The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 983, Brave Heart

PS: My thoughts after playing the new version of Plague and the new professional Holy Grail Knight.

Markus Kruber (Captain of the Empire): Salzpyre, I understand, human power has its limits!

Salzpyre (Witch Hunter): Marcus, what exactly are you trying to say?

Markus Kruber (drinks the water from the Holy Grail and raises the knight's sword in his hand): I don't believe in Sigma anymore! For the lady! ! !

Salzpyre: Krüber? How dare you? ! ...and I, I will obey your orders~

…………I am the text dividing line…………

Guarding the rear of the city gate are more than a thousand Imperial troops, including two musketry battalions (more than half of which have been lost), a great sword battalion (only more than a hundred people remain) and several halberd, sword and shield companies. , at this moment they were tightly united, gathered around the steam tank, ready to face the chaos army ahead.

Their enemies are the Chaos warbands led by two Chaos Champions. They are the Chaos Champion Swenger-Son of the Sword from Norsca and the Kurgan Isawa. These two guys got their wish in ecstasy. The earth gained the first position, and under their leadership, the Chaos Warriors lined up in a tight queue. The horned helmets that covered the entire face, leaving only one or two small holes, spit out pale mist, like Like a hellish call, they swarmed in, and under the unstoppable pace was the determination to dedicate Wolfenburg to the God of Darkness, and the sense of mission to dedicate endless glory to the God of Darkness.

"Line up! Meet the enemy!" Viscount William roared and shouted: "Oster's bull!"

"Sturdy as a rock!" the imperial army issued the most determined cry.

What greeted the violent attack of the Chaos army was the Empire's halberd array. The Yankees' violent charge could not shake the Imperial army's strict line. It was like the sound of a storm hitting the rock, and each halberd penetrated deeply into the disgusting flesh. Or in the armor of the Chaos Warriors, the steam tank cannon roared. The engineer poured all his anger into the steam cannon so that he could remain calm and operate. A roaring cannon blasted through the plate armor of several Chaos Warriors and destroyed them. Their flesh and blood exploded into pieces that disintegrated in the air.

In the first few minutes, the two Chaos battle groups that rushed in had already lost one-fifth of their troops, but the remaining Chaos troops continued to flow in. New enemies poured into the city gate every minute and every second. Coming in, halberds and spears pierced the bodies of the Chaos Warriors. The people behind continued to advance, and the originally solid array of the Imperial Army was deformed in distortion and oppression.

The battle lines began to falter.

"For Tal and the CTM Empire!" A loud voice rushed from behind the imperial army formation! Viscount William held a two-handed sword in his hand. His body turned into a siege hammer and rushed into the array of the Chaos army. His sword body burned with green flames, which came from the wilderness. God’s power of judgment!

The armor of the Chaos Warriors shattered like pieces of paper in front of Viscount William. He was like a real warrior. No matter where he passed, all the Chaos Warriors fell one after another in front of him, no matter how vicious they were. Barbarian berserkers, whether they are heavily armored Chaos Warriors or powerful Chaos Demons, Wilhelm von Zhukov, the champion of Oster, is fearless!

"Son of Oster!" The brave man stood tall, and the first wave of incoming Chaos troops were killed and pushed back.

Viscount William roared at the wavering imperial troops: "Darkness is coming, my compatriots, sons of Oster! The time to choose has come!"

"If you fight, you may lose your life; if you run, you can still survive!"

"Make your choice, sons of Oster, are you willing to take up arms and join us, together with all the Osters, and with me, William, let us tell these bastards of Chaos that you can kill us, you You can take away our lives, you can destroy our cities and villages, but we will always resist you!" Viscount William raised his sword with both hands, and his voice echoed in the deep night sky and countless torches. : "Chaos can never take away our freedom!"

"Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!!!" The Osters have guarded the northern frontier for the empire for three thousand years, but the blood in the hearts of these men has never cooled down.

Three thousand years.

"The Bull Flag will always stand on this land!"

"Indigo Raiders! Advance!"

"For freedom! For the empire!"

"For the Empire!!!" The barbarian warriors with blue paint on their faces collided with the Chaos Warriors, and a new round of killing began.

The melodious sound of Oster's bagpipe floated far, far away, so far that even Motkin, the Eternal God of Chaos who was sitting in the camp outside the city, heard it.

Tragic and desolate.

A drop of ice-blue tears gently flowed from the corner of Mortkin's eyes, and he clutched his Hellfire Sword tightly.

They are all good guys, pure men, men of quality.

Why do we kill each other? Don’t we live under the same sky?

It's time to end. Everything will end here. This is the retribution the southerners deserve.

Mortkin stood up and took his weapon.

Kaghank was defeated, what a loser.

It's my turn to end this.

