The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 989, Harvest after the War

"This is the bear that my father asked me to bring back from the Far East. It is said that in the Far East, they are called iron-eating beasts." Russ walked from the side, and the Space Wolf Primarch said to Ryan: "Father said that this kind of creature It has a history of more than eight million years, and it has become extinct in Holy Terra. This makes my father deeply regretful. It still exists in this world. My father specially ordered me to go to the Far East to get two ends to see how to send them back to Terra."

"Father likes pandas very much?" Ryan crossed his arms. Seeing the panda here, the King of Knights felt a long-lost warmth in his heart: "Does he plan to change the imperial double-headed eagle pattern to this panda pattern in the future? Hmm. ? From now on, the Imperial Army’s helmet will be a panda head, and the double-headed eagle on Fulgrim’s chest will also be changed to a panda face.”

"What qualifications do you have to care about my father's decision? Just do your part." Ruth mocked Ryan: "Don't think you can decide anything."

Ryan glanced at him sideways and pretended not to hear.

Russ was asking for trouble, and was about to get angry when he remembered that the emperor had cursed him in his dream. His anger was a little deflated, so he had to continue: "In the Far East, this creature is regarded as a divine beast. Its lifespan is Generally it can reach more than six hundred years, and there are also those that last for thousands of years. This kind of creature is very intelligent, and even though these rolling things are so cute, when I found these two guys on the high mountains of the Far East, you knew they were there. What for?"

"What are you doing?" Ryan asked casually.

"They were eating the body of a Chimera together." Russ said helplessly: "It even spit fireballs at me!"

"Then how did you get them to follow you?"

"Iron-eating beasts are widely worshiped by Cathay and Mudeng people. They are considered to be a symbol of strength and longevity. At the same time, these giant bears rarely hurt people, but they especially like to hunt evil beasts. They are particularly sensitive and hostile to the aura of chaos. They are born with Being able to distinguish between good intentions and bad intentions, over time, humans like these giant bears and protect the mountains and forests and often pay tribute with food. The iron-eating beasts have also become familiar with humans. They know that humans like them and will provide them with delicious food." Russ said helplessly. Said: "After I showed that I was strong and could provide enough food, two young guys in their group were willing to leave with me."

"But... shouldn't pandas like to eat bamboo?" Ryan said confused.

"Bamboo? Are you kidding?" Ruth yelled dissatisfied: "Iron-eating beasts especially like honey and fresh milk, and then meat and various sweet fruits. They will only eat some plants when they are forced to do so."

"Ah! That's right!" Ryan patted his head, and the King of Knights knew that he had taken it for granted.

Bears are omnivores! The ancestors of pandas have always eaten meat. In previous lives, pandas eventually evolved into eating bamboo because these guys were lazy, inactive, and not good at hunting and obtaining meat. But even in previous lives, pandas would definitely eat meat if they had the opportunity. They will not let go, and they especially like to eat bamboo rats - a large rat that eats bamboo roots.

In addition to bamboo rats, pandas also eat all kinds of meat. In this world, pandas have mutated due to the wind of chaos. They are huge, standing two or three meters tall, long-lived, full of strength, and can breathe fire. There is no reason for this. Let’s eat bamboo again.

Empiricism kills people.

"Look! This is my favorite direwolf! I found it from the Kurgan Steppe!" Russ then showed off his wolf: "I like this female wolf the best. Look at her hair. The ground is beautiful. Except for the outer gray fur, there are silver fur along the neck and belly. I named her Texas. This is my biggest gain in the Far East!"

"Okay, okay~ Texas is Texas, I still have silver ash, morning dew and sky fire!" Ryan didn't want to hear this, he said to Ruth: "I'll go take a look at the capture after this battle. You didn’t say you wanted to compensate me for my losses, so get ready!”

"Okay, when you're done over there, come find me in the mine of the dwarf refuge. Everything is there." Russ was very unhappy when he saw that Ryan was not interested. He thought to himself, if you don't listen to me, I'll turn around. Talk to Vulcan.

"Where are Davout, Raymond, and Bertrand?" Ryan noticed Davout and Raymond who were watching the fun, and the King of Knights asked.

