The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 123, post-war arrangements

PS. Second update, please nourish your porcelain!

"Are these greenskins really? I have never felt that greenskins are so weak." One person murmured to himself.

"We have also become a lot weaker. Normally, this battle will be resolved within five minutes, otherwise it will be an insult to our honor." The leader said loudly: "Now, let us start taking action and pay attention to concealment. Try not to be spotted by the locals!”



Today, the Cavaliers returned with a great victory.

The citizens of Marienburg were excited. They poured out of the city and greeted the coalition troops returning from the bloody battle on both sides of the road. The elderly, women and children tried their best to offer their meager thanks to the soldiers, with lots of drinks and food, The blankets were delivered to the soldiers, and the soldiers did not refuse. They really needed these after returning from the bloody battle.

Flowers filled the sky. The citizens worked hard to give cheers and praises to the soldiers who returned from victory. The streets were hung with colorful ribbons and flowers were floating in the air. Most of the soldiers were injured, and many places were only briefly bandaged. , still bleeding outward.

"Victory! Long live the Empire!"

"Long live Charlemagne! Thank you to our soldiers!"

"You guys are the best!"

The citizens expressed their heartfelt blessings to these soldiers who defended their homes and country.

Carloads of processed green heads described the rich results of the coalition forces. As the army entered the city, the nobles of Marienburg had to express their opinions. The nobles pulled out boxes of white bread and handed them to Yuxue. The returning soldiers were thanked for defending their city. The most generous one was undoubtedly the Queensberry Chamber of Commerce. This Halfling Chamber of Commerce took out more than a dozen fat pigs and slaughtered them, and then stewed them in a big pot for the coalition forces. The soldiers tasted the thick broth.

"Halflings cannot go to the battlefield like the Duke, but halflings are willing to farm and operate to provide a safe rear area for the soldiers." The president of the Halfling Queensberry Chamber of Commerce respectfully filled a large bowl of fragrant meat. The soup was handed to Ivan, the Griffin Duke.

Ivan reached out to take it and ate it cleanly in just a few bites: "Halflings and humans do not distinguish between each other. We share prosperity and loss. We are all citizens of the empire. Please don't let anyone out."

Both the imperial army and the Marienburg army took over unceremoniously, but when it was the turn of the Brittanian army, the serf infantry regiments hesitated. They swallowed their saliva and wanted to , but did not reach out to pick it up.

The knights didn't care about the infantry. They praised their ladies' names while introducing their glorious deeds to the citizens, shouting how many greenskins they had killed and what great things they had done.

Ryan has washed himself clean, changed into standard Britannia noble clothes, and hung the golden Holy Grail Knight badge on his chest. These things were brought by Holy Grail Knight Jules Yes, it can be seen that the Fairy of the Lake really attaches great importance to him, and Ryan can also feel that the Fairy of the Lake is still watching him.

It is said that she has been watching me for a long time...

Ahem, thinking too far, Ryan returned his attention to the serf infantry.

Surprisingly, these infantrymen in Britannia were not as weak as expected. Ryan also knew something about the Kingdom of Knights across the Gray Mountains. He once thought that the infantry regiments in Britannia were all weak cannon fodder, but It can buy the knights time to outflank them.

However, after this battle, Ryan felt that the Brittanian infantry regiment also had merits. These soldiers may not be able to attack and break through the enemy's defense lines, but they only need to stand on the field, raise their spears, hold their positions, and fight for The knight's detours and charges were enough to buy time, and he didn't dare to demand anything else.

Although these infantrymen are from serfs, they have been trained for a sufficient period of time in the lord's castle before being sent out. Ryan will not have the opportunity to see the real conscripts recruited directly from the serfs. Although the combat effectiveness of the soldiers is low, their cost is also low. If you lower your expectations, then having this kind of combat effectiveness is acceptable.

Thinking of this, Ryan finally spoke: "Your Excellency Yules?"

"What's the matter, Mr. Ryan?" Holy Grail Knight Jules had a brown goatee and a kind expression on his face.

"Let the soldiers eat, they have also contributed to this battle." Ryan said calmly.

Jules thought for a moment and nodded, agreeing with Ryan's point of view. The Holy Grail Knight waved his hand. Naturally, the Knights Errant and the Kingdom Knights did not dare and would not disobey him. The soldiers were finally able to enjoy the food. During this time, many people ate as much as they wanted, and their starving looks made the young knights errant feel contempt again. They felt that it was unworthy of honor and grace for these serfs to eat like this, and some knights errant even felt ashamed to associate with these people.

However, these knights errant praised the virtues of the two Holy Grail Knights heartily.

