The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1056, Manfred’s ambition

Archbishop Vekmar - The Resolute One, or the Resolute One, the Ruthless One, etc., he himself is not very so-called, and he has woken up from the aftermath of the war.

He almost forgot the beginning, course and result of this war. He only remembered that after the Chaos army was defeated and retreated, he inspected the seal and repaired it intact again.

However, the price was still huge. The high priest carefully reached out and touched his face. There was skin and flesh burned by the chaos weapon. Just the touch of his fingertips made the high priest couldn't help but scream in pain. It was hot and scorching. The electric current stimulated his nerves and radiated to his whole body. The countless wounds in the long battle seemed to be burning. Vicmar cursed Charlemagne and tried to get up.

As if hearing his screams of pain, someone came in quickly from outside. It was Cardinal Wimmer von Gregorich. The originally gorgeous Cardinal's white robes trimmed with gold were now full of stains and stains. There were blood stains and the armor inside the robe was in tatters. The cardinal was limping on one leg: "Your Majesty, the High Priest?"

"Where are we?" Vekmar still faced his subordinates with a stern and indifferent expression, even if this expression made his wounds feel more painful.

"We are now fifteen kilometers away from Talabheim." The cardinal's voice sounded very tired, and Weimer said: "We got the owner of the manor here who is willing to take us in... One night, we We gathered as many soldiers and monks as possible, but the number... wasn't too many."

"Why are you in charge? Where is Pushilok?" Vekma said coldly.

"His Excellency Cardinal Pushlock died in battle."

"What about Pretel and Kunze? And where are Marco Gaedek?" There was some confusion in the head of the high priest. He regretted it almost as soon as he said it. General Pretel and Cardinal Kunze He should have known that he died in battle while advancing without authorization.

But the high priest did not correct his mistake, because he was absolutely infallible. As always, he stared at his subordinates with cold and stern eyes, waiting for the answer.

"They all died in the battle. General Pretel and Bishop Kunze died in the attack. Bishop Marco Gaedeke was hit by witchcraft and a throwing ax during the counterattack. We didn't find his body. , but there were several soldiers who could have sworn that they witnessed it with their own eyes." Wimmer said solemnly and sadly.

One cardinal died in the battle, six of the twelve cardinals died in the battle, and the remaining Vicmar was no longer interested in knowing about it.

"Where's Alfred?" Vicmar then asked the question he was concerned about: "Alfred Damian Vane?"

The atmosphere in the room became stagnant for a while, and Weimer opened his mouth. Under the cold gaze of the great priest, he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva: "Well, my majesty, didn't you see it with your own eyes?"

Vekmar's mind was in confusion. He vaguely remembered the scene he saw with his own eyes at the end of the battle. On a nightmare-like battlefield, with the death of the great Chaos warlord, the Chaos army was crumbling. At this time, Alfred But he got entangled with a Chaos Egg. At the critical moment, he took out his fire gun and interrupted the Chaos Egg's movement to swallow him. However, a Chaos Warrior behind him came up with a double axe, chopped down the Patriarch and killed him. Fell into the river.

"We searched along the river for a while, but we didn't find his body. If Your Majesty feels that he is still alive, we can..." Weimer tried to say.

"Enough!" The high priest's furious roar shook the beams of the room, and a large amount of dust fell: "If this is Alfred's fate, then let him embrace the fate of dying in battle! This is a necessary sacrifice, Humanity has been doing this for three thousand years! It is an honor to die in battle! We will not send people for this! I have lost enough!"

"...Yes." Weimer was yelled to the point where his eyes were filled with stars, and the Cardinal whispered: "Your Majesty, everyone is waiting for your next order and is concerned about your safety, and...we are here to find you. Call the doctor and he will prepare some ointment for you."

"No need!" The high priest opened the cardinal's hand, and his rage came faster than lightning: "Faith is the best weapon against injury. Charlemagne is on top! I know the extent of my injury myself! "

Walking out of the manor, the army of the Church of Justice is stationed here. The sky is as black as ink, and the biting and twisted cold wind blows from the north. Although the snow has melted, the floor is still as hard as steel, and it is deep and deep not far from the manor. The forest seemed to be opening its mouth to face the remnant army. Outside the manor, there were rows of linens neatly arranged in rows. Inside the manor, people were moving, and almost everyone had clothes of different sizes. Many people lost their arms and legs due to wounds, and more people were using crutches or moving with help. Many people were lying on stretchers and on the ground. After a brief confirmation, they were covered with linen and carried away. Go outside the manor.

