The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1146, Kalad kills two generals in the snowy night

Just when the human army was in dire straits, heavy snow suddenly began to fall in the sky in Kislev in November.

On November 4, it snowed all over Kislev, and the entire land was instantly enveloped in the snow country. The temperature dropped sharply, from above zero to about 20 degrees below zero in an instant.

Marshal Raun of the Northern Army looked at the sky and saw goose-feather-like snow pouring down. The soil and trees all over the mountains and plains, and the mountains in the distance were soaked in white snow. Raun stretched out his hand in surprise, holding the white snowflakes, and then , the marshal of the Northern Army showed an expression of ecstasy.

"It's snow! It's snow! It's snowing in Kislev!"

"Long live Snow! The bear god Esun is protecting us!"

"It's snowing! It's snowing!"

The whole army cheers!

At this moment, the Old Guards of Britannia, the great swordsmen of the Empire, the duelists of Estalia, and the mercenaries of Tyrell cheered together.

At this moment, all the human armies loudly praised Kislev's heavy snow, and loudly praised Kislev's General Winter!

The Old Guards shouted for the protection of the Sun King. These veterans of many battles had all prepared cotton-padded clothes for the winter in advance, and they also had a "warm baby" produced by Veronica's Magic Workshop.

The great swordsmen of the Empire, with iron crosses, skulls and gryphons on their bodies, cheered, they were ready.

Raun soon received good news. The 4,000-man army of the Dulong City dwarves located in Kazasien had come to meet them with supplies, and the logistics supplies had caught up!

At the same time, the heroic Ugor cavalry also protected the two wings of the human army.

Can't wait any longer! Lawn immediately ordered, move forward! Vitebsk must be retaken immediately!

In the rearguard, Callard and Rokossovsky are also discussing how to get rid of the unbeaten Abal and Sulsa Lenk.

The snow was falling heavily. Rokossovsky was sitting in the tent, holding hot soup. Luo Shuai said seriously to Kalad: "Your Excellency, we only have one chance."

"Only once?" Kalad frowned.

"Yes, only once, on the first night when the Invincible Army and the Norse Army merged." Rokossovsky pointed at the rear of the rearguard: "I think there is only one chance, heavy snow and unfavorable advance. , the moon is dark and the wind is high. When you are camping at night and you suddenly encounter someone, what will happen? My Lord, you must know that we must be quick, accurate and ruthless, and it is best to kill the target in one go, otherwise our ending will be fail."

"I know." Kalad nodded. The world-famous Holy Grail, Ryan's trusted marshal, made up his mind: "Constantine, do you dare to join me in a night attack?"

"For Esun! Your Excellency, please give the order."

"Operation codename-Sea Lion!"

That night, the two converging Chaos armies, the Invincible Abal and Sulsa Lenk, had a problem just as Rokossovsky had expected.

The reason is simple. The Undefeated - Abbar is a champion lord of Khorne, riding a flesh hound, and was appointed by Khorne to be the Chaos Lord of Archaon, to assist Archaon in his mission to destroy the world.

However, Archaon disliked Abal's weak strength (basic level of the Sanctuary) and neither sent him a large number of troops nor assigned him important tasks, and basically ignored him. Abal was very angry at Archaon's contempt. , so he personally led the army south, and Archaon ignored it.

This made A'bar feel humiliated, but the opponent was the Eternal Chosen One. He said unceremoniously that Archaon could kill A'bar instantly with just one sword strike, so the Khorne champion focused his attention on Sursa Lenk's attack. Of course, the great Norscan barbarian lord did not want his army to be annexed. The moment the two sides met, the situation was tense. The relationship was extremely tense and several armed fights broke out.

After nightfall, in the heavy snow, the two Chaos legions camped separately. The camps of tens of thousands of Chaos armies seemed endless. The barbarians, covered in furs, gathered together to roast themselves and eat meat. The Chaos warriors stood silently in the ice and snow. Waiting for the order to move forward, the hungry roars of the demons and war mastiffs kept ringing, and the Chaos Ogres howled loudly, indicating that they wanted to eat meat, eat more meat, and began to attack any enemy they saw. , all kinds of Chaos Giants and Chaos Eggs gathered together, they were half-clothed, crowded together, pushing and fighting with each other without intelligence.

