The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1023. This Asu Yan is obviously super strong but too cautious.

PS: Thank you to my book friends for "Abandoning Complexity", "Chaste Harvester", "True ∈ Chrysanthemum Can", "Greedy and Lustful Timely Fun", "Huabing Youqisi*2", "Saberfox*2", "Cat Slave Nobleman*3" and "Me" Don’t have your account stolen again”, “The frivolous scholar xjy”, “The fish that doesn’t get up” and “Mr Wang Xiansen” are all rewarded with 10,000 rewards, thank you very much, the emperor bows to thank you!

PS2: Special thanks to book friend "Gu Yong" for his strong support! The emperor is here to kowtow to you! Orz.

Mortarion fled.

Fulgrim was also seriously injured, but the Primarch still insisted on standing, and he tried to boost morale in this way.

However, when Fulgrim looked up to observe the situation, he found that the situation had been reversed.

Faced with such a terrible battle, would Luther Haken, an opportunist, throw all the money he had spent several years saving into it? He watched the battle for a while. The moment he discovered the arrival of the three giants of the Eldar Death Army, Luther Haken felt a bone-deep fear. Without saying a word, he turned around and ran away with his army.

Neither Master Jin nor Karona would let Luther Haken evacuate so easily. Master Jin summoned the Lord of the Djinn, and a violent hurricane and flame vortex swept away most of Luther Haken's army, and Karona even led the Golden Horn army to fire thousands of arrows. Luther Haken's undead pirate army suffered heavy losses. However, this is the case among the strong men of the Sanctuary. Unless they are determined to fight to the death and not retreat, otherwise It is easy to decide the winner between the strong men of the Sanctuary, but it is very difficult to kill each other. When Luther Harken only intends to escape, it is impossible to keep him here.

The Skaven retreated even faster. Lord Skuk had already decided to retreat when he saw Fulgrim and Kabanha duel. When Fulgrim defeated Mortarion, the Skaven army It has been completely evacuated.

However, Lord Skook's experience was even worse than Luther Harkon, because just when it had just withdrawn from the vicinity of Kostantiniya, the snake god army led by the lizard-man snake god Tehenhoin defeated Pace. The rearguard of Tiren's army rushed to the battlefield. Groups of Saurian warriors, Red-crowned Skink Brigade, Behemoth Legion and Salamander Legion, led by the snake god Tehenhoin, attacked the Skaven head-on. , Lord Skook had no choice but to summon the Lord of Disaster to fight a bloody path, and retreated with his own bodyguards and a few plague priests.

So, when the dark elf warlord Vashna-World Destroyer felt something was wrong and planned to escape, he found himself surrounded from all sides.

"I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost! You lowly beasts!" These were Uncle Wa's exact words.

"You have no chance to be a ghost." Fulgrim was still injured, and the original body smiled at the three giants of the Death Army: "You have worked hard to come all the way, this sacrifice is not respectful."

The incarnation of Death nodded. Vaishna-Destroyer is a strong man at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm. Coupled with the souls of thousands of dark elves who have just died under his command, this meal is not only very filling, but also delicious. There was no reason why He should not accept it, even if it was to be eaten or taken.

The Death Champion Thousand Faces still stands loyally beside Inani, the Chosen One of Death, and the Eldar lady is already thinking about how to receive the remaining Dark Elf soldiers and teach them the "Seventh Path" , she ordered to catch as many alive as possible, but unfortunately the lizard people didn't listen to her orders at all.

When dusk finally fell over Kostantiniya, the entire army of World Destroyers was wiped out. No one escaped. All barbarians and Chaos soldiers were either executed and purified, or were thrown into the Tyrannosaurus Pit or alive. Sacrifice to the snake god Sotek, most of the dark elf soldiers died in battle, and the rest were accepted by the Death Army.

The World Destroyer Vaishna rushed left and right but failed to break through the encirclement. This strong man at the peak of the Holy Domain was tragically beheaded by Kuga. His head was hung on the waist by the last guardian as a trophy, and his soul was even more Miserable, being dragged into his own domain by the incarnation of the god of death, he became Yinkarn's delicious food. The soul of a peak saint in the holy realm was enough for the incarnation of the god of death to chew and digest it for many, many days.

The Demonic Toad Lord Mazda Moody looked at the battlefield. He was very satisfied with the results of this war. The dark elves and the forces of chaos suffered huge losses in this battle. Even Kabanha and the fallen son of the ancient saint were They were defeated one after another, which was beneficial to the grand plan. At the same time, the huge losses of the undead pirates and the Skaven gave the final moment a little more certainty, which was better than nothing.

Kuga obviously wanted to continue to show off his prowess and achievements, but after hearing Mazda Moody's order, it understood that it would organize its army, close the team, and march towards the City of the Sun.

The humans and the Reaper Army were left to watch in silence as their city was almost completely destroyed.

