The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1181: Escape is shameful but useful

"Without your God, you are nothing, my Archbishop!"

Manfred punched Vekmar in the face, beating the archbishop's face with blood on the spot. Without the bonus of the god-given power and the power of the twin-tailed comet, Vekmar was now just an ordinary person. A Saint-level warrior without any special skills or unique combat skills, he is no match for Manfred in terms of physical fitness alone, not to mention his current state of serious injury.

"Cursed undead, you will never be able to defeat the Imperials!" Vicmar was hit on the wall by this blow. Several parts of the cell wall of Duncanhof Castle were smashed, and several broken bricks fell down. The Archbishop vomited blood vigorously. He had never felt so weak as now, and the Archbishop continued to curse.

Impossible, this is impossible! Even in the chaotic wasteland, the power given by God is impossible!

Vekma used a look attack on Manfred!

General effect!

Manfred's happiness level has increased!

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Manfred was really happy, and the last vampire count clapped his hands.

This is the result of his decades of operation. In Sylvania, Manfred has already isolated most of the outside channels through a series of magic circles and the power of the nine ancient Nagash books. Here, The wind of death dominates and vampire corruption prevails. Any wizard who tries to use other magic will be severely suppressed.

Of course, these undead winds are the fruits of Manfred's accumulation for hundreds of years, and they are used less and less. This is why Manfred chose to confront Vekma head-on instead of bombarding each other with magic.

"You must thank your great alchemist!" Manfred grabbed Vicmar's head and smashed it directly towards a stone statue. Vicmar's head collided with the solid stone statue, and the stone statue was broken first. The vampire sculpture was carefully designed and manufactured by Vlad von Carstein. Taking advantage of this hard-won opportunity, Bald Man humiliated Vekmar, his once biggest rival: "If it hadn't been for him, maybe You still have a chance, hahaha~"

Gelt's Great Wall of Faith defeated the undead in one move, causing Manfred to retreat and taste another defeat under the Empire's double-headed eagle flag. However, Luojia's highest divine skill was also extremely powerful. The huge overdraft of all the remaining power of faith in Sylvania, which was already very thin, has been used to save the Holy War Army. Naturally, Vekma can no longer feel any power of faith.

"Even... even if I lose my faith, at least I still have..." the Archbishop groaned in pain: "At least I still have myself..."

"You yourself, you are like this, hit me on the head?" Manfred laughed wildly.

The next second, Vikma suddenly rolled, and the Archbishop's body bounced like a cannonball, hitting Bald Man's face!

"Ugh!" Manfred was dazed by the headbutt. The vampire count broke his nose on the spot and knocked out a tooth.

"Without faith, I still have these old bones!" Vicmar looked like an old man now more than ever. The archbishop let himself fall into the dust. He looked at Manfred's embarrassed appearance. , smiled, although his head hurt more and he was bleeding in several places, which might make Manfred embarrassed for a while, but Vicmar was satisfied.

"Hehehehe~" Manfred thought that the old man was sick. The vampire Earl wiped the blood on his face and wanted to say something else. Arkhan's impatient voice came over: "My vampire Earl, can you be quiet?" One o'clock? I'm busy."

"Okay~" Manfred felt that he had had enough fun. He grabbed Vikma's scarred body and opened his mouth, revealing his sharp vampire fangs.

"I got Charlemagne's divine blood!"

I don’t know how long it took, but Vikma woke up from the chaos. The archbishop found himself chained to the wall, surrounded by eight prisoners, many of whom he recognized, such as Yanyang, who was captured with him. Knight Captain Lupio Flame, and Archbishop Isabella of the Church of the Goddess of War who has been missing for a long time.

Each shackle is fixed on a huge black iron chanting stand, and nine volumes of Nagash are placed on the nine chanting stands.

These wretched tomes were gathered together, and the humid air in the room resonated with their almost uncontrollable power. A jagged crown sat in the center of the room. The gems on the crown sparkled in the darkness, although there was little light to reflect.

It's Nagash's Crown of Sorcery! Vikma's eyes widened.

Manfred and Arkhan seemed to have gone out because of something.

still have a chance! The archbishop's already despairing heart burned with a fire of hope.

