The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1135, Nuer Riot

PS: I was feeling uncomfortable and uncomfortable at first, but after sitting in front of the computer for a while, I actually managed to write it out. It is a kind of pigeon even if it is not a pigeon.

Noor is also very cold in winter.

On the snowy streets, the lively Noor is still crowded with people as always. The festive atmosphere of the Winter Curtain Festival has not passed yet. Merchants are doing activities everywhere, what is the last and ultimate carnival season of 2520, and what is the lowest price of the whole year? The price is right, the hot-selling item with tens of billions of subsidies is at a low price, there is a 50 discount for a purchase of 100 or more, and a 120 discount for a purchase of 200 or more.

There are activities going on everywhere.

Many people are holding shopping parades. Refugees from all directions enter Nuer to seek life. Similarly, various orders also enter the Nuer arms factory. The gun factory is working day and night, producing various firearms and war machines.

Large quantities of food were transported from the Ivey and Sole rivers and sent into the city of Nour to fill the almost endless appetite of this industrial city. At the same time, there was also the food trade of the Bretons, and every day Hundreds of cars at a time, maybe more.

The Nuer people always say proudly: "The Baroness will not let us starve. The Baron will protect our city. Nuer has our own court. We are the most important city in the empire."

This may not be nonsense. As an important town and pearl in the south of the empire, only the capital Braunschweig can compare with it in terms of wealth, industrial technology and population. It is also the academic center and industrial center of the empire. It has an imperial emperor. Everything the palace needs, including a complete guild of magic eight wind wizards, including a Royal Zoo of Nuer, including more than a dozen local knights, as well as the Church of Justice Cathedral and the Cathedral of the Goddess of War.

It is worth mentioning that the Nuer natives do not welcome the Ulric sect very much, because this group of barbarians will hinder their business, but they particularly welcome the Myrmidian sect, the goddess of war, because the teachings of the war goddess are compared to the barbaric ones. Yurik, we need to pay more attention to strategies, tactics and flexible array formations, as well as pay attention to knowledge and learning.

Now, Baron Frederic of Nuer is leading several Nuer armored troops and twenty or thirty black stone guards walking down the street, followed by a group of Nuer city defense troops. The baron is conducting a routine patrol. After the initial battle of the Battle of Cannon and the subsequent Battle of Blackfire Pass, the Baron's military prowess was widely recognized. Emilia was also satisfied with her son, so she gave him the status of captain of the city patrol.

So Frederick really started patrolling around the city with his horsemen all day long.

"It is said that whenever the empire becomes more critical, the importance of Nuer becomes more evident." A Nuer armored soldier, young Sir Otto von Saxony, said proudly: "Without Nuer, the entire empire would be 60 years old." More than % of firearms will be cut off. Without Nuer, the empire will not have enough cannons to quell the world. Without Nuer, what will be left of the empire? In today's most difficult time, only Nuer remains strong. Only Nuer has the ability to support all parts of the empire, only Nuer..."

"Okay, okay~" Frederick smiled a little impatiently: "I have heard these words from you many, many times. Nuer is destined to be great, and I do think Nuer is one of the most important cities in the empire. , but if it weren’t for the arms orders, food supplies from various empires, and the constant influx of talents into this great city, we would also have to face a lot of troubles.”

"This is also thanks to the Baroness. Now that the grain harvest is bad, she is always able to get a large amount of high-quality and low-priced grain from the other side of the mountain." Otto could only be forced to admit that Frederick was right: "Of course. It would be better, my baron, if you could remove one of them."

"Heh." Frederick shook his head helplessly, arrogant and contemptuous of the other leaders of the empire except the Rick leader Aiwei leader (instead, the Nuer people like to fight against the Rick leader people the most), and he likes to fight with Nuer when there is nothing wrong. Comparing with the capital city of Braunschweig and the white wolf city of Middenheim, and praising and trampling on each other, this is the daily life of the Nuer people. The local Nuer people living here, especially the middle-class and above-middle-class military nobles, are There is a kind of "Great Nuerism", which believes that Nuer is the best and most powerful city in the old world.

Although he didn't say it, Frederick knew that his mother's small treasury was indeed full recently. Due to the need to defend the city and complete orders, the army and factories have been expanded repeatedly. The entire Nuer now has the most powerful army in the empire. The Iron Legion, armed with the most guns.

Nathan Drake, commander of the Black Tower Guard Battalion, Captain of the Blackstone Guard, and General Nur, walked beside Frederick. General Drake caught Frederick's fancy, so he was chosen by Frederick. He got it from Emilia and made him his lieutenant.

It is also interesting to say that Nathan Drake was originally an ocean explorer. He traveled around the world and went as far as Lustria and Cathay. He was also received by Fulgen, the commander of the Ash Legion. Later, He actually accumulated a lot of wealth by exploring the ancient saint's undersea ruins, formed a mercenary team and made a name for himself, until he became a famous mercenary leader, and then was officially recruited by the empire. Since he is a native of Nuer, he is willing to return to his hometown. In the end, he actually jumped into the Black Tower Guard (Nur Internal Guard), and then passed the Black Stone Guard assessment and became a member of the Baroness's personal guard.