Under the setting sun, Fulgrim threw down the Phoenix Blade and Sotek's Spear. The original body walked silently to the two bodies of the halfling Harpy who had been chopped in half by Mortarion. He stretched out his hand and carefully The hobbit's body was pieced together, the little halfling's eyes closed, like a baby in the primarch's hands.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the back of the original body, pulling out a long, long shadow, pressing on the ruins of Costantiniya. Fulgrim watched Habi close and slightly raise the corners of his mouth, unable to speak for a long time.

"There is always something worth sacrificing, and there is always something worth protecting."

Something brand new flashed out of Fulgrim, something that the Primarch of the Emperor's Children who had pursued perfection and glory had never possessed.

The phoenix fire burned stronger and stronger, the old power gained new changes, the flame gradually became clearer, and the purple-gold color on Fulgen became purer and brighter.

"Rise of the Phoenix." Inani, the God of Death, looked at Fulgrim's changes with a complex expression. She had seen a similar light in the resurrected Guilliman, when Guilliman met the reborn in the throne room. The God of Carrion, father and son talked for a long time. After the imperial regent left, Inani had seen similar changes, which made her have very complicated feelings.

Letting Mortarion go was actually a deliberate move by the three giants of the Death Army. Out of their familiarity with the subspace and the Webway, they could have prevented Mortarion from leaving, but the Death Incarnation did not do so. On the one hand, it was because of the cost. It is not worth it because it is too huge. Another reason is also due to strength considerations. The incarnation of Death is currently just a fragment of Jena, the God of Death. Its power is far less powerful than the true God. Therefore, the Death Army must not only form an alliance with the Empire, but also secretly be wary of the Empire. The power is too great, and all Eldar Death God believers firmly believe that as long as the Death God Jena is really born and realizes the "Seventh Path", then Jena's power will be enough to overwhelm the human God-Emperor and completely defeat and destroy Slaanesh.

But the problem is still the same as before, that is, if Jena wants to truly regain its full strength, it must get the fifth Sword of the Crone, but the fifth Sword of the Crone is in the Palace of Slaanesh at the core of Slaanesh’s territory in the Chaos Realm. That is a place where even the Emperor and the Laughing God Lego dare not go. The only person who can defeat Slaanesh is the perfect form of Jena, the God of Death. But if Jena, the God of Death, wants to achieve her perfection, she must obtain the fifth Sword of the Crone. …

There is no explanation. In the past few years, the Death Army has been repeating the perfect cycle of trying to achieve its goals - failing - suffering huge losses - deceiving other Eldar to join - trying the target again - failing - continuing to suffer huge losses.

In exchange for this support, the Emperor told the Death Army a precious piece of news - a major fragment of your Eldar Lord, Phoenix Lord Asuryan, still exists in the world, and perhaps he can help you. Busy, the three giants of the Death Army were overjoyed after receiving the news and chose to come to support.

So why does Guilliman beg Inani again? Quite simply, Guilliman didn't know that the Emperor had reached a deal with the three giants of the Death Army. After the Imperial Regent received the news that Fulgrim and Sanguinius were in critical condition, he was so anxious that he had to personally come forward to beg the Death Army for help, and Ina Ni didn't know why, but she just liked to see Guilliman, the arrogant imperial regent who controlled most of the empire, begging her repeatedly. She enjoyed it for a while before "pretending" to reluctantly agree.

Numerous thoughts ran through the Eldar girl's mind, and she even couldn't control her expression. When she saw Fulgrim turning her eyes after burying Habib, she quickly opened the folding fan to cover her face.

Fortunately, Fulgrim only looked at the three giants of the Death Army. The Death Champion Thousand Faces was still taciturn. The Death Incarnation was busy chewing and absorbing the souls of Vashna, the World Destroyer and thousands of dark elves. Seeing Inani was silent. Without saying a word, Fulgen didn't say much. He called Pirazzo and asked him to arrange for people to count the losses. He also called Julius and asked him to call back the Arabi Army and the Carona Army.

Pirazzo was covered in wounds. The former mercenary leader and current captain of the Phoenix Guard, the heir of Fulgen, almost died with a death shroud. He just nodded silently, and Julius had a complicated expression. Fulgrim showed The fighting power that came out made the brother-in-law feel extremely desperate.

Is this still a human being?

Are these Ryan brothers really human beings?

Same thing? Ryan is the commander of the Fulgen Army who has not grown up? So is he human?

Who did his sister marry?

? ? ?

The brother-in-law was very depressed and had no choice but to accept the order.

"It's really surprising that the Eldar Death Army actually came to help us." After things were arranged, the Sunfire Amulet lit up slightly. Sanguinius's power was too much, and his voice was very tired, but it was still full of sunshine and enthusiasm: "I don't know what their purpose is."

"No matter what their purpose is, we must admit that they saved me and you, and this city this time." Fulgrim also said very tiredly: "Damn Mortarion, this bastard! I know him If he can escape, he is a double-standard dog!”

"I can feel that he has been swept away by the turbulence of the subspace, and we will not see him again for at least hundreds of years." Sanguinius was silent for a while: "Brother, he will be fine, thank you. "


The wood elf princess Karona came. She first saw Fulgen who was seriously injured and covered with various bandages. With tears in her eyes, she quickly took out the wood elf secret medicine and applied it to him. She was about to say something, but immediately noticed When they arrived, the Eldar girl standing aside suddenly stood between the two of them with hostility: "Who are you? Looking at your outfit, are you from Kane's church?"

