The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1027, Dulong City Tribute System and Royal Monopoly Trade

PS: I am going out today for something, so I will update in advance.

The old world, the Norscan mountains, the interior of the Giant Mountains, the luxurious rooms in Dulong City, the balcony, overlooking the mountains.

In late May, the Norscan Mountains are still covered with snow. This is a land surrounded by mountains. The Norscan dwarf castle is located in the eastern part of the Norscan Mountains and the northwest of the Mourn Mountains. The geographical environment here is very special. superior.

How superior is it?

The Norscan dwarves now have a total of four kingdoms, plus three large dwarf fortresses. A total of seven dwarf castles are roughly distributed in a "big" shape among the Norscan mountains, surrounded by the Norscan mountains. There is a narrow mountain road to the north that can enter the mountains, so as long as this road is defended, the Chaos army and barbarians cannot attack.

Of course, this was not the case before. When the Norscan dwarves and Norscan humans could coexist peacefully and communicate, the Norscan mountains were dotted with dwarf fortresses. When the dwarves saw these rough and blood-drinking humans, they decided to teach them how to make tools and smelt. Metal, the cultures of both sides influenced each other, and gradually formed the Norscan culture-booze, fighting, and singing with a rough voice.

However, as mentioned before, Norsca is close to the Chaos Wasteland. As time goes by, Norsca humans gradually abandoned the famous belief in heroic spirits and the belief in the old gods, and gradually turned to belief in Chaos amid the continuous corruption of Chaos. , the Norscan human tribes who were unwilling to believe in Chaos basically moved inward to the Kingdom of Nord, Kislev or even further south.

The dwarves are not a race that is easily corrupted. They have a complete inheritance from Gruni. They use the ancestral idols and rune magic to fix the wind of chaos in the stone for other purposes. Norscan humans and Norse The Ská dwarves gradually broke apart, and the dwarf kings at that time ordered all the dwarves in the Norsca Mountains to be moved to the Giant Mountains, redivided into four kingdoms, and cut off and destroyed all roads to the outside world. Massive sandstone statues were erected, each stone carved with a powerful master rune to protect the dwarven territory.

If the barbarians and the Chaos army want to attack the Norscan dwarves, they can only take a narrow mountain road to the north, and here there are ten lines of defense arranged by the dwarves.

Knight King Ryan was dressed in a king's uniform and covered with a thick lion's cloak. He stood on the balcony and looked down. Since the giant mountains blocked the wind, snow and cold air, the dwarves could grow some plateau food in the territory. , such as highland barley and a small number of cash crops, can barely guarantee self-sufficiency in food. However, dwarves not only need to eat, but also drink, which is completely insufficient.

"Ryan, do you think the Norscan dwarves will agree to your 'Great Evacuation' proposal?" The facilities in the room are a bit strange. On the one hand, they are very luxurious, with a large amount of gold, silver, gems and various other items that are very precious in the old world. Animal skins and fine sandalwood, on the other hand, seem backward and weird. There is no basic water supply system and a lack of various convenient living facilities. There is not even a wardrobe in the room but only a few clothes racks, not even a magic lamp. There were only candles and fire sticks, and they were still very backward flint fire sticks.

The Fairy of the Lake is wearing a gray diamond-encrusted high-waisted pleated dress today, a white gold and diamond crown of eternal brilliance on her head, and a complete set of the emperor's platinum blessing jewelry. Her pink snow-covered feet under the dress Wearing a pair of cotton slippers with a white fox pattern, you can see the white ultra-thin stockings wrapped around her delicate ankles, swaying back and forth. She stretched lazily and asked Ryan who was standing on the window sill: "You Didn't you say before that the Norscan dwarves are very resistant to returning to the system in the Mountain Kingdom? Why are you proposing a 'big retreat' plan now?"

"Why, don't more than 100,000 dwarves smell good?" Ryan continued to stand on the balcony. The King of Knights opened his arms and let the cold wind from Norska blow the hem of his clothes and his black middle-parted hair. Now Ryan His every move is already extremely majestic. The constant victory and accumulated power over the years have made this Knight King one of the most powerful people in the old world. If we say that when he was traveling in Nord and when he first arrived in Bu Ryan of Retania was still a divine sword that was displayed in front of others, so now Ryan is a king's blade that is usually kept in the scabbard. He has restrained himself and restrained his edge, because he no longer needs to prove himself. Even so, the occasional breath from the scabbard is enough to intimidate everything.

