The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1081, Weak Empire

The emperor's emergency order plunged the entire Brunswick into chaos. Almost all the standing armies were mobilized. The castle gates of the Reik Guards were rarely opened wide. Teams of Reik Guards, and even Including the new recruits, all are being mobilized.

Each military camp was assembled under the orders of various imperial generals and imperial captains, including some currently serving conscripts and veterans who had just retired for a year or two. A huge number of troops filled the streets and alleys, causing wave after wave of speculation and confusion.

The Imperial Royal Wizarding Academy was also disturbed by the emperor's messenger. The imperial wizards who were conducting various research were forced to stop their experiments or teaching. Under the emperor's order, they packed their bags urgently and prepared for the battlefield. Many wizard apprentices would Get your first practical lesson on the battlefield.

The Cathedral of Justice in Brunswick appears to be less dynamic - due to the heavy losses in the Battle of the Martyrdom of the Tarfjord, Archbishop Wickmar of Justice wanted to support Emperor Karl-Franz but was unable to do so, but the archbishop never The church treasury managed to come up with 7,500 gold marks as military funds, providing emergency support to the emperor in terms of military pay.

The Brunswick Military Factory also went into general mobilization. In addition to those engineers necessary to maintain production, dozens of war machines and artillery were pushed out of the factory, the warehouse was opened, and all the reserved muskets and bullets were transported out by truckload.

The emperor of more than a dozen knights led by Rick all sent messengers. I don’t know how many people can arrive in time, but Karl Franz can no longer control so many. After about half a day of emergency preparations, the emperor immediately announced Set off!

The capital is about a thousand kilometers away from Blackfire Pass, and time waits for no one! Assuming that it takes the greenskins three weeks to reach the entrance of Blackfire Pass, then Rick's army will have to march 50 kilometers every day to catch up!

Even if you don’t have to worry about supplies, you can prepare them along the way. Even if there are relatively reliable cobblestone roads or granite gravel roads from Rick’s Land to Ivey Land, Ivey Land also has cobblestone roads because it has money, but Marching 50 kilometers per day was still too reluctant for the army. Emperor Karl-Franz could almost only hope that the troops of the Three Badlands Guards and the Border Princes could sustain it longer, allowing the greenskins to come slower, or that Marius Leitdorf, the always neurotic Elector and his best friend, had a way of slowing down the greenskins.

Damn it! Why on earth did a hundred thousand greenskins suddenly appear to attack Blackfire Pass?

Is this reasonable?

Emperor Karl-Franz didn't think so much anymore. The gates of Braunschweig were wide open. After half a day of emergency preparations, an army of thousands of people was ready to go.

Not too many, but there will be people joining in later.

Several rows of the Reik Guards' golden helmets and silver armor, with griffon cloaks symbolizing the emperor's family behind them, followed by three steam tanks - these steel behemoths will be thrown into the battlefield, and then the Braunschweig Royal Guard of Honor , the Franz Guards Grand Army, the garrisons of several legions of Brunswick, and later a large group of knights, the Knights of the Sunset, the Cheetah Knights, the Sable Knights, and the Knights of the Sun in the capital. They are all ready for the expedition.

In the songs praising the Emperor Charlemagne and the savior Ludwig, the Sons of the Empire officially set off.

The Emperor raised his hammer, Gail-Malaz, and addressed his troops, his people, with a speech.


With spears like a forest and iron armor like mountains, rows of knights roared the slogans of the empire.


The engines of the steam tanks spewed white smoke into the sky. All kinds of war machines were ready for battle. The black muzzles of the rows of musketeers were ready to point at the enemy at any time.


As soon as the words fell, the army moved out, the gates of Brunswick opened wide, and the army left the city.

As the defender of the empire, Emperor Karl-Franz's political level was better than his diplomatic level, and his diplomatic level was better than his military level. However, it would be a big mistake to underestimate his military ability because of this. The emperor's own military ability has already been It has been proven in war after war, and even his personal martial prowess is recognized as a warrior in the old world.

It's just that compared to the dazzling military achievements of the Sun King next door, Emperor Karl-Franz seems a little less prominent.

This army marched quickly. After leaving Brunswick, they moved forward along the road of the Reik River. New troops continued to join along the way. After a few days, the emperor and his army arrived at Reik. The famous town in the eastern part of the territory, Glenburg.

Here, the emperor got good news and bad news.

The good news is that Griffin Duke Ivan and Griffin Count Anton have arrived with most of the Griffin Knights. Among the nearly 400 Griffin Knights, there are twenty or thirty who actually ride the Griffin. Elite knights, and the remaining three hundred or so knights all ride half-gryphons.