There are still more than a thousand people left in the Justice Church army, including about 500 active troops, more than 400 lightly wounded people and more than 200 seriously wounded people.

That's all that's left.

But it doesn't matter, the soldiers died in battle, and the monks achieved the outcome they wanted, but there are still people in the empire. The successors of those bishops and knights who died in battle will be selected, and the lost armies will be rebuilt, and Chaos The war will never end, at least today, they are the victors.

"Wash the general's flag and raise your head!" The high priest's voice was stern and ruthless, echoing throughout the camp. "Don't be downcast, we are the winners of this war!"

"We will return to Charlemagne's city victorious!"

"Yes!" In the military camp, a uniform roar sounded again.

However, just as the high priest was lecturing the army, the doctor who had been waiting for the call to apply ointment to Archbishop Vicmar slipped out from behind the manor in disappointment.

Are you the winner?


I am the only winner of this war!

Manfred von Carstein couldn't help but smile.

Of course, this huge Chaos Army was brought by Manfred von Carstein from the Chaos Wasteland in the north.

Through this Chaos Legion, Manfred has figured out the Archbishop's military tactics. Archbishop Vicmar's military habits are ruthless, hard, fast, fierce and accurate, with clear goals and full of courage. He fights to the death. Fighting fiercely, the high priest does not care about the casualties or the feelings of the troops, but only cares about whether the goal can be achieved. It can be said that he has an extremely fierce command style.

This is the strength of the high priest, but it is also his weakness. Manfred has already figured out that Vekmar's command is more than brave, but lacks control. He is excellent in strategy. When it comes to the implementation of specific tactics, the high priest often cannot control those things. The ascetics are extremely fanatical, so they often focus on all-out attacks and strong fights. They don't like to leave a reserve team for themselves and attack hard.

After figuring out the high priest's command style, Manfred knew that it would not be difficult to catch him. The last vampire count couldn't help showing a happy expression again and again, but thinking of his alliance with Arkhan, Manfred I couldn't help but feel angry and cursed.

In Manfred's view, Arkhan is trash, a fool, and a retard. He has so much power, but in the end he only knows how to be a dog to Nagash!

Although he is also an undead, Manfred believes that he is different from the undead. He is different from the Lich King Arkhan who only knows how to be a dog for Nagash, and he is different from the Blood Dragon Ancestor who only knows how to pursue martial arts. Amber Wallace is different from Neferata, the blood ancestor of Lahmia who only knows how to pursue pleasure and luxurious life, and Wusuoran, the blood ancestor of Strige who has lost his humanity and turned into a beast, and Wusuoran, the blood ancestor of Strige who only knows how to research. Nick Lachey from Magical Mysteries is different.

He, Manfred, is different. The abilities of the undead may vary, but as long as he has the spirit to rule the world, he is a noble 25, a pure 25, a moral 25, and a divorced A low-level kid, a kid who benefits the entire von Carstein family.

Ancestor, grandfather, lineage, father!

Blood Ancestor Vlad von Carstein!

Sleep peacefully. I, Manfred von Carstein, will make up for your failure in the last step of the siege of the imperial capital in the Vampire War. I, Manfred von Carstein, will inherit Sylvain. As the sole owner here, I, Manfred von Carstein, will be crowned the Eternal Emperor in the Imperial Palace in Braunschweig!

Manfred gradually lost his disguise, and the Vampire Count was already thinking about his next plan. He knew that the alliance between him and Arkhan was fragile and dangerous, but in the current bad situation, he could only make peace with Arkhan for the time being. Han formed an alliance to see if they could get the maximum benefit from the resurrection of the Lord of the Dead.

In fact, Manfred knew in his heart that the current situation was not particularly good for the undead. If the Empire still had enough operating space and enough troops, then Britannia was almost invulnerable. The needle cannot be inserted. Since many failures, the Kingdom of Knights is now monolithic, so it is impossible to capture Morgiana, the Lake God Witch.