The more the fairy in the lake watched, the more she liked it. She liked this kind of happiness. When the sickly boy Teclis, who was thin, weak and frustrated, was brushed aside by Hess, she also saw the potential of Teclis and chose him in this way. After hearing him, the Lake Fairy sat on the hard bed covered with white bear skins, straightened her skirt a little, held her face as smooth as white jade and said softly: "How can I convince them?"

"It's actually not difficult to convince them, madam." Ryan turned around and said warmly: "Judging from the fact that the Norscan dwarves spent more than a hundred years building the Dark Rolling River Channel, these dwarves have already thought about it. How should you find a way out for yourself and your clan if you are surrounded by Chaos or even faced with a crisis of destruction? Moreover, we also know what happened before. Aisling, the High King of Norsca, once besieged this place for a long time, so I can be sure, The Norscan dwarves have actually been prepared to retreat from here for a long time, but they are so desperate to save face that they never say anything about it.”

"That's what short stacks are like." The fairy in the lake nodded. She laughed lazily, kicked off her soft cotton mops, and raised a small white silk foot with a transparent toe, and the jade toes were painted with Cyan nail polish, the goddess's silk feet have curved arches, charming curvature, white and rosy skin, and the skin on the soles of the feet is very delicate. The goddess has been served very well by Ryan during this period, so she is in a happy mood: "But you didn't actually answer the question. , my dear, you still haven’t solved the problem of the Mountain Kingdom and the Norscan dwarves.”

"Isn't this easy?" Ryan couldn't help but stare at the little stockinged feet of the Lake Fairy. He shrugged: "What really makes the Norscan dwarfs unable to leave here are two reasons. The first is that this place is endless. Endless veins of minerals and wealth, and secondly, unwillingness to be governed by the High King of the Mountain Kingdom.”

"Therefore, in response to this, I proposed three plans." Ryan raised his hand: "The first plan is to retreat to the Mountain Kingdom and join the High King Thor Green. There is no doubt that this plan will definitely be rejected."

"The second plan is to retreat. After retreating to the south, live together with humans. There are enough places in the Empire and Britannia to arrange for these dwarves." Ryan held out a second finger.

"This is impossible. Dwarves are actually reluctant to live with humans." The fairy in the lake shook her head and motioned for Ryan to come over.

"So this is the third plan." Ryan sighed: "Retreat to our Britannia. You know, we have many vacant dwarf strongholds, including Oka Mountain and the Blackstone Stronghold. These are ready-made dwarf fortresses, fully equipped and ready to move in at any time.”

"Traditional words and negotiation skills." The fairy in the lake nodded repeatedly. The goddess understood Ryan's thoughts. She first threw out the most difficult one that the Norscan dwarves could not accept. Return to the Kingdom of the Mountains and accept the rule of the High King. No doubt the Norscan dwarves would refuse.

Then he proposed to let them enter human society, which was difficult for the Norscan dwarves to accept, but at least it was much more comfortable here than before.

Finally, a third option is proposed.

"Come here, Ryan, help me rub my feet." The Lake Fairy stretched out her little white feet to signal Ryan to come over. The King of Knights really listened to her words, walked up to the goddess, knelt down on one knee and rubbed her feet. Rubbing his stockinged feet, Ryan enjoyed the smooth and creamy feel in his hands, and said with a happy smile: "And, did you know that Belega also built a large dwarf brewery on the Oka Mountain? .”

The fairy in the lake nodded slightly. The goddess looked at Ryan half-kneeling in front of her and rubbing her feet with some pride. What she liked most was the way Ryan knelt in front of her to serve her. She could feel very proud and proud every time. .

However, the fairy in the lake also knows that everything must be controlled within a certain degree. Once in a while, it is a little fun between husband and wife, and Ryan also enjoys it. If there is nothing to do all day long, it would be too much to let Ryan kneel in front of her. The goddess asked Ryan to give it to her After she felt comfortable, she motioned for Ryan to sit next to her: "So, everything is according to your plan?"

