The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1021, Battle of the Primarch, Fulgrim VS Mortarion (5300 words long chapter!)

The showdown between Kabanha and Fulgrim sent out repercussions in the heavens like gods coming to the mortal world. Kabanha has destroyed countless worlds. It once personally slaughtered every mortal world and then transformed it into a demonic world. It once turned the gods' kingdoms into a sea of ​​fire, and countless local gods perished under its giant axes and long whips. It once slaughtered all the mortals who bravely and tenaciously defended their homes.

Kabanha also fought against Sanguinius. It was in the distant Great Crusade era. Kabanha was only a little bit close to killing Sanguinius in the first confrontation, but after breaking Sanguinius's life, Kabanha After Leth's leg, the great demon of Khorne was still defeated by the angel with all his strength. The second time was during the siege of Terra. This time, Sanguinius did not give Ka'banha a chance, and defeated the great demon very cleanly. The head was chopped off.

Under the command of Khorne, there is actually only one big demon who can compare with Ka'banhar, and that is Ang'jath, the guardian of the skulls, the favorite of Khorne's throne, the commander of the bloodthirsty demon, and the one who brings death. It is also the most powerful bloodthirsty demon, and there is no one. However, Ang'jath does not belong to the demon army of Khorne. It is only responsible for serving Khorne himself, so it is extremely difficult to summon, except for Ang'jath. Outside of entering, Ka'banhar is Khorne's most powerful demon.

There is no doubt that Kabanha has the power to challenge the Primarch.

However, there is a limit to all this, that is, there must be enough Chaos Wind.

Therefore, Kabanha, who came in his true form, was evenly matched with Fulgrim at the beginning. The holy duel between the two almost destroyed half of Costantiniya. This was a battle between gods, and almost no one was qualified. Participating in it, even the craziest Skaven Plague Priests, who only knew how to praise the Horned Rat for its Long Live Charge, were frightened by this level of fighting.

However, after the initial fierce battle, Kabanha's power was eventually restricted by the Maelstrom and the Great Guardian, and its power began to gradually weaken.

Fulgrim, on the other hand, attacked more and more fiercely. He held a sword in one hand and a gun in the other. Each attack of the original body was enough to smash a mountain. His fighting spirit became stronger and stronger. The long-lost battle allowed him to use his momentum to reach the level of At its peak, it was like the original man who followed the Warmaster and established endless glory during the Great Crusade returned to the world. Although he was also suppressed by the Maelstrom and the Great Guardian, Fulgrim was different from Ka'banha. After all, he had a person who could walk in the mortal world. 's body.

The strength of one side continues to grow, while the strength of the other side gradually weakens. Ka'banha knows that he will inevitably be defeated if this continues. The body of the legendary Khorne is pierced into the skin by the sharp power sword. Fulgrim is cruel and inhumane. He mercilessly swept the sword blade from Kabanha's left armpit to its chest, and hot blood spurted out from the torn flesh.

The Spear of Sotek penetrated Kabanha's right shoulder accurately, but the legendary Khorne stretched out his hand frantically to hold it. The brass battle ax swept across, leaving a deep mark on Fulgrim's purple-gold armor. At the wound, the original body groaned and increased the output power. The power of the snake god Sotigo was transformed into several bolts under Fulgrim's spiritual energy, and was injected into the demon's right shoulder.

Explode, twist, tear, corrode.

Under the snake venom, the legendary Khorne demon couldn't help but roar in pain, and dark purple blood now joined the battlefield between the two sides.

Purple gold fights against blood red, spiritual energy fights against magic light!

"Boundless sea of ​​blood!" Blood spurted out from all the limbs and bones of the Great Demon of Khorne. Its blood spread over the entire battlefield, steaming in anger and releasing in hatred. Ka'banha opened his arms: "This is the realm of the gods. !”

"Heliopolis!" Fulgen's handsome face was filled with absolute confidence, his voice was graceful, and his power was as hot as a star. As his spiritual energy was fully released, a magnificent corridor appeared. The illusion appeared in front of everyone.

This corridor is made of cold white marble, luxurious onyx is used as supporting columns, and every corner is inlaid and filled with gold. The endless glory of the Emperor's Children is displayed in front of everyone, with thousands of reliefs. And hundreds of tapestries, each one Fulgrim's masterpiece, his glory, his power, on display.

