The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1106, Decisive Battle of Conquata (Part 1)

Even though they had followed Ryan through hundreds of battles, the Brittanian army had never seen such a terrifying and oppressive enemy. When Billak appeared in the sky, only those with the strongest will and the most determined Mortals can keep their hands from shaking.

But Be'la'ak was not in a hurry to attack at this time. The original demon prince hoped to wait until the Ulfric Worldwalker army in the east and the undead pirate army in the west arrived.

The old problem, Be'la'ak couldn't control its army.

As soon as the army entered the battlefield, the three Chaos war groups immediately launched an attack on the solid defenses laid out by Ryan in advance.

They are the Blood Drinkers Chapter led by Khorne Champion Vanir Ekko.

The Condor Chapter led by the Champion of Tzeentch, Crom-Speaker.

The Chosen of Nurgle, Meloqi-Rotgut, leads the Descendants of Prosperity.

When they entered the battlefield, the sons of Chaos used the simplest fury and glory to drive themselves, and launched an attack directly towards the fortifications. Three huge battle groups with 3,000 people pressed forward mightily, In the heavy rain, these hateful-looking Chaos believers used their respective Chaos Warriors as pioneers to form a three-color torrent, which rushed directly to Francois's military formation on the left wall.

The father-in-law was responsible for commanding the left-wing army, and Bertrand, as his deputy general, was the first to see the meandering Chaos army formation. In the midst of heavy rain and thick fog, the Chaos army attacked non-stop.

"Don't move!" Francois was very calm, as his father-in-law's military style has always been. He signaled all the soldiers not to act rashly. In the heavy rain, firing from too far away had no meaning except a waste of ammunition.

The elite knights and nobles of the South have followed Ryan and Francois through countless fierce battles. They know that in the face of the destructive power of chaos, there is no possibility of victory for mortals fighting alone. Thousands of people lined up in a tight formation with shields and weapons. They stood on the wall in silence. The veterans who had experienced many wars whispered to the new recruits what they should do and how they should deal with heavily armored enemies. , muskets and hand crossbows should be hit where they will cause more effective damage.

"My Duke, the number of enemies is more than three thousand." Bertrand looked intently into the distance and said towards Francois: "It seems that the enemy's main force has no intention of joining this battle. It may be just a test."

"Then let's let this temptation never come back." Francois said seriously: "Tell me, Bertrand, did you see the Chaos Hell Cannon in the enemy's formation?"

Bertrand looked around carefully, and then said with certainty: "No, my Duke, we did not see any Chaos Hell Cannon or Chaos Dwarves appearing."

"Okay!" Francois told everyone: "Bertrand, you go arrange the artillery, longbowmen and musketeers, and let them be ready. When the enemy approaches, they will open fire immediately."

"Yes!" Bertrand responded.

"Jerrod." Francois ordered again: "Ask the knights to be prepared. Once the enemy's offensive retreats, pursue them immediately!"


Facing the wall that remained silent in the heavy rain, Khorne champion Vanir Ekko was the first to unleash a ferocious war cry.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!"

Hundreds of Chaos Warriors and Khorne Berserkers attacked the enemy. They started running when they were still hundreds of meters away from the wall.

On the wall, hundreds of musketeers leaned out of the shooting holes, and dozens of artillery entered the firing position.

Thunderous volleys of muskets and roars of artillery resounded throughout the battlefield. Even in the heavy rain, the screams of the Chaos army could be clearly heard. The teams were densely packed, and the large number of Chaos troops suffered heavy losses. Even if someone could rush to the wall, , they were helpless in the face of the wooden city wall. As the successive cannon fire exploded in the array or fell into the earth, the Khorne champion Vanir Ekk roared in rage. He waved the battle ax in his hand and searched in vain. Aiming at the championship showdown.

The brass chains thrown by the Khorne Berserkers and Chaos Warriors were too scattered to break through the defenders' defenses. Even if someone could barely climb the wall, they would be greeted by dozens of halberds and muskets at close range. Shooting, a Chaos Warrior rushed up the city wall, and ten spears came towards him. Three of them pierced into his body along the seams of his armor. Then the hand crossbow and muskets opened fire at the same time, and he fell down the city wall.

The Khorne champions immediately judged that the musketeers and artillery on the wall were the biggest enemies they had to face. Vanir-Ikk immediately signaled a group of Khorne berserkers to follow him. Most of these Khorne berserkers were only wearing simple leather clothing. Armor, cloth armor and even the upper body were naked. They chose an angle and prepared to penetrate into the enemy's flank.