Frederick likes to talk to Drake most. The former mercenary leader who has traveled around the world is rich in knowledge and can give Frederick enough answers almost anywhere. Of course, more importantly, Captain Drake He is one of the very few Nuer officers who firmly believes that "Skaven exist", which coincides with Frederick's thoughts.

He needed this kind of hard-liner, and Drake, who had repeatedly hit the wall, was deeply moved that there was finally someone among Noor's top management who believed in him, not to mention that this person was Baron Noor, the first heir to the Baroness.

"How's the investigation going lately?" Frederick asked Derek.

"My Baron, according to the investigation, we found that at least a quarter of the Nur Armored Army and at least a fifth to a sixth of the Blackstone Guards believe in Chaos." Drake whispered. : "But fortunately, except for a very small number of people, most of them don't know that they believe in Chaos at all. They always think that they believe in Charlemagne, Mirmedia, or Ulric, Salia, and Valen Na, these people are not deeply corrupted. Through your purification ceremony and the purification ceremony of Casmir IX, everyone can return to their posts."

"Damn it! Fortunately, it was discovered early!" Frederick cursed secretly. If he hadn't been so sensitive to the aura of chaos, who would have known that the ancient primitive human altar under the Nur Armored Army camp was actually the Altar of Khorne. ?

In the empire, how many people are Chaos believers?

At the same time, Frederick always felt as if he had overlooked something.

what is that?

"Where are the rest?" asked the Baron softly.

"They have all been secretly executed and then handed over to the Church of Justice for unified burning." Captain Drake nodded.

"I don't think the church is that reliable." Frederick frowned. The way his eldest son thought was exactly the same as his father Ryan. As he grew older, Frederic's appearance was very close to Emilia's. Ryan's features began to appear on Ke's face: "But it doesn't matter, I can identify it. I will see for myself when the time comes."


The group of people patrolled through Mirmedia's Goddess of War Academy. In the cold weather, the Goddess of War Academy was still teaching classes, and the students who had just finished their Winter Veil holiday had already started classes.

"Ah, listening to this voice, I seem to be back when I was young." Frederick said proudly. He also attended the Goddess of War College and completed all the courses in just three years.

"When you were young?" At this moment, a heroic but charming female voice sounded from above: "You have the nerve to say you are young? Don't you look at how old you are now? You kid."

"Bad boy?" Frederick suddenly felt a little unhappy, and the soldiers behind him were even more tense. When the baron looked up, he saw a very beautiful girl sitting on the trunk of a big tree at the Goddess of War Academy. She was half-lying Half-leaning, he looked at Frederick casually with a pair of bright blue eyes. His purple-gray shoulder-length hair hung down from both sides of his ears. He wore a sun-shaped golden crown on his head, pinned to both ears. Fire red rose flower.

The girl's eyes are full of playfulness and interest. Her eyes flicker as if she can speak. Every move is filled with a sacrosanct brilliance and the light of reason and wisdom. There is a faint smile on her delicate and heroic oval face. , at first glance, she seems to be wearing a red, white and black maid outfit for a senior maid in an orthodox noble family, with a large ribbon tied on her chest. But if you look closely, you will find that the so-called red and white maid outfit is a workmanship. The extremely exquisite armor and over-the-knee high-heeled iron boots could not hide her slender and well-proportioned legs. The hilt of a sword was in the shape of the sun. The half-sword burning with pure solar fire hung on her waist, with two swords. Long tassels hung from her sides.

"Who are you calling a stupid kid?" Frederick yelled dissatisfiedly. If his parents, uncles, godfathers and mentors could say this, that's all. Others can't!

"Aren't you just a furry child?" The girl couldn't stop laughing. She stared at the corners of Frederick's slightly fluffy mouth: "Have you forgotten? I even hugged you when you were born!"

"!" Frederick's eyes suddenly widened: " are?!"

"Me? I am now the new 'Eagle of the North' Noel von Ascot Magritte. After the disappearance of Archbishop Isabella, I am now responsible for commanding the Goshawk Knights of the entire empire. The Knights of the Spear of Justice and the Knights of the Sun. Nice to meet you, Baron Noor." The girl just nodded towards Frederick. She didn't seem to have the slightest awe: "But I want us to chat. Running out."

"Why?" Frederick instead saluted the girl to show respect. He drew out his sword, the Wood Elf Rune Sword - the Hero's Bane Sword, and stood it straight on his chest.

"A riot." The girl Noelle said in a serious tone: "A riot is happening at the gate of the Elector's Palace. If I were you, I would rush back with my people."

"Oh oh oh!" Frederick suddenly became excited, and a series of words suddenly popped up in his head.

Fengtian Jingnan!

Changes in Black Stone Gate!

The Fog Moon Coup!

Glorious Revolution!

Of course, these are just Frederick's random thoughts. He still loves and respects his mother very much. After hearing the girl's reminder, Baron Noor immediately realized what he had overlooked!

Mother's court!

"Otto! Take the people immediately and take my order to find the Maybach engineer!" Frederick roared: "Let him take the musketeers to the Elector's Palace immediately!"