The serfs loudly praised the generosity and mercy of the Holy Grail Knights Jules and Ryan. They felt that the Holy Grail Knights were really the embodiment and symbol of virtue, and actually allowed them as serfs to eat white bread and meat.

This is also the reason why the serfs performed exceptionally well in today's war. The existence of the Holy Grail Knight can greatly boost the morale of the serfs.

In the evening, another grand banquet lit up the beautiful night sky in the city hall. This was the last night for Griffin Duke Ivan and Jean Baron Lane to stay in Marienburg. The next day, Ivan would lead The army returns to Rickland, and Ryan will also follow the Brittanian army to the Kingdom of Knights on the other side of the mountains.

The negotiations between the empire and Marienburg have still not been completely concluded, but the two sides have reached a lot of consensus. What is left is a long process of picking up the pieces and filling in the gaps. Ivan will not stay here anymore.

Therefore, Ryan had several drinks with his godfather that night. Anton was seriously injured in the charge and did not participate in the banquet that night.

"The brat from the past has grown up." In the magnificent banquet hall, Ivan raised a full glass of wine and toasted to Ryan: "This is a toast to my godson, and I wish you all the best in the future."

"And this is a toast to my godfather, I wish my godfather to have a grandson soon!" Ryan said with a smirk: "Let Anton work harder!"

"Hahahaha!" The godfather and godson drank the last glass of wine and then cherished each other.

Then, Ryan held the wine glass and found Julius and Sulia who were in the corner of the banquet.

The eldest son of Duke Winford was wearing a white and blue dress today. His cool temperament and tall figure, noble origin and outstanding appearance became the focus of this banquet. Many noble ladies and ladies saw Ryan and Lion. The Duke of Eagle was not easy to get close to, so Julius, who was born into a noble family, became the favorite. Who wouldn’t want to become the future duchess?

You always have to have dreams, how will you know if you don’t try?

It's just that no matter how these ladies and ladies tried to strike up a conversation, this knight of the kingdom was cold and taciturn, like a hard stone in a pit. No matter how he showed his kindness, it was of no use, which made these women who had many thoughts in their hearts very frustrated. .

As for which lady at the banquet was the hottest and most popular among the men, there was no doubt that she was Miss Sulia Koumani-Antry from Brittany. The eldest lady of Nia wore a pure white slit ladylike elegant dress. Her dazzling golden hair was fixed by a hairband and fell from her head. The golden hair tips were rolled up to form soft curves, and she had sea-blue eyes. Just like the blue sea, she has pure colors. Her height of 1.75 meters not only looks tall and slender, but also perfectly sets off her golden proportions.

What excites the male nobles who are the chairman of the banquet the most is that this eldest lady has an exquisite and almost perfect appearance. The heroic appearance of a female knight, the dignity and elegance of a great noble and the gentleness of the eldest lady are formed in her body. A perfect fusion, since Anida Klausner, the president of the Aesthetic Society, disappeared, this is the most beautiful woman the male animals in Marienburg have ever seen.

During the banquet, the eldest lady skillfully dealt with the nobles who came to talk to her. Every move she made showed the demeanor of a duke's daughter. During the conversation, she could always take into account everyone's feelings, but she was also polite. Rejecting further requests for communication from various people, waves of men came up to try to strike up a conversation, and then retreated in defeat one after another.

"Come on, come on! Make way, ladies, I have a date with Mr. Julius~" Ryan raised his glass and motioned to the ladies surrounding Julius to give way.

The crazy bees and butterflies were very reluctant. Why did the two most valuable unmarried men in this party start dating?

"Yes! Ryan and I have something to talk about." Julius's face brightened when he saw Ryan coming, and he quickly said that's right, he and Ryan had something to talk about.

So the ladies had to disperse.

"We'll leave at noon tomorrow." This was the first thing Julius said when he saw Ryan coming over.

"Which route should we take when we go back? Is it the Gisoleaux Road or the Axbite Pass Road?" Ryan and Julius found a relatively quiet corner to sit down, and then asked.

There are three ways to go from Marienburg to Britannia. The first is to take the Randall Way in the north and then pass through the West Coast and directly follow the coastline to Curona, but this road will not Someone chooses it, because this road is too dangerous. It is deserted and lacks supplies. There are many terrible creatures wandering in the dark wilderness. Such a dangerous road not only cannot speed up the journey, but also makes a big circle. , so Ryan didn’t even mention it.

Then there are only two ways to go. The first is the middle road of Gisoleaux. This road will pass through the Pale Sister Mountains in the north of the Gray Mountains and pass through the Duchy of Soleaux, which is where the eastern empire flows to the west. A hub for Britannia and overland trade routes, these mountains are mostly barren and barren, inhabited only by bandits and a small band of goblins. It is said that some of the peaks are like old crooked branches, and the eternal snow is like a shawl, hence the name: Pale Sisters.