Unfortunately, Bertrand was already prepared on this side. Dozens of longbowmen and musketeers had already ambushed the flanks. With their bowstrings connected, the berserkers continued to fall under Tarr's wrath.

The first to die was the Champion of Khorne himself. He had hundreds of arrows stuck in his body, but he still stood tall. The champion shouted the name of Khorne and climbed up the wall, shouting that the great head is here, who is it? Come and get it?

Francois saw this scene, and his father-in-law couldn't help but feel a little respect for the Khorne Champion, so he waved his hand, and the Unicorn Guards rushed forward, and more than twenty halberds were pierced into the Khorne Champion's body. Cut him into pieces.

Crom-Speaker of the Condor Chapter was even more miserable. He was flying in the air on a Tzeentch Frisbee, but was hit by the psychic punishment of the Gray Knight recruit Foch. The Tzeentch champion had a splitting headache. His Tzeentch The flying disc twisted a few times in the air and fell to the ground in an instant. The Gray Knight's exquisite psychic halberd pierced his chest and back, disembowelling him.

The last person to die in the battle was Melochi-Rotgut, Chosen of Nurgle. The heirs of Rongfu moved slowly and became the target of artillery and musket fire. Chosen of Nurgle took dozens of bullets and several cannonballs. Until a mortar shell exploded on the head of Melochi Rotgut, Nurgle's Chosen, who was still directing his troops to fill the trench and crossed the moat, was blown into a puddle of mud.

The first wave of the Chaos army's offensive was temporarily defeated.

The original demon prince Billak looked at the battlefield situation from a distance. Billak knew very well that Sun King Ryan and his army had made very detailed preparations for their arrival. Therefore, Billak was not in a hurry to continue the attack, but signaled the army to form formations first. Let’s talk about entering the battlefield.

Ryan also reacted very quickly. The Sun King immediately sent an order to the entire army and turned around to face the enemy extremely quickly. The inner wall was immediately filled with defenders. Marshal Rokossovsky led the First Guards Gun The cavalry regiment was ready for battle.

Sure enough, Conquata's barbarian army was overjoyed when they saw the reinforcements arriving. They immediately attacked under the leadership of Harold and Zan'ike. However, too many trenches, moats and terrain disadvantages made Harold and His army had to spend a lot of time to break through. When they finally reached the gate of the inner city, the dwarf engineering master Dugan Ironhan had been preparing for a long time!

Several dwarf flame cannons have been adjusted to the highest point. Acrid white smoke spurted out from the supercharging device. The valves rotated and two torrents of flames tens of meters long spurted out from the shooting holes at the gate. !

The dozens of barbarian warriors rushing at the front instantly turned into a ball of fiery and bubbling mud! Into the swamps of Albion during the heavy rain!

"Fire! Fire with all your strength!" Dugan Iron Man laughed loudly. Under the joint operation of the flame cannon dwarf engineers and human engineers, several tens of meters long flame tongues swept across the heavy rain in Obien three times. All the barbarian soldiers of a thousand people were turned into charcoal under the flames!

Harold, the King of Obion, was hit by the flame beam. His right hand and half of his face were baptized in the lava heat wave spit out by the dwarf flame cannon. The skin and flesh were scorched and the flesh was melted. Harold screamed and used Hands trying to tear the burning flesh from the body's surface, his new royal guards forcefully pulled the king down.

But at this moment, the rumble of horse hooves came from the battlefield. As early as when the barbarian army was planning to leave the city and attack from both sides, Ryan had already given the order extremely accurately. The knight brigade led by Kalad and Rokossov The Lancers led by Marshal Ski attacked immediately!

The barbarian army was instantly trapped in the swamp. The front was a solid wall, the burning heat of the flame cannons, the numerous muskets, hard bows and crossbows on the wall, and the side was a large group of cavalry rushing towards them.

"For the lady and the king! For Brittany!"

"For Esun! For the old world!"

War roars sounded from the sides and back, and the Chaos army looked back in horror. They only felt the earth resounding from the thunderous hooves of horses walking on thin ice as if they were walking on thin ice in the abyss. While thousands of winged cavalry rushed at the same time, the knights of Kalad further away The brigade is treading water with the help of divine magic.

The Chosen Champion of Tzeentch, Zan'ek, immediately took over the command to face these enemies. Zan'ek first recited a spell, and dozens of chaotic evil fires exploded among the wing cavalry. Fifty or sixty wing cavalry were in flames. was blown into pieces, and then Zang Aike summoned a large group of crows to directly attack the mounts of the winged cavalry.

