The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 976, Wolfen’s Crisis

"The outer walls of the city are unlikely to be able to withstand the attack of the Chaos army, but it doesn't matter, we can use it as bait."

After learning that the Chaos army was heading here, Wolfenburg finally made up his mind to carry out general mobilization. Elector Varmir led the last two elite troops of the Ostland, the Bull Knights and the Ostland. Special black guards inspected the defences.

"The most important defense points are the Church of Justice Cathedral, Oswald Street, Charlemagne Bridge, and Franz Avenue. We will station heavy troops to guard these places." Elector Wamir looked towards the person behind him Several generals said: "Wolfenburg will definitely last longer than Chaos."

In addition to Leman Russ, the Butcher King Agrim, the wood elf hero Araros and the somewhat frustrated Oleg von Zhukov, there were two generals behind Elector Varmir.

The first one is Leopold von Zhukov, the Grand Master of the Bull Knights who was once pranked by the Wolf King. He is the cousin of the reigning Elector Valmil von Zhukov. Leopold was extremely proud of his land, his family, and his empire, and he wielded a powerful two-handed ax in battle, a pair of axes that he had slain in one of his battles with a Beast Lord The sword and ax were reforged. Whenever the bull knights launched a "bull charge", Leopold was always at the forefront.

The second is Vladimir Ludnarses, the elector's personal champion. He is also the captain of the Oster Black Guard. The Black Guard is a very famous sword group that believes in the death god Moore and the death battle. Unrelenting and famous, these great swordsmen use the graveyard swords blessed by the Death God Moorish sect. This kind of great sword is difficult to use. It takes a long time for each great swordsman to master these weapons, but the graveyard swords The sharpness of the swords makes everything worthwhile, and these weapons can easily cut through the armor of a Black Orc or the plate armor of a Chaos Warrior.

The salary and supplies of this army are paid privately by the Elector family. Thanks to the giant gold mine behind Wolfenburg, the Elector family can afford to support such a large sword regiment of a thousand people, even if After a series of previous wars, the Oster Black Guard Corps still has a strength of more than 500 people.

The two forces combined amounted to no more than 800 people. Leman Russ carefully observed it and the Space Wolf Primarch made a judgment. Only these 800 people plus the Primarch of the Space Wolf could truly be considered to have sufficient combat effectiveness. The more than 300 people brought by Araloth and Agrim Iron Fist, and the total army of more than 1,100 people, can go head-to-head with the Chaos army.

In addition to these more than a thousand people, the defeated soldiers who escaped from Von-Zhukov Castle and the thousands of local defenders in Wolfenburg could barely rely on the city walls to fight or withstand short-term street fighting.

The rest are all trash fish.

"Vamir, I think it will be difficult for us to defend Wolfenburg." Leman Russ calmly stopped in front of the elector Varmir. The elector's head was only as high as his chest: "You must have a second A plan, right?"

"Wolfenburg is the capital of the Oster Territory, and it is also where we live. For three thousand years, the Ooster people have never given up on Wolfenburg." Elector Wamir shook his head: "There is no second plan. , our answer is to hold on, I will let all the old people, children and women evacuate into the cave behind Bull Castle, we must hold on until reinforcements arrive, or let the chaos stop in front of Wolfenburg."

"Very good, then where are the reinforcements? How long do we need to hold on?" Leman Russ asked one question after another, and Araros and the Butcher King couldn't help but nod in agreement.

The Butcher King Agrim Iron Fist has been pursuing a glorious death all his life, but this does not mean that he will fight an uncertain losing battle. The oath and responsibility of being a king still bind him. If there is no good plan, then it means that the Butcher King will not sit here and wait to die. He is thinking about trying to enter the central mountains for refuge or heading south to Herzig.

The Butcher King checked the small note.

Vamir von Zhukov, Grand Duke and Elector of Osterland, 234

As for Aralos, this guy has no intention of living or dying with Wolfenburg. He is also waiting for the answer from the Elector of Wamir.

The gate of Bull Castle opened, and everyone gathered in the conference hall of the Elector's Palace. A map was placed on the table in the middle. Elector Wamir looked towards Leman Russ, the Butcher King, Alalos and others. The man explained: "Look, this is Wolfenburg. We have and can only get reinforcements from two places."

"They are Herzig in the south and Bekafen in the east. Herzig has the coalition forces of Knight King Ryan Macado and Boris Todbringer, plus Edbrand's army, probably There can be 60,000 to 70,000 people.”