"The commander-in-chief is having a meeting in the Bull Castle, and the Duke of Laune and Her Majesty Morgiana are also there." Davout replied. He wanted to continue looking at the pandas a little reluctantly. The deputy commander-in-chief of the old Guards held a A chicken leg.

"Okay, you two call a few people to follow me." Ryan smiled and said, "Just give it the chicken legs."

Both Davou and Raymond saluted to show their understanding. Davou approached cautiously and handed the chicken leg to the panda. The panda smelled it, stretched out his mouth to take it, and rubbed Davou's head with his bear paw to show his appreciation. He bit the chicken leg into pieces and swallowed the meat and bones.

So delicious!

Five minutes later, the door of the Bull Castle's internal conference hall was pushed open heavily.

A row of twenty Old Guardsmen followed Ryan into the hall.

Attending the meeting were Elector Varmir, Elector Boris, Marshal Reik Heilberg, Butcher King Agrim-Ironfist, Lake God Witch Morgiana, Kingdom Regent Raun and Old Guard Commander Bet Lang.

Everyone is discussing two issues. The first is how to continue to march next. You must know that the war is not completely over yet. It is foreseeable that the Chaos army will inevitably fall into civil strife and defeat without the commander of the Eternal God's Chosen. , but there are still many battles to be fought to wipe out all the Chaos armies or drive them out of the empire.

The second question is, how should the seizures from this war be distributed?

"In total, we seized a total of 83,000 gold ducats and more than 156,000 silver dengas (Kislev currency) from the Chaos Army camp, as well as about twelve large boxes of various gems. and precious metals, as well as more than 10,000 pieces of imperial currency. After discussion, we plan to distribute this money like this." Elector Boris said to the crowd, as the three most authoritative and powerful electors in the empire One, Boris is the representative of the northern nobles of the empire. If Emilia doesn't come, he can speak on behalf of the empire.

"Yeah, you say." Ryan nodded slightly. The Chaos army carried a large amount of captured currency, precious metals, and gems with them.

"Osterland made the greatest sacrifice in this war. According to rough statistics, about 65% of the adult males in the province died in this invasion. If it weren't for them, the Chaos army might have already broken into the core of the empire. ." Boris said to Ryan and others: "Therefore, 30% of the loot should be distributed to the Oster Territory to use it to care for the dead, treat the injured and rebuild homes. Do you have any objections?"

"No objection." Everyone nodded. Osterland had sacrificed the most and suffered the most losses in this war.

"Then there are Nordland and Ostmark Territory. These two provinces also made great sacrifices in resisting the Chaos army. Bekafen resisted the Nurgle Army and the Tzeentch Army for us. The Nord army resisted The Chaos army that captured the Brass Fortress also worked hard to ensure that the Norscan dragon ship fleet did not enter the hinterland of the empire, so we will distribute 20% of the loot to them." Boris continued.

Then as an ally of the empire, Britannia first rushed to the aid of Erengrad, helped Erengrad to relieve the siege, and launched the "Operation Bagration" with Kislev's army to defeat the Norse Mountain Army. He also killed Aisling, the High King of Norsca, on the spot, which was a great achievement.

Immediately afterwards, Ryan personally led the knightly army to support the empire. From the Battle of the Swamp of Pain, the Battle of the Three Kings, the Battle of Herzig to the Battle of Wolfen, the knightly army continued to complete epic and glorious victories. In order to thank Bu With the help of the Retanians, they will also distribute 30% of the loot.

The final 20% will be allocated by the reinforcements from the Midden Territory, the Hawk Territory and the southern part of the Empire. It also includes a small portion of more than 3,000 gold coins that will be returned to the Empress Katalin as a token of appreciation for the Empire and Britta. The people of Niya have the spirit of picking up gold.

A rough calculation shows that Ryan's side will receive about 25,000 Kislev gold ducats and 46,000 silver tenga, plus 3 large boxes of treasure and some precious metals. After conversion, the total value of wealth is about 36,000 gold crowns.

This allocation amount is actually a bit low for the Kingdom of Knights. Under the leadership of Ryan this time, Britannia can be said to have all the elites in the country. Only Francois's department has not yet participated in the battle, and the King of Knights is even more powerful. Coming to the front line in person, 30% is really not much.

