The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1063, Dark Invasion

Under the divine light of the fairy in the lake, Raymond walked gently in front of the goddess. His face was dull, and he just walked forward slowly amidst the cheers and cheers of the crowd, and then knelt down.

In the eyes of everyone, in the trembling and fearful eyes of the serfs, in the longing and envious eyes of the free people, in the sighing eyes of the Old Guards, the Fairy of the Lake took the golden chalice inlaid with countless gems and diamonds. Delivered to Raymond.

The battalion commander, who was in his thirties, knelt before the goddess. He raised his head slightly and saw that the face of the fairy in the lake was obscured by the thick fog. He did not dare to look more, but just reached out and took the Holy Grail filled with liquid. , taking a gentle sip from the chalice.

This is the first time that someone has won the glory of the Holy Grail in the eyes of everyone. All eyes are focused on Raymond, looking at this famous veteran, the escaped slave of Lyonnais, who has an outstanding reputation among the old guards. How did Lucky, the battalion commander who had served His Majesty Ryan for many years, obtain the Holy Grail and transform from a mortal into a servant of the goddess?

I saw Raymond drinking the water of the Holy Grail in one gulp.

Under the spotlight, there was no reaction on Raymond's body at first. He looked around himself doubtfully, as if he was checking his changes, but except for the slightly cold and sweet Holy Grail water sliding down his throat. Besides, nothing changed about Raymond.

What is the Holy Grail Water? Rokossovsky was very interested in this.

The former Marshal Kislev had seen the Holy Grail Knights as early as when he was fighting the barbarians in the north. These living saints have outstanding virtues, are brave in battle, have good command, and more importantly, they will not tire. There once was a Holy Grail Knight. The glorious deeds of a man who single-handedly killed hundreds of barbarian marauders and finally escaped unscathed.

What is the nature of the Holy Grail? How did the Lady in the Lake use the Holy Grail to strengthen mortals into unparalleled strongmen like the Knight of the Holy Grail? What are the criteria for choosing a Grail Knight? Is it a virtue of chivalry? Is it Wu Yong? Or loyalty to a lady? Or is it a belief in order?

Rokossovsky did not believe in the Lake Fairy, so the Ugol people dared to think about and test the power and standards of the Lake Fairy. For the Kislev Marshal, he experienced a lot in Kislev. So many people are actually disappointed with their so-called beliefs and morals.

Any so-called value evaluation system will become a toy of the aristocrats after a long time. Any so-called military merit evaluation method will eventually become a method for the military merit aristocrats to monopolize the entire promotion channel. The so-called morality is even more so. The original intention of establishing the RIM Guards and the Cheka Secret Police was so good, but what happened to them in the end?

Luo Shuai learned silence, compromise and obedience during his years of service.

But coming to Britannia is completely different. The military merit evaluation system here is under the strict control of Ryan, and the moral evaluation system is even more powerful. This system is in the hands of the goddess and is not subject to any external influence. Can it become the Holy Grail? The only basis for the knight is the judgment of the goddess.

Therefore, the Knight of the Holy Grail is a truly good person, a saint, almost morally perfect, and can be trusted.

As if sensing Rokossovsky's doubts, the disembodied voice of the Lake Fairy came from far to near: "It is virtue."

"Virtue?" Luo Shuai took the initiative to talk to the goddess. He asked the fairy in the lake: "What virtue is that? Is it a virtue of chivalry? Or is it a more specific virtue?"

"It is the Eight Virtues of Knights." The Lake Fairy said calmly towards Luo Shuai: "This is the only evaluation criterion. When Ryan chose to try to save the city from destruction with a championship showdown in Miljödenhaven, when On his way home, Davout encountered an invasion by a beastman tribe. He carried the flag alone to encourage the villagers to resist, and after the war, he stood up for the civilians and upheld justice. When Raymond decided to sacrifice himself, he fought for the war. With time and opportunities for victory, the spirit of chivalry has been sublimated and carried forward in them, so this is the reward they deserve."

"But people do not distinguish between high and low. What if the other party is an ordinary serf? What if the other party is a country man who upholds justice? What if the other party is a craftsman who sacrifices himself to protect his wife and daughter? Can they also be qualified to obtain the Holy Grail? Luo Shuai asked.

"Knight of the Holy Grail, you must first be a knight." The Fairy of the Lake said calmly: "There are more than eight million people in Britannia. It is impossible for me to pay attention to everyone. If you want to get my approval, you must first become a knight." Be a knight.”

"I understand!" Luo Shuai lowered his head in sincerity.

fair! fair! Still fair!

He already understood why Britannia was so powerful.

The Fairy of the Lake solves the problem of fairness for the upper class, while Ryan opens the upward channel, and class mobility simultaneously solves the problem of fairness for the lower class.