"Then there is Bekafen from the east, but your appearance has already explained a problem, that is, there will be no reinforcements from Bekafen." Wamir's rich face was full of serious expression: "So the only thing we can hope for is It’s the reinforcements from Herziger.”

"What is this guy Ryan doing?" Leman Russ looked down and immediately roared like a wolf: "Why did his army stop moving when it arrived at Herzig? Why did he just watch when Wolfenburg was in danger? Could it be that he Do you want to see the beautiful scenery left by the Chaos army from the ruins of this castle?"

"This is not a problem with the Knight King." Elector Varmir explained: "The number of their armies is too small compared to the Chaos army. The news we have been passing on before is that the Chaos army in the Oster Territory is sufficient. There are as many as 200,000 to 300,000 people. In this case, the army of the King of Knights and Boris will never dare to use only these 60,000 to 70,000 people to support Wolfenburg. They are waiting for the army from the south of the empire to fight with them. Convergence.”

"Then why are the armies in the southern part of the empire so slow? Did Governor Karl-Franz and Countess Emmanuel both grow up eating shit?" Leman Russ then shouted: "Why can you all be so calm? Vamir, Oleg, and Leopold, you know that Motkin is coming to drive you all out and kill every Oster. We should spread the news as much as possible. The enemy has no So many, according to our investigation, the size of the Chaos army is only 110,000 or 20,000!"

There was silence in the conference hall. Faced with Leman Russ's question, the nobles of Osterland even just smiled bitterly.

"Mentor, this city has been monitored and controlled for a long time. We have sent more than a dozen waves of messengers asking for help, but no one has come back. All the carrier pigeons we released were intercepted and killed by Chaos crows and bats in the air. We tried As a result of the magical transmission, even the most powerful mage in our court was unable to contact Ms. Veronica, the chief female courtier of the King of Knights." Oleg explained helplessly: "The chaos bastards have cut off all communications between us and the outside world. No one knows what’s going on in Wolfenburg, and maybe some people think we’re holding on, or maybe some think the city no longer exists.”

"No wonder, indeed, for the sake of safety, Ryan will not take risks, and this may be Chaos's plan to gather reinforcements. If the reinforcements of Knight King Ryan and Boris are destroyed outside Wolfenburg, then the entire northern part of the empire will be destroyed. Facing a desperate war." Leman Russ reluctantly accepted this view.

Ryan's decision was not wrong. As a coach, he really shouldn't be so reckless and blindly advancing. This is not what a qualified commander should do. If Ryan leads the army directly like this, Leman Russ will look down on him.

This wave, this wave is touching the grass with your face.

The Space Wolf Primarch thought for a while and then said: "What other possible helpers are there?"

"What else do you think? My Lord Wild Wolf." Elector Varmir laughed sarcastically: "Elves? Or dwarves? They are all here. In the end, the Osters can only rely on themselves, unless Hel Reinforcements from that guy Mutt are already on the way, but I know him, he's a bastard, he won't send troops, he just wants to defend his Talabheim."

The Butcher King quickly took out his little note, Archduke Talabek and Elector Helmut Feuerbach, 112

It’s over!

In the end, the meeting did not produce any results. The stubborn Oster people refused to give up Wolfenburg, and everyone broke up unhappy.

"Hurry! Send all the refugees to the shelters in the Central Mountains! Especially women and children, as well as those precious documents and historical relics!" The entire Wolfenburg was in chaos at this time. People were trembling in panic. The Bull Knights and the Oster Black Guards led the people into the central mountains and into the shelter left by the dwarves. The remaining people lined up to receive armor and weapons, preparing to receive a one-day temporary training.

At the gate of Bull Castle, the Butcher King Agrim Ironfist led the Dwarf Butcher Legion of Grimnir's Ax and sat on the steps at the gate of the inner castle. He straightened and stretched his legs. He took out the pipe and tobacco leaves from the small bag he carried with him. After playing with them for a while, he took a comfortable puff and blew out circles of smoke rings.

There was chaos before his eyes. Troops were mobilizing everywhere. Children and husbands were forcibly taken away from their families and sent to the armory to receive weapons. Shocking cries and pleas could be heard endlessly.

"No! No! He is just a child, he is still a child!" A mother watched her fourteen-year-old son being taken away from her. The peasant woman desperately reached out and grabbed the sleeve of the great swordsman, begging bitterly. : "Please, my lord, let me go!"

"He is 14 years old, madam." The great swordsman's voice was cold and emotionless: "Everyone must contribute to the defense of Wolfenburg, including your son."