Ka'banhar was soon furious at Fulgrim's display of his glory, and the legendary Khorne immediately spread his wings and charged deeper into the corridor.

At the deepest part of the corridor is a large conference room. Under the luxurious decoration, there are charming sculptures, hanging silk purple flags, elegant mosaic patterns and other countless gorgeous furnishings. Even the legendary Khorne demon like Ka'banhar was dazzled. Fulgrim sat on the black marble throne and waited for the visitors.

With noble manners, handsome glory, elegant style, invincible self-confidence, and supreme glory, the original body of the Emperor's Son looked down at Ka'banha who rushed into the Phoenix Gate, and smiled: "Who is it, me or the kobold Khorne?" beautiful?"

Kabanha was stunned for a few seconds, and almost for a moment he almost thought that he was a lower and inferior existence.

The legendary Daemon of Khorne immediately realized what a shameful mistake he had made. It refused to answer Fulgrim's question and was so angry that it spurted brimstone fire from all over its body: "Death!!!"

"This is my domain, demon, suffer death!" Fulgrim jumped down from his seat, and the original body of the Emperor's Son turned into a phoenix fire and collided head-on with Kabanha's bloody shadow.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!"

"The Emperor's son, his father's enemy!"

The two sides passed each other, and time and space stagnated here. There was a loud roar, the mortal world and the subspace were twisted into a ball, exploding in the sky, and infinite energy fell like a meteor shower.

All the fighting stopped, and everyone was watching all this intently.

Who's winning?

Fulgrim was the first to land on the ground. The Emperor's Son Primarch was the first to land on the ground. His power sword Glory and the snake god Sotek's war spear had already drank the blood of Ka'banha. However, the Primarch's face was slightly ugly. , he stuck the war spear on the ground and reached out to cover his abdomen.

Ka'banhar's great ax and brass whip left claw-like wounds across his belly and back, and the primarch's blood spilled onto the ground.

Then fell to the ground was the legendary Daemon of Khorne, Ka'banhar laughed loudly, its battle ax and whip were full of the blood of the primarch, today was his...

The next second, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Ka'banhar let out thunderous screams and screams. It stretched out its hands to hold its neck, but blood spurted out from between its fingers like a waterfall. The legendary Khorne desperately tried to cover the wound. I want to do something more, but its power is disappearing at an extremely fast speed. When it becomes extremely weak, the suppression from the maelstrom and the great guardian becomes so powerful that the demon's skin automatically begins to burn. , its flesh and blood disintegrated in the air, and its bones disappeared with the wind, turning into wisps of fine sand.

"This is... not over yet..." Kabanha's arms lost power. It was full of regret and anger and said its last words in this coming time, and then turned into ashes in the flames.

With Ka'banhar banished, the entire host of Khorne's daemons dissipated in fire and wind.

The Primarch of the Emperor's Sons covered his wound with force. He was too eager to decide the outcome with Kabanha, which resulted in him being seriously injured. However, the battle could not be delayed any longer. The sooner the outcome was determined, the better for his people and soldiers. The more we can preserve.

"Be careful up there!" Sanguinius's voice sounded like a hurricane from within the Sunfire Amulet.

"What?" Fulgrim subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the injuries on his body affected the original body's actions. Between the lightning and flint, a huge war scythe slashed down, and the Plague Lord orange flowed on the bone frills. Yellow Blessing, the sharp war blade cut through the flesh and blood along Fulgrim's armor, leaving a huge wound with bone deep visible from the left shoulder of the Emperor's Son Primarch to his right waist.

"No! Legion Commander!" The remaining Kostantiniya defenders screamed in surprise, but they were too far away to reach them.

Fulgrim flew out with a scream, flying dozens of meters, and the original body fell into the ruins. The blood could no longer stop. The original body of the Emperor's Son struggled to look at the newly appeared Enemy: "Brother..."

Mortarion, the Primarch of the Ascendant, the Lord of the Fourteenth Legion, and the Primarch of the Death Guard, appeared in front of Fulgrim, with Fulgrim's blood still dripping from the scythe in his hand: "Hello, brother. "

"Are you finally willing to give up?" Fulgrim breathed hard as Mortarion stepped on his chest.

