Only the outer city looks like a human settlement. The outer city with more than 10,000 houses is divided into two halves by the Wolfen River. This once very glorious city is now in the same state as Herzig, the capital of the Hawk Territory. It became dilapidated in the wars and invasions, but the castle is still a strong refuge and the hope of the people of Osterland, which means that they still have a place enough to stay in the whole territory, a castle with troops and A strong fortress protected by city walls.

"It's Wolfenberg! It's Wolfenberg, we're saved!"

"Finally, we're here, and Wolfenburg is just ahead!"

"We're safe!"

Cheers broke out among the refugees, and the Ostland people who embraced the ordeal quickened their pace. As the gate of the city wall opened, the crowded scene in the city appeared in front of everyone. A total of 380,000 Ostland refugees were arriving. People took refuge in this city. The streets, street ends, alleys, open spaces and even the corners of many houses were crowded with people. People crowded together, making fires to keep warm and boiling water for cooking.

There was an unpleasant rancid smell permeating the city. Oleg von Zhukov frowned when he smelled the smell. Baron Wolfen asked the defenders: "Where is my father?"

"Your Excellency the Elector is in the Bull Castle (inner castle)." the guard replied.

"I must go see him right away." Oleg von Zhukov said subconsciously, and then he led several bull knights and the retinue behind him and immediately walked towards the Bull Castle: "Provide a place for these refugees , they need a rest.”

If he guessed correctly, Wolfenberg would soon face a huge test.

This test will determine whether the history of the Oster people can continue to occupy a chapter in the glorious history of the empire.

Or maybe, this is the end of it.

"So, what is Wolfenburg's defense? Can it withstand a large-scale enemy invasion?"

In the Oster Territory, within the Shadow Forest, a wood elf lord was talking to a dwarf butcher.

Behind them are their personal guards, the Gray Coat Team and the Grimnir Ax Regiment. Although these two armies add up to only more than 300 people (a dwarf regiment usually only has more than 100 people). people), but their fighting power is terrifying. Neither the Chaos war gangs nor the Chaos war groups they encounter on the road are their opponents, and the wood elves' understanding of the forest allows them to avoid larger-scale battles.

Facing the woodland lord's inquiry, the dwarf butcher with an orange mohawk lowered his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head: "As for the miserable level of human construction? I don't even think about it. If Wamir-von- Zhukov is not mentally retarded or has cerebral palsy, he should evacuate the refugees into the cave behind Bull Castle, where there is a refuge fortress and an underground lake that the dwarves once built, where they might be able to survive."

These two people were none other than the woodland lord Araros the Brave and the dwarf butcher king Agrim Iron Fist who came to the Osterland for support.

After a brief debate, since Elector Hertwig and Tsarina Katalin were no longer able to send reinforcements, Alaros and the Butcher King decided to come to support the Oster Territory on their own, and the Butcher King left his army in Bay. Kafen assisted in the defense and maintenance of law and order, and only came with his own personal guard, while Aralos hoped to gain Lilith's attention and favor through this brave behavior.

In this way, a strange alliance was formed. The wood elf hero and the dwarf butcher king knew that they were alone and chose to set off together. The butcher king often shouted that he was crazy to form an alliance with Pointy Ears, and Araloth often also He complained that he did not expect that one day he would be in trouble with Chapo.

However, it should be emphasized here that there is no mortal enmity between the wood elves and the dwarves. The relationship between the two parties is more of indifference or hostility, and it has not reached the level of starting a war when they meet. Now that the army of chaos is approaching, even though both of them are Reluctantly, they still reluctantly reached an agreement.

"Then I wonder why the dwarves gave up this refuge?" Araloth looked at the Shadow Forest in front of him. It was obvious that this forest was also deeply corrupted. Compared to the dark, dull, and overgrown forest, Esso was full of vitality. The Lorren Forest is more like Nurgle's back garden. The wood elf hero carefully identified the road and tried to communicate with the forest spirit, while the dwarf took out a compass and map: "There is obviously rich copper ore there. and iron mines, and a very large gold mine.”

"No one knows, Pointy Ears." The Butcher King said casually: "What we can know now is that before the War of Revenge, which is what you call the Longbeard War, the dwarf clan who settled in the Central Mountains seemed to be deep in the mountains. Discovering something everywhere, they immediately decided to abandon their new home, sealing the gate, blowing up the rocks and destroying the roads, and before retreating, they issued a Granny curse there, and then destroyed the half-built fortresses and strongholds. Give it all to humans and return to the mountain kingdom.”

"I really want to know what I found. If there is anything, I think I will dedicate it to Lilith." Araloth became interested, and the wood elf hero looked eager to try.

"Dozens of adventure teams or exploration teams have entered the depths, but no one has found the so-called miracles or treasures, except for those missing guys. You can go, but don't let my people assist you." Agrim-Ironfist looked gloomily at the dark and endless forest: "Grimnir, where are we?"

"We are less than 150 kilometers away from Wolfenburg." Alalos checked the direction. The wood elf hero's huge antlered helmet emitted a dazzling green light, guiding the direction of progress: "Go here."

The dwarves were deeply suspicious of the wood elves' guidance, but they had no other choice at the moment. As they moved forward in the rugged forest, Aralos thought for a while and then asked: "Why do you insist on coming to aid the Oster leader?" ?”

"I once fought side by side with Maximian von Zhukov, the grandfather of Vamir von Zhukov and the Grand Master of the Bull Knights at that time." The Butcher King took out his water bag, which was full of water. He took a sip of the dwarf Bagman beer with a rich and mellow taste: "Vamir was just a naughty kid at that time, hehe~ Like an idiot, he chased me and called me uncle dwarf, and I gave him a sip of dwarf beer. , he called me grandpa, haha~"

"Short-lived species are so pathetic." Aralos smiled disdainfully: "That's why we only trade with the long-lived Holy Grail Knights, otherwise we would have to change trading partners in just ten or twenty years, which would be really troublesome."

"Oh, it's so sad. It's as sad as they drove you out of the old world and into the forest." The Butcher King sneered: "The pointed ears are all five, what else will you do except retreat?"

"Are you trying to fight, dwarf?" Aralos drew his weapon instantly.

"Always here for you, Pointed Ears!" Agrim raised the Ax of Dagor.

The two sides were instantly at war with each other. The dwarf demon slayers roared Grimnir's name and were ready to charge forward with a jumping chop at any time.

"Boom~" At this moment, there was a loud noise from the front, which eliminated the internal strife. Alaros and Agrim-Ironfist looked at each other, put away their weapons, and headed towards the place where the loud noise was. Bit ran wildly.

In the middle of the Shadow Forest, a Chaos Giant had his neck cut off and fell to the ground. A giant frost blade was inserted into its face. Chaos's expression before death was full of despair and fear. This Not that often.

A giant black and white bear held a big apple in its hand and climbed onto the face of the Chaos Giant. It opened its arms and released a majestic roar: "Roar~"

Bear power!

Then the giant bear gnawed half of the apple in one bite.

Super fierce!

Among the collapsed trees and splashing smoke, a tall man with blond hair braided to the sky and a lot of small braids gradually appeared. He stepped on the head of the Chaos Giant and moved his giant Frost. The blade was drawn out, and behind him, a group of coyotes and direwolves rushed to his side, licking his palms and cloak.

The incredibly strong and tall human male noticed the dwarves and elves appearing in front of him. He opened his mouth, with two sharp fangs so eye-catching.

"What do you have to do in Brousse?"

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