The somewhat ignorant child was pushed into the team like this. He didn't even know what was going to happen. He just looked at everything in front of him in confusion.

After a farmer hugged his wife, son and daughter, he also joined the recruitment team with a calm face, followed by those who were in their forties or fifties and were already old people to the farmers.

"No! Charlemagne, why is it like this? Why does the world treat us like this?"


"It takes time, sir!"

"We don't have time!"

The Butcher King sadly found that he could do nothing. He could only sit here and wait for the enemy to arrive, but he was not disgusted with the Elector's behavior.

Rather than letting them be slaughtered by Chaos, it would be better for them to join the army and fight to the end. At least this is worse than dying worthless.

A glorious death, huh? Agrim-Ironfist couldn't help but think of his eldest son, Galarim-Ironfist. A bitter smile appeared on the Butcher King's face. He shook his head. Galarim-Ironfist was his eldest son and also his father-in-law. The only son of a butcher king, hoping to be freed from the double oath his father had taken. The young prince shaved his head and swore to be a butcher regardless of his father's opinion. The prince who took the butcher's oath was as foolish as his father to continue the cycle of troubles that plagued the family. The road to death for generations.

His son is more reckless and stubborn than himself. He only cares about finding an epic way to die rather than learning to be a king. The Butcher King has to pay attention to and stop the prince's actions all day long, otherwise the glorious Kaderin Iron Fist family will be completely extinct. .

The dwarves are slowly declining.

Agrim Iron Fist has always known in his subconscious that the dwarves are now a declining race. One day, Kaderin will be like Wolfenburg and usher in the day when all the mustaches will go to the battlefield. .

Dear Grimnir, may our axes be as sharp as yours.

Dear Valaya, the dwarves need more heirs.

Agrim Iron Fist was still thinking, but a smell from the forest and a dazzling green light forced him to turn his attention back to reality: "What's wrong? Elf boy, don't you go to the meeting with those humans , it is not polite to disturb the noble Butcher King enjoying his tobacco."

"Little Short Leg, I don't think we need to sit here and wait to die." Aralos held two roasted beef legs in his hand, and he gave one to the Butcher King: "Although I don't agree with most of your views, there is at least one thing you said. That’s right, what’s the use of recruiting these kids and old men?”

"Better than nothing." The Butcher King took the cow leg: "We are doomed to fail, but this is the fate of the dwarves, Pointy Ears, you don't need to stay here, we need to fulfill our sacred alliance with humans, and you don't."

"I also have my mission." As soon as Aralos sat down, he was blinded by the strong smell of tobacco. He had to stand up quickly: "You don't need to worry about it."

"Whatever you want." The Butcher King was even more proud when he saw that Pointy Ear was unable to open his eyes due to the smell of his own tobacco. He took a few strong puffs and blew out a string of smoke rings directly towards Aralos' face. Then he admired the wood elf's busy appearance.

This dwarf is really looking for death! Aralos became angry, and the wood elf hero took a few steps back. He was too lazy to argue with the dwarf king.

Just when Aralos was about to turn around and leave, preparing to deploy the defense of his personal bodyguard, the Gray Coats, a very tall figure stopped in front of him: "Elf boy?"

"Leman Russ?" The person who came was none other than the Primarch of the Space Wolves. Alaros knew that he was powerful, so he could only ask angrily: "What are you doing?"

"You are so confident that you can escape. There must be something on your body that can hide you, right?" Leman Russ's amber wolf eyes stared at Aralos: "What is it? Can you share it?"

"Yes, I have a divine artifact given to me by Lilith, which can hide an entire army." Aralos said proudly: "But what does this have to do with you?"

"I need that." Leman Russ said directly: "Give it to me. This is the only way to save this city!"

"..." Aralos does possess a divine artifact given to him by the Lady of the Mist Ladelia (also the other trumpet of the Moon Goddess Lilith and the Lake Fairy Lilith) - the Mist of Trickery. This magical The potion can envelope Araloth and his personal bodyguards, allowing them to quickly escape from combat without being detected.

"Give me the thing." Leman Russ was indeed not a good talker. He could only repeat: "Elf boy, this can save the entire city."

"Are you sure?" Aralos hesitated: "Can you tell me your plan?"

"Oh, I want to listen too." The Butcher King also came over.

"Listen to me, time is running out, Pointy Ears." Leman Russ simply stated his plan: "It is impossible for Wolfenburg to survive the offensive of the Chaos army. The only chance is to seek Reinforcements.”

"My brother Ryan and his army in Herzig! This is our only chance!"

"And only I can complete this task!"

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