The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 978, Army Hot Pot

Just when Wolfenburg's army was pressing on the border, Hawke led the capital Herzig.

It was early March, and Herzig was still very cold, but it was finally no longer uncomfortably cold. The army was currently resting in Herzig.

The stay of the army not only did not cause trouble to Herzig, but instead created a huge abnormal prosperity. A steady stream of various logistical supplies and military pay from the southern part of the empire arrived at the front line. Not only did the army stationed here not appear because there were too many troops. The resulting chaos, on the contrary, caused the public order in Hawkland and Herzig to be unprecedentedly stable due to the large number of troops stationed there.

This made Edbrand, the Elector of Hawkland, secretly relieved, especially since Lean's army was extremely strict. Even under garrison, the Brittanian army still had to undergo very strict training, and the management of knights It was Duke Berhemond and Morgiana doing it again, which allowed the Brittanians to maintain good discipline and not disturb the people.

In Middenheim, Boris was pretty strict about this, except for those White Wolf Knights who were drunk and prone to drunkenness and whistling at women.

The King of Knights is sitting in his room, dealing with a mountain of various documents. As the commander of the army and the king, Ryan has not only been busy these days to find opportunities to be intimate with Morgiana, Veronica, Theresa and others. , on the contrary, there are too many things.

As a king, Ryan must review most of the documents and inquiries on various specific matters, including a large number of requests from his troops and opinions among the nobles, as well as military supply lists and military pay distributions, as well as a large number of reports sent from the empire. and the movements of the army, as well as scattered information obtained by a small number of scouts entering the Oster Territory.

The numerous chores made Ryan quite irritable to deal with, but the King of Knights knew that there was nothing he could do about it. After all, as the king and the coach, he had better go through many things in person. Only in this way can the smooth operation of the entire system be ensured. Control corruption as much as possible.

Of course, there is a certain degree of control in this. It is not to ignore everything, which is a complete delegation of power, and it is not to watch everything, which will exhaust oneself to death. The typical examples are the Prime Minister and Lao Zhu.

To put it simply, look at big things, randomly check small things, and be ready to strike hard at any time. This is Ryan's style of governance. Fortunately, the King of Knights is full of energy.

At the same time, a handwritten love letter from Emilia was also sent to Ryan.

"His Majesty Lion Malcador, the great knight king of Zeon City who has accomplished countless miracles, hereby congratulates you on your great victory in the Battle of the Three Kings."

"You are my love, the one of my heart, and my feelings and love for you are beyond words."

"The moment I received the letter, I decided to go to Herzig in person to meet with you."

"Because I want to get in touch with you who cared and loved me as soon as possible~"

"The father of the child, please wait for my good news."

"Imperial Countess Emmanuel von Lebwitz-Bernardino."

"Sincerely, salute."

There was a faint bright red lip mark on the envelope.

"Oh~ That's great~ There are also love letters! From the time Ryan and I met, he has written no more than two love letters to me!" Veronica is wearing a set of Shedou Rose Herzig and is graceful today. The long classic dress has a very low neckline and the buttons on the chest are not fastened. The proud fullness is tightly held up by the collar, creating a deep and attractive ravine. The straight and well-proportioned slender jade legs are entangled with a pair of Ultra-thin black patterned pantyhose with fine texture, paired with a pair of black and red-soled strappy high-heeled shoes, the proud female speaker is as attractive as a fully bloomed flower. Unfortunately, her face is full of jealousy now, and she is holding it in her hand. He read Emilia's love letter aloud, and then said angrily: "Ryan, you are very relaxed and comfortable. Do you still have time to write a love letter to your Baroness?"

"Ryan has never written a love letter to me." Teresa is now Ryan's personal secretary. The sorceress's dress today is a standard OL outfit. A black extended windbreaker + white embroidered shirt and hip skirt make her full of charm. With the temperament of a white-collar beauty, the silver jacquard pattern on the black thick stockings and the silver chain on the high-heeled boots are the finishing touches.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, now my dear, I don't like us little witches anymore~" Veronica said sourly.

"That's for sure. What Ryan likes most now are probably those court ladies, right?" Teresa also followed the rhythm. The sorceress's face was flushed, and she was furious. Ryan and her have known each other for so long. I haven't even written a love letter to her!

She doesn't even have the right to show off!

"Yes, dear, Her Highness Morgiana said that arrangements must be made, at least two for each person!" Veronica waved Emilia's love letter in her hand unhappily, and then put it down On Ryan’s desk: “And the quality must pass!”

"Isn't it one letter? Why did it become two letters?" Ryan sat back and looked at the documents with a wry smile. The King of Knights looked a little tired. He reviewed the documents and put them in his hand, and said helplessly: "I don't know. I promised each of you to send one letter, so don’t force me anymore, right?”

"How can one letter be enough?" Teresa said angrily: "Morgiana said you would write her two letters, so..."