The subzero temperature and heavy snow also caused trouble for the barbarian army and the Chaos army. They moved slowly and disorderly. They could not find their chiefs and lords in the heavy snow. There was a vast expanse of white everywhere. Chaos was already very loose. The structure of the army had basically collapsed, and the beastman auxiliary troops were shivering with cold and hungry. They immediately began to move scatteredly, trying to find supplies in nearby villages.

Therefore, when Kalad and Rokossovsky led carefully selected and well-fed elite warriors to appear near the Chaos camp in the dark and began to launch surprise attacks, the entire Chaos army was shaken.

Bombing the camp late at night! All the barbarians and beasts were awakened from their dreams!

"It must be Sulsa! The damn Norscan man is jealous of my status and power!" The undefeated Abar angrily mounted his blood hound, and he ordered his personal guards angrily, a group of terrifying The Chaos Warrior sets out immediately. He wants to personally take off Sursa's head and present it to Khorne!

"Damn Abal, Chaos curses you!" On the other hand, Sulsa also believed that Abal failed to annex his own troops during the day, and if he launched a late-night attack, he was planning to annex his own troops. Of course, the Norscan warlord was not willing to do so. Feeling inferior to others, he immediately ordered his ambitious champion warriors to follow him to Abar's camp!

It was a thrilling battle between the two sides. The Norscans were somewhat restrained at first, but the Invincible Army under Abar could not think so much.

Khorne never asks where blood comes from!

Soon, a camp bombing turned into a full-scale conflagration! The two Chaos camps were in flames, and the already extremely distrustful Chaos armies struggled and fought together, just to offer their gifts to their dark master.

Not far away, a thousand men from Kalad and Rokossovsky watched everything with cold eyes.

Sure enough, Luo Shuai's plan succeeded, and Chaos really blew up the camp!

Even Kalad has to admit that Marshal Rokossovsky is really good at battle tactics. His meticulous military plans and bold strategies can always surprise Kalad. However, similarly, Marshal Luo is also good at battle tactics. A military speculator, his military plan means that Kalad will personally lead an army of only a thousand people to attack the camps of two Chaos Legions!

"Forward, for the lady! For Britannia!" Kalad raised his lance and took the lead. The soldiers let out an amazing roar together. Everyone was willing to follow Kalad, this unparalleled warrior.

It was Beria who tasted the first drop of blood. The political commissar of the 1st Guards Lancers saw a barbarian wielding an ax during the charge. Beria calmly drew out the wood elf. The scimitar cut a 60-centimeter bloody gash on the body of the barbarian warrior. The barbarian lay on the ground and was immediately submerged by the horse's hooves.

The cavalry rushed through the enemy lines. The enemies seemed endless. Only Kalad's flag remained the same. In this chaotic night, no one knew who it was. What they had to do was to cut everything down. broken!

In a fierce battle, people kept falling, people kept getting on top, and more people were entangled together. Kalad personally led the army to charge, and he was invincible and irresistible along the way!

Even so, the number of human troops was still small. Soon, Kalad and the others were surrounded by the Chaos army, but Kalad also found his target. Like a meteor, he rushed straight towards a group of heavily armored Chaos warriors. , the golden cup cloak behind him buzzed under the night sky, Durandal's flight was dazzling, Kalad ruthlessly harvested the lives of the Chaos Warriors, at the same time, Kalad, who was covered in blood, narrowed his eyes and raised his hand He held the divine sword in his hand.

I found my prey!

The great Norscan warlord Sulsa, who had just defeated Abar, roared angrily, indicating that he accepted the invitation to the championship showdown. The great barbarian warlord ignored that he had just been injured by Abar, and the giant ax in his hand clashed with Kalad's long sword. , a performance composed of skill and cruelty exploded in the barbarian camp.


Rokossovsky was also covered in blood at this time. Luo Shuai struggled to put the lance into the chest of a barbarian. When he saw the lance was broken, he did not hesitate to draw out the wood elf scimitar from his waist and swung it. He chopped off the neck of an unknown beastman and was about to give the order to regroup the troops when a scream came from the entire battlefield!

In the tens of thousands of troops, Calard stood proudly. Marquis Garament raised Sulsa's head and shouted with the highest voice: "In the name of the lady!"