"I have been waiting for an opportunity, and now, let me wait." Mortarion's completely distorted face behind the respirator couldn't help but exude a happy expression: "Ha, look at your desolate and decadent face. Look, is this still the Daemon Primarch of Slaanesh that I know? I declare that I win, I will recover two Primarchs, and my old father will reward me."

"Don't even think about it!" Fulgrim tried to push away the foot that stepped on his chest, but the injury, the loss of physical strength caused by the previous full strength, and Mortarion's huge strength made him helpless.

"What are you still struggling for?" Mortarion kept spitting out mustard-colored gas with satisfaction. He was now more like a demon than a human, but at least his face still looked like a human. The original Death Guard immediately summoned The demon army of Nurgle once again stopped the army of the City of the Sun, and at the same time, the death shrouds lined up to block the remaining defenders: "Go back with me, and serve your loving father together."

"Don't even think about it!" Fulgan firmly refused: "I have already made a mistake once, and I will not make it a second time."

"Stupid!" Mortarion's face was full of hatred and anger: "I thought you could learn something from the Lord of Joy in these ten thousand years, but now it seems that you have become even more stupid. You actually returned to your father and were willing to be his slave and lackey? You are such a waste, Fulgrim, don’t you understand that he is always using us and exploiting us? Think about what he did to us. ? He was like a slave master with a collar in his hand, whipping us constantly to make us do things for him, and what else did he give us but a few hot dogs?"

“He gave us glory and faith, he gave humanity hope and a future, he gave me the chance for redemption, he left endless wealth to his empire, and to this day, the empire of humanity is still seeking in his legacy. Nutrition and strength." Fulgrim grabbed Mortarion's rotten iron boots with both hands: "I returned to him again, just to redeem and make up for the mistakes I had made. I made too many mistakes, but I still have a chance."

"You have none! You idiot!" Mortarion shouted impatiently: "What are you still insisting on? Fulgrim, my brother, just him? That trash? He took everything from me, took away me He thinks he is superior and arrogant, he is indifferent, he is ruthless, he is like a machine that only knows how to extract surplus value from us, he is arbitrary, everything is stipulated, and we are just in his hands The wrench!"

After saying that, Mortarion opened his arms, and his bodyguard Deathshroud blocked the attack of the Phoenix Guards and isolated the reinforcements. Of course, the Deathshroud should have crushed Fulgrim's bodyguards, but after crossing the giant Asia After the space storm, the combat effectiveness of the Death Shrouds was greatly weakened. Coupled with the laws of physics, the maelstrom, and the value of the Great Guardian, the Death Shrouds could only temporarily repel the Phoenix Guards.

"You are willing to fall." Fulgan suddenly sneered: "Look at what you look like. You are like a person who didn't get any candy. While crying that your father is unfair, you keep emphasizing how hard you work and how hard you work. Secretly thinking A kid who wants attention? You are such a piece of trash. You follow anyone who gives you candy! And a wrench? You are just a wild dog that goes around begging for food!"

"Enough!" Fulgrim's words really angered Mortarion. The demonic primarch chuckled and sneered to cover up his anger: "You have been brainwashed. You know nothing about that cold and cruel father. He has taken advantage of all of us on our path to godhood, and you have all lost the ability to think for yourself."

The Demon Primarch raised his chest and said triumphantly: "But I am different. My loving father told me the nature of subspace, birth, reproduction, decay, death. How beautiful, how glorious, what a vibrant world. I am democratic. Fighter, I am the people's choice. The dictatorial tyrant will be overthrown, and I will spread the glory of freedom and democracy in the universe. I fight for the people of the whole universe. My plague star will become a beacon of freedom and democracy. !”

"Forget it, I originally wanted to take you away directly, but now I don't think it's necessary." Mortarion raised the alien pistol in his hand - the lamp, and put it on Fulgrim's head: "You You don’t need this body, brother, your loving father will give you and Sanguinius a better one, don’t worry, it will be over in one go.”

"Really?" A sinister smile suddenly appeared on Fulgan's face: "I can bet you that there are no bullets in your gun!"

