The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 980, I crossed half the world just to find you

The departure of Leman Russ was a fatal blow to the Ostrian people.

The proud Ruth was never willing to explain why he left. After he left, rumors spread in the city.

Lord Yelang ran away like a coward!

Mr. Wild Wolf has abandoned us!

The gods have given up on the Osters, there is no tomorrow for us.

The world is doomed and we are doomed.

Oleg had to repeatedly send people to emphasize that his Wild Wolf Mentor was out looking for reinforcements, but the panic among the people was very difficult to eliminate. Teams of security teams patrolled the city, constantly releasing new news, and finally The elite army encouraged citizens to fight bravely.

Despite low morale, despite encountering many difficulties, and despite fighting alone, the Osts still maintained their final stubbornness. Now every adult male has been assigned to the newly formed infantry regiment, preparing to fight the approaching Chaos army. Combat.

This courage is admirable. Now these new infantry regiments in the city have begun training. They are required to raise their weapons to form a spear formation, or to line up and walk from here to there. The nobles of Osterland These soldiers were required to learn some basic combat skills in a short period of time.

For example, archers and crossbowmen must understand the meaning of "volley" and "free fire", and spearmen must understand the two commands of "formation" and "advance".

This is what these temporary conscripts must learn. Acting as consumables is their only value.

The slogans of the soldiers and the scoldings of the officers woke Aralos from his sleep. The wood elf hero shuddered. He had just dreamed that he saw Lilith, and he woke up from the dream.

With a headache, Aralos cursed a few more times. The brave man knew that he could not get angry at the Imperial people - all the Imperial people were about to die. These Osts are not even afraid of death. Are they still afraid of you, Aralos, threatening you with force? them?

After washing his face with water, arranging his hair, and then eating the elves' exquisite dry food, paired with a little wood elf fruit wine, Alalos began to patrol his defense area.

It was already the morning of the third day. If the prediction was correct, the Chaos Army would arrive at the earliest in the afternoon and at the slowest at night. This made Aralos feel anxious, as if a big hand was holding his heart painfully. And desperate.

After losing the fog of trickery, it was no longer possible for Araloth to escape intact. The wood elf hero forced himself to focus all his attention on defending the city. His personal guard, the Gray Coat Team, was still as good as he imagined. Elegant and powerful, these finest warriors from Athel Loren patrol nearby, sworn to follow Araloth until death.

The situation on the other side was not so good. Alalos noticed an entire infantry phalanx practicing in the open space near the city wall. It was the newly formed Halberd Regiment, with about five hundred people. In Alalos, Under the eyes, this group of people marched to the beat of drums and the prayers of the battle priests. Their team looked disorganized. The levies were crowded together with tattered equipment and improvised scrap metal, as Aralos said Yes, the vast majority of people are too old or too young. Their only role is to resist the offensive of Chaos as flesh and blood. The real militiamen who have undergone basic military training and veterans with service experience have all been destroyed. Transferred to the main force.

Supplies have also been reduced. Wolfenburg's original food reserves are still quite abundant, but no matter how abundant it is, it is not enough for 380,000 people to eat and chew horses every day. Why did Wolfenburg not fully mobilize all adults before and recruit them for training? ? It is because military training will greatly increase food consumption.

"Pfft~" Alaros couldn't help laughing even after watching it for a few minutes. Apparently there was an old man with black eyes due to such "high-intensity" training. The wood elf hero suspected that this guy had slept and eaten the last time. It was a long time ago - he fell headlong from the queue, and under his influence, the old people and children in the queue fell like dominoes. This was better than their previous lame forward queue and funny The Halberd Group is much more interesting moving forward.

"At least they are able to persevere, much better than Pointy Ears." Alaros laughed for a while, and a slightly embarrassed voice came from his feet. The Butcher King Agrim-Ironfist seemed to be trying hard to find something to praise this group of people. Human words are really difficult for dwarves: "Well, very tenacious."

"Our only advantage is that we have more people, but this large number of people is only for you and me. For the Chaos army, it cannot change the situation that the opponent's number is far greater than ours." Aralos lowered his head and glanced at the man standing next to him. Butcher King: "They are too tired and too hungry. This kind of army cannot last long. Instead of forcing high-intensity training at this time, it is better to let these people have a good rest and restore more physical strength."

"Hey, I know that pointy ears are always so weak." The Butcher King snorted a few times, obviously not bothered by Alaros's attitude: "You know, we are all tired, maybe you need some of this to cheer you up. Refreshing."

After saying that, the Butcher King handed a bottle of clay pot to Alalos. Alalos took the small clay pot and opened the seal, revealing the rich fragrance of milk: "What is this?"



