The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1012: Princes, generals, and ministers are wise

Of course Ryan doesn't know what happened in the cabin, and he doesn't want to know, because now he just wants to sneak out and avoid the Shura Field. He doesn't want to be involved, and he doesn't want to be the referee.

This is not to say that Ryan is a scumbag, but the relationship between the Lake Fairy and the Lake Witch is a master-servant relationship. Basically all the power of the Lake Witch comes from the gift of the Lake Fairy. Lilith has control over Morgiana. The natural correctness and legality, and because of this relationship and the previous turkey dinner agreement, Ryan felt that the Lake Fairy and the Lake Witch would not really take action, and at most it would just be some verbal disputes.

The deck of the passenger ship is not very spacious, and there are not many people on it. Several Red Navy sailors who are familiar with the route are adjusting the sails. The captain is an experienced Poseidon knight. Ryan greeted them and learned that he wanted to reach Dudu. It will take at least a week to get to Dragon City, and this is even if the dwarves of Dulong City provide very detailed navigation charts and compasses.

Later, Ryan noticed that Belegar's eldest son, Thor Green Hammer, and his good friend Runesmith Master Slud, the son of Honest, Jed Honest, were carrying two mustache dwarves behind one another. A dwarf firecracker, holding a telescope and looking at the scenery on the ocean.

"Oh, it's His Majesty Lane~" Little Sol Green looked at the sea and coast with a large number of ice floes in the distance with a telescope: "Look at Your Majesty Lane, there is a Minotaur sleeping on the shore there."

"Minotaur biss, I am the pure love god of war, where is it?" Ryan also took out a monocular telescope, and he soon saw a large minotaur eating and drinking on the beach on the coastline, leaning against a huge rock. Sleep on it.

"There, there!" Little Thorgreen took out the bullets and stuffed them into his long-barreled musket. He aimed at it for a while and then put it down: "No, it's too far. Grimnir is here, my musket." It can’t hit that far.”

"Let me try." Ryan put down the monocular, and the King of Knights began to gather his psychic power.

Well, that’s a bit weak! Ryan suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in his body, and a feeling of emptiness spread throughout his body. The Gray Knight Primarch thought that this was probably what the Emperor felt after sitting on the Golden Throne for a long time.

It took a lot of time for Ryan to condense a silver spear that was completely silver-white.

"Go!" The spear turned into a silver meteor and galloped along the sea plain. It gradually divided into eight psychic light spears in the air and attacked directly at eight places on the Minotaur's body. Under the lightning of psychic light, In the whirlpool, the tauren was penetrated by the psychic light spear, screamed and died in his sleep.

"Ah ha, His Majesty Ryan still shoots so accurately." Little Sol Green and Jed clapped their hands excitedly. Although these two mustaches are about the same age as Ryan (actually a few years older), they are very fond of Ryan. There is a kind of instinctive worship and awe.

Dwarves are generally not so stubborn when they are young. These mustaches are willing to accept new things and have an attitude of being interested in everything. They are often pioneers who dare to try new ideas and develop new technologies. However, the Dwarf Rune Craftsmen Association The Dwarf Engineers Association is often controlled by a large group of old dwarves with white beards. Those old dwarves with white beards are stubborn, conservative, and hate flexibility and progress. Generally speaking, all kinds of whimsical ideas and technological innovations of mustachioed engineers will be blocked. Of course technological innovation and new thinking are dangerous and explosive, but more often than not, dwarves resist change.

There are only two reasons for the technological progress and innovation of the dwarves. The first is the needs of the dwarves. This need may be due to military needs due to huge external pressure, it may be the administrative order of the dwarf king or even the high king, or it may be economic development. and the need for territorial expansion.

The second reason is that the news about the powerful technologies and technologies developed by the human kingdom or the elves often reaches the dwarves. The old white-bearded dwarves cannot bear the humiliation and will immediately start trying to break through and transcend until It proves that dwarf technology is the best technology so far.

Basically, nothing happens to the mustaches. They are always suppressed by the name of protection, or protected by the name of suppression.

But little Thorgreen is different. This little beard has followed Belegar everywhere. He has seen, walked, and seen things that other white-bearded dwarves may have never seen in their lives. His rich experience has made the little Thor Greene different. Thor Green, just like the High King Old Thor Green - the Grudge Bearer, had traveled to the old world and had a deeper understanding and knowledge of the current situation of the dwarves and the old world.

Belega should also have considered this and simply let his son follow Ryan. On the one hand, he would exercise and gain experience, and on the other hand, it would be safer.

"Your Majesty Ryan, how could you ever think of negotiating with the dwarves of Dulong City?" Little Thorgreen put the gun back behind his back, with some uncertainty in his tone: "To be honest, these dwarves may not be so easy to communicate with. , you have to be prepared to be tested by them."

"Test?" Ryan became interested: "Little Sol Green, speaking of which, how much do you know about Dulong City?"

