The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1040, Ryan Malcador occupied the Rouen Palace

PS: Happy birthday.

"Prepare to fight, prepare to fight!" Raymond was the first to rush forward. The officer of the Old Guard stopped in front of Ryan and Sulia. He first loaded his musket, and then shouted to the old guard. The guards formed an array, and these elite warriors lined up in two rows with artistic and smooth movements. The battalion commander shouted to Ryan: "Please, Your Majesty, and Madam, please wait here and let me have a good talk with these guys!"

"How to talk? Raymond, are you going to talk with weapons like this?" Ryan glanced at Raymond, raised the corners of his mouth, and shook his head: "Soldiers, put away your weapons!"

The loyal Old Guards immediately obeyed the order. They put away their weapons and lined up in two rows without saying a word. Even when facing an army of two to three thousand people, these veterans did not change their expressions.

Even if they face at least three thousand enemy troops, even if they face an army of knights that is far more numerous than themselves, even if they know that they will not receive backup, as the most loyal soldiers of Lane, every old guard is born in a humble background and has experienced Hundreds of battles.

"Your Majesty, I promise you that you will never see the back of our defeat."

——Sergeant Major of the Old Guard, senior veteran, and legendary strongman Lochier who is serving Ryan for the 23rd year.

"Damn, a bunch of traitors, son of the b..." Raymond felt very wronged. The battalion commander had already loaded his gun, but now he couldn't pick it up or put it down, and Ryan also ordered to put away his weapons. Raymond stood there for a long time, and in the end he could only lower his head and curse secretly.

"What are you talking about?" Ryan said with a smile.

"'s nothing." Raymond suddenly noticed that the three women around Ryan were looking at him, and he quickly shook his head in embarrassment.

Sulia still maintained the royal demeanor and graceful demeanor. She didn't seem to understand what Raymond was saying at all, while Sylvia behind her glared at Raymond, as if she only wanted to hear this. Such words will arouse her instinctive opposition and displeasure.

Only Orica seemed to find it very interesting. The dark elf's amber eyes moved around, seeming to be thinking about something new.

"I recognize their flag, with a white cross on a yellow background and a blue sea monster spouting family coat of arms. They are the army of the Earl of Clement family. The commander is Sir Baldwin and the deputy general is Sir Leonard." Sulia pulled her. Holding Ryan's hand, the female knight said very cautiously: "It seems that old Count Clement is very wary of us, and he even did not hesitate to dispatch the entire army for this reason."

"The Principality of Le-Angoulan and the Principality of Connet have always been the strongholds of the conservative faction." Ryan still remained calm, but the King of Knights knew that the scene in front of him had exceeded his expectations. He originally expected to be close to Le- It was only during the Angoulang period that we encountered resistance on this scale.

But when he thought of the words "My vassal's vassal is not my vassal", Ryan was relieved. Yes, the old Earl Clement was not subordinate to himself, so why should he obey his orders and let the road to Le -The road to Angoulême?

The advantages of the enfeoffment system have been mentioned many times before, but what about the disadvantages?

It’s very simple. There are three main reasons. The first is the ridiculously low administrative efficiency (one layer manages one layer, and it is impossible to manage directly from another layer). The second is the rubbish financial and mobilization capabilities like Xiang. , and the third is the increasing severity of independence and separatism over time.

Therefore, Lane must wrest a lot of power from the hands of these feudal nobles. No matter how annoying and full of drawbacks the bureaucracy is, it is undoubtedly much more advanced than the feudal system.

However, there must be a prerequisite for implementing a bureaucracy, and that is to have a team of well-trained bureaucrats to cooperate. These bureaucrats must be able to read and write and be well-trained in administration. This was very difficult when Ryan first arrived in the Knight Kingdom - - As we all know, people who can read and write and are well-trained in administration only come from three factions-nobles, churches, and wizards.

Cultivating a group of people like this cannot be accomplished in a day or two.

So to put it simply, as productivity and education become more popular, it will be easier to completely replace the nobility with bureaucracy. However, this painful step cannot be taken at all - the external military pressure is too great, and sufficient military strength and power must always be maintained. Enough resources are tilted, so the military aristocratic group is always the protagonist. This is the case in the Kingdom of Knights, the empire on the other side of the mountain, and even the emperor's human empire. The transformation of the aristocracy into a bureaucratic family is the best choice at present.

Knight King Ryan narrowed his eyes and looked at the army of Earl Clement, which was surrounding him from both sides. The king stretched out his hand and motioned for the Old Guards to wait where they were, motioning for Sulia and Orica to stop, and motioning for everyone to stop. Come down.