"War is my master, death is my lover." Inani glanced sideways at Karona and was too lazy to pay attention to her inexplicable hostility, but she had many other thoughts in her mind.

"It seems so. I'm warning you, stay away from Fulgrim!" Karona said menacingly.

The two sides seemed to be at war with each other, but in the end nothing happened except Sanguinius' faint laughter.

The next day, the war's losses were tallied.

A total of 80,000 defenders participated in the Battle of Kostantiniya, including 40,000 Ash Legion soldiers and 40,000 conscripts. The final statistics showed that the 80,000 defenders had less than 24,000 troops left. In addition to these 24,000 soldiers, there are 18,000 slightly injured soldiers who can return to service after recovering from their injuries. The vast majority of the remaining nearly 40,000 troops are either killed or missing, and a few thousand others are seriously injured and permanently disabled. Many people spend the rest of their lives in nursing homes.

A total of 49 officers were killed, including 12 generals, including Pedro, General Weidenfeller, Cheka founder Felix, General Political Commissar Harlan Sanders, scout captains Habib, Yegorov, etc. All the people were killed, which was a huge blow to the Ashes Legion. The basic base that Fulgan spent more than ten years building suffered huge losses.

Fulgrim estimated that it would take at least three to five years to recover.

But the original body was not depressed at all. What he saw from his people was a glorious future. This battle sharpened his army, and also allowed many warriors who had been unable to break through for a long time to advance one after another. Humanity is Such a race will not unleash all its potential until the end.

More importantly, this battle has completely changed the relationship between the original body and his army. No matter how you say it before, everyone and Fulgrim were still superiors and subordinates. After this battle, some people have begun to They swore allegiance to Fulgrim one after another.

In the reception room on the Saint Sophia, Fulgan had his final meeting with Inani and Qianmian.

"So, you are planning to sneak into Ulthuan secretly and try to see Asuryan?" Fulgrim sat on the luxurious office chair. He nodded slightly: "Then I have a little experience to share with you."

"We don't need your experience. The power of the Seventh Path can allow us to directly reach the Phoenix Lord's divine realm." Inani said: "The road ahead is long and difficult. Primarch, you have avoided the great danger this time." It's unfortunate that you and I are lucky, but you can't rely on us to always show up in time to save you."

"I will always remember your kindness in my heart." Fugen said in a difficult tone: "Since you are so anxious, I will not leave you alone. I hope you can get the answer you want."

"Then let's do it. Your God-Emperor said that he will collect the soul of the original body in person at some time. It should be after our enemy's blockade is lifted." Inani paid a respectful salute to Fulgrim. , Thousand Faces also paid the courtesy of a warrior, and then the two Eldar walked out of the room with graceful steps.

It wasn't until they left for a while that Fulgen smiled and said: "It's a pity that after spending so much energy, they are destined to gain nothing."

"What are you getting nothing for?" The wood elf princess Karona came in from outside with coffee and pastries, and she was a little puzzled.

"It's nothing." Fulgan thought for a moment and said to Karona: "How did things go?"

"Lord Crocker promised to erase the soul marks left by these strange relatives."

"Very good." Fulgrim was still saying something more, but when he saw Karona closing the door to the reception room, the original body immediately stood up and shook his head quickly.

"No! Karona! Not now!"

Ulthuan, Flame Island, the main temple of the Platinum Phoenix Pyramid, and the realm of gods of Asuryan welcomed three special guests.

"Lord of the Phoenix, our family has encountered a catastrophe, please provide salvation and guide us on the path to the future!"


"My Lord, the tragedy of our Eldar race is forced to repeat itself again and again. The race is declining day by day. We urgently need to change! Otherwise, our demise is already close at hand!"


"Lord of the Phoenix, have you really abandoned us? Do you just ignore our desperate situation? You once held the stars in your hands. You once defeated the ancient star gods and caused the stars to be extinguished. Could it be that Can't you give us even a little inspiration?"


The guest's question did not receive any answer, and the platinum phoenix fire burned more vigorously and fiercely. Only a door leading to the void appeared, signaling the guest to leave immediately.

The guest was eventually forced to leave in extreme disappointment.

…………I am very, very disappointed with the dividing line……

Back in time more than ten days ago, in mid-May, more than ten days before the guests who visited the Flame Pyramid of Asuryan returned disappointed, another group of guests entered the Angun River along the Sea of ​​Claws.

In the dark, deep, and cold Norscan underground river, they gradually approached Dulong City, the dwarf territory that had been isolated from the old world for seven thousand years.

Our Knight King Ryan got up early today, only to find that there was no sun, only the endless rock cliffs and the excavated boulder zenith at the top of the underground river.

"It seems like something terrible is happening in this world?" Ryan complained and stretched: "For example..."

"This Asuyan is obviously super strong but is too cautious?"

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