At the same time, both Araloth and Agrim Iron Fist were seriously injured. Araloth was the most seriously injured. His knee that was trampled to pieces by the Great Demon of Khorne could not be completely healed even by the berry wine of the Fountain of Life. Healed, he was now a cripple and both weapons were damaged. The Gray Coats immediately abandoned their original position and rushed to support their leader and cover Aralos' retreat.

The Butcher King's injuries were less serious. He summoned his butchers. The Ax of Grimnir battle group had already suffered more than half of its casualties. The Butcher King was planning to summon an army to support the Ubus Gate. A Nurgle Champion, Borser The Var-Plagueborn have led their own warband of Nurgle to defeat an army of Dervishes that attempted to resist them.

The last dervish fell and was torn into pieces. In the middle of the street, a terrifying manticore fought with the Nurgle champion. Two creatures of the same size had fought for several times. Both sides were scarred. The manticore The lion's claws tore through the Nurgle Champion's armor and almost injured his spine, but the Nurgle Champion felt no pain at all. He swung his scythe and cut off the manticore's wings. The manticore shivered. , but Bethava, the Son of the Plague, laughed loudly. He stepped on a dead ascetic, broke off his arm and the hand that was still holding the flail until his death, swung the flail, and hit the scorpion's tail directly. Lion's head.

The flail smashed the manticore's head, and some kind of protection was shattered. The manticore shrunk and collapsed at an extremely fast speed until it turned into a greasy and dirty amber mage. Opening his mouth weakly, the Nurgle Champion stretched out his hand to hold his face, pulled his head and his entire spine out of his body, and then stuck out his tongue covered with abscesses. Licking the warm minced meat that was still dripping blood from the bones: "I declare that Boseva has won."

All the Imperial soldiers in the nearby neighborhoods were dead, and no one could stop the Nurgle Champion and his warband from advancing behind the gate defenders until a hail of arrows pierced the Nurgle Champion's rotting and oozing body. Belly with exposed intestines.

"We are still here." Aralos limped and put down the big bow in his hand.

"Humanity is finished, elf boy, now it's our turn!" The Butcher King tightened his grip on Dago's Ax.

A new battle begins on the streets!

The battlefield on the flanks bought time for the battle at the city gate and protected Viscount William from being attacked from both sides. However, as wave after wave of endless Chaos troops entered the city, the imperial army continued to retreat, and the steam tank prototype was unyielding. The horns opened fire one after another, and rows of Chaos Warriors were blown to pieces, but as soon as one Yankee fell, seven or eight more followed.

The steam boiler was overloaded and was in danger of exploding at any time. The halberd array was penetrated. Rows of imperial soldiers were stacked like hills. The originally tight line was now in pieces. Even the Indigo Assault led by Viscount William himself The warriors had already suffered heavy losses. They had repelled waves of Chaos attacks, but each confrontation reduced the number of these respectable warriors.

The Indigo Raider's shield was chopped into pieces by the Chaos Warrior's two-handed axe. He was hit in the face by the Chaos Warrior's elbow, breaking his nose bone, and then the battle ax sliced ​​off half of his head.

Oster led the musketeers to shoot down a Chaos Warrior. Two barbarian berserkers jumped out and slashed at his body with four battle axes. Bloody lights appeared one after another until he could no longer get up.

Viscount William was still fighting, and he was still fighting hard. There were fewer and fewer soldiers around him, from a legion, to a battalion, to a company. The encirclement network of the Chaos army surrounded them, and the shields were covered by giants. Axes chopped into pieces, heavy swords pierced breastplates, the Osters fought back against Chaos with their lives until they were completely surrounded.

The dragon's roar resounded through the sky, and the Chaos Dragon Strescu-The Great descended on the battlefield. It sprayed black-red dragon breath at the steam tank. The Indomitable launched a resolute counterattack at the Chaos Dragon. The steam cannon blasted away the dragon scales on the Chaos Demonic Dragon's body, blasting a gap.

However, the steam tank is already in trouble. The excessive temperature puts the prototype on the verge of explosion at any time. The number of great swordsmen guarding it is now less than thirty. Each of them is exhausted. Hundreds of Chaos Warriors and Barbarians Warriors surrounded it, and various weapons were already tapping the armor on its surface, making clanging sounds.

The Chaos Demon Dragon was furious and its perfect dragon scales were blown open. It swung its tail and swept it to the surface of the steam tank. The Indomitable was tilted to the side by this sweep, and the demon dragon's tail blow caused the wheels to slide. Temporarily lifted off the ground, the engineers were dizzy from the impact, but they also believed that the tank would soon return to its original position.

He was wrong, very wrong, and at that moment, the Chaos Warlock Manninggood-the Cockroach Bully rushed over, and this guy crazily and mischievously stuffed his body directly into the bottom of the steam tank!

