The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1034, happy salted fish every day (with important notice!)

It’s not that hot anymore in Kurona Palace in September.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's time to get up, breakfast is ready."

On the big bed in the master bedroom of the palace, Ryan was gently pushed awake in his daze. Someone was obviously telling him to get up, but the King of Knights was still in a daze.

Well, the scent of iris should be Sulia, Ryan thought in a daze.

What about the right side? Well, the scent of roses is definitely my personal pillow.

Then Ryan turned over and hugged Olica, wanting to continue sleeping.

"Your Majesty, Madam, it's time to get up!" Who knew that this voice could not see Ryan getting up, but there was a little anger in his tone: "Breakfast is ready. According to regulations, the king and queen must get up. If they want to rest, they can rest in the afternoon. You can still rest."

At this time, Sulia, who was sleeping on Ryan's left, also opened her eyes. The Queen of Knights yawned. She was in a daze for a while, and then got up at Sylvia's urging. Sulia was used to it. Without such a relatively punctual life, the female knight wanted to stand up, but found that her legs were sore and weak. She could only complain secretly with a red face. Ryan, this guy knew how to bully her, and even let Ollie take advantage of her when she was unable to resist. Ka also joined in.

She had also been away from Ryan for too long, and she was in love. She couldn't stand the bullying from Ryan, and she forgot to object in a daze. She must not do this next time. The time is hers and belongs only to her, Lidya Su thought.

At most, the most is to share it with women.

Thinking of this, Lidya Su suddenly remembered what happened last night. She turned her attention to the maid Sylvia who was standing in front of the bed. This maid, Ryan's female courtier and the maid were wearing full black and white clothes. A maid outfit, but this maid outfit that was exactly the same as Olica's was worn by Sylvia, and she didn't have the charm, hazy, mysterious, and seductive feeling of the dark elf at all. Instead, she looked very serious, majestic, and heroic.

And Lidya Su vaguely remembered last night that Sylvia seemed to be dragged into the battle by Olika at the end: "Sylvia, what time is it now?"

"It's already eight o'clock in the morning, madam." Sylvia's face showed an abnormal blush, and the head maid forced herself to remain serious: "Even if you are coming back from an expedition, you should get up."

"Yes, honey, it's time to get up." Sulia got up with the help of the head maid, and then joined the ranks urging Ryan to get up.

Ryan had no choice but to get up. The King of Knights turned over and was in a daze for a while. Then at Sylvia's signal, he entered the bathroom to wash up.

"Your Majesty." Just as Ryan was brushing his teeth with high-precision toothpaste in front of the mirror in his loose pajamas and robes, the head maid Sylvia came in from the outside. Her face was unusually red, but she was still serious and serious. Said: "Your Majesty..."

"Just call me Ryan. I like it when you call me that, Sylvia." Ryan looked in the mirror and looked at Sylvia's heroic appearance. She wore the same black and white maid uniform as Olica. Via always gave Ryan the feeling that he couldn't help but want to tease and bully such a heroic beauty.

"Ryan... I know you are really tired after coming back from the expedition, but this is the palace, no more than other places. You have many things to deal with, and many people are watching." Sylvia stood with her hands in front of her, the head maid She is already in her early thirties this year, but she is a legendary strongman and has Ryan's spiritual pattern on her body, so she still looks like a girl in her teens. And unlike Orica's shortened skirt, Syl Via's maid skirt is a few centimeters above the knees. Under the skirt are her beautiful calves wrapped in brown translucent stockings and a pair of small brown leather shoes.

"Have you already arranged the itinerary for me?" Ryan smiled helplessly.

"After breakfast, you must meet with my father Vincent in the morning. He will report to you this year's expected harvest and a series of agricultural developments." Sylvia still said seriously: "This matter is necessary What needs to be done is the latest research project budget report sent by His Excellency Urban, the Second Chief Engineer of Mussillon, followed by a routine meeting with the local people in Kurona... In the afternoon, there will be an afternoon tea party and routine There will be a palace meeting and a celebration banquet in the evening.”

"Okay, okay." Ryan still looked at the mirror. He said he understood, and then said casually: "Do I have to be so busy every day?"

"That's not true." Sylvia was stunned for a moment, and then said: "What the lady means is... at least I have to finish the follow-up of this great expedition in the past few days, so that I can be free later."

"There are always endless things to do and internal affairs to deal with." Ryan washed his hands and expressed his understanding.