"Dulong City dwarves?" Little Thor Green thought for a while and said hesitantly: "I think you have heard about the whole thing from His Majesty the Supreme King and his father. Well... I can say that, at that time, the Supreme King The king invited this group of dwarves to return to the old world. The reason why the dwarves of Dulong City refused was not only for economic reasons, that is, the rich mineral veins in the Norsca Mountains, but also made a request by the Great Lord Torgard-The Crimson One."

"What's the request?" Ryan became interested.

"One north and one south, one great king and one supreme king." Little Thorgrim sighed: "How can this be negotiated? Lord Torgard only agreed to give in on seniority and call Thorgrim the Supreme King. An 'uncle'."

"Pfft~" Ryan almost spat out.

Indeed, according to this condition, the two sides can achieve great success.

The origin of the dwarves in Dulong City has been mentioned before, so I won’t repeat it here. I only emphasize one point here, that is, most of the dwarves in Dulong City originally followed the three main dwarf gods, Granny and Grimm. Nir and Valaya once went on an expedition to the Chaos Wasteland together to try to close the Chaos Portal. After finding rich mineral veins in Norsca, many dwarf expedition members chose to stay and build their homes here. After that, the Chaos War During the invasion, due to Granny's timely dispatch of a messenger, the dwarves of Dulong City made enough preparations in advance to survive. They did not experience the Battle of Changsu and the subsequent catastrophic period, thus ensuring that their national strength and numbers were not destroyed. blow.

However, as little Thor Green said, the dwarves of Dulong City have been accustomed to independence for thousands of years. In their hearts, they do not want to return to the system of Karak-Angar (the mountain kingdom of the dwarves). Then It means that they are under the control of the High King.

Who wants to be disciplined by multiple superiors for no reason?

Moreover, the dwarves of Dulong City cannot deny the legitimacy of the Supreme King. Needless to say how strong the legitimacy of Eternal Peak is? The first High King was Snorri Whitebeard, the eldest son of the dwarf god Granni and Varaya. Each subsequent generation of High King inherited the throne strictly according to the nearest direct bloodline, with maximum legitimacy.

What's even worse is that dwarves are different from humans and elves, let alone the eternal dark elves and wood elves of the dynasty. Even the most powerful high elves and empires, including the Phoenix King, have a humble background, and so do the emperors of the empire. The savior country bumpkin who came out of the countryside of Nuer, even the kingdom of knights that pays the highest attention to blood and legitimacy, has kings with minor nobles such as Rose Knight Taylor and Sledgehammer Knight Ryan.

But dwarves do not. For dwarves, princes, generals and ministers are really talented. This is not a joke. Dwarves are a race that is stubborn and conservative to the point of being abnormal. In the dictionary of dwarves, nepotism, nepotism, Not only is class solidification not a derogatory term, but it is also a complimentary term. For example, if Ryan explains to Sol Green Jr. why he is part of the Zhao family and why he is a surging back wave, Sol Green Jr. will not only not find it ironic, but will probably feel proud of it. The content with myself is very high.

However, this world is so helpless, because the division of dwarves is actually reasonable. To give the simplest example, all dwarf rune craftsmen must have the blood of Granny, otherwise they will not be able to master the power of runes. Therefore, the runes The Literary Craftsmen Association is not so much an organization as it is a clan alliance.

Therefore, class conflicts among dwarves also exist. Otherwise, there would not be so many dwarf immigrants immigrating to the empire and all over the world. Otherwise, the great engineer Jerrick Grimm from Haimen Pass under Fulgrim would not I chose to go to the new world and start a new one. It just means that the dwarves are in a difficult situation now and there are enemies everywhere, so this is just a secondary contradiction. Furthermore, the stubbornness and stubbornness of the dwarves are more similar to those of the Brittanian knights. Every When encountering difficulties and enemies, the dwarf royal family and knight lords always charge forward personally, and the civilians have nothing to say about this.

If you were to enjoy a high status and various rights in normal times, but in the event of a war, civilians and temporary conscripts would go up to support you, and you would hide in the fortress, it would be unreasonable.

Ryan chatted with Little Thor Green and Jade for a while, and found that they were indeed deeply influenced by the outside world, especially Little Thor Green had many new ideas in his mind. Little Thor Green also believed that, The Norscan mountains are no longer what they once were, dangerous and uncertain, and the dwarves should unite.

"Is there any new news from the Belega brothers?" Ryan and Little Sol Green chatted for a while, knowing that the dwarves they came to Dulong City would definitely encounter some tests. The Knight King was also relieved: "Speaking of which, the distance Several years have passed since the Eight Peaks Expedition.”

"It's only been a few years, what kind of news can be heard from father." Little Sol Green felt that Ryan was really in a hurry. Little Iron Hammer looked unconcerned: "In this little time, father can settle down the interior of Bafeng Mountain and restore it." The production is good, Your Majesty Lane, don't be so anxious, patience is a virtue, my father spent hundreds of years to regain the Eight Peaks Mountain."

