The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1042, get on the boat, Houlang!

PS: I’m late, it gets harder to write as I go later, sorry.

Ryan had no intention of punishing Duke Taubot severely from the beginning.

In fact, the truth has been mentioned before, that is, it is legal for Duke Taubot to oppose himself.

As we all know, when Britannia was founded, it was an alliance of twelve loose principalities. The first generation of Knight King Arthur at that time became the leader of the Grand Alliance in order to resist the invasion, and was crowned King of Knights after the twelve wars that marked the founding of the country.

Why does Duke Taubot repeatedly emphasize the "Knightly Covenant"? This is what he refers to. The system of the Kingdom of Knights determines that it is originally a loose alliance, autonomous in peacetime and under unified command in wartime. The dukes enjoy a lot of power, and the king can control all the kingdoms. The control exercised by the dukes largely depends on the chivalry of the dukes and the personal prestige of the king.

This restricted the monarchy to a great extent, so that the Kingdom of Knights did not expand much territory when it was most powerful. It fought several battles with the Estalians and the Empire, and most of them had little gain. Athel Loren There is no return to the forest.

Of course, the upper limit is set for dictatorship, and the lower limit is set for enfeoffment. In history, there have been two times where the king of knights died suddenly, and the dragons were leaderless and faced with the dilemma of multiple invasions. In the end, they all relied on selecting new kings from the dukes from various places to control their own affairs. enemies to save the kingdom.

This is the same as the imperial electorate system.

On the way back to Kurona, in the high-end hotel where they stayed for the night, Ryan and Sulia sat on each side and discussed the next direction of internal affairs.

"There is a reason for letting go of Duke Taubot." Ryan put down the cup and the king said calmly: "I want to set an example for other conservative dukes. Since I didn't hold the first one who came out against me accountable, Taubot. , then Adehad, Ford, Casfan and Hubald will understand what I mean, that is, my prestige is unparalleled, and the outcome of the opposition will be like Taubot, but I let it go With Taobot, this means that as long as you follow my path, everything will be forgotten, and you will have no worries, and you will naturally turn around and declare your support for my decision."

Sulia picked up the black tea. The queen has been favored by Ryan day and night during this period. Not only is her skin shiny and moist, but her body is also filled with Ryan's spiritual energy. The female knight changed back to her favorite white military uniform and dark blue uniform today. Dressed in a colored pleated short skirt and black pantyhose, she tasted the Assam black tea imported from the Far East very elegantly. After listening to Ryan's words, the female knight slightly frowned her platinum eyebrows: "I understand you. Meaning, dear, but could they just be superficial..."

"No." Ryan was sure of this, and the King of Knights said easily: "And we must add more pressure. Don't forget, it was me who forgave their crimes. In this case, if several conservative dukes secretly By sabotaging and blocking my reforms, I can really take action against them legitimately. This time, even Francois and Berhemond will not be able to say anything."

"Yeah." Lidya Su thought about it carefully, and Ryan was right.

No matter how mercifully Ryan chooses to forgive Duke Taubot's mistakes, his mistakes and openly challenging the King of Knights have become the "original sin" that cannot be erased on him. In this case, not only can he not violate it in disguise, but he must also execute it If it is in place, it must be stepped up, otherwise it will appear that he has not truly "repented" of his mistakes, and then Ryan can't really be blamed for taking action.

I gave you a chance, brother~

Dirty is really dirty. This routine made Sulia think about it. The female knight was a little impressed by Ryan's approach, but also a little worried. In the end, she could only sigh helplessly: "Lady, luckily everything went well. "

"Yes." Ryan also breathed a sigh of relief. This time he took a certain risk. What if he suddenly encountered an assassination or a fire accident during the process of persuading surrender?

However, there are risks that bring rewards. This time, without spilling a drop of blood or killing anyone, Ryan's prestige will reach another peak.

He is already a symbol now.

"So about the top ten marshals..."

"François really hopes that Lucien will take over." Ryan said directly: "And Berhemond prefers Davout."

"Is Davout's qualifications too junior?" Sulia took over the list, and the queen shook her head: "You know Ryan, if you count his previous service experience, he was still among the Nicolas of Bastogne in Davout. At that time, his service time was only a few years. If he can be named a marshal in this way, then..."

"Marshals value ability, and Davout is also the unique Old Guard of the Holy Grail." Ryan shook his head. The King of Knights thought carefully and included Davout.

"It's really strange. If you had to choose at that time, why..." Lidya Su secretly glanced out the window.

The queen's meaning is very simple, why not Raymond?

