The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1157, Reunion with Anmir

The Great Forest of Athel Loren, the Kingswood, where the Oak of Ages is located.

The divinely chosen champion of Alaire, the hero of the wood elves, Alaros-the Hero is reading Ryan's letter, and his face is full of black lines.

An army of millions, a thousand members of the Holy Grail?

Who are you lying to?

Lie to yourself? How many troops do you have, don't you have any points to count? Cheating serfs? Is it useful?

Lie to us? Although Eislay is autistic, he can be said to be well aware of the situation in the entire old world. Wood elf mercenaries, wild forest rangers and intelligence organizations from all over the world continuously send intelligence to this big forest. If Ryan He said that he had pulled out an army of 100,000 people. Aralos might even send someone to confirm. An army of one million people... was too much.

Cheating the beastmen? Do you need to deceive the beastman's intelligence? Can you cheat? Morgul has always been known for his lack of intelligence and relying on instinct, so there is no point in lying to him.

In short, Aralos really couldn't understand why Ryan did this.

However, during the long expedition, Aralos did get enough experience. After thinking about it for a while, he vaguely felt that he had caught something.

He's acting.

You know he's acting.

He knows you know he's acting.

But he's still acting.

And it's clear that he intends to continue acting.

It made Aralos want to give Ryan an "upright and upright" tapestry.

Lord Tasien can feel that Ryan is not a fool. Since he did this, he must have other intentions. The current situation is that the alliance between Britannia and the wood elves is closely related and in a situation of advancing and retreating together.

Since you want to act, you might as well act the whole set.

Aralos wrote: "Your Majesty the Knight King, Ryan Malcador, has personally signed the letter. The letter has been received. Queen Alaire has been in Anmir to prepare for the ceremony. All the troops in Eslay will be under my full command. He will assign all the reinforcements to his command, draw reinforcements from the ten kingdoms, and raise a total of... raise..."

Aralos hesitated for a while, then simply wrote down: "The total strength is 400,000."

That's right! You have millions of lions, I have an army of 400,000!

1.4 million troops! Can't the cricket demon Gul be determined with a snap of his fingers?

After finishing writing, Aralos, who usually rarely talks but likes to joke and play humor, burst out laughing. Lord Tasien Woodland lay on the table, almost laughing with tears in his eyes.

Who are we, Asley and these chivalrous patients, acting for? empire? Isn't the Empire busy dealing with the Chaos frenzy in the north and preparing for the Sylvanian Crusade? Southern country? The southern countries have never cared about this. Is it just for the dwarves in the mountains?

What do those short stackers know?

Aralos smiled for a while, then his face became serious again.

Now that Queen Alaire is presiding over the ceremony, the Twilight sisters are not around, and Orion has not yet been resurrected, Araloth is the actual person in charge of the wood elves. He has been facing a series of problems recently.

First of all, with the recent news from major kingdoms, the Wood Elves have discovered a worrying problem - the number of newborns is decreasing, the corruption of Chaos is increasing, and many Dryads have become more and more hostile to the existence of Wood Elves and are constantly trying to steal At the same time, due to the failure of the great guardian, the erosion of the magic network and the great forest by the wind of chaos caused animals to mutate, food sources decreased, and beastmen sprang out from time to time in the forest.

This is also the reason why the Wood Elves and the Knight Kingdom signed a military alliance. The Wood Elves urgently need a more comfortable external environment, a stable enough source of food, minerals, commodity imports and sufficient export trade profits to ensure the vitality and prosperity of society. Stability of birth rate.

Perhaps many people think Alaros is foolhardy, and maybe he once was, but now Alaros deliberately lets everyone retain this inherent impression so that he can profit from it.

Aralos has studied the population decline of high elves and dwarves. Why high elves experience population decline has been mentioned before (high happiness, high welfare, involution), so I won’t repeat it here. As for the population of dwarves, , Alaros also studied it carefully.

For example, why in the dwarf kingdoms of Breeze Castle, Copper Mountain Castle, and Horn Castle, the vast majority of dwarf women will not give birth to more than four children in their lifetime, but the dwarves of Haimenguan, Eight Peaks Mountain, and Eternal Peak dwarves Most dwarf women give birth to more than eight dwarves?

It’s very simple. I have never been to Eternal Peak Aralos, but King Belega and King Byrnov of Bafeng Mountain and Haimen Pass strongly encourage childbirth. If you have more children, you will get more subsidies, enjoy many reproductive benefits and guaranteed educational opportunities. Belega even It is announced that the birth of more than eight children will be directly awarded the "Heroic Mother Medal". No matter how hard you give birth, the kingdom will provide money to help support you. Give birth to more children and contribute to the rejuvenation of the Angland clan!