After washing up, Ryan changed into a king's dress, and Sulia also put on her favorite outfit. The white military shirt and blue pleated skirt that she wore to welcome Ryan yesterday, and her proud long legs were also put on. Wearing black translucent lace pantyhose and blue stiletto high heels, the king and queen simply finished breakfast, walked into the study together, and began to deal with internal affairs. Olica stood behind Ryan, and Sylvia The attendant stood behind Sulia.

"While you were away, Ryan." Sulia looked at her husband, who was sitting upright not far from her, and said with a smile: "In the past six months, I have basically changed everyone in the entire palace. Now the palace There are people of ours everywhere, so you don’t have to worry about being managed anymore.”

"Are you not in trouble?" Ryan took a document, and the King of Knights began to read it. This was a post-war report about the sentencing standards for military crimes. The signature was Candreva, Kingdom of Britannia. The Chief Justice, this Chief Justice is famous in the old world for his ruthlessness and never engaging in malpractice for personal gain. However, he has two problems. The first is that the overall sentencing is too harsh, whether he is sentencing serfs or nobles, and the second is He especially likes to drink wood elf fruit wine. If he can get wood elf fruit wine for him, he will allow him to pay a large ransom to get a lighter sentence or get rid of the crime.

This is not inconsistent with being selfless. As we all know, as long as it is not treason, blasphemy, or related to Chaos or the undead, any crime can be lightly punished or escaped by paying a ransom. This is the case for the Empire, Britannia, and the dwarves. Only the elves are different.

"I haven't encountered much trouble." Sulia said softly: "With you and the lady supporting me, it is relatively easy to solve the problem. Many rules in the palace are actually established, but you are different. You and the Other knight kings are different, you don’t need these rules to prove yourself.”

The couple began to deal with internal affairs together, and directly discussed what should be done when encountering problems. Occasionally, Sulia would give in if they had some disagreements, but Ryan would also reconsider his ideas.

Olika sat next to Ryan without saying a word, her amber eyes just looked at her master lovingly. The dark elf helped Ryan bring tea and water, and also helped him organize documents.

Sylvia was also very happy about this scene. The head maid looked at the young lady and her husband who were seriously handling the internal affairs. She suddenly felt that the entire cold palace began to revive, as if it had a backbone, which was reassuring. In fact, Sylvia was very happy deep down in her heart about Ryan's successful return from the Great Expedition, but she just couldn't express it.

Ryan looked at the various internal affairs in front of him, and the king couldn't help but sigh.

Of course he doesn't have to be so tired. Now that his bureaucracy has been initially established, he can leave everything to the bureaucrats and live a nourishing and dissolute life in the palace. First, he can pay his debts to Sulia and Ou. Lika's public rations have been paid, and then she will hold some favorite activities, banquets, etc.

However, Ryan knew that if he did this, he would soon develop inertia and become accustomed to leaving everything to the bureaucrats. The king would become lazier and lazier, and as the bureaucrats gained more and more power, they would naturally begin to develop... Other ideas began to form into so-called "routines" and "hidden rules." This is why bureaucrats naturally pursue "stability." Stability makes it easier for the upper and lower to deceive the upper and lower, and stability makes it easier to make small moves and open back doors for themselves.

Therefore, Ryan must make sure that he personally witnesses many things and conducts random checks from time to time.

Emperor Karl-Franz, Boris Todbringer, and Emilia are all masters of this, but they have no way to prevent the gradual corruption of the bureaucracy and become more complex and inefficient.

So is there anything Ryan can do? Ryan actually has no very effective method. Countless people in history have discussed countless ways to solve this problem once and for all through top-down reforms, but in fact they are all nonsense.

However, Ryan cheated.

There are gods in this world, and there is a Lake Fairy sitting in the church. The church supervised by the goddess has almost eliminated any corruption, and then uses the church to supervise the bureaucrats, making the administration of Britannia's new bureaucrats very efficient.

This is cheating, and the Empire cannot learn from it.

After dealing with some internal affairs, Sylvia's father Vincent came. After returning to Britannia, Vincent was raised for a while and gradually recovered his energy after being reused. He is now here to report something. thing.

That is, in the past few years, Britannia has now become the largest and most important agricultural exporter in the entire Old World. Especially after this chaos invasion, this year, the entire Britannia's grain output has accounted for 10% of the total. More than 60% of the grain output in the Old World was reached. The output of wheat, barley, corn, fruits, etc. all ranked first among human countries. The animal husbandry and horticulture industries were developed. The output of beef, sheep, chicken, duck and goose also accounted for 50% of the total in the Old World. , and it has a complete monopoly on wine. 80% of human wine is grown, brewed and bottled in Brittany.