"Moussilian, the secret of the longevity village is that the yogurt given to us dwarves by Elector Hertwig can be stored for one hundred and twenty days without deterioration." The Butcher King laughed out loud: "It is said that drinking it can lead to longevity. A hundred years old... I feel like this is cursing me, and it is also cursing you, elf boy, I am already over a hundred years old."

"I'm three times your age, short-lived ghost." Aralos didn't think too much. The wood elf smelled it and took a sip. It was not bad, sour and sweet.

The dwarf butcher war group Grimnir's Ax Regiment has been assembled, and the gray-coated team has also been assembled. Araloth and the Butcher King were arranged at the east gate of the city - as they wished, they were going to face the most powerful ones. The place where the big enemy attacks.

Climb the city wall along the stone steps. The Wolfen East Gate has been built and has been continuously strengthened and expanded for hundreds of years. The city wall is about 30 meters high and is filled with cannons, mortars and ballistae. The name of the East Gate is It is the Ubus Gate, and the city wall is called the Wall of Ursus. In addition to the twenty or thirty shooting emplacements, there are very strong but dilapidated wall stacks. The wood elves looked at the numerous shooting holes with satisfaction. , which allows them to maximize their advantage in long-range attacks.

"This is the place we have to defend." Aralos inspected the city wall, and the wood elf hero complained: "Don't the Oster people know how to spend money to repair the city wall a little? Many places are in disrepair."

"Oster people are famous for their stubbornness." Agrim Iron Fist became angry. He found that his face was blocked by the crenellations of the city wall and he could not see the outside scenery. Only his orange mohawk hair could be slightly higher than the city wall. Centimeter, the Butcher King complained: "The stupidity of the Oster people is very famous among the dwarves. The dwarves have a famous joke that the Oster people only put one stone in making stone soup, because good stones are always hard to find. Hahahaha~"

What a cold joke! Alalos felt extremely embarrassed after hearing this.

"It has always been like this. The Osts have been at war with Mrs. Kislev for hundreds of years, just for some rotten land that was impossible to plant and live in. It took the Empire a hundred or two hundred years to understand that Kislev's The place has no occupation value, and no one can live there except Mrs. Keesler, but the Ost people persisted in launching wars for hundreds of years, until the two sides of the Great Holy War reconciled." The Butcher King did not seem to feel his joke. Embarrassed, he continued: "The dwarves began to equip gunpowder weapons on a large scale more than a thousand years ago, but do you know when the Osters began to fully equip gunpowder weapons? Just over twenty years ago, Wamir-von -After Zhukov inherited the electorate of the extinct Oswald family as the Grand Master of the Bull Knights, Ost began to gradually accept firearms."

"My people will be placed on the city wall." Alalos was not interested in these things. After listening to the Butcher King half-heartedly, the wood elf hero pointed at the city wall: "As for your people, I suggest you all stay here Behind the city wall.”

"Why? Elf boy?" The Butcher King said displeasedly: "The brave dwarves should take the lead!"

"The Butcher's chaotic fighting ability will disrupt the formations of the archers and halberds defending the city wall." Alaros and Agrim moved along the city wall: "Before the enemy approaches, we need to release arrows, and then follow the enemy's As siege towers and siege ladders approached, the defenders would attack the enemy with flamethrowers, scalding hot oil and falling rocks.”

"It will be our turn later?" The Butcher King understood.

Aralos nodded: "Yes, you know it is difficult for us to defend the outer city, so once the enemy breaks through the defense line, anywhere, we need your Butcher Legion to quickly join the battlefield, block the gap, and prepare for the army's retreat or reorganization. To gain time."

The Butcher King himself is a very good general. He also knows that the dwarf butcher is often too passionate and brave and often disrupts the originally solid front. Therefore, he reluctantly agreed with Aralos: "Charlemagne's empire once had more power than the one on the Eternal Peak. There are still more troops in Xue, but now I don’t expect them to be so weak. Come on, Granny, can the walls be full of people?”

Aralos was silent, his thoughts had shifted to how to strengthen the defense.

"Your Excellency Agrim, Your Excellency Aralos! Your Excellency the Elector asked me to lead the oldest and most courageous pure-blooded Oster men to assist you!" An imperial noble strode up to them: "I It’s Wilhelm, Viscount Wilhelm von Zhukov, Imperial General, Commander of the Guard at Yubus Gate, and my Indigo Raiders and I are ready!”

This is a group of mature Aust people. Most of them have brown braids or long hair, and their faces are painted with indigo paint. They hold a spear or a battle ax in one hand and a shield in the other. Most of them wear breastplates and squares. There are about two to three hundred people in plaid skirts and leggings. Obviously these Osts are not regular soldiers, but most of them should have served in the army or fought as militiamen. In this dark age, Wildness and madness are valuable strengths.