"Raymond is not a devout lady believer. He has always believed in the God of Justice before." Ryan shook his head lightly: "In comparison, when Davout was still Nicholas, he was already a very devout lady. I am a believer. Moreover, the choice of Davout was based on his origin. He was born in the Principality of Bastogne, not far from Bastogne Castle. Not to mention his excellent moral character and strength, it is also the key. It is in the spirit of chivalry to stand up at all times.”

"Yes." Sulia could only nod. The female knight thought for a while and then asked Ryan for his opinion: "So, it's just Davout and Lucien?"

What do you mean by Davout and Lucien? Ryan's heart moved. The King of Knights thought that his wife was really powerful, so he secretly added Lucien in. On the surface, he was asking for his opinion, but in fact, he was secretly adding something private. If he nodded, wouldn't Lucien's place be confirmed?

But this is okay, it was originally an internal discussion, and a little scheming between husband and wife can be regarded as a little fun. Ryan thought for a while and shook his head: "Bastogne is the place where our Britannia dragon thrives. In addition, Davout is the first Old Guard of the Holy Grail, and he is currently the only one. Letting him be the marshal can set an example, which is okay. As for Lucien, I don’t think we should make such a hasty decision and wait for him. Come back from the bad land, he should be on the way already, right?"

"It will arrive in another week." Sulia took out a document and handed it to Ryan. The female knight was a little embarrassed: "Father also prefers Lucien."

"I'll have a chat with him when he arrives and ask him about the current situation of Bafeng Mountain and his views on many things." Ryan took the document and glanced at it. He suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Sylvie and O Where’s Lika?”

"They, Olika went to train Sylvia as a female courtier." Sulia picked up the tea cup again, half-smiling: "I agree."

"Training?!" Ryan suddenly had a bad premonition: "Wait a minute, Olica's so-called training for female courtiers is..."

"What? Isn't Sylvia your female courtier?" Sulia retorted: "Don't think that I don't know that you asked Olica to give your female courtiers the so-called training in the Duke's Castle. Since In this case, you might as well ask Sylvia to be trained as well, she does have a bad temper, which is probably one of the reasons why you rarely dote on her."

"Okay, if you think it's necessary." Ryan didn't object much. He didn't hate the tempered Sylvia, but it was a bit stressful to get along with her. She was too serious and serious, and she was not like Su Li. Ya, Sulia is usually serious and noble and reserved, but she and Ryan are quite open-minded in private. They are the so-called "inner show". Ryan really loves his wife in this regard.

In the next room, Sylvia, who was wearing a black and white maid outfit with white suspender stockings and black leather shoes, was blindfolded, gagged, and tied to the bedside, while Orica was mixing new potions and Preparing new props, the dark elf held several thick belts in his hands and was assembling them. By the way, two silver locks and some weird-looking things were installed: "Dear Sylvie, are you ready?"

"Woo (fear)!" Sylvia could only struggle hard: "Woo woo woo (Miss, Ryan, help me!)"

It's a pity that she has been sold by Lidya Su and Ryan together, and no one can save her.

"Also, what are you going to do with the remaining knight nobles?" Sulia continued: "This time, hundreds of knight families will be deprived of their noble titles, right?"

"I will give them another chance, including those losers from Baldwin's Clement family who hid in Marienburg. I will give them another chance." Ryan held out a finger. He had evil intentions. He smiled: "An opportunity for a redemption expedition."

"Get aboard, Houlang!"

…………I am the dividing line of the back wave…………

A week later, the imperial capital, Braunschweig, and the Imperial Palace.

Emperor Karl-Franz, who had just recovered from a stomach illness, was correcting documents in his study again. He had become accustomed to it for more than ten years. Although the emperor usually preferred to stay with his troops, the recent news The good news made the emperor feel much better.

The first is that after experiencing this great invasion of Chaos, the empire's economy showed signs of prosperity. A large number of infrastructures, castles, towns, and villages destroyed by Chaos needed to be rebuilt. A large number of manors and farmland lost their owners. The emperor He and many electors jointly issued a decree stating that as long as they were willing to immigrate, they would be given free land and farm tools for farming, and they would be tax-free for a whole year. This triggered a large-scale immigration wave. After all, many civilians were willing to directly become homesteaders. of.