The dwarves of Bafeng Mountain urgently need more people, a large number of people, to be able to defend their homeland, mine mines, regain lost lands, and rebuild fortresses. Bafeng Mountain is too big, and most of the dozen or so fortresses, workshops, and mines in it are empty. A large number of advancement opportunities are waiting for everyone. Belegar promises that no matter how humble and weak the clan members are, they will have the opportunity to become lords and join the Angrond Oath Guard. Countless jobs are waiting for the new life of the Angrond clan. and all the dwarf settlers.

Therefore, Aralos is not only happy to see the alliance with the Knight Kingdom happen, but also thinks it is necessary. Among Eislay, he is a staunch "Ryan supporter" (although there is an element of love for the house and the bird due to Lilith) , when Alaire was away, it was Araros who overcame all opinions and suppressed the voices that opposed the conclusion of a military alliance and the formation of a coalition with Britannia.

But he also murmured in his heart, in order to form an alliance, is it really necessary to give the Twilight sisters to Devon Hill as maids?

If they want to interfere with external forces, the wood elves have always adhered to two policies. First, if the other party is a faint king, then it is best to control him. Everything should put the interests of the wood elves first. In fact, there were many Dukes of Britannia in the long history. That's how it's controlled.

If the other party is a very powerful wise king, then the Wood Elf will keep an eye on it when it is in danger, take the initiative to show goodwill and help, let the other party remember the favor, and give priority to the interests of the Wood Elf when considering the interests of its own country, such as That's how Ryan and Karl-Franz handled it.

What's the point of arranging it for Devon Hill? Does he have a say? Does he have military power?

Aralos actually has thoughts about the Twilight sisters, but now he can only accept them.

The second thing was a magical message placed on the table. It came from Prince Elsharion of Yris of the Kingdom of Yris of the High Elves and B'Elanna, the Second Archmage of the Council of Magisters of the White Tower of Hoth in the Kingdom of Savri. you.

This is a letter asking for help. The high elves requested assistance from the wood elves, hoping that the wood elves could send an army to help rescue the trapped little queen.

Yes, after spending a lot of time regrouping his troops, Eltharion finally set off from Yris, preparing to travel to the Old World to once again try to save the little queen for the promise he made to his best friend Tyrion.

Yris was also invaded by demons. It took Eltharion a lot of time to drive out the Chaos Demon Legion in the mist. Then he gathered as many troops as possible without affecting Yris's defense - only a thousand The army of more than 200 people, plus Princess Adila's chariot regiment, was only more than 1,400 people.

That's it? ah? That's it? 1,400 people also want to save the little queen? Before you, a large group of legendary heroes + 2,000 elites + the Dwarf High King personally led the troops to rescue you, but now the dwarves ignore you, do you think of us cousins?

The Brittanians next door already have an army of millions!

Get out of here and play with your eggs! Alaros tossed the letter aside without thinking.

To this day, many wood elves still miss the Elf Empire and yearn for Ulthuan, but few understand the thoughts of the high elves better than Alaire's chosen champion - in the eyes of the high elves, Athel Loren is just A colony separated from its homeland for many years, not a sovereign nation.

It's an insult.

There are only two people who can order the proud wood elf hero to do something he doesn't want to do, one is Alaire and the other is Lilith.

After all the matters were dealt with, Aralos also led the army to go to war.

The 20,000-strong Wood Elf army is the largest army assembled by the Wood Elves since the last battle of Mousilon.

The Wood Elves' legendary force, the Talas Eagle Guard, and Araloth's personal guard, the Greyhawks, are ready.

The Vaal Champions of the Starlight Forge joined the team with their greatswords in hand.

The Dracola Hawkeyes of the Wild Forest are ready to fight Morgul again.

The Islay War Dancers of the Trickster's Grove are eager to offer their graceful moves to Loic, the god of trickery.

The eternal guards of the Heart of Winter are ready to go.

The woodland cavalry in the Tianhen River section were prancing among the woodlands.

The war eagle cavalry of Moon Spring Grove flew high in the sky.

The woodland guards of the summer riverbank listen to the whispers of forest spirits.

It is winter, and the dryads are all sleeping. There will be no help from the dryads in this battle, but this is nothing to Athel Loren and Araloth.

Because the hunting season is here!


Imperial calendar year 2522, January, Anmir, the land of withering.

The chivalry army and the wood elf army gathered here.

At first, the knightly army entered the forest under the leadership of the wood elf envoys and guides. Human beings were very curious about all this at first. They forced themselves into the deep, quiet and opaque forest, a kind of ancient and natural The breath of the world is coming. After many, many years, the great forest of Athel Loren still maintains a small part of the original appearance of the world before the arrival of the ancient saints. This makes humans with such short life very curious, and the wood elves They looked at these short-lived ghosts with foolish and mocking eyes and talked about that.