"What?" Mortarion was startled. He pressed the trigger suddenly, and the light suddenly only emitted a puff of smoke and did not fire!

The physical laws of this world are different and the light cannot be used!

Fulgrim struck back and stabbed Mortarion's chin directly from the side with Sotek's spear. The demon primarch panicked and immediately used the Plague Scythe to block, but he let go and Fulgrim escaped smoothly.

"Too slow, brother." Fulgrim immediately seized the opportunity to launch a series of fierce attacks. His swords and spears were like poisonous snakes directed at all of Mortarion's vital points. The golden sword and purple sword shadows were in the air. It set off waves until it turned into a huge wave. Every blow was like a tsunami hitting his face, making Mortarion retreat repeatedly.

However, it was not very effective. Fulgrim's attack was ineffective as the demonic primarch was surrounded by an impenetrable defensive circle composed of plague censers, Nurgle's blessed rags and rotten Barbarian armor.

"Hmm~" Fulgrim could feel that he was losing blood rapidly. His physical strength was consumed a lot in the previous battle, and Mortarion was the original body known for his endurance and long-lasting and powerful defense, not to mention that he had Nurgle's help.

This battle will be extremely difficult.

However, Fulgrim had no choice but to face the difficulty, raised his spear and sword, and launched another attack.

In the distorted flicker, only the afterimages of the collision between the Plague Scythe and the Glory and Sotek's spears can be seen. Sparks are flying, a god-like battle, the scythes, spears and swords are flying rapidly, as if the heavy rain is unstoppable. Costantiniya, which was already in a mess, is now only left with debris on the ground, as clean as the buildings of the ancient saints.

The starry sky is shattered, all things wither, they are as heavy as mountains, and the sky collapses and the earth splits.

Finally, the sound of impact echoed throughout the Isthmus of Lustria, and as Fulgrim's onslaught opened a hole in Mortarion's impenetrable defenses, an invisible crack, the Emperor's Son Primarch knew he must Seize the opportunity, only a perfect strike can defeat Mortarion, otherwise he himself will be defeated!

Fulgrim jumped suddenly, and Sotek's war spear pointed directly at Mortarion's weak point. The demon primarch was shocked and immediately retreated to avoid, using his wings to wrap himself. However, his move exposed himself to another Seeing a weak point, Fulgrim immediately drew his sword, and the blade was faster than lightning, pointing directly at Mortarion's neck and the respirator above!

The violent collision and the oncoming spark storm rolled up Fulgrim's hair and cloak, unfolded Mortarion's cloak, and the golden power sword gloriously struck the surface of the absolute defense circle on Mortarion's neck. The daemon primarch's armor and Nurgle's guard were sizzling, and cracks began to appear one after another.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Mortarion used all his strength to maintain his absolute defense circle. He roared like crazy, either you die or I die!

"Let's end it, brother!"

"Very good, just as I wanted!"

There are more and more cracks, and they are getting denser. The absolute defense circle of the demon primarch is close to complete collapse under Fulgrim's full attack. When he sees that the blade of Glory is about to break through his respirator, Mota Ryan's tenacity gave him an advantage.

Due to excessive blood loss and fatigue from the long battle, Fulgrim's power finally ran out.

The blade of the sword stopped within the respirator, only five millimeters away from Mortarion's throat. Amidst the alarm of the respirator, Mortarion responded with a heavy blow with the scythe. This blow completely severely injured Fulgrim and sent He blasted away, scattering swaths of the Primarch's blood in the air.

The Daemon Primarch laughed loudly. He was almost defeated, but today, he was the winner.

"Are you still counting on your father and brothers to come and save you? Let me tell you, brother, the four true gods worked together to temporarily seal the passage of the subspace storm and the connection between the original bodies. Neither my father nor any human being can come to save you. , and no other brothers know that I am here!" Mortarion was overjoyed and couldn't help but reveal many secrets: "It's just that the time is too short, but it's enough to recycle you."

Fulgrim fell in the distance, leaving several deep wounds on his body. The original son of the Emperor tried hard to get up, but Mortarion spread his wings and flew towards him. Plague The war scythe fell.

"That's it, it's over? Really?" Fulgrim saw the plague light flashing like an orange-red circle on the war scythe.

"After all, I failed, father, again."

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