"Drake! Take my ring and go immediately to Ms. Elspeth, the dean of the Amethyst Academy, and Mr. Point, the great wizard of the Amber Sanctuary."


"The rest, follow me! Go rescue mother!" Frederick hurried away with the people, leaving the girl still on the tree. The girl took out a small cylinder from her waist, filled with She took a swig of sherry and sighed.

"Sure enough, the tiger's father has no dogs. His decision-making at critical moments is really like his father's. Maybe by following him, you can be more sure."

On the other side, sure enough, a huge riot suddenly broke out in Nuer's city. Groups of fanatics and doomsdayers suddenly appeared and began to attack Nuer's major venues and palaces, crowding the streets. Their reason was "Witch hunting", looking for evidence of "chaos" among the nobles and military officers. Thousands of mobs stormed the elector's palace, and more mobs began to destroy the Nuer city. Everyone was proving They are more "pure" than others, and the way to do this is to kill and expose those who are "not pure enough" to each other.

But inside the palace, Imperial Countess Emilia was tied to a torture rack. She was taking a nap, but was dragged out of bed by her maid and her trusted personal maid. The palace guards' attention was all outside, and the maid suddenly called Emilia up.

"No, my lady, the mob is storming the palace!"

"It's okay, don't panic." Emilia, who had just gotten up and was wearing pajamas, said calmly: "There are many palace guards. How can the Black Stone Guards and Black Tower Guards be compared to the mob? They can't rush in, so why would they? Something like this happened..."

"What if they have already rushed in?" The maids suddenly burst into laughter, and then Mary, Emilia's most trusted female officer, said: "My Baroness, others have been dismissed by me, in your name."


The unsuspecting Emilia was caught by several maids. Since she was protected by Ryan's spiritual pattern, it was difficult for these Chaos cultists to harm her directly. However, the cultists were well prepared and she was tied to the stake. , the charges were "witch" and "lewdness". The baroness's screams, accompanied by the lit pile of stakes, were so sharp and desperate.

However, at this moment, a gunshot rang out, and the female officer Mary was headshot on the spot. Frederick rushed in with the Nuer Iron Armored Army and the Black Stone Guards, killing all the maids.

"Mother! Are you okay?" Frederick raised his hand and used the wind of death magic to offset the flames, and then lowered Emilia from the stake.

"Frey! My son, oh!" Emilia hugged her son hard, and the Baroness was furious. She immediately found the rune tooth - Fire of the West, which was placed on the bedside: "Let's go, son, Let’s fight out, gather the troops, and put down the rebellion!”

"Ouch!" Frey responded immediately like a little lion.

As the Imperial Lady appeared and summoned the army herself, the leaderless Nuer army immediately found a backbone and was summoned. The counter-insurgency operation was immediately launched. It took two days to quell the large-scale riot in Nuer. It is estimated that at least two people were killed. Thousands of people died in this riot.

However, after the riot subsided, Nuer's imperial concubine's first reaction was to run away. She ordered her men to pack up their things and salute. Now Emilia's mind was full of thoughts of running away, so she ran to Ryan.

I can't stay in this damn place!

"Sure enough! This kind of thing won't happen only around Ryan! Only around him is safe! Only he can give me a sense of security!"

Noor, whoever wants to be treated will be left alone, but I won’t be treated any more!

…………I am the dividing line of security…………

Just one month after the Nuer riot, Empire, Tarabek Territory, the outskirts of Tarabehem, twenty or thirty kilometers away from the city.

The "Winter Hunt" insisted on by the Elector ultimately brought devastating results.

"Come on, Long Mei, I am Superman!" Archduke Talabek and Elector Helmut Feuerbach of Talabheim fell to the ground. The elector watched his guards being beaten by a group of people from the forest. The Khorne Berserker Chapter + Beastman Minotaur Chapter + several Nurgle Disciples warbands that rushed out and slaughtered them all, couldn't help but scream.

Dragonmei is the mount of Elector Helmut, a half-gryphon, and the main source of combat power for the Elector. It was fighting hard against a group of Khorne Berserkers until it was chopped into pieces with random knives.

"Fight one, hit one, Zion, you can, you can~!" Helmut screamed and shouted, his great swordsman guards died in the battle one after another, guarding the elector and retreating, the elector's personal Champion Zion Williamson Rahm swung his sword like a whirlwind until he was pierced by a row of halberds from the heavily armored Chaos Warriors of Khorne, impaled on the wall, and bled to death.

"I'm numb! I'm numb!" Helmut was so frightened that he didn't know what to do. He ran away desperately until he reached a small slope, with the cold and fast Talabek River below.

At this time, all the elector's guards had been killed, and he was the only one left.

"It's over!" Behind him were several minotaurs, a group (dozens) of Khorne Berserkers, dozens of Khorne Chaos Warriors and a group of Nurgle followers.

The Elector cried out in despair: "Is this reasonable?"

Then he jumped into the sub-zero icy river water and was swept away by the rapids.

At the moment before losing consciousness, a sentence flashed in the elector's mind.

"This is very rivery."

From this day onwards, Helmut Feuerbach, the Archduke of Talabek and the Elector of Talabheim, disappeared.

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