The second option is to take the Axbite Pass in the south. The towering Montfort Castle is built on the pass. Safety is guaranteed. The Holy Grail Knight Quedres is responsible for patrolling the mountain road and defending the pass. There are many hotels along the way. For rest, this road takes a long detour and passes through Reikland, which is directly controlled by the emperor. The vast majority of imperial merchants like to take this road because it is safe, but because of this, the customs duties are astonishing. number.

"Let's take the road of Gisoleaux." Julius said calmly: "That road is the fastest. We have so many knights and two Holy Grail knights, so we don't have to worry about safety issues."

"Yeah." Ryan thought that a force of more than a thousand people would be enough to ensure safety. The road to Gisoleaux was different from the Axbite Pass, which might be attacked by the greenskin army. If the number of troops was sufficient, it would be easy to pass.

"Then we will all be ladies' knights from now on." Ryan stretched out his hand, and Julius stretched out his hand to shake his hand: "To be honest, I am not qualified to shake hands with you, but I accept your kindness."

Ryan was silent. He was now a Holy Grail Knight, two levels higher than Julius.

"Do you know that guy? He looks so annoying!" Julius did not dwell too much on this matter, because his strength was already close to that of an ordinary Holy Grail Knight, and what he lacked now was enough. In terms of qualifications and prestige, a knight of the kingdom usually has to be thirty years old before he can embark on the road to the Holy Grail. He is too young now and has not yet completed the Holy Grail trial.

Ryan raised his head and noticed that a young noble had been pestering Sulia and talking nonstop. The female knight was obviously not interested, but she still tried her best to listen.

"That man's name is Edmund Huron. He was in the limelight during the Marienburg Aesthetic Society incident some time ago... His Excellency Archduke Schulz of Marienburg once wanted to punish him severely, but after all, this guy still has some connections. He His father had a lot of favors, so he was saved." Ryan shook his head with a wry smile.

Edmund Huron was widely involved in the Aesthetic Society incident. He became the main person in charge promoted by the great nobles of Marienburg. This unlucky man was banned from being a senator because of this incident, and he also had to be imprisoned. Further accountability.

Schultz once wanted to deal with him harshly, but his late father, the old Earl of Huron, finally had some connections and capital. The other senators were unwilling to kill him, and after inspection by the church, this young nobleman was corrupted. The infection was not too deep and could be purified. Edmund barely escaped. His earldom was reduced to a baron. The Chamber of Commerce was frantically counterattacked by other merchants in the House of Commons, losing several trade routes and several shops. , the scale declined greatly.

Since Anida's death, Edmund's spirit has been a little abnormal. When Ryan and Julius approached, the two knights heard Edmund talking to Sulia. They seemed to be chatting. There are questions about growing up.

"Let me tell you, Miss Sulia, maybe you have chosen the wrong direction." Edmund said to the female knight in a rather self-righteous tone: "Many people have not been able to taste the real life and the true happiness. What does it taste like?”

"While I am enjoying the fine clothes and fine food, you knights are on the training ground with mud, sweat and the sun. Your skin will gradually darken due to the sun, and your delicate hands will become dull from holding weapons for a long time. Become rough." The young noble said with great emotion, and then he looked at the female knight's delicate and perfect face with distress.

"While you are still working hard and studying hard, I have already participated in countless high-end banquets. I have enjoyed all the delicacies of the old world and all kinds of beauties. Can't you enjoy it? No, you can also enjoy it as long as you want. , it’s just that you have all been deceived, deceived by a lie, you don’t know what true happiness is at all, and it is not worth it if you devote your limited lives to infinite war.”

"You are doing those boring charges on the battlefield, and you are paying the price of your lives in vain. Have you ever thought about your parents waiting for you at home? Have you ever thought about your friends and family who care about you? Life is precious, Why go to the battlefield and die? Is it worth it? Think about it, if you die, then there will be nothing, everything will be reduced to nothingness, and all that will be left is a small tomb of the tears of your loved ones." Ed. Meng's tone was full of emotion and moved people to tears.

"Your youth and life have been wasted in training and war. You don't understand what youth without regrets means. I want to tell you, I have achieved true youth without regrets. I have spent more than ten years in my life. You have already enjoyed the happiness you have never experienced in your life..."

Before he could finish his words, a voice with extremely suppressed anger came from behind him. He had just turned around and struck Edmund with a precise straight punch on his painted face, causing his whole face to swell. Make it dent.

Several bloody teeth fell to the ground, and the entire party was stunned by this sudden turn of events.

"If you talk nonsense to my sister again, I will judge you as a lady!"

Updated! Two updates today! Crazy asking for votes!

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