The poor short-lived ghosts cannot understand the web of life and the original power of the great forest at all. Even if it is told to them, their short lifespan and low thinking and logical ability are destined to be unable to understand everything.

Therefore most of humanity's questions remain unanswered.

But there are exceptions, such as...

"Sister Nestra, Sister Alohan, you guys usually live here." Devonhill was sandwiched between the two eldest sisters. Sister Twilight held one of his arms, and many people I was particularly envious of Devon Hill's beauty, but only Devon Hill himself knew how passionate and fiery his two eldest sisters were underneath a frosty surface, and how shy and seductive underneath the lively and agile appearance of his two eldest sisters.

"Yes, we usually live in the big forest."

"We often help some homeless people. Little brother, are you interested in traveling with us to the deep forest for a few days?"

"If Devin comes, we can take you to Uncle Dais's Starlight Forge and our oak residence in King's Grove. There are delicious food and fun things in there."

"Come with us, no one will bully you, because the only ones who can bully you are us!"

Sister Twilight said something to each other, but Devonhill had little resistance and was about to agree in a daze. Fortunately, the baron still knew that business was important: "I will ask my father when the war is over."

"Then, it's a deal!" Nestela gently pecked Devon Hill's left cheek.

"You can't escape, little brother." Alohan kissed Devonshire hard on his right cheek.

Devon Hill's face turned red. Alisara had been forgotten by him. He decided to follow his father's advice. The most important thing was to cherish the happiness in front of him.

However, as we went deeper into the forest, the scenery in front of us suddenly changed drastically.

The trees and woodland first turned from emerald green to soft green to dark green, then began to turn yellow, rotten, and twisted.

The woodland is a chaotic scene. The entire forest has withered and died. Tumors have grown on the ground. Twisted fruits are hanging on the trees one after another. Some are even bigger than a deer. There are many strange creatures. With their faces covered in fleshy bumps and extra hooves, tentacles and even heads, they look extremely painful, roaring and attacking any creature in their sight...even themselves.

Of course, these mobs could not stop the knightly army. Ryan raised his hand and used two psychic storms to solve them, but the strange scene in front of him was still deeply engraved in everyone's mind.

"This is Anmere, the land of withering." The Lake Fairy walked beside Ryan. The expression on the goddess's face was very serious: "This used to be a lush and open green forest, but everything changed during a war. , Morgul was slain here, and his corrupt and foul blood stained the place forever."

"Why can't Morgul be driven out and then eliminated?" Ryan asked casually.

"Kedile, one of the three ancient tree men, thought so too." The fairy in the lake wanted to hold Ryan's hand and interlock it with her fingers, but the goddess thought that she was in a public place now, so she pulled Sulia and let her Sulia held Ryan's hand with one hand and her own hand, and then shook her head with a wry smile: "The ancient tree man Cordile did not hate the elves and was crazy from the beginning, but during the Battle of Pain, a large number of tree elves could not stand the whole body of Morgul. Driven mad by the corruption of chaos that was constantly spilling up and down, Cordile saw this and personally used his body to rush away from the beastman army, creating an opportunity for Queen Alaire to face Morgul directly, but it was this close contact that directly led to Cordiller was gradually corrupted and driven to madness."

"On the physical level, as long as you touch Morgul or be covered with its blood, the only outcome is corruption, mutation and madness. The same is true on the magical level. So far, no creature can truly recover. .”

"It's just a ball of self-propelled corruption." Ryan complained: "As long as Morgul stands there, he will continue to corrupt the surrounding environment, whether he is alive, dead, touched, or breathing?"

"Yes." The Lake Fairy nodded.

In the middle of the great forest of Anmere, there is a giant oak tree with dead branches like claws and twists. The oak tree is completely dead and has been corrupted to the point where it is hollow in the middle, leaving only the twisted and everted skin and madness.

Not a blade of grass grows for kilometers.

The only hope of life came from Queen Alaire, who was standing under the giant oak tree. She and a group of Thorn Sisters were preparing and performing a ceremony.

"Queen Aleer knows more about Morgul, you can ask her yourself." The fairy in the lake motioned for Ryan to go up and ask for advice: "Morgul's power is particularly strange. Maybe this will be a good influence on you and it in the future. Fighting helps.”

"Well, I understand." Ryan bit his fingertip, and the Gray Knight Primarch looked at the desolate and twisted land of Anmere: "But before that, I have to do something."

The light of psychic energy shines!

The blood of the original body dripped, and the entire forest of Anmeer began to wail, and black ichor flowed out of the land!

"Very good, let me see whether Morgul's blood is more powerful or mine!"

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