However, the character of the Kingdom of Knights is a chivalrous character. In addition, the mutual aid alliance with the empire, military pay, and logistics are all provided by the empire. Ryan is embarrassed to ask for too much, which is commonly known as "the food should not be too ugly", and then think about it. The subsequent layout and this time the northern part of the empire had indeed suffered heavy losses. Making a fortune from dead people and losing money was really harmful to the reputation. Ryan also nodded and agreed to this distribution plan.

Even if there is no profit, it is not a big loss. Everyone can accept it. After seeing Ryan agree, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Boris. Of course Boris knows that this distribution plan is slightly biased towards the empire, but what do you want him to do? Are you an Imperial? Do you speak for the empire?

Morgiana's slender golden eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but seeing that Ryan agreed, she didn't know what to say. Lawn, for the sake of the overall situation, was unwilling to argue with the Empire at this time, and he also felt that he had to make appropriate concessions. Some, it will not be good for Britannia if the northern part of the empire is smashed and destroyed.

Emilia hadn't arrived yet, and the army still needed to rest and recuperate, and the refugees needed to be resettled, so everyone quickly dispersed. There were still things to deal with on Lawn's side, and the list of the wounded and fallen soldiers hadn't been released yet.

Ryan motioned to Bertrand and Morgiana to follow him.

Coming out of the Bull Castle, the old Guards commander Bertrand whispered to Ryan: "Your Majesty, what are your plans next?"

"How to plan?" Ryan immediately realized something: "Does the empire have any plans?"

"Well." Bertrand thought for a moment and then said: "Although it was not stated clearly, the empire seems to have planned to divide its forces to attack. It is said that Boris plans to go north to support the empire, and Marshal Rick Heilberg wants to go east to support Ostermark.”

"Normally, there are 100,000 reinforcements arriving from the south of the empire. It is impossible for 100,000 people to squat in one place. This is a huge waste of combat power." Ryan nodded slowly, and the King of Knights began to think about the entire battle situation.

Now that the Chaos army has become useless, most of them are stragglers. This is an opportunity to beat the lost dog, and it is also an opportunity to make a lot of military exploits. It is normal for the empire to plan this way.

Morgiana was holding the potion Holy Grail. The Lake God Witch was a little dissatisfied with the empire for doing this. She continued: "It seems that the empire has no energy to help Kislev restore his country, and Emperor Karl-Franz should have done so before leaving. I told Heilberg to end the war as soon as possible."

"The empire is also under a lot of logistical pressure." Ryan nodded helplessly. Hundreds of thousands of troops are eating horses and horses every day. The Osterland has completely lost its ability to be self-sufficient. All resources are waiting for the supply from the south of the empire. , Emperor Kaiser was under great pressure to allocate supplies from behind. It is understandable that he hoped the war would end as soon as possible: "Bertrand, what do you think?"

"It seems to me that it is the same. In the previous meeting, Marshal Rick and Elector Boris have been discussing how to recover the territory in the occupied area of ​​​​Osterland and be wary of enemy movements in the direction of the Brass Fortress in the Central Mountains, but they did not mention it. What to do with Kislev?" Bertrand thought carefully, his two long beards swaying from side to side: "But I'm not sure, Kislev is the barrier to the northern part of the empire. If this continues, then the north will be affected in the future. Once there is any change among the barbarians, Osterland and Ostermark will be the first to bear the brunt.”

"Is there any news about the Erengrad army led by Marshal Rokossovsky and the army led by Francois?" Ryan didn't think about this question for too long, and the Knight King continued to ask.

"Some changes occurred in the Erengrad army, and the army mutinied. We will talk about this later. As for Francois's army of about 15,000 people, it is now close to Talabheim." Morgiana summarized the current situation. Information, the Lake God Witch then said: "Also, Ryan, where are you taking us?"

The group headed towards the path behind Bull Castle and entered the Central Mountains. This was once the home of the dwarves, as well as the mines and shelters of the dwarves. When Motkin besieged Wolfenburg, all the old, weak, women and children were in the cave. There were people taking refuge inside, and people were everywhere. Even though many people had been evacuated, refugees were still everywhere. Most of them were crowded together, using body heat to keep each other warm. The serious shortage of food rations made many people hungry. Skinny as a stick, when they saw Ryan, Morgiana, and the famous Old Guards in the old world, many people had a light of hope in their eyes, but no one dared to step forward.