Unlike the high priest, the command of Knight King Ryan Malcador can be said to be a true master of strategy and tactics. In many wars, Manfred also figured out the characteristics of Ryan's command, which is accurate judgment, courageous but It is more about endless whimsical ideas. After determining the battle plan and formulating tactical policies, he is not rigid and has strong adaptability. His flexibility in devoting reserves and concentrating superior forces is particularly unique, and when he needs to fight for his life, Ryan will personally go into battle to show his bravery, sharpness and tenacity.

Ryan's weakness is that he tends to worry about gains and losses in command, and always hopes to fight a beautiful battle relatively perfectly. Sometimes he may lack the determination to fight to the death in the face of huge casualties, and he thinks too carefully that there are often some flaws in the ending of the battle. , the enemy coach can find an opportunity to escape.

Nowadays, Brittania is too virtuous, and Morgiana, the Lake God Witch, spends all day with Ryan. Even if Manfred and Arkhan form an alliance, they really don’t want to confront Ryan head-on. .

So here comes the question. Without Morgiana as the resurrection material for Nagash, Arkhan captured the archbishop of the Church of the Goddess of War to replace it, but what to do with the Staff of Nagash trapped in the La-Messnel Monastery? That is an indispensable and necessary material, an indispensable part of the complete set of divine costumes for the resurrection of Nagash, the Lord of the Undead.

Manfred had a headache just thinking about it.

Let’s focus on the most important sacrifice first!

…………I am the dividing line with abundant martial virtues……

Just as the Church of Justice army slowly withdrew to Talabheim, and the remaining 500 or so soldiers and the two to three hundred lightly wounded who could still walk returned as victors, the Kingdom of Knights was also paying close attention to this situation. After a battle, because Alfred's body was not seen, the patriarch and childhood friend were temporarily given the ending of "disappearance".

At present, Ryan can only entrust the empire to send people to investigate the situation. The King of Knights has no excuse to intervene in this war. He has nothing else to do except urging the empire to find Alfred and see him alive and dead. On the contrary, Ryan must also stabilize the woman Ingrid, a Norscan female barbarian who has been holding her son in Ryan's court all day since she learned that her husband was missing in the Battle of Tarfjord. Making trouble at the door and cursing people, often sitting at the door without leaving, crying and cursing, is not reasonable at all.

This would be difficult to handle. It was impossible for Ryan to really drive her away or lock her up. He could only persuade her to go back and wait for news.

So during this period, Ryan was very irritable. Lidya Su was funny and very understanding of her husband's behavior. She simply asked Sylvia and Theresa to hold Ryan's two daughters to accompany him. Cecilia and Hill are now both She was two or three years old, and naturally inherited her mother's beauty and genes. With her daughter by her side, Ryan's depressed mood improved a lot.

One day in March, after finishing his official duties, Ryan leaned back on his chair and let the sun shine on him. The King of Knights closed his eyes and took a sip of hot coffee.

"Ah, I really want to have a villa next to the Black Sea!" The King of Knights leaned back on the armchair and said boredly to Sulia sitting next to him: "The whole heated swimming pool and picnic manor, treat guests to dinner, everyone together What a joy it is to drink vodka and smoke cigars!”

"Black Sea Villa?" Sulia's face was full of questions. Is there a place called the Black Sea in Britannia? And don’t we already have wineries as resorts?

The female knight quickly realized that her husband was saying strange things again. She smiled and said, "Is it about Ingrid?"

"Well, yes." Ryan smiled bitterly: "I don't know what to do with her."

"It will get better. Didn't Talleyrand go to find out the news again?" The female knight didn't know how to deal with it. Whether Alfred was dead or alive was the key.

As soon as he finished speaking, Talleyrand's voice came from the door of the office: "Your Majesty, there is important news! Patriarch Alfred is still alive!"

"What?!" Ryan jumped up from his chair: "Tell me more details, Talleyrand!"

The high-spirited lame man limped in, holding an open letter in his hand: "Your Majesty, Patriarch Alfred is still alive. He was seriously injured in the Battle of Tarfjord and was drowned by the river. After rushing downstream, Asuryan survived and caught up with the leader of the Church of Justice in Talabheim!"

"His Majesty the High Priest Vicmar greatly affirmed Alfred's will and determination to fight. He announced that Alfred will be directly promoted to Cardinal!"


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