Ryan looked at the sorceress' indignant look with some amusement. The King of Knights stretched out his finger and gently poked Teresa's waist: "Pull~"

"Hmm!" Teresa's whole body suddenly softened as if she had received an electric shock. The sorceress stretched out her hand and hammered Ryan with shame and annoyance. She covered her waist and eyes, which were now sore and numb.

"Don't divert your attention!" Veronica put her hands on her hips, her breasts bouncing back and forth, and the female speaker said angrily: "Just tell me whether you want to write or not!"

"This matter is not important now." Ryan quickly pulled out a new document from the pile of documents: "Dear, I have a task for you, a very important task."

"What mission?" Veronica's attention shifted.

"A large amount of new supplies have arrived at the Herziger dock along the Tarabek River. Veronica, go and check with the empire's logistics quartermaster." Ryan took out the document and wrote a note to Vero. Nica: "Bertrand and Raymond will assist you, remember to do random checks."

"Okay, okay, let me go and take a look for you." Veronica also knew that business was important, so the Witch of Gloria reached out and took the small note, twisting it and walking out.

As soon as Veronica went out, Ryan and Theresa were left in the room. The sorceress was so frightened that she wanted to run away when she saw Ryan's malicious eyes. Unfortunately, her body was sore and weak. She quickly changed the subject: "Why? Let Veronica go? Aren’t Lawn and Talleyrand specifically responsible for this?”

"Laun is a military aristocrat, and he is not very clear about the methods and procedures for handling the logistics and administration of the empire's military supplies. As for Talleyrand, if he is not restrained, all he will do is give him an extra share." Ryan stretched out his hand to hand over Talleyrand. Lesa directly pulled her over and asked her to sit on his lap with her back against him. The sorceress's delicate body was so cold and comfortable to hold. Ryan deeply inhaled the scent of lavender in her black waist-length hair and whispered: "As for Bertrand and Raymond, they don't know enough about the logistics system and can easily be deceived."

"Is it military supplies?" Teresa struggled in Ryan's arms for a while, then relaxed when she saw that she really had no strength. She allowed Ryan to take off her boots and wipe oil all over her long black stockings legs. The sorceress was unconvinced and said, "Then I can do it too. Why did you let Veronica go?"

"Hahahaha, that's because you have other tasks." Ryan smiled more and more maliciously.

"What...mission?" Teresa complained a little, but also looked forward to it.

"We still have so many documents to process!" Ryan brought a large pile of documents from the side. The King of Knights put away his malicious expression: "Really, not fighting is more tiring than fighting."

"How about relaxing for half an hour?" Theresa leaned into Ryan's arms and whispered: "I feel a little strange lately, always..."

"Then, you have to keep your voice down!"

"I, I'll try my best."

…………I am the dividing line in a lower voice…………

Old Guard Barracks near Christopher Castle.

Bertrand Tarr, the commander of the Old Guard, and Raymond Mountbatten, the commander of the Halberd Battalion of the Old Guard, led forty or fifty Old Guards wearing winter coats and holding weapons to follow Vero. Behind Nika, they are going to check the newly arrived military supplies and military pay today.

Since Raymond received the title of knight, he has the right to have a surname. This old guard battalion commander who was born as a serf in his thirties has received olive branches from many noble families. In the end, he chose to accept the famous local title of Mousilon. At the invitation of the noble Lord Philip Mountbatten, he registered his surname as Mountbatten, which was considered to be officially accepted by the nobles.

After Veronica handed the note to Bertrand, she naturally became the leader of the crowd. The charming and charming female speaker, full of sweet charm, led everyone to prepare for the arrival of the imperial transport fleet at Hawkland Pier. Veronica's costume was quite popular, and many people peeked and pointed at her along the way. Veronica didn't care about this. As a witch, she had to face these things, and she had been used to it for decades.

"Ms. Veronica, this is the current Herzig." Bertrand, the commander of the old Guards, had Tal's Holy Emblem flashing on his forehead. His mustache today was obviously specially trimmed and decorated, making it look special. Stylish, Bertrand followed Veronica and said to her: "It's a very abnormal prosperity. Too many people are relying on our army to fill their stomachs."

"Yes, everyone knows that soldiers have money in their pockets. Every day after we finish our meal, there is a large group of refugees waiting for leftovers outside the door. There are vendors setting up stalls everywhere at the entrance of the military camp, as well as those waiting in line. Most of the women waiting to sell themselves are Kislev women." Raymond exhaled white mist from his mouth as he spoke, and the old Guards battalion commander said to Veronica: "Now the Herzig refugees are completely relying on As long as the consumption power of our troops is supported, we can still have food to eat. I can’t imagine what would happen if we withdrew.”

"That's what happened after we evacuated." Veronica's voice was sweet, but her attitude was cold: "That's not something we should consider. The soldiers' consumption is already giving the refugees a way to live. , Also, military discipline must be tightened and don’t disturb Ryan, he has enough things to do.”