"I'm going to take you to something better." Ryan looked up at the stalactite pillars and huge underground lake in the cave, and the King of Knights identified the direction.

"Here! Ryan, here!" Russ's voice sounded from the exit of a mine.

Inside the hidden mine, there are dozens of large boxes on the ground.

A dazzling golden light shot out from the gap in the box, and everyone's eyes lit up. Ryan took a few steps quickly and opened the box directly!

Wow! Golden legend!

There is a mountain of gold coins piled inside the big box!

This kind of gold coin is golden yellow in color and is in the shape of a long oval. It has the pattern of mountain peaks and cavalry imprinted on it, and the surface of the gold coin has a faint red color. At a glance, you can tell that it is gold of high quality. Ryan picked up one and found that There are chrysanthemums and four diamond patterns printed on the side: "This is? Ni Peng's gold coin?!"

"That's right, high-quality gold with a hint of red on it, stamped with chrysanthemum patterns and four rhombus patterns, and the other side has mountain peaks and cavalry patterns. This is the most famous Koshu gold in the Far East." Leman Russ laughed. He looked very proud: "There are more than 8,000 pieces of Koshu gold here! This kind of gold coin can be exchanged for about 120,000 imperial gold marks in the old world! How about it, brother, I said I will compensate you for your losses!"

"Oh oh oh! Brother, you seem to have gained a lot from this trip to the Far East!" Ryan's eyes suddenly lit up. The King of Knights opened ten big boxes in a row, all of which were filled with the famous Mud Peng Koshu Gold!

More than 8,000 gold coins! Even the eyes of Morgiana, Bertrand, Raymond and others standing aside were filled with golden light!

"It's not over yet!" Leman Russ then opened the remaining boxes one by one.

Glittering gold and shining silver!

Even Morgiana, who had seen the most gold and silver, felt like she was suffocating.

Next, there are eight large boxes of gold ingots and thirty-four large boxes of silver!

"There are more than 1,100 gold ingots here, a total of 17,000 taels of gold! There are also more than 64,800 taels of silver ingots!" Leman Russ opened all the boxes, revealing the Space Wolf gene source. He said proudly: "How about it? Brother, do the math for yourself. Is the money enough to compensate you for your losses?"

"Enough, enough~" Ryan couldn't help being ecstatic when he saw so much money. The corners of his mouth grinned to his ears. The King of Knights reached out and took out a few gold ingots and rubbed them gently. He saw that they were of different colors, but they were all It was stamped with the official seal of the Wu Dynasty of Sinian. Ryan identified it carefully. It was printed with "Guangyuan Tongbao", "Yonglong Tongbao" and "Hongxu Tongbao" respectively. Some of the small handwriting was a little blurry: "Brother, Where did you get so much gold and silver?”

"Ah? Me, I robbed two military convoys from Cathay to the Western Region Protectorate." Leman Russ said casually: "There are also several large merchant treasury and vassal treasury on the nine sides of Cathay, who specialize in picking up money. If you start more, there will be so much if you put them all together.”

Ryan: "…………"

This money is a bit hot, so it would be better to refinance it as soon as possible when you go back.

The King of Knights suddenly felt that he could forgive Russ for his previous rudeness and misjudgment. After all, we are brothers. How can there be an overnight feud?

After all, what he gave... was too much.

Now that my father has intervened, we are still good brothers~

Without hesitation, Ryan accepted the large sum of money.

On this day, good news came from the Brittanian army! Knight King Ryan generously announced that in order to thank the soldiers for fighting hard in a foreign land and carrying forward the virtues of chivalry, the Kingdom of Knights received a total of about 25,000 Kislev gold ducats and about 46,000 ducats from the spoils shared by the empire. Silver Dengga, the benevolent King of Knights spared none, and gave them all away! There’s a reward for everyone!

Nothing can win the hearts of subordinates more than generous rewards. Suddenly, every soldier in the Brittanian army received a generous reward, and everyone couldn't help but shout long live the mountain.

"Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King!"

"Long live His Majesty Ryan! Long live Madam!"

"Long live Brittania!"

Long live the vote! Long live full booking! Long live the reward! For the sake of Ryan's generosity, everyone should also be generous. It's the last day!

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