This is good news, Ryan smiled and nodded.

Britannia's developed agriculture has its natural location advantages. The climate here is warm and humid, the land is fertile, several large rivers pass through it, and canals are continuously excavated. In addition, the dwarven waterwheels and irrigation systems were introduced, and agriculture Great development is not a problem. The most important colony when the elves were still an empire was here.

The development of industry requires the support of a strong enough agricultural system, and good agricultural development gave Ryan enough confidence.

"Your Majesty, I think there is something to worry about. The empire has signed a trade alliance with us, but the southern countries, especially Estalia and Tyrell, are very likely to..." Vincent expressed his worries.

"No, Estalia and Tyrell have never had a unified political power." Ryan shook his head, and the Knight King said nonchalantly: "They will never unite."

"What if they unite?" Vincent was still a little worried.

"Wow, it would be a really good thing if we united." Ryan sneered: "That means the southern country has a co-owner who can sign a defeat and surrender agreement with us. This is a good thing!"

Only then did Vincent realize that the man in front of him was the legendary King of Knights who lit up the world like the blazing sun, Ryan Malcador!

"Sorry, Your Majesty, it's me..." Vincent immediately admitted his mistake, but Ryan stretched out his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, let me ask you something, Vincent, when you were in Oster, you must have often come into contact with those stubborn and stubborn people. A face-saving dwarf, right?”

"Ah, yes, contacting them requires a lot of patience, and at the same time, you need rich experience to understand their taboos and concerns." Vincent nodded quickly: "The cultural level of Osterland is very low. I often Arranged by Lord Varmir to receive the dwarf envoy."

"Then I have a task for you here. The group of Norscan dwarves are going to the south to see the brewery left by Belega, the king of the Eight Peaks Mountain. You should be responsible for this." Ryan nodded: " Don’t make them angry, but don’t be too flattering.”

"Understood." Vincent glanced at his daughter Sylvia who was standing behind Sulia. When he saw Sylvia's face was rosy and glowing, she was in a very good mood and she smiled at him, thinking that her daughter should be After receiving the favor, I made up my mind and withdrew.

Olika noticed this scene. The dark elf licked his lips and said meaningfully: "It seems that he is a father who cares about his daughter. Seeing that his daughter is favored, he feels relieved. Master, Ms. Sylvia She is also your female courtier, so don’t leave her behind!”

"Olica!" Sylvia's face turned red with embarrassment, especially when she saw Lidya Su couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering. The head maid couldn't accept it. She walked over quickly, planning to question her. What are the dark elves’ intentions?

However, how could a mere head maid be Orika's opponent? The dark elf flashed past Sylvia like a dancing butterfly, then stretched out his index finger and poked Sylvia's waist: " Just you? A weak scumbag who can't even bear the favor of his master?"

"Ugh!" Sylvia instantly felt that her legs were weak, and her whole body was sore and numb. She knelt down on one knee and could not get up again. The head maid was immediately grabbed by Olika from behind with her hands behind her, and she could only struggle angrily: " So, so despicable!”

Ryan pretended not to see it and continued to deal with internal affairs.

Sulia looked at this scene with a smile and did not stop her. Everyone was on their own, and the meat was rotten in the pot. She then said to Ryan: "By the way, Ryan, look, Bertrand sent a report." , he said he hoped to establish a rule that would prohibit women under forty from entering and exiting the Old Guard barracks as cooks."

"Pfft." Ryan couldn't help laughing. The Knight King took the document from Sulia and shook his head helplessly: "There are about 500-600 unmarried Old Guards, but Britannia wants to marry them. Women have at least 100,000-200,000, Bertrand did the right thing.”

"Oh, and Ryan, there is another news here." Sulia then took out a document: "This is jointly sent by the two brothers Fulgen and Julius. They said that it should be done in the near future. Several Eldar envoys visited you to ask you for advice on how to deal with the legendary demon Shalassi of Slaanesh, the Demonic Scourge. Their name seems to be - the Death Army?"

"Death Army?" Ryan narrowed his eyes. He thought for a while and nodded: "I understand."

"Oh, by the way, there is another news. Your brother named Leman Russ came to us last month." Sulia continued with the third news: "He and Brother Angron were in Poland. There was a fight in the wilderness of Derro, both of them were covered in blood and their noses were bruised and swollen, but in the end it was said that Brother Angron won, and he lifted Brother Russ and threw him directly into the sea."

"Ha." Ryan couldn't help showing a happy expression.

"Deserve it!"

"Why didn't Brother Angron blow his head off with a hammer and teach his son Vasily a lesson?"

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