"Please rest assured, Ms. Veronica, I have always strictly managed military discipline. Except for holidays, all soldiers can only go out for a while after eating at night. We implement a strict curfew system, unless the soldiers don't want to Done." Bertrand thought for a while, but then shook his head: "But we can't control anything else, especially those serf infantry, it is said that they like to go to Kislev women to spend money."

Veronica could only shake her head helplessly. It is indeed difficult to stop this kind of consensual thing. The management of the serf infantry regiment cannot be as strict as a completely professional army like the Old Guard. As for the knight, We... there is no such requirement in the Eight Virtues of Knights. It is said that Duke Berhemond himself bought many Kislev girls as his maids!

no! I have to keep an eye on Ryan! Veronica thought so, otherwise who knows if there will be a new Xiao Bichi to share the resources?

A new interesting story emerged from the chat between a few people.

In the past week or two, a large number of poor people have gathered near the camp of the Brittanian army every day, waiting for the leftovers to be sold by the Brittanian army.

Among the military supplies provided by the empire, a lot of the meat is large-sized Imperial Black Forest sausages, which are provided to the Brittanians as meat, but most Brittanians are not used to eating this kind of meat. For heavy-flavored sausages, it would be fine if they were ordinary serf infantry regiments. After all, they are meat, but the knights, the old guards, and the engineer artillery units would not force themselves. They would rather buy them from the market with their military pay. I cook my own fresh meat, and I don’t like to eat the heavy-flavored sausages from Imperial Guy.

This results in a lot of wastage of sausages.

The cunning high elf, Mr. de Talleyrand-Maurice Bennister, Lane's personal courtier, suddenly thought of a way to get rich. Talleyrand asked people to collect sausages and leftovers that were disliked by the knights and the old guards. The leftovers are then taken outside the military camp and sold to the poor and refugees in the Hawk Territory at very cheap prices.

I, Talleyrand, am also a great philanthropist!

For just a few copper coins, you can get two pieces of hard black bread and a sausage. Things are limited, while supplies last! If you buy it, you will earn it. If you don’t miss the opportunity, don’t come back again. New and old friends are welcome to come and buy!

The poor and refugees burst into tears of gratitude. In a place like Hawkland where supplies are scarce and meat is rare, these leftovers are the only source of meat for many people. A few copper coins are high quality and cheap, and are deeply loved by people.

The Brittanians sold these sausages to avoid waste, which was in line with the spirit of chivalry. The knights and the old guards were also satisfied that they had done a good deed, and suddenly felt that they had noble virtues.

In the end, Talleyrand made a lot of money by relying on this business. Although the price was cheap, the lame man, who had no cost to speak of, relied on quantity to win, and his small treasury became thicker and thicker.

Everyone was happy. Hawke took the leftovers back home, boiled water, threw the things into the pot, added some salt and local sauces and stewed them, and ate the meat with great pleasure.

The boiling cauldron, the hot food, the billowing white smoke, and several people cooking and eating in the house are the only solace in the dark age.

This kind of food is called "military hot pot".

Bertrand and Raymond couldn't laugh or cry when they talked about this.

Veronica burst out laughing after hearing this story, and the president of the Sorceress Assembly almost died from laughter with her hands on her hips.

What a cunning cripple! How could such an idea come up!

Veronica suddenly felt that she still needed to broaden her thinking.

After the anecdote ended and everyone laughed, Herzig's dock was in sight.

However, the situation today is a little different. In addition to a large number of transport ships bringing new supplies, several large warships and a large passenger ship docked at the port first.

The hatch opened, and a group of fully armed royal knights appeared on the pier with shining armor and crimson feathers. The leader was a tall general with the image of a typical brave warrior.

His armor is polished and shines like a mirror, his strong arms are as tough as his courage, and of course, there is the iconic long waxed mustache and the unique eagle-winged helmet.

Marshal Rick Helberg led the Rick Guards, the Kronborg Great Sword Regiment, and the Brunswick Glory Guard arrived!

Following him was Ludwig Schwartzhammer, the emperor's personal champion, the imperial flag-bearer, and the strong man in the sanctuary! This old man with a white beard was tall, strong and unsmiling. He just led the soldiers to land calmly.

Veronica's face changed slightly. Before she could go up to say hello, another new warship also docked!

The warship is hung with a black background gold lion scale city heraldic flag from Nuer!

Nur's army has also arrived!

The Nur Ironclad Army and the Imperial Lady's personal guard Blackstone Guards quickly disembarked from the warship. They immediately lined up in two very neat lines, Nur Grand Marshal Erstein and Nur Justice Theodore Brooke. Na got off the boat one after another and immediately stood waiting on both sides.

A gorgeous figure emerged from the cabin. Her flame-red dress and black and gold coat made her look even more noble and sacred.

"Long time no see, Ms. Veronica!"

"How are you doing lately?"

Updated, please vote! The emperor needs more essence!

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