"..." Ryan thought to himself that he had almost forgotten that dwarves have different concepts of time. Ordinary dwarves have a lifespan of three to four hundred years. As for a dwarf king like Belega in the sanctuary who lives for a thousand years, it is not a problem. For little Thor Green, He said that he had just ventured out for a while. Why was he in such a hurry to communicate in such a short time?

"But speaking of which, Your Majesty Lane, there is indeed a message from Haimen Pass." Little Sol Green took out a letter from his arms, his mustache was a little embarrassed: "It just arrived, from the Haimen Pass Dwarf Engineers Association Yes, it says that the second ironclad ship you ordered has been completed."

"Oh! Is the second ironclad ship completed?" Ryan's eyes lit up. The King of Knights looked at the ocean of Kislev Bay and fell into deep thought. The second ironclad ship will greatly enhance Britannia's maritime power. This steel monster will become a strong guarantee for the safety of the Kurona-Erengrad trade route.

What should we name this ironclad ship?

The Glorious? Richelieu? HMS Belfast?

Or the Prinz Eugen or the Hood? The Formidable seems to be pretty good too.

Otherwise, let's call him Shirakami Fubuki. Ryan thought with amusement.

Aqua can't do it, it's too stupid.

"Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, there is something else that has been delivered. I forgot to tell you." As expected, little Thor Green was still a mustache and not reliable enough. He suddenly slapped his head: "Coming from the Eternal Peak, Supreme The king specially sent a team of eternal guards to escort it. It just arrived yesterday. I thought it was unreliable to leave it in Erengrad, so I brought it to the ship. I'm sorry, Your Majesty Lane, I drank too much last night and I mentioned this matter. forget."

"Then you will be punished by doing thirty squats." Ryan said with squinting eyes: "Walaya will not forgive such a low-level mistake."

"Understood!" Little Thorgreen immediately raised his chest to show that he understood. The mustache just held his head with his hands and did squats. For dwarves, squats are really troublesome, and it is not a joke punishment.

"Where are the things?" Ryan turned to ask Jed Honesty, who was watching the show and helping to count. The son of the master rune craftsman especially likes to use various firearms and fly dwarf helicopters. It is also interesting. He seems to be more than a craftsman. Master, he wants to be an engineering master.

After talking to the two mustaches, Ryan met Otto Bagley, the big trench businessman from Brittany who had come with him. This big trench businessman turned out to be one of the top richest men in Britannia. Later, it was gradually overtaken by the Hadrian Chamber of Commerce and the Oliver Chamber of Commerce, but it was still the representative of the local merchants in Britannia. Ryan thought that after Oliver controlled the wood elf trade and Hadrian controlled the overseas trade of Lustria, , I also wanted to let the local businessmen have some soup, so I asked him to follow. Some of the details and specific distribution matters still need to be discussed by professional businessmen.

Unfortunately, this poor guy had a cold, so he could only hide in the room wrapped in a quilt and warm himself by the fire with a runny nose. Seeing him like this, it was hard for Ryan to say anything to him. He just asked him to take good care of himself. It will take another week for us to arrive alone. Dragon City.

After wandering outside for two full hours, Ryan finally returned to his room. The King of Knights held a huge box in his hands, with Granny's mark on it and the President of the Eternal Peak Dwarf Rune Craftsmen Association, Chief Rune The personal stamp of master craftsman Clark-Harsh means this is his work.

This box is more expensive than a farm estate.

Seeing Ryan coming in, the Lake Fairy, who was in high spirits, and the Lake Witch, who was holding her skirt and her face was red all over, gathered around.

"What is this, dear?" the Lake Fairy asked with interest as she watched Ryan put the big box on the ground.

"Ryan, what did you do outside? Why...why did you come back?" Morgiana didn't look strange on the surface, but her walking posture was a bit strange, and her face was very red, and she almost subconsciously held her arm. He grabbed Ryan's arm and half hid behind him, as if looking for shelter.

"This is what I ordered from the Supreme King last time. It's finally done." Ryan put down the big box and took out the key to open it.

"This is?!" A dazzling light came out from the gap in the box.

The attention of the Lake Fairy and the Lake Witch was instantly attracted by the contents of the big box.

On top of the thick satin and velvet, there were eleven short walking sticks, about 50 centimeters long and 3.5 centimeters in diameter.

These eleven canes are all made of vibranium, mithril, gold, diamonds and various gemstones. They are exquisitely crafted. The dwarf runes on the canes are sparkling. The power of the powerful runes is a gift from Eternal Peak and a symbol of friendship. At the same time, it also contains the effect of protecting and greatly strengthening the user's abilities.

Both ends of the cane are decorated with pattern reliefs, and the middle is engraved with dozens of fleur-de-lis reliefs. One end is a vibranium lion sculpture, and the other end is decorated with a king's crown in relief.

"This is the scepter of the Marshal of Britannia that I customized from the Eternal Peak." Ryan picked up a scepter, and the king couldn't help but play with it.

"After this incident is over and I return to China, I will officially confer the title of the top ten marshals of Britannia!"

"This is the marshal candidate list I envisioned. Now, Madam, Morgiana, let us go through the details?"

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