Immediately, Zan'ec ordered all the Chaos Warriors to form a shield wall and form a shield array, preparing to welcome the charge of the hussars and knights.

Dozens of white lights from a distance collided with thousands of crows, and the female speaker Veronica cast her gaze full of hatred and distortion. She had a score to settle with Zane Ek.

What shocked Zang Aike even more was that the hussars suddenly stopped when they were still eighty meters away from the barbarian shield wall!

The hussars had no intention of charging through the barbarian shield wall! Instead, it quickly stopped under the leadership of Luo Shuai. Rokossovsky was the first to take out the gun from the holster on his waist and pulled the trigger towards the barbarian shield wall: "My brother Guys! Take out your muskets and hand crossbows and hit me hard!"

"Ula!" The morale of the winged cavalry was high. Dozens of Nur grenade launchers, more than two hundred cavalry handguns and more than two hundred hand crossbows were fired at the same time. The storm of bullets and the rain of arrows thrown from the crossbows instantly flooded the entire place. The barbarian shield wall, the solid shield was penetrated and shattered by the attacks of musket bullets and grenades, and rows of Chaos Warriors fell one after another.

Kalad's knight brigade arrived first and the knights quickly divided into two parts. Two huge knight spear formations bypassed the hussars and turned into two wings. After going around in a circle, they rushed straight into the barbarian army from the side!

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the sound of the collision of steel overwhelmed the screams of the barbarians. Kalad's knight army bypassed the enemy's strongest shield wall and tore apart the barbarians from the fragile flanks with the precision of a scalpel. Military formation, and at the front of the sharp lance formation is Kalad himself!

The Great Holy Grail of the Holy Realm shouted the name of the lady, and violently slashed and killed like a lion. No Chaos Warrior or Barbarian Warrior was his enemy. Zan'ec, who was attacked on both sides, immediately ordered the formation of angrily The soldiers on the front shield wall went to support the two wings, but Luo Shuai would not miss this opportunity.

"In the name of Esun and Thor, hussars! Advance!" Luo Shuai was the first to raise his spear, and hundreds of spears tied with red and white striped military flags rushed in together.

Attacked from three sides and surrounded by enemies from both sides, the barbarian army was immediately defeated. They could hardly find a place to retreat. When Harold was seriously injured again, the commander was not the commander of Zan'ec, who was the chosen champion of Tzeentch. Zan'ac was in After fighting two spells with Veronica in the air, he was forced to order to tighten up and concentrate on breaking through.

Some of the tens of thousands of barbarian soldiers and barbarian militiamen fell into the torrent of lava from the flame cannons and became one with the swamp. Some were pierced by lances, and their blood was sprinkled on Obien. Some were squeezed into pulp, and some were crushed to pieces. They were simply crushed to death by themselves and their corpses.

Zan'ec is very powerful, but the power of Tzeentch's Chosen is that he is best at dealing with wizards. Facing Kalad's onslaught and Rokossovsky's attack, the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch relies on spells and Veronica. When the Light Demons were equally matched, they could only order the Raven Guard Legion to rush forward and open a gap for the barbarian army.

The Chosen Warriors of Tzeentch swarmed forward. The sharp swords and halberds made Kalad feel tremendous pressure. In the madness, Kalad and his knights went too deep into the enemy's formation. In order to avoid being surrounded by counterattacks, Kalad ordered Fight your way out.

Zan'ec opened a gap as he wished, spread his wings to dodge the light beam of the Light Demon Rider, and then retreated.

The Obien barbarian army once again paid an extremely heavy price, and in the end, less than two thousand people successfully retreated.

The first confrontation between the two sides ended like this. Belak lost three Chaos legions, the Chivalry army suffered more than 1,200 casualties, and Conquata's barbarians suffered nearly 10,000 casualties.

However, there was no respite for the knightly army. Huge horn sounds, drum beats and footsteps came from the east of the battlefield, and a new army was about to join the battle.

The five chaotic mammoth war elephants were either carrying a large chaos altar or full of Norscan warriors and spearmen. They stepped forward in the heavy rain and swayed their bodies that were more than ten meters tall.

Among the queues of Chaos Mammoth War Elephants, Norscan Barbarian Riders and Norscan Barbarian Warriors marched side by side. Wanderer Ulfric led a team of more than 20 people, all of whom were legendary strongmen in heavy armor and holding Chaos weapons. The ambitious champion warriors strode into the battlefield, flanked by hordes of Norscan whalers, four Norscan giants, and a group of ordinary dragon demons.

The WorldWalker Legion is coming!

This is Ulfric's revenge!

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