"Not necessarily." Ryan kissed the toes of the two silk feet of the Lake Fairy, and then sat next to the goddess: "But there are several ready-made fortresses and a ready-made brewery, and the Norscan dwarves will definitely be moved. of."

Since the recapture of Eight Peaks Mountain, the dwarves of the Angland clan have returned to the Eight Peaks Mountain Fortress one after another. The original Blackstone Stronghold and Oka Mountain Stronghold have gradually become vacant, leaving only Dugan Ironhan and his Black Powder. The Brotherhood and the Ironbreaker Warriors of Novigrad combined only had four to five hundred dwarves left in Britannia, and Ryan didn't believe that the Norscan dwarves were unmoved.

"Yes." The fairy in the lake leaned on Ryan's shoulder silently. The goddess thought for a while: "This is very likely to be negotiated."

"Where's Morgiana?" Ryan asked casually.

"Morgiana is taking care of herself in the bathroom." The Lake Fairy also replied casually: "Routine body care to keep it pink, moisturized and fragrant."

Although the Fairy of the Lake is very harsh on Morgiana, she is actually very good to her first choice. As long as there are members of Ryan's backyard who participate in the turkey dinner, the Fairy of the Lake will mix her divine power with her. High Elf ointments and essential oils made from various Wood Elf flowers and secret medicines, and taught a complete set of secret recipes for body care. Morgiana is no exception. The Lake God Witch spends at least half a day every week as long as she has free time. Use it to maintain your body to ensure your attraction to Ryan.

The goddess said quite interestingly that although everyone was given a certain amount, Teresa used it very quickly. Every time they had a chance to meet, the sorceress would be embarrassed to ask for more.

Ryan thought to himself that Theresa must have shared all these things with Aurora.

There was some sound of water coming from the bathroom. Morgiana, who was taking a medicated bath in a large wooden barrel for maintenance, thought that the fairy in the lake was urging her, so she could only say embarrassedly: "Madam, I'm sorry, it will take a while, wait for me." Wash everything inside and out, it will be convenient after dinner..."

"...It's okay, take your time, Morgiana, we have nothing to do here." The fairy in the lake said towards the inside. The goddess thought for a while and asked Ryan: "Then, the exclusive trade agreement with Dulong City , you just keep it to yourself and don’t share it?”

"I will definitely share a little bit." Ryan smiled and nodded: "But you are right, madam, I plan to keep most of it for myself. The profits from the trade with Dulong City are really too rich, so I won't use this piece of fat. Give it to others."

"Aren't you afraid that the people below will say that you are competing for profits with the people?" The goddess smiled half-heartedly. She stretched out her hand and intertwined her fingers with Ryan: "What is this, royal trade?"

"This is called tribute trade." Ryan laughed heartily: "Madam, don't you think the trade of the dwarves in Dulong City is very similar to the tribute trade of the Elf Empire? The two sides only trade at the official level, and the price has been negotiated."

"What does it look like? It doesn't look like it at all." The Fairy in the Lake intended to attack Ryan's arrogance: "Also, you actually want to treat the dwarf as a vassal? You should let the Crimson King know about it and be the first to fall out with you!"

"In short, the trade with Dulong City is royal sea trade, and I must hold it firmly in my hand." Ryan naturally knew that the dwarf would not be a vassal, but the nature was similar. The most important thing was that Ryan could firmly control the pricing. The right and the only designated trade franchise, this is an endless source of wealth.

Ryan thought of the tribute system of the previous dynasty. Most people have always had a negative evaluation of the tribute system. Generally speaking, there are two reasons. The first is that it is an unequal relationship between countries. It does not conform to the principle of equal exchanges of the "Westphalian System". The second one is "little exchanges but thick exchanges". The Chinese government always rewards some cheap goods too generously, so they are taken advantage of and suffer the consequences.

But in fact, if you think about these two items carefully, you will know what is going on.

First of all, the first article is just one sentence. Will equality between countries really be achieved if tribute is cancelled? Has the war in Europe, which most believes in equality, freedom and democracy, ever stopped?

As for the second point, the problem is actually very simple, that is, China is willing to be the "biggest victim".

What is the most important aspect of tribute trade in the economic account?

Exactly what Lane values ​​​​very much - pricing power and the only designated trading franchise!

