The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1144, The fate of dark elves, the fate of humans

Dark and ruthless, great and cruel, this is the impression that most Druchi have on Nagarond.

Dozens of spiers pierce the sky, and hundreds of black buildings are located near the city wall. On the city wall, countless city guards guard this thousands-year-old city, and in the center of the city, that A huge tower made entirely of obsidian penetrates deep into the clouds. It is the Black Tower of the Witch King and a symbol of Malekith's power and status.

When the messenger saw the high walls of Nagarond, he couldn't help showing a happy and panic expression. He knew what Nagarond meant to the dark elves.

Wealth and status, indulgence and pleasure, blood and danger.

Unlike the high elves, who are at least superficially democratic, for the dark elves, the entire society has only a five-layer structure.

They are the Witch King and Witch Queen, fear lords, military nobles, free people, and slaves.

Except for slaves who can be promoted under extremely special circumstances, all promotions can only come from one way, the "chain of promotion". After meeting certain conditions, the lower-ranking person can challenge the higher-ranking person, and the upper-ranking person can It must be accepted, and if the challenge is successful, the person below can be promoted.

Therefore, most of the dark elves live in vigilance and indulgence all day long, because no one can predict what will happen in the next second, complex threats, endless palace conspiracies, anyone may be promoted in one fell swoop, and everyone may fall in an instant.

Of course, for thousands of years, no one has successfully challenged the Witch King Malekith, the Witch Queen Morathi, and Cairne's Bride Heliben.

When the messenger approached Naggarond, the Witch King Malekith was not there. He appointed his trusted general Tularis as the vanguard to attack Ulthuan, and took advantage of Finubar's death to destroy the high elves to complete his revenge. He himself is nowhere to be found.

The person currently in charge of the defense of Nagarond is Kuran Blackhand, the most trusted personal guard of Witch King Malekith - the captain of the Black Guard of Nagarond. He is over a thousand years old this year, and as a member of the Black Guard With a long service of more than four hundred years, he brutally killed the previous captain of the Black Guard during the Chain of Ascension Ceremony, and defeated seventeen of his challengers in the next four hundred years.

The messenger was very happy to see that even though the Witch King was away and General Turaris had taken away an astonishing number of troops, Nagarond still maintained a very powerful military force, with tens of thousands of Druchi standing troops monitoring everything. , the city still has terrifying war potential, but before he had time to smile, he was caught by a group of black guards.

"Our northern defense line has fallen, and everyone has been killed or routed." The messenger was brought to Kuran-Blackhand, and he said in a fearful voice: "Large hordes of Chaos armies, barbarians, monsters, beastmen, Or something else, rushing from the north. Their attack was so crazy and regardless of the cost. The defenders resisted bravely, but they were still outnumbered. After we persisted for several hours, all the outer strongholds were lost, several more than ten meters away. The tall, egg-like Chaos behemoth and a dozen Chaos mammoth war elephants forcibly broke through our city wall, we..."

"Continue." The Black Guard Captain's voice was as cold as ice.

The northern defense line was broken so easily, and Nagarond actually only got the news now. Listening to the messenger's story, the Black Guard captain had no expression on his face.

When the messenger told him that the queen with wings on her back, horns on her head, and legs like ox hooves, bathed in blood, appeared, Kuran was finally moved: "It's the Queen of Blood."

"Yes, it's the Blood Queen."

"Take him down to rest and eat, and then give him a set of equipment." After listening to the long story, Kuran said calmly: "We may soon be facing a city defense battle."

"The enemy is about to arrive. In the name of the Witch King, the entire city will be under martial law to protect our city and everything in Druchi." The captain of the Black Guard said calmly, and in his cold and emotionless voice, there was an unsettling sound. Conviction and iron will.

The entire city's army was mobilized, the gates of Naggarond were closed, the eternal fire burned as a sacrifice to Khaine, and hundreds of legions covered the city walls.

Every dark elf is ready.