The addition of this army greatly enhanced the emperor's confidence in this war. The Griffin Knights were an important weapon of the empire. Their arrival at this critical moment not only made victory more certain, but also greatly boosted the morale of the army. .

In April 2520 of the Imperial Calendar, it rained and Rick led the east.

Glenburg is also known as "Rick's Granary". It is full of large cultivated fields and livestock manors. When the emperor led the army to Glenburg, Duke Richard von Gruen of Glenburg Bao Bao has led all the nobles to prepare basic supplies and a place to house the army, and invited the emperor to stay in his noble manor.

Emperor Karl-Franz originally did not want to stay here longer, but it rained heavily at this time. Not only would there be no benefit to Rick's army advancing in the rain, but it would also lead to army fatigue and transportation losses, so The emperor could only order to be stationed near the manor, while cursing the damn weather.

As usual, Marshal Helberg, the Iron Triangle of the Emperor, is here, but the other corner, the great alchemist Galt, is not here, and the army of the Alchemy Academy is still waiting on the road.

"Your Majesty, please use it." The attendant brought fresh hot milk to Emperor Karl Franz. The emperor said thank you softly, took the cup, and then asked the attendant: "Have all the troops drank hot milk? ?”

"We tried our best to provide it." The attendant bowed his head.

The hot milk that Karl-Franz took a sip of was placed on the table and never touched again.

"Your Majesty, if the rain continues to be so heavy, it is almost impossible for us to reach the Blackfire Pass within three weeks." Marshal Rick Helberg's long, perfect mustache was also wet by the rain. Marshal Rick His face was gloomy, even a little unlucky: "After several days of rapid marching, the army is a little tired."

"I know, but we have no choice. Now we can only hope that Marshal Lucien can hold off the greenskins for a little longer, or Marius can think of something." Emperor Karl-Franz patted his thigh hard: "Who I never expected that the damn green skin would suddenly do this!"

"This is not the worst!" Griffin Duke Ivan stroked his long beard. His mount, Beast Bane, was sheltering from the rain in the manor while being fed raw meat by the attendants.

Yes, the good news the emperor got was that basically all the Griffin Knights arrived, and the bad news was that the Nuer army refused to send out. The reason was very simple. Most of the Nuer palace and the Nuer military commanded The system is participating in the river patrol ceremony in Britannia!

No one from Imperial Countess Emmanuel, Nuer Grand Marshal Erstein, or Nuer Baron Frederic could make a decision, and Nuer's army would not assign the army to the emperor. accept command from his subordinates.

At this time, Nur only had a small number of generals and court nobles. They refused to send troops after receiving the emperor's order. The reason was simple. If the emperor could not stop the enemy at the Black Fire Pass, then Nur must at least ensure that he had enough. The city was defended by armies, just as Tamur Khan had done when he invaded.

After receiving the news, the emperor spent a lot of energy not to lose his temper in front of others. He knew very well that without the support of the heavy artillery, war equipment and musketeers of the Nuer army, facing the greenskin This giant waaagh! It will be harder than ever.

The messenger tried to communicate with the Nuer City Council, but the city council always refused. They said the problem was simple, when will we get the decree signed by the Baroness, and when will we take action.

The key is to send the message to Emmanuel, let the messenger return to Nuer with her oracle, and then let Nuer send troops. When did that happen? The messenger used to take at least seven or eight days. Even if magic could be used to save a lot of time, the round trip would still take five or six days!

So it's no wonder that Manfred wanted to thank Ryan for his big help. When the tigers were moved away from the mountain, the command systems of the Nuer Army and the Eight Peaks Mountain Dwarves were mobilized. The Sun King who did not participate in the battle was simply the best in the game!

"The Nuer Army cannot participate in the war. We can only rely on ourselves, Your Majesty." Anton, the Count of Griffin, is already a middle-aged man in his fifties. Although he is no longer young and has grown a beard, But his enthusiasm and bravery never changed: "If you calculate it this way, we should be able to have about 25,000 people participating in the war."

"We should be able to have 25,000 people including Gelt and 15,000 people from Aiwei. The total number is about 40,000." Marshal Rick Heilberg analyzed the situation, and a huge map was spread on the table. The old marshal pointed his marshal's scepter at Blackfire Pass: "There are one hundred thousand greenskins. What's even worse is that they have to march like this. By the time they reach Blackfire Pass, I doubt whether the soldiers can still afford weapons. .”

"But we must defend the Blackfire Pass!" Karl-Franz hammered the table with his fist and said angrily: "Otherwise, if this green-skinned giant waaagh! enters the huge plains of the Aiwei Territory, then for a whole year The harvest will be ruined!"