In order to prevent everyone from seeing clearly, Kalad even "borrowed" an arm and torch directly from a Chaos Warrior.

When the Norscans saw that the great warlord died like this, they were immediately defeated. Seeing that the goal was achieved, Calard took away Sulsa's head and ordered a breakout to the west. However, only halfway through, the Marquis of Garamente It was found that there were less than a hundred people left around, and the remaining soldiers had been surrounded by the undefeated Abar and his men. Seeing that Kalad wanted to retreat, the soldiers from Bastogne shouted anxiously: "My marshal, do you want to abandon your people?"

Calard hesitated for a moment, then immediately turned his horse's head, ignoring Beria's admonition, and shouted: "Bretonians never abandon any brother or sister, my brothers, follow me!"

After saying that, Kalad turned over again and rushed into the enemy's camp. The undefeated Abar was delighted to see the hunting heart. He had heard of Kalad's name, so he ordered everyone to get away, and he wanted to deal with Kalad personally.

"You shouldn't come to die, mortal, you are a warrior, I will give you a decent duel." Abar raised his weapon seriously, and the Khorne Champion Lord showed a rare expression of respect: "I have heard of you Name, Calad de Garament, you killed Aisling, he was a warrior, and so were you."

"Get out of my land, you chaotic bastard, you will pay the price for this, I swear in the name of my lady." Kalad said lightly.

Immediately, a great championship showdown was staged again in the camp, Kalad vs. Abal.

The two sides quickly entered the state after a period of testing. After hundreds of confrontations, parries and blocks, Abal immediately seized the opportunity. Durandal in Kalad's hand deflected in order to cut open Abal's shoulder armor. , just a piece of brass iron that cut open the shoulder of Khorne's armor.

When Kalad saw that the blow missed, he immediately clenched his fists and smashed Abar's head with his fists. A corner of the Khorne Champion Lord's helmet was smashed away on the spot. The force of the blow from the Brittanian Marshal was extremely powerful. Big enough to blast a Chaos Warrior's head from his neck.

Abar quickly dodged the blow, and the Lord Champion of Khorne laughed wildly in his heart. He found an opportunity, and brought the serrated sword of Khorne directly to Kalad's chest. This Holy Grail Knight was wearing plate armor? Don't be afraid, how can the magic sword given by the Blood God be resisted by mortal armor?

Kalad knew that this blow was enough to pierce his heart, but the Holy Grail did not panic at all. He just stretched out his iron hand and held the blade. The blade of the Khorne Demon Sword instantly penetrated the iron glove and cut it. A few shallow cuts were made, and Kalad's palm was cut. However, in Abar's shocked eyes, the Khorne Demonic Sword stopped moving forward on Kalad's plate chest.

The magic sword given by Khorne cannot penetrate this knight's breastplate?

"Pay the price for all the sins you have committed, bastard!" Kalad was not surprised by this. The set of dwarf Dulong City Granny's master-level runes for strength, agility, and magic resistance were all in full swing. The golden plate armor said calmly: "We will resist inside forever until the world is destroyed."

"All things will eventually return to chaos. This is the fate of the world!" The Invincible Abar responded angrily: "We will destroy everything you say you cherish. I, the Invincible Abar, will take your head for my lord. !”


Kalad's voice was filled with eternal determination. He roared and raised Durandal. An extremely dazzling light burst out from the blade, illuminating the entire sky!

"You have no chance!"

"Ahhh!" The undefeated Abar was almost blinded by the ultra-high-intensity dazzling light. The Khorne champion instantly lost all vision, and couldn't help but subconsciously reached out to try to cover his eyes.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated. Time seemed to freeze at this moment. As the light disappeared, a blood-red head fell from where the light dispersed and fell to the ground. Blood spurted out and the head rolled in the snow. A few laps and no more movement.

"In the name of my lady, the undefeated Abar is defeated!"

Kalad's roar echoed throughout the sky.

The morale of the human army skyrocketed, and the morale of the Chaos army plummeted. Kalad once again swung his sword into the enemy formation. After several rounds of back and forth, no one could stop him. All the trapped human troops were rescued, and then Kalad led his people away without a trace. Any Chaos army dares to come in pursuit.

That night, the human army suffered more than 300 casualties, and the Chaos army suffered more than 5,000 casualties.