"For the Witch King!"

"For Nagarond, for the Witch King!" Wave-like roars stretched from the city wall, from silent chanting, to whispers, to chants, to shouts, loyalty and courage, hatred and tenacity.

This is Drucci!

Valkyrie, the Bride of Khorne who led the Chaos Tide, almost never imagined that she and her Chaos Tide would encounter such terrible resistance on their way to attack Naggaroth.

The barbarian army of hundreds of thousands once broke through Hal-Ganxi and penetrated deeply into the city. The desperate Druzi shouted the name of Kane, and in their madness, they broke out into battles with the barbarian warriors and Chaos under the Bride of Khorne. The warriors' fighting power became even more terrifying. With the help of the old witch Heliben, the bride of Kane, after bathing in the pool of Kane's blood and regaining her youth and beauty, she came out to meet the enemy. The warriors' desire for killing even made the Yankees fear. Dwarfed by comparison, the barbarians besieging the city were quickly repulsed.

The Bride of Khorne had two duels with the champion of Kuran-Blackhand, and the Chaos army besieged Nagarond for a long time. A part of the Chaos army then went south, but was encountered by the Witch King's personal champion Malus in Hagrid Grave. -The sniper attack of Black Blade and his Hagrid-Grave Legion. The ruthless Hagrid-Grave Legion wiped out tens of thousands of Chaos troops besieging the city, but Malus Black Blade refused to support Nagarond.

The thinking of the dark elves is different from ordinary people. For Malus Blackblade, his duty is only to guard his territory. Except for Malekith, no one can order him, and for Malus, Deep down in S-Blackblade's heart, he was even happy to see the Witch King, Kuran, and Nagarond fall together.

One sentence summarizes the mood of the fear lords and noble councilors - everyone is anxious and everyone is waiting.

Everyone hopes that the Witch King will come back to take charge of the overall situation, but everyone is afraid that the Witch King will come back to settle accounts with them.

Only when things get out of hand, when the Witch King realizes that he cannot lose Nagarond and takes the initiative to ask for help, will the Fear Lord send troops and get the maximum benefit.

The siege lasted for three full months, until Malekith came back. The Witch King rode his black dragon Seraphin. When Nagarond was in danger, the Witch King returned in person and fought in a great battle. In the duel of champions, he personally killed the Bride of Khorne, announcing that the siege of Nagarond was lifted.

But at this time, the entire Nagaros was already in flames. The war had been going on for three months. Hundreds of thousands of defeated soldiers scattered in chaos were still wreaking havoc throughout Nagaros. No matter how eager the Witch King was, Malekith could only give the order. All Dark Elf armies attacking Ulthuan immediately returned.

He must first drive all the damn barbarians out of Nagaros.

At the same time, Malekith also knew that even if he was killed, Valkyrie was not really dead. The Bride of Khorne had just returned to her husband, and it would not take a year or two for her to return to the mortal world again.

At this time, the Witch King learned that in the ancient city of Quintex, a new fear lord and her pale army were rising rapidly. She even openly collected and accepted a large number of opponents of Witch Queen Morathi, and immediately there were Dozens of sorceresses joined her ranks, seeking refuge.

"Interesting, I will officially recognize her as the Fear Lord first. The most important thing now is to eliminate the barbarians first and let her enjoy a good time for a while."

…………I am the dividing line between good times……

After three months of continuous onslaught, Valkyrie, the Bride of Khorne, was crying under the city of Nagarond, but the chaos frenzy showed no sign of stopping, and the Dark Elves had to use all their strength to defend themselves against the enemy.

The situation in the old world is also becoming increasingly bleak.

As September 2521 approaches, the situation in the empire becomes increasingly terrifying and desperate.

After Emperor Karl-Franz escaped from the political whirlpool in which his nephew was killed, the emperor was running around almost every day, stabilizing the political situation of the empire, suppressing his opposition and political opponents, and a twin-tailed comet appeared in the sky. It once made the people of the Empire feel extremely excited, but it also showed that mankind was about to face an unprecedented test.