There is still a chance. If he can regain the Crown of Witchcraft, escape from Sylvania, and then return to Brunswick, he will still have a chance to wash away his shame, and then summon a larger jihadist army to come back!

There is still a chance, Vekma thought secretly. His eyes were blurred by pain, but he still stared at the monster imprisoning him. Unfortunately, only one beautiful elf girl among the nine captives was awake. She had been Her radiant blond hair was tangled with blood and filth. Seeing Vekma, the elf girl sighed: "You shouldn't have come, my archbishop."

"I have to come, elf!" Vekma subconsciously wanted to refute the elf girl's words, but the archbishop immediately realized that he seemed not qualified to say such a thing now, so he quickly said: "Listen, elf, we must Try to escape!"

The elf girl looked at Vekma like she was an idiot.

Vikma suddenly felt a deep sense of humiliation.

It shouldn't be like this!

It's true that Kaslan is dead, but what about Esme III? Where's Alfred? And what about Marius and Geert?

Where have they and their troops gone?

"I must regroup my troops." Vekma said weakly, and the Archbishop recognized who the elf girl was.

Alisara, the eternal little queen, has been captured for more than a year. In order to save her, the high spirits even dispatched almost all legendary heroes and elites, but in the end they still failed.

The Archbishop fell into deeper despair both physically and mentally.

At this time, Manfred and Arkhan were discussing at the border of Sylvania.

All nine sacrifices were completed, but Nagash's resurrection still lacked two crucial things.

The Staff of Nagash located within the Monastery of La-Messnel, and the Armor of Nagash located beneath Heildenheimer Castle, the headquarters of the Knights Templar in Iverland.

The two undead leaders split up, Manfred to get the Armor of Nagash, and Arkhan to get the Staff of Nagash.

"But how do we get out?" Manfred looked at the golden Great Wall of Faith in the distance.

"Use this, Lamia's gift." Arkhan took out a sealed tube of blood from his body. Even though it was heavily sealed, the blood was still boiling, releasing its own power: "This is Neferata's gift. She The blood of the Sun King Llane that Gul collected during the battle at Valaya Gate."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Why didn't such a good thing come out earlier?" Manfred clicked his tongue in surprise.

"It's enough to completely melt your body and soul." Arkhan sneered: "You will truly become history."

Manfred fell silent.

Ryan's blood is the key to pass through the Great Wall of Luojia's faith.

However, what few people noticed was that the vampire baron Hal Harris behind Manfred saw an imperceptible smile flash across his face when he saw Arkhan using the Blood of Lion.

Everything went according to plan.

…………I am the dividing line where I must regroup my troops…………

Everything in the world is collapsing, and even the prophets of the Lake God in the Holy Land of Britannia can vaguely hear the roar of the Horned Rat in their sleep.

Devon Hill could vaguely sense that some kind of powerful power was rising in the Palace of Fontainebleau. The Baron knew that it was the power of his father, Ryan. His father was attacking the demigods, and his mother was attacking the peak of the sanctuary. , but the Knight Kingdom still needs time to wait for the return of the king and queen.

The Chivalry Crusaders preparing to save Estalia are slowly gathering, but the disputes between the bureaucrats and the knight nobles have greatly delayed the army's response.

Among the bureaucratic group, Finance Minister Vincent, Foreign Minister Talleyrand and Beria were the most fiercely opposed.

Devonshire could understand why - the knights and nobles had the idea of ​​​​letting the kingdom's court provide money and people, and then they came to annex the land of Estalia.

But Estalia is huge, too big to manage.

How big is Estalia?

Estalia's total land area is equivalent to two-thirds the size of Britannia.

If all these lands are swallowed up by the knights and nobles, it is very likely that the centralization of power that my father finally achieved will be broken again. Even if the newly-confessed knights and nobles still obey Ryan's orders for the time being, it is still easy to form a situation where the tail is too big to lose.

In the spring palace, the Green Knight was teaching Devon Hill. The demigod's attitude was extremely strict, and he would not miss any opportunity to beat Devon Hill. The poor baron could only be controlled by his tutor, and even The chance to see the Twilight sisters has become once a week.