One thousand broke thirty thousand. With this military miracle, Kalad's rearguard barely repelled and got rid of the pursuers. However, the two Chaos legions whose Lord was killed lost all morale and could only retreat to Prague to rest and recover. Easily annexed by Velich.

On the other side, good news also came from Lawn.

In knee-deep snow, the human army led by Raun fought hard for three days and finally recaptured Vitebsk from the Chaos army. This was an extremely difficult victory, and Raun was unable to stop the Chaos army from retreating. Before leaving, a vital pontoon bridge was destroyed. Without this pontoon bridge, the army would have to take a long detour.

At this time, the remaining 10,000 troops of Elflik-Kinewulf had already set up defenses on the other side of the river. The troll king Solongo heard that he could snipe the human army and was quickly coming with his troll army.

To make matters worse, the surface of the Linsk River is very thin and cannot be crossed at all.

At this critical moment, the Ugor cavalry once again rescued the Brittanians. The locals told Lawn that there was a place upstream of the river where the river was narrower and the water flow was not very fast.

Raun did not hesitate. He made a prompt decision. He first detached a part of his troops and pretended to cross the river from the lower reaches of the Linsk River in the south to attract the attention of the Chaos army. At the same time, he led the main troops to cross the river from the upper reaches and used Theresa's full strength to freeze the river to create a fast passage. , and use it to make floating bridges.

Kinevuf was fooled, and the Kurgan warlord immediately moved his position and set up defenses on the south bank of the lower reaches.

More than 3,000 people from 3 serf infantry regiments were ordered by Raun to launch a suicidal charge towards Kinevov's Kurgan Army. Almost the entire army was annihilated. In the end, only 19 people survived and returned to Erengrad.

Afterwards, they were all awarded knighthoods by the Sun King Ryan and personally awarded the Order of the Holy Grail. However, seven of them died within a year due to the illness and sword wounds caused by the extreme cold.

While waiting for the Kurgan Army to discover the problem, the main force of Laun upstream had already completed crossing the river and established positions to defend. However, in the heavy snow of Kislev, the Chaos army was slow and lacked coordination. ability, resulting in the failure to break through Lawn's defense line, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

At this most critical moment, the empire's reinforcements arrived. About 15,000 imperial troops were jointly led by Elector Edbrand of Hawkland, Baron Wolfen of Osterland, and Vasily von Zhukov. Arriving at the front line, the addition of this new force instantly reversed the battlefield situation. Kinevulf's Kurgan Army was defeated, the barbarian warlord was killed by Raun, and Solonger's Troll Army retreated after seeing the situation.

Finally, on the 35th day after the retreat began, and on the third day after the Battle of Vitebsk, Raun waited here for Kalad's rearguard. The human army retreated into Erengrad's sphere of influence. Kalad personally confirmed that no one was left behind. Any sick or wounded ship or skirmisher, the marshal was the last to cross the river and ordered the pontoon bridge to be demolished.

On the one hand, Velic knew that the enemy was tough and difficult to defeat, and on the other hand, he seemed satisfied with this result. The Chosen of Tzeentch took the opportunity to annex all the Chaos legions except the Troll legion. The number of troops under his command had expanded to more than 80,000, so The Curse ordered the advance to be postponed.

The human army retreating from Prague also reduced its number from about 60,000 to less than 40,000. At this time, the climate in Kislev had reached minus 37 degrees. Under the extremely cold conditions, both sides had no intention of continuing the fight.

Lawn officially gave the order and the steam engine project was launched.

All the human armies and residents of Erengrad and the 113,000 dwarves in Dulong City will take advantage of the slowdown in the Chaos offensive in the past few months to retreat in batches to various parts of the old world.

In Britannia, Lawn's Northern Army and the dwarves of Dulong City will follow Kalad's Continental Army and all withdraw to Britannia after many years.

…………I am the dividing line of the steam engine plan…………

Sun King Ryan, who was far away in Britannia, looked at the specific battle report sent from Erengrad and couldn't help but praise: "Good! One thousand broke thirty thousand, two generals were killed on a snowy night, and the Chaos Camp was advanced. Countless and invincible, Kalad is full of courage!”

"We have already done what we should do." After reading the battle report, Ryan nodded slightly: "Next, it depends on the empire."

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