"Kurgan rises to the dragon!"

The heavy tank crushed the Chaos Warlock's body and exploded the tumor on his back. Large amounts of hot, corrupted bile splashed onto the steam boiler!

The temperature exceeds the threshold!

The Indomitable, one of the first generation steam tank prototypes, had a big explosion on the spot, and the steam tank fell apart in the explosion! Debris of steel and machinery flew into the sky, and all the engineers in the tank were killed on the spot. The swordsmen, musketeers, and Chaos troops gathered near the tank were all killed or injured in the explosion!

Viscount William was also blown away. He was knocked unconscious and fell not far away.

The resistance gradually disappeared, and without the help of the tanks, the blood of the imperial soldiers stained the streets near the city gate red.

One by one, the Imperial soldiers were pinned to the ground, and the Chaos Warriors stabbed their chests with swords in both hands.

The blood of the Osters dyed this land red, a place for which they had sacrificed everything.

A head flew past Viscount William's eyes. It was the head of the last Indigo Raider. The head scraped against the ground and rolled far, far away. It was inconspicuous among the mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood, and disappeared. At the end of sight.

The three-thousand-year history of this legendary force also comes to an end today.

Beneath the burning walls of Ursus, the Indigo Raiders were wiped out.

Of all the imperial defenders in this section of the defense area, only one remains.

Viscount William clenched his sword in both hands and tried to stand up. Now he was fighting alone. After cutting down two Chaos Warriors again, the Chaos Champion appeared from behind and gave Viscount William a fatal blow. The Chaos Heavy Sword slashed him from behind. He opened his plate armor and chopped him to the ground.

Viscount William gasped for air. When he stretched out his hand to try to grasp the hilt of the sword, a heavy iron boot stepped on his chest. Chaos Champion Swinger, the Son of the Sword, spoke condescendingly to him: "You still have to repent now. If you have time, kiss the Holy Emblem of the True God, and you will be saved..."

"Zheng~" The two-handed sword moved upward from diagonally at an incredible angle, accurately penetrating the head of Swinger, the Son of the Sword.

The Chaos Champion slowly fell to the ground, but Viscount William could no longer stand up. He was surrounded by hundreds of Chaos Warriors, as well as the Chaos God's Chosen Warriors and Chaos Champions who later joined.

The last survivor was surrounded, and a Chaos Greatsword pierced his breastplate and plunged deep into his heart.

Viscount William smiled and said the last words of his life.


The sword rose high into the sky, turned around a few times, and then fell to the ground. The blade of the sword pierced the ground. On both sides of the sword, countless iron boots of the Chaos army trampled past.

So brave and tenacious, the Oster people still cannot avoid the fate of destruction.

Gradually, the defenders were defeated, fell, and were slaughtered. The resistance became weaker and weaker, until the bull flag was thrown into the mud and trampled on, and the eight-pointed star flag of chaos was erected throughout the city.

The long night is coming to an end, and the morning light is dim.

Araloth and Agrim struggled to fight off the fifth Chaos warband that climbed over the city wall. Both of them were extremely exhausted. The Graycoats and the Ax of Grimnir combined together only had less than 100 soldiers left. Fifty people.

What is even more despairing is that news of defeat is everywhere.

"The gate of Yubusi is lost!"

"The gates of Walfara have been lost!"

"The gates of Leinster are lost!"

"The city has fallen!"

"The enemy is coming!"

"Retreat! Retreat! Everyone, all retreat to Bull Castle! Retreat!!!"

The city of Wolfenburg has been lost. The Chaos armies poured into the city from three directions. All the buildings were set on fire, all the living people were killed, and everything was reduced to ashes.

Oleg von Zhukov led the Bull Riders to rush back and forth in the ruins of the city. The Bull Riders fully supported Oleg's rescue attempt. The Oster Black Guards followed closely behind the Bull Riders. They were trying to save as many soldiers as possible in preparation for the upcoming defense of Bull Fort.

However, a Chaos Lord riding a Chaos Steel Bull stopped in front of him. Behind him were his personal guards, the Crimson Reaper Legion.

"Oleg von Zhukov! Finally." Motkin looked at the young baron. He had crossed half the world. The power given to him by Tzeentch told him that the person in front of him was Oleg von Zhukov. Zhukov.

The black iron battle ax was swung down, and the broken limbs of a dozen black guards flew into the sky.

Motkin could faintly hear the sound of powerful horns coming from the south, and it seemed that human reinforcements had arrived.

But none of that matters anymore.

At least now, he can finally stop chasing fate.

"Come and fight! My enemy!"

"Motkin! You will pay for what you have done!" Oleg soon realized everything, and the Baron roared like crazy: "I will kill you and pay homage to all my dead compatriots!"

Just like that, before the Bull Castle, the two armies collided.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

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