As the twin-tailed comet becomes brighter, some dark omens have emerged. A legendary beastman, the Shouting Shaman, and the winged sacred beastman "Dark Omen" Malagor have already appeared in Drakwald The forest appears, destroying villages in its path with its vast warbands, performing vile Chaos sacrifices, and vowing to bring doom to the people of the Empire.

Travelers, caravans, and patrols disappeared in Dracovald in large numbers, and road traffic was almost cut off.

The emperor sent someone to urge White Wolf City to organize an army immediately, but Boris still had not recovered from the grief of losing his beloved wife and two beloved sons. The elector himself had completely lost his fighting spirit, and the dean of Amber Academy, Greg Mattak took the initiative to take on this responsibility. After two months of investigation, he announced that he had confirmed the figure of Malago-Dark Omen.

However, Karl-Franz soon realized that it was better not to announce it, because the empire was now too weak to organize a large army to solve the problem of beastmen. The terrible plague spread everywhere, and cases of mutations suddenly appeared, not only in the city In dirty vegetable gardens and among the rich, the poor people were soon bewitched by the whispers of the God of Darkness, and headed north to the Chaos Wasteland to seek the revelation of the true God, while more people were suffering from panic and illness. tortured.

A large number of imperial nobles took their property and servants and fled south to Nuer. Nuer had Baron Frederick and his "miracle" to fight the plague.

At this time, Karl Franz received fifty bottles of "Holy Water of the Church of Terra" from Geert, and the emperor hurriedly distributed it. He was indeed a "great teacher", and the special medicine had outstanding effects. Unfortunately, it was not suitable for tens of thousands of people infected with the disease. For a person, fifty bottles was just a drop in the bucket. Within a few days, as the holy water ran out, greater dissatisfaction and conspiracy theories spread in the streets of Braunschweig.

However, the merchants of Marienburg seized this opportunity and worked hard to make money. They sold "Galt Talisman Water" and "Wood Elf Secret Medicine" everywhere to fraudulently make money. Most of these so-called potions and holy water were just a little bit added. Water with dyes and seasonings, or even just some low-quality, stale ale and juice.

The emperor really wanted to send troops into Marienburg to severely punish these profiteers, but now was not the time. The Bishop of Brunswick from Thalia, the goddess of mercy, told the emperor that the goddess of mercy was powerless against the plague.

When October came, good news that was not good news finally reached Braunschweig.

Boris Todbringer appointed an Electoral Successor, and his nephew, Baron Wolfgang Todbringer, was ordered to be escorted to Kronburg by a detachment of Cheetah Knights and a regiment of the White Wolves. , placed in the Kronburg Palace, under the protection of the Kronburg army and Blücher, the Duke of Kronburg.

As a result, Wolfgang contracted an illness halfway through the journey. A doctor claimed to be able to cure his illness. Wolfgang died suddenly within two days, and the doctor turned out to be a member of the "Sir of Doom" of the Nurgle sect.

After suffering another heavy blow, Boris finally began to cheer up. The Elector finally realized how many opportunities he had allowed the Chaos Sect and how much suffering he had caused his relatives and people in his previous depression and decadence. , Boris finally came to power again after more than a year, and took over the military and political power of Midden Territory and White Wolf City.

Middenheim declared martial law and dealt a decisive blow to Chaos cultists and opportunistic businessmen. White Wolf City finally stabilized and restored order.

The emperor was not yet happy about this news. Two terrible news came from the north of the empire and the interior of Reikland respectively.

After the defeat at Prague, the Chaos Legion has made a comeback, and Prague is on the verge of being lost. The Northern Army of Britannia, the local army of Kislev, the Imperial Oster, and the Ostermark Provincial Army are composed of The coalition is collapsing.