To put it simply, as the sovereign state of China, China has the right to price all tributes from all vassal countries. This is what I say the value of this thing is, and it is how much it is worth to trade! It is the most powerful "official pricing" in the legend, and you can only trade between limited areas and objects!

Because of this, the huge profits actually brought by the tribute trade are terrifying and unbelievable. Maybe they did suffer a small loss in the tributes paid by official envoys and rewards from the court, but in fact, the Chinese dynasty could easily recover the cost dozens of times through the tribute trade. , and you can set a price standard. My things are expensive, and your things are cheap. Want to change? Add money! If it’s not enough, add more money!

This is one of the core reasons why Dai Ming is so keen on collecting dogs! The tribute system and royal monopoly maritime trade system established by Zhu Di earned an astonishing amount of wealth. This is also an important reason why he has done so many things during his reign without destroying the country's finances.

Of course, there are two reasons why the tribute system gradually collapsed later. The first reason is that this system itself must be strong enough. After the Tumubao Incident, the military deterrence was gone, and the "sect leader" was no longer stable.

The second reason is just as the fairy in the lake said, "competing with the people for profit." The people here do not refer to the common people, but the officials and gentry. The bureaucrats were jealous of the horrific profits from the tribute trade and repeatedly deceived the emperor. He said it was "competing with the people for profit." Chengzu could not deceive him, so he deceived his son Renzong. Emperor Xuanzong could not deceive him, so he called him the "Cricket Emperor." Together they worked hard and quickly labeled him as the "Oedipal super-monitoring and stupid king".

In the end, the deception came to Emperor Xiaozong of Hongzhi. He was a cowardly, benevolent and mediocre monarch with perfect personal ethics. The scholar-bureaucrats just nodded their heads at everything they said. From then on, Zhu Di conquered Mongolia five times and made seven expeditions to Nanyang, Nanping and Jiaozhi. The tributary trade and tributary system were immediately hollowed out by the scholar-bureaucrats and turned into a real loss-making business.

By the way, this kind of emperor is the favorite type of emperor among literati, public intellectuals, and scholar-bureaucrats. Hurry up and claim the title of Holy King!

In other words, why did Ryan take the trouble to go to Dulong City in person? One is to consider the future of the dwarves. It would be a pity if 110,000 dwarves were destroyed in this ghost place of Norska. The other is to establish This trade route is similar to the tribute trade. The Kingdom of Knights can exchange the most urgently needed mineral resources and priceless rune weapons, rune equipment and technical talents from the Norscan dwarves at a very cheap price. Not too much money.

Once the Britannia royal monopoly on sea trade is established, the King of Knights seems to be able to see endless financial resources rolling in.

Ryan even thought of a name for this trade route, and it was called Azur Lane.

"Oh, my dear, it's okay to wait for the results to come out. It's so boring." The Lake Fairy pouted and acted coquettishly at Ryan, with an expression of attachment on her sacred and noble face: "How about you give me the whole life?" ?”

"How about I do a mid-air split and play a Hyperion captain who cleans decks and toilets?" Lane quipped.

"No, it's boring." The Lake Fairy looked disgusted: "What's the air split? And a cleaner? Is this what you do as a captain? And what is the Hyperion? A new battleship?"

"Then what do you want me to do?" Ryan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Why don't we do some exercise before dinner?" The Lake Fairy said mysteriously in Ryan's ear: "It will also give you a good appetite."

"No! Lilith, not now! Dinner will be served soon! Dwarves always serve meals on time!" Ryan quickly came up with the excuse he had thought of before.

"Huh? It's really disappointing! Then, come and go out with me!"

"That's pretty much it."

As a result, when Ryan and the Lady of the Lake came out, they were met by Lord Thorgard and his King Star Iron Guard.

"Your Majesty the Knight King, there is good news. In principle, we convened an emergency ancestor meeting and voted to pass the resolution. We agreed to sign an exclusive trade agreement and start preparations for the 'Great Retreat' plan! We chose to consider the third option you proposed. Soon the four kingdoms will gather a 3,000-strong dwarf expeditionary force to follow you. They will first go to your knight kingdom to inspect and receive Belegar's large dwarf brewery, as well as the Black Rock City and Oka Mountain strongholds. We want to Let’s take a look at the situation and make an assessment first.”

"Very good!" Ryan clenched his fists.

High King, I can do what you couldn't do.

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