Oster engineers finally successfully activated the four- to five-hundred-year-old antique - the Indomitable, one of the prototype steam tanks of the Oost Territory. Now this terrifying war machine has been placed at the city gate. Behind it, it is surrounded by a sword battalion and two musketry battalions. Two teams of pistol cavalry are hidden in the streets as quick reaction forces. The newly recruited infantry regiments are arranged further back, ready to fall into any position at any time. Go into battle when there is danger of fall.

Everyone knows that Chaos takes no prisoners, everyone knows that there is no escape if it fails.

With their brains trembling and their hands clenched with sweat, the refugees gradually evacuated into the mines in the central mountains behind the Bull Castle and the shelters built by the dwarves. All defenses were ready, Oleg von- Baron Zhukov leads a group of Bull Knights as a mobile force in the city, while Elector Valmir von Zhukov leads the Oster Black Guard Legion at Bull Castle to get an overview.

No matter how much people prayed for the blessings of the gods of the old world, no matter how much they prayed for reinforcements to arrive as soon as possible, the sky gradually began to darken, and the hourglass of time continued to pass.

The long night is coming.

The dark army of Chaos began to appear at the end of everyone's sight. They could feel the footsteps of the boots coming one after another. They had seen a large number of neatly arranged torches spreading around a long time ago. They heard the whispers of the evil gods and the shouts of the Chaos Champions. The shouts were deafening and wanton and the Yankee war drums were beaten crazily, like the death knell of the Aust people's doom.

More and more barbarian tribes and Chaos warbands advanced into their positions. In the middle of the queue were large groups of monster warbands and Behemoth units. Chaos Warriors and Chaos God's Chosen Warriors emerged from the black torrent. They lost their stature, as well as the small number of Beastmen troops that arrived with the Chaos army.

"There are so many enemies. I swear this is the largest Chaos army I have ever seen, much more than the battle between me and Morgul." Alaros took off the green leaf bow from his back, and he motioned to Gray The soldiers stood firm, while the human defenders were already trembling in front of this terrifying formation.

"The city wall of the Osters has lagged behind the times. Elector Varmir should really change it!" A prick of orange hair was exposed on the battlement. Out of anger, the Butcher King simply called two dwarf butchers to fight with his hands. Lifting his legs, he saw the Chaos Army: "What a glorious moment, there are so many Chaos armies. It seems that many compatriots can need enough glorious relief today."

"..." Before Aralos had time to reply, the sound of a thousand war horns soon sounded around Wolfenburg. The evil god's will seemed to turn into thunder and a huge wind column roaring from the side of the horn sound. Below, it boils and reunites, and the eternal explosion rolls with a loud noise that is enough to make mortals crack.

The Dark Iron Mortkin, the Everchosen of Chaos, accompanied by his bodyguards, the Crimson Reapers, and his strategist, Hal, the Eye of Eternity, the Chosen of Tzeentch, rode out of the military formation on a Chaos Steel Ox. Spit out a demonic echo.

"Oleg von Zhukov! Get out of the city and surrender to me immediately! Otherwise I will wipe out your city, all soldiers will be killed, I swear that you and your people will suffer terrible pain, I will There will be an epic massacre here dedicated to the Blood God, and all survivors will die!"

The Chaos army temporarily stopped outside, and Mortkin sat on the Chaos Steel Bull given to him by Khorne, waiting for the reply from the Osters.

At this moment, the cunning gene brought by the Moka trial made Oleg von Zhukov realize that there was still room for improvement, even though he hated the disaster that Motkin had brought to the Osterland and the entire empire. , but Oleg shot a letter out of the city.

Motkin took the letter and couldn't help but sneer after reading its contents.

Oleg von Zhukov asked for a day to think about it and demanded that if he surrendered to Motkin he must withdraw immediately.

This was a delaying tactic, and Motkin could tell at a glance that the Osters just wanted to delay the attack.

But it also played into Motkin's hands.

The hell cannons of the Chaos army still need some time to arrive at the front line, the Chaos dwarf craftsmen also need time to make siege ladders, and the Chaos warlocks and wizards need some time to conduct large-scale sacrificial rituals to strengthen the Chaos demons and Chaos warriors.

"You have one day to decide your fate!" Motkin gave a formal reply.

I traveled halfway around the world just to complete my revenge in just one day.

In this way, Motkin waited quietly for a day in the camp.

Sure enough, what he got was a rejection.

Well, the revenge begins.

Among the thousands of troops, the Eternal God's Chosen raised the black iron battle ax high, flames erupted from his body and wrapped the ax blade. Chaos troops poured out from the camp, and the fire from the Chaos Hell Cannon enveloped the entire sky.

"Go forward! Destroy the Nango city! Destroy everything!"

"For Chaos, for revenge, for Black Iron Motkin!"

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