However, Devon Hill feels that this one is the one that has his best interests in mind among all the rules of the Green Knight.

After several classes, Devon Hill took the initiative to stay: "Teacher, is there any result now about supporting Estalia?"

The illusory figure of the Green Knight paused for a moment. There was no emotion in his voice, but it became a little slower: "I thought your attention was on the two wood elf sisters."

"I need to know more information, mentor." Devon Hill said with a wry smile: "I am the son of the Sun King."

"Yes." The Green Knight was in a rare mood to write a letter of approval: "You didn't blame me for being unkind and locking you firmly in the palace and not allowing you to participate in external affairs?"

"I understand, mentor. Now is the time for the bureaucracy to compete with the knights and nobles. At this time, no matter what I say or do, it can be understood or even misinterpreted as taking sides. As the heir, once I take sides, it will be easy. Confronting my father." Devonhill grabbed his hair in distress, and the 16-year-old Baron said helplessly: "My mentor is also protecting me, but... I can't completely ignore it."

"Since you want to know so much, there happens to be a meeting this afternoon, so you can join in."


In the afternoon the bureaucracy, the marshals and the dukes gathered again.

Francois, the chief minister of the cabinet, stood in front of the big map and explained the situation to everyone seriously.

"The latest intelligence shows that the Skaven are attacking Estalia from east to west along the Tobalo Road. The defenders of these two principalities were completely wiped out after holding on for only a month. The Skaven can come to Magritte at any time."

"Where is Magritte's army?" Bohemond asked casually.

Magritte hurriedly assembled an army of about 20,000 people to support Sosonna, but before they arrived, the city had fallen. The army was surprised by the Skaven on the way back, and less than 8,000 people escaped. Magritte, now Magritte Duke Lucio Sungazer and his son Felipe Sungazer are conducting general mobilization.

"Where is the army of Laiganos? And the army of Amangula?" asked Morgiana, the Lake God Witch.

"A terrible rout. The South Koreans have probably never experienced such a battle." Francois said helplessly: "Their proud army was shaken the moment they saw the Skaven appear. , then the Skaven bell struck three times, weapons and equipment were abandoned, and the soldiers fled in panic."

"Huh~ a bunch of trash!" Boderick, Duke of Bordeaux said: "Even if we go up to deliver them, it's better than this!"

"Everyone must have experienced how powerful the Skaven are." Beria spoke, and Mrs. Keesler emphasized: "According to the intelligence coming back from the front line and the news from our allies, the Skaven are We have an overwhelming advantage in long-range artillery and firepower. There are hundreds of artillery pieces alone. I don’t think we should consider sending our troops to Estalia to die. It is simply a futile effort. We should first concentrate on defending Belion and Cara. Casson!”

"Yes." Talleyrand adjusted his long, middle-parted hair, and the lame voice sounded harsh: "The road to Magritte is now wide open. Everyone, millions of refugees are fleeing. Where is our navy? Marshal Bodrick?"

"The Poseidon fleet cannot get close to Magritte. The Skaven's artillery is too powerful. If the ship enters the range, it will be focused on fire." Bo Derek also said helplessly: "Federmund tried it, but we can't Maybe our precious warships will be consumed by the Skaven."

"Well, the firepower of rats is really terrible." Talleyrand didn't understand military affairs, so the foreign minister could only spread his hands.

"So, in the next few months, we can only watch the principalities of Estalia fall apart and fall apart, and we just watch?" Kalad said to Regent Lawn: "The people have been kept in the dark so far. Guli, can we inform all the people, or at least all the civilians in the south, that Estalia is almost doomed?"

"No... at least not now." Raun's expression was very ferocious, and the Kingdom Regent shook his head vigorously: "Estalia must persist. If they cannot insist on the arrival of our reinforcements, then at least they must persist until we are ready to defend. and until enough refugees are admitted.”

"Accept refugees?! Millions of people?" Theodoric, Duke of Belian, stood up and roared directly: "Are you mistaken! Leon Cole, if you accept so many refugees, where will the money and food