"The Empire cannot sit idly by!" Karl Franz knew very well the bravery, loyalty, and chivalric virtues of the Bretons, as well as the bravery, tenacity, and fearlessness of Mrs. Kiesler. Even if they join forces, they cannot stop Chaos. Tide, then Osterland and Ostermark, which were already dying in the last invasion, would never be able to stop Chaos.

"Immediately send me an order to order Nord Grand Duke Theodorik Geisel and Hawkland Grand Baron Edbrand Ludenhoff to assemble their troops and support Mrs. Keesler before the situation collapses. And the Bretons!”

"Yes!" The herald hurriedly left.

Another news came that the overall grain production in Reich this year will be reduced by about 20%-25%.

"Charlemagne is here."

On the other side, it’s also October.

Sun King Ryan, who has recovered from a series of incidents, is inspecting Musilon's harvest.

Ryan is still not used to the absence of his personal maid Orika. Now, standing behind Ryan are Lake God Witch Morgiana and Knight Queen Surya.

Of course, Morgiana began to wear various maid outfits when they were getting along in private, which really made Ryan feel very... interesting and exciting.

After Orica left, Morgiana took the initiative to take over the duties of the dark elf's personal maid. Now the Lake God Witch and Ryan are inseparable, while the Lake Fairy Lilith temporarily left Mu Silon and went to Palaon, where there was a meeting between the Wood Elf Queen Alaire and Lilith.

By the way, Devon Hill went too.

This year's Britannia is still a bumper harvest. The harvest is not reduced at all compared to previous years. The average yield of each farmland is 10%-15% higher than the normal estimated yield.

"Kalad and the others have now arrived at Erengrad." Ryan said to Surya. The Sun King was very distressed because he was still stuck at the door of the demigod and couldn't find a place to enter.

Ryan is now certain that the reason why the original bodies can successfully become demigods must be that the emperor has reached an agreement with the four gods of chaos in advance during debugging and production, and has prepared the necessary "subspace source material".

Just like what Ryan got from Beelak, but that's not enough.

Unfortunately, when it comes to Ryan, the Emperor has no "Essence" to give him. This is also a limitation that prevents him from successfully advancing to Demigod. At the same time, this can also explain why, after losing all the Primarchs, the Emperor There is no way to create a new batch of original bodies. The emperor himself is not a god, at least not before entering the Golden Throne. His source of essence was traded with the Chaos Evil God Py.

But the fairy in the lake told Ryan that of course she could upgrade Ryan to a demigod, but this meant that Ryan would become her slave god. Of course, Ryan couldn't agree to this. In this case, Ryan didn't ask Orika, because It's impossible for him to be Orica's follower.

So, where else can one obtain the Sefirah? It doesn't matter if it's contaminated, Ryan can purify it.

The Sun King found himself facing a major problem. The only one he could contact was the God of Order. He could neither be the follower of other gods, nor should he kill or harm the God of Order at this critical moment, nor could he rely on the God of Order. Time will slowly condense the source of subspace.

This feeling of powerlessness pained Ryan, but the Sun King soon realized that he did not have no chance.

When the final moment comes, some supreme beings will be forced to appear, and some will fall, just like the Pale Queen.

All he has to do now is wait and seize the opportunity.

What time?

Ryan remembered. He remembered that within the body of the famous Sacred Beastman Beast King, Morgul, there were a large group of mortal incarnations of elven gods, and the origin injected by the Four Gods of Chaos himself!

He took up the idea of ​​Morgul.

Morgul, when will you appear?

And at the same time that Ryan came up with the idea of ​​​​Morgul, a 900-kilometer-long retreat that could be called a disaster and an epic level was being staged on the land of Kislev!

All the forces have officially entered the major plot line of Endgame. In response to everyone's request, I will highly condense the plot, not the main plot part, and save as much as possible. I will try to summarize it as much as possible. Or do you think everyone is more inclined to watch it? Detailed process? Leave me a message and give me some advice.

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