"The empire is very weak now." Ivan also looked serious. Duke Griffin asked Marshal Rick: "Where is the Steel Territory? Can Haut Anderson provide timely support?"

"It's better than nothing." Heilberg shook his head: "You all know the level of the army led by Steele. They can fight public security warfare and city defense warfare, and they will definitely not be large in number. They also have to defend Sylvanni. Along the Asian route.”

Everyone chatted for a few more words, but there was nothing more they could do at the moment.

After a worried dinner, the emperor didn't even remember what he had eaten. He only felt more and more uncomfortable as he sat in the manor. He had to stand up and planned to walk outside. Ludwig, the emperor's flag-bearer and champion, G. Schwarzhammer immediately led a team of Reik's Guards to protect the Emperor.

Walking through fences and wheat fields, through windmills and big trees, the emperor noticed a group of imperial soldiers sitting together to warm themselves over the fire. They sat around cursing, putting their weapons next to them, cursing the weather, and at the same time cursing the military supplies. official.

The food was not very good, consisting of hard bread, stewed beans, cabbage, a cup of bad beer, a bowl of greasy broth, and a sausage for three people.

"I'm so exhausted! I've been running so hard these days that my feet are blistered!"

"You just made blisters, but my boots were even worn out!"

"Damn greenskins, Charlemagne curses you!"

"You tell me, it's understandable that His Majesty wants us to march in a hurry. After all, the damn greenskins are here, but can the food be better?" Some soldiers complained: "That's all? Even the pigs won't eat it!"

"It's definitely not His Majesty's problem, it's definitely the Quartermaster's problem!" Someone shouted: "His Majesty is always the most protective and caring about us. It must be that damn Quartermaster Rhodes! He swallowed all the things!"

The emperor's face turned ugly after hearing this. He led his men and left quickly in the rain: "Go and call Rhodes!"


A few minutes later, General Rhodes, the quartermaster, came to see the emperor in disgrace: "Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

"What's wrong? Rhodes?" The emperor wanted to ask directly, but when he saw that General Rhodes' face was covered with many scars, his tone softened and turned to concern: "Why are you injured? Are there enemies nearby? "

"No...just something happened." General Rhodes shook his head.

"Tell me the truth, my general." The emperor's state changed instantly. He said sternly, completely unable to see the kindness of the previous second.

"It's just that some soldiers complained that the food was too poor. For four days, it was all broth. Only two meals had meat, and it was a stew mixed with cabbage and carrots. So they came to the logistics to cause trouble." General Rhodes shook his head helplessly: "But We have tried our best, Your Majesty, if there is an emergency, how can we obtain so much food temporarily?"

"Didn't I ask you to send a food collection team to collect food everywhere?" The emperor asked doubtfully: "It's impossible that even Rick's territory can't collect food, right?"

"People have been sent, but the effect is not good, Your Majesty." The quartermaster said with a wry smile: "Last year, Rick's harvest performance was not good, and everyone's surplus grain was not much. His Majesty also strictly ordered us not to forcefully recruit, and according to the local Farmers said that the weather today was very strange, it was extremely cold and there were frequent hailstorms, and there was a lot of rain. The seedlings were severely flooded, so this year’s harvest probably won’t be very good.”

These words made the emperor frown. Since last year, the entire old world has been going crazy. In just a few months, more than a dozen beastman tribes have been raging in the empire this year. The plague has spread on a large scale, crop production has been reduced, and the Chaos Sect has activities are extremely frequent.

Reikland has always been the province with the most yeoman farmers. Needless to say, the benefits of yeoman farmers include self-prepared weapons, strong combat effectiveness, low cost, and high overall quality. However, it is very difficult to collect grain from yeoman farmers. Unlike serfs and tenants, The farmers must give priority to ensuring that they are well fed first, and then consider selling the surplus grain. Forced conquest will have a huge impact on the emperor's prestige.

Originally, the empire could import a large amount of grain from Britannia for use as military rations. However, this year, for some unknown reason, Sun King Ryan suddenly adjusted his national policy and significantly reduced grain exports to the empire. The Zi Fenghuang brothers placed a very large order, which made it impossible to provide military rations during the lean period.

The empire is weak now, the emperor thought.

I wonder why there are no such things as climate change, plague and beastmen in Britannia?

No, that's Ryan's business, not mine.

I must not fall, the army must not fall, the empire must not fall.

"Rick Guard!"


The emperor quickly wrote a note from the table: "You guys, take this and go to the Duke of Glenburg! Ask him to open his private storage room!"


The Reik Guards went out, a move that would obviously offend the nobles, but would allow the soldiers to get much-needed nourishment so they wouldn't pass out during the forced march.

My Majesty the Human Emperor, may you protect your empire and tide over the difficulties!

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