The second point is that society has become active again, especially after a large number of military nobles died in battle, many territories and titles were left vacant. Once again, channels for class advancement were opened. For the northern part of the empire, which was conservative and had scarce resources, Generally, the class you are born into is destined to be a person of that class throughout your life, and civilians rarely have the opportunity to move. However, in this Motekin invasion, the military nobles suffered too huge losses, so a large number of free civilian soldiers and many middle-level and grassroots soldiers. This time, I really got a chance to rise. As long as I fought bravely, I basically got a promotion, which made many people satisfied.

Knights were promoted to barons, great swordsmen were promoted to knights, and many soldiers of the regular and provincial armies who fought bravely were promoted to great swordsmen who could live in luxurious military camps and receive double pay.

The third point is naturally the Solland of Gaelt. This has been mentioned before and will not be repeated here. The emperor looked at the financial statements and was satisfied to see that the cash flow from the Solland helped him fill the huge gap. Financial deficit, otherwise Kahuang would have almost declared bankruptcy.

At this moment, Metternich, the emperor's diplomat, knocked on the door: "Your Majesty?"

"Please come in." Emperor Karl-Franz put down the document and said with a smile: "Metternich? I hope what you bring me is good news."

"Your Majesty, the civil strife in Britannia has been completely quelled. The king on the other side of the mountain has completely quelled the civil strife without shedding a drop of blood or injuring a single person." Metternich bowed to the emperor: "From now on, all the Dukes have announced Support King Lane’s reforms and the implementation of the governor system is imperative.”

"It's true, Ryan." Karl-Franz shrugged, and the emperor's mouth was full of envy. Governor-General? He never dared to dream that now he could rely on Motkin to invade. When the electors were weak, they built up the Franz Guards Army in one go and asked the Reik Guards to build Reik Castles and Reik Castles in key places in other provinces. The emperor was very satisfied with expanding his influence: "But I already know these things, Metternich, is there any new news?"

"Yes." Metternich took out a roll of parchment: "A new decree canceling the privileges of the nobility has also been issued. All families that have not produced a knight within three generations will be deprived of their noble titles, but our knight king is also on the throne. God, not only these people, but also the knight family who committed serious crimes in the rebellion this time, he justly and mercifully gave them a chance to make up for their mistakes."

"What chance?" The emperor took the parchment.

"With the opportunity of the Atonement Expedition, knights and nobles who have been deprived of their knighthoods and have made mistakes can choose one of the three guardians of Kislev, Arabi Desert and Badland to conduct an expedition for at least three years." Metternich looked strange. : "This is His Majesty Lane's speech in Kurona, "Get aboard, wave behind!" to inspire these knights who are about to embark on the atonement expedition."

"Let me see~" the emperor began to read.

"Those who keep saying that the Holy Grail is getting harder and harder to obtain should look at you, just like me."

"I look at you with envy."

"We in Britannia have accumulated hundreds of years of connections, wealth, resources, and channels. It is like a gift specially prepared for you."

"The basic salary is generous, the loot is abundant, and food and accommodation are included."

"The veils of desert civilization, ice and snow civilization, and mountain culture are opened layer by layer, allowing you to explore as much as you like."

"Learn the dwarf language freely, learn a piece of Arabic music, appreciate a Kislev girl, go on an expedition to a distant place, and enjoy the exotic customs."

"I can guarantee that many knights will embark on your own path to the Holy Grail from the moment they arrive. You can freely explore your own way of survival."

"I know many of you have no actual combat experience, but it doesn't matter. When you arrive, everyone will quickly learn what to deal with and what not to deal with. How lucky you are, with only one ticket, You can get to know thousands of brothers who are on the same expedition."

"You have the power that I have always dreamed of, and whatever you land on is your new home!"

"You are lucky enough to meet these greenskins, chaos, and undead, and these evil ones are even more lucky to meet the brave ones, you!"

"Salute to your courage! The weak will only blame others, but the strong will have the courage to accept challenges."

"One day, you will understand that it is not just me, Ryan Malcador, who is teaching you how to approach the Holy Grail, but you are also inspiring me, how to let the knights better understand the spirit of chivalry."

"Those who complain that chivalry is becoming increasingly difficult to grasp should look to you, as I do."

"You don't have to imagine how noble your ancestors' bloodline is, because no matter how noble your bloodline is, it won't be enough for you to survive the expedition."

"If you still need my blessing, then..."

"Get aboard! Back Wave!"

"Join 16,000 Breton brothers and sisters on the Atonement Crusade!"

The coffee from the emperor's mouth spurted out and sprayed onto the entire pile of documents.

" guy...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"You are indeed my confidant!" The emperor slapped his thigh hard: "I have wanted to do this for a long time!"

The emperor's hearty laughter sounded in the palace.

"Good job! Well done!"

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