"Well!" At this moment, Raymond suddenly made a painful sound. He knelt on one knee, and a gentle light suddenly appeared in his chest, and then spread to his whole body, even the white uniform of the old guard. All were overwhelmed by this light, and all his five senses and seven orifices revealed the strong light of the Lake God, and then he fell to the ground in pain, and then became silent.

A few seconds later, the battalion commander of the old Guards was shrouded in aura, his eyes red. He drew out the long sword from his waist and roared toward the sky: "For the lady!"

The entire army exploded like boiling water, and everyone drew their weapons and pointed at the sky.

"For the lady!"

The cheers lingered in the forest of Musilon and could not stop for a long time.

…………I am the dividing line of For the lady…………

After withdrawing their troops, Bertrand and others wrote a detailed military report while sending an urgent message to Lane. The military report wrote three things in detail, namely the specific process of the encounter in the Arden Forest territory and the impact of the encounter. There are traces of the evil demon Gur, and then there is the news of Raymond being promoted to the Guard of the Holy Grail.

Out of honor, this message was delivered personally by the newly promoted Raymond. With everyone's envious and jealous eyes, Raymond personally delivered the message to Ryan.

After receiving the news, Ryan received the second Old Guard of the Holy Grail with a very high-standard banquet. After reading the military report, the Knight King nodded slightly. Sure enough, after following him for so many years, Brittania Nowadays, the general stars are shining brightly, and there are more and more generals who can take charge of their own affairs. This is a good thing.

At the grand banquet, Queen Surya asked Raymond with great interest: "Sir Raymond, how did you come up with this 'immovable as a mountain' strategy?"

"I once told someone that His Majesty attacked Mousilon's Spire Palace. In the Spire Palace, His Majesty used a suspicious formation to frighten away the army of undead that came." Raymond said seriously: "And His Majesty often said something in front of us. , as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as invading as fire, and as motionless as a mountain... I remember occasionally there is a sentence after it... Desire is like the rain? I was inspired by it."

"Pfft!" The wine in Ryan's mouth almost spurted out.

Unprecedented Takeda Shingen craze!

It's a pity that in the end, he still couldn't escape the fate of being punished to death (sad).

"Congratulations, Raymond." Ryan raised his glass and said to Raymond: "From today on, you are no longer the battalion commander of the Old Guards. I appoint you as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Old Guards. and will entrust you with two villages near Lyonnaise."

"Yes! I'm very grateful!" After hearing this, Raymond bowed and thanked him, but he was a little worried: "What about...Marshal Davout?"

"Marshal Davout will transfer the military commander of the Mousilon Army." Ryan nodded: "This is an established matter."

"Understood!" Raymond bowed his head in conviction again.

"Raise your head, Raymond. From today on, you are also a glorious guard of the Holy Grail." Ryan said roughly. The King of Knights stood up and patted Raymond on the shoulder hard: "Have confidence in yourself!"

After hearing this, Raymond patted his head somewhat honestly and smiled.

After three rounds of drinks and five dishes, Beria came over with a wine glass. The Ugor expression was very serious: "Your Majesty, should we mobilize the army and enter the Arden Forest to destroy the Shadow Evil Gul and it?" The shadow of the beastman is fighting against the herd of beasts?”

"There is no problem in mobilizing the army..." When Ryan and Sulia heard what Beria said, they both showed serious expressions. Ryan fell into thinking: "But we have almost nothing about the location of Morgul. We know, and that is just the judgment of the wood elves. There is no doubt that the wood elves know Morgul best. We should send the news to the Wood Elf Woodland Lords Council while gathering the army."

"But it's winter now. Is the Wood Elf Council of Woodland Lords running?" Sulia asked worriedly.

"Yes." Ryan nodded: "In winter, the wood elf king Orion will walk into the fire and turn into ashes, and Queen Alaire will stay deep in the trunk of the age oak tree and enter hibernation, but most of the woodland lords still Will it be orderly...or wild, we just have to get the word out to Alalos."

"Then let's do it." Sulia tried to suggest: "Let's start gathering the army now. At the same time, we will transfer the palace to Mousilon and conduct a detailed search of the Arden Forest. It is bound to bring down the demons." Gul was found and killed in one fell swoop!”

"Also, let Ms. Veronica from the Sorceress Assembly join us." Morgiana also suggested: "We need their help."

"Well, okay." Ryan didn't say anything more. The Knight King immediately ordered at the end of the banquet to mobilize the three governor-general areas of Britannia. A 30,000-person knightly army was formed, led by Ryan himself. , Marshal Callard, Marshal Bertrand, and Marshal Berhemond led their troops to arrive successively, and began a month-long search and clearing of the Arden Forest. Davout stayed behind at Mousilon, and Francois served as the second line. The army and reserves were stationed at the edge of the Arden Forest.