He will test whether everything he has done for the old world, for mankind, for order, and for the Kingdom of Knights for more than twenty years is worth it. He will test his prestige. If this is a test, then Ryan has reached the point of It's time to show results.

In the eyes of everyone, the King of Knights walked towards dozens of rows of infantry, two teams of knights, five teams of knights' retinue, sixteen cannons and three mobile trebuchets. Under the spotlight, Ryan looked serious. , steps firmly.

Wearing a red and blue golden lion king's dress, without a crown, and with a white gold cup cloak behind him, Ryan walked towards the army of more than 3,000 people step by step without any hesitation.

Not far away, Sir Baldwin, who was holding a knight's sword in his hand, noticed that the soldiers were wavering and their formation became a little scattered. Many soldiers couldn't help but want to retreat, while more soldiers and knights lowered their heads. He dared not look directly into the eyes of the King of Knights.

Those eyes radiated lightning and fire of judgment and torture.

Before Baldwin could give the order, the knights under his command had already begun to shout loudly. After all, they were all the backbone of the knights under the old Count Clement, and Baldwin was just the appointed commander. They drew their swords and raised their lances: "Soldiers! Heed the order! Go forward, raise your weapons, and drive these people from our land! If there is any resistance, shoot to death!"

"Forward!" The knights' voices echoed far, far away in the wilderness.

However, the entire army seemed to be under a spell. All the soldiers looked at Knight King Ryan who was walking slowly step by step. No one moved. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, their faces full of doubts.

Some veterans even put down their weapons and showed angry expressions towards the knights who gave orders.

"Those who disobey orders will face the most severe trial, and they will be hanged immediately in the name of treason!" The knights under the old Count Clement then shouted: "You despicable dogs! You! You will pay the price for your cowardice!"

The army remained motionless. The serf infantry, free civilian sergeants, and the gunners imported from the empire with heavy sums of money all refused to carry out the orders of the knights. Even the knights' retinues turned a blind eye to the orders of the knights.

Likewise, just across the field, the Old Guard and the armies of the free folk, including Baron Otero's bodyguard, remained motionless.

Between the sky and the earth, only Ryan and Sulia were left behind him, as well as the sound of the waterwheel not far away.

Everything was stagnant like mud that couldn't be dissolved, and people's hearts were tightly grasped. Sylvia couldn't help but pursed her lips, and stared at the eyes with Olica. Behind Ryan.

Sulia, who was half a step behind Ryan, couldn't help showing a stern expression.

You can do it, Ryan, my husband, you can do it.

No matter where it is, I, Sulia, will face it with you, because we are husband and wife!

Lidya Su stretched out her hand and held Ryan's big hand, which was already covered with sweat.

Step by step, Ryan walked into the range of the artillery, walked into the range of the muskets, and even walked into the range of the serf archers. The King of Knights looked at the rows of soldiers and their faces. Sweat, and hesitant expression.

They are the subjects, and they are physically attached to the nobles.

What they eat is the earl's food, and what they receive is the earl's reward. The serfs are even born as the earl's people, and they die as the earl's ghost.

He could feel the hesitation in their hearts. Ryan was chipping away at their thousand-year foundation.

But if we don’t, how can a new era come?

Sulia's little hand gave Ryan confidence and strength, and the knight shouted to everyone: "Knights and soldiers of Le-Angoulan, people of Britannia! Do you recognize me? ?I am the king, your knight king Ryan Malcador!"

There was silence, and the air became thin.

Ryan then gently pulled Sulia up: "This is my queen, Sulia! Your knight queen."

Lidya Su stood proudly in front of everyone, raising her head and chest, showing off her noble temperament and proud figure.

"Which of you wants to kill his king and queen?" Ryan stepped forward again, and he couldn't help but smile to himself: "We are here, you can do it now."

Looking at the knight king and queen with open arms and unreserved trust in themselves, even the conservative knights could not help but lower their heads on their horses. They opened their mouths and only felt their noses. One hot.

He is the King, our King! He is the king who has brought countless miracles and victories to Britannia, making the entire kingdom once again reach glory and reach another peak!

The serf infantry regiment and the free civilian sergeants were shaking even more. Everyone subconsciously put down their weapons, hesitant and in great pain.

Finally, Sir Floss, a veteran who had participated in the Eight Peaks Mountain Expedition and the Motekin Invasion Expedition, and now the garrison commander of Earl Clement's Castle, was the first to throw the weapon on the ground. He raised his arms and roared. Said: "Soldiers, our king is here, what are you waiting for? Long live the king!"

"Long live the King! Long live the King!"

Rushing like a wave, roaring like lightning, raging like a violent wind.

"Long live the King! Long live the King!"

There were only cheers in the wilderness, and the entire army was torn to pieces, disintegrated automatically, turned into sea sand, and rushed towards their king!

Former comrades-in-arms embraced each other, compatriots during the Great Crusade embraced each other enthusiastically, and in the fields of Clermont, the flame symbolizing the glory of mankind was burning.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

The Old Guard and the free folk welcomed these compatriots with open arms. The humans screamed, cheered, shouted long live the king, sang hymns, sang about their king and queen, and the veterans sang together. : "His Majesty has entrusted his trust to us, and we must not disappoint His Majesty's expectations."

The knights under Earl Clement didn't know what to do at this time. They watched their army defecting in panic. Even most of the knights' retinue couldn't help but join the defection. Reina Sir De rode his horse and quickly came to Baldwin's side: "My Sir, you... you are the commander of this army. What should we do? You can make up your mind, whether to escape... or..."

"Do you still need an answer? Leonard?" Baldwin got off his horse.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" The serfs and freedmen were surprised to find that their commander had not escaped. With the help of his attendants, Sir Baldwin strode towards Ryan.

When the knights saw this scene and understood Baldwin's choice, they collectively dismounted and surrendered.

Surrounded by cheers and praises, Lane laughed loudly and shouted to Baldwin: "Hey, Baldwin, you came too slowly. I remember that you were on the front line of several great expeditions. .”

"I'm late, Your Majesty, but I hope it's not too late." Baldwin knelt down on one knee and presented his knight's sword to Ryan with both hands: "I will lead my army to be loyal to you!"

"Put away your sword, fool." Ryan kept smiling. He looked at the knights who knelt down and announced their surrender. The king of knights opened his arms: "Without a sword, how can you protect your king and queen?"

Baldwin couldn't help but burst into tears. Yes, this is the master I want to follow. This is the king of our knight kingdom. How can those decadent old nobles be compared with our king? Only he can make Bree Tania became even greater: "You are right, Your Majesty, you are right, Le-Angoulan Castle is still some distance away from here, please let us follow you to the ends of the world!"

"Knights and soldiers of Clement, regroup and line up in three columns! Turn around!" Baldwin turned around and gave orders to the soldiers: "Tear up all those rags! Lift up what belongs to us The red, blue, gold lion flag and the fleur-de-lis flag!”

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Raymond held the tricolor flag of the Old Guard tightly with both hands, planted the flag on the ground, and thunderous war roars resounded throughout the world: "Long live the king!"

"Long live the King! Long live the King!"

The cheers in the wilderness spread far, far away.

The next day, the gates of Count Clement's castle were opened wide, and the army of the King of Knights was stationed here.

The splendid and extravagant count's palace, the Palace of Rouen, opened its doors, and the old Count Clement ran away with a small part of his personal property. They took a boat to the sea to take refuge in Marienburg, leaving behind an empty count's castle. , there were also a large group of civilians gathered and many knight nobles who took the initiative to stay and wait for the arrival of the Knight King. In the cheers, the Knight King and the Knight Queen visited the Rouen Palace.

"Your father ran away, Baldwin." Ryan and Sulia entered the palace to admire the luxurious decoration of the old Earl Clement. The knight looked at Baldwin and said with a smile: "Don't he know that as a nobleman, if he does not stick to his What kind of punishment will the land face?”

"Earl, he fears your judgment, Your Majesty." Baldwin said calmly: "He fears you as he fears storms and lightning."

"No, he is no longer an earl." Sulia looked calm. She looked at Baldwin, stretched out her hand and pointed lightly: "I, the Knight Queen Sulia, announce that from today on, you, Baldwin-De-K Clement is the new Count Clement!"

An indescribable excitement enveloped Baldwin's heart, and he knelt down on the spot: "I am willing to die for your Majesty!"

A new order will come to this land!

"What? Len Malcador has occupied the Palace of Rouen? Thousands of troops surrendered without any resistance?"

Duke Taubot stood up from his position. The Duke simply suspected that he heard wrongly: "You say it again?"

Edward bowed, and the Minister of the Interior had a bad look on his face: "Yes, my Duke, there was not a single battle, the old Earl of Clement fled, and Queen Surya declared Sir Baldwin, who had turned against him, as the new Earl of Clement. "

"How dare she?! How could she bypass me as a duke and appoint a count in my principality?!" Duke Taubot became furious. He shouted outside: "Robert! Get out of here!"

"Yes!" Robert, the Minister of War, came in quickly: "My Duke, what are your orders?"

"Gather all the troops immediately and drive the Knight King and his army out of my principality!"


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