It is worth mentioning that after the order to recruit troops was issued, the whole of Britannia fell into war fever, especially after hearing that Raymond had become the second guard of the Holy Grail, the free people who came to apply were simply There were huge crowds of people, and many of them were even willing to pay their own money to fight. The blacksmith workshops were working day and night to build weapons and equipment.

Are you so energetic? Ryan didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing the news.

But the free people were so enthusiastic, and the King of Knights felt that it would be bad if he didn't say anything.

It would have been a waste to make a fortune in silence, but the King of Knights still announced that it would expand the Mousilon Coldstream Guards Battalion. The Guards Battalion of 400 people would be expanded into a regiment of 1,000 people, with three battalions. .

In just one day, the Coldstream Guards were instantly full, and many freedmen bought their own equipment and wanted to join.

In this way, throughout the winter of 2518 in the Imperial Calendar, Ryan led the knightly army in three groups and conducted a systematic search of the entire Arden Forest.

The search results that lasted for more than a month made Ryan very disappointed. Not to mention Morgul, not even a large beastman battle group or a powerful enough beast king was seen in the Arden Forest. The army came from the forest. Sweeping through, I saw at most a few small beastman warbands.

How could these small beastman warbands be opponents of the Brittanian army? They were wiped out by the chivalry army without any effort.

Subsequently, three armies, led by Ryan, Kalad and Birhemond, followed the traces of corruption and searched deep in the Arden Forest for two weeks. However, no results were found. All the signs pointed to one thing.

Morgul disappeared. After gathering thousands of beastman tribes and warbands, it secretly left the Arden Forest and went to an unknown destination, most likely entering the Gray Mountains.

Various ominous signs, the severely corrupted forest, and the stones that were twisted and mutated under Morgul's will, all point to one problem. Morgul has been resurrected, and its power is changing with the chaos. The wind blows, becoming more and more powerful and violent. It is planning its own revenge and destruction. The newly resurrected Morgul is hiding in the dark to accumulate strength.

The Winter Veil Festival in 2518 could only be spent in this depressing environment. After searching for more than a month with no results, Ryan could only choose to shoot mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns. He led the army to find the hiding place of the maskers. land, the hiding place of "Free Britannia", and completely surrounded this group of masked men.

"General Charles", the leader of the maskers, was very hesitant about surrendering: "How can we trust you to keep your promise?"

Until Ryan pulled Bertrand out and shouted to the people in the hidden stronghold: "Look, who is he?"

"He is the Sixth Marshal, Marshal Bertrand." someone answered.

"What did he do before?" Ryan then asked: "Who knows, tell me?"

"He used to be the leader of the Bergerac Thieves Group." Someone in the Hidden Hanzhong said hesitantly.

"Then how is he treated now?"

As soon as the King of Knights said these words, the maskers said nothing and surrendered. The more than 10,000 people were placed in the previous territory of the Holy Grail Knight Baron Claude who died in the battle.

But all this was not over. When Ryan was returning from the Arden Forest, news came from northern Britannia.

While Lion's attention was focused on Morgul, the longship fleet of Prince Sigvald, the Chosen Champion of Slaanesh, made a surprise attack on the castle of Charon in northern Britannia and destroyed the entire castle. Razed to the ground simply because "the wine here doesn't suit my taste."

When Ryan led his army to arrive, Prince Sigvald had already fled, leaving only hundreds of corpses with their skins peeled off and hanging on the ruins, as well as a long string of words written in human blood.

"Can you keep up with my Speedy? My old enemy, Ryan."

After being mobilized by these waves, Ryan could only become helpless and furious, and chose to disband the army to temporarily calm down.

Then, the latest news came from the wood elves.

The wood elf envoy said very arrogantly, your news has been known to the Woodland Lords Council, but the wood elves have no energy to help Britannia for the time being.

Because, something big happened in the Athel Loren Forest. Teresa, the branch ghost who originally planned to kidnap Morgiana, destroyed an ancient temple of the old gods in the Principality of Palaon, and finally got the last thing she had been searching for. An artifact.

During this winter, Teresa infiltrated into Athel Loren. The powerful tree demon released the power contained in the sacred object she had stolen, and successfully defeated one of the three ancient tree men sent by Alaire to protect her. Cordile's woodland guards who firmly disagreed with the settlement of the wood elves. When the rangers and wild forest ranger troops arrived, the ancient tree man elders had already been rescued.

Ryan felt tremendous pressure from this.

Darkness is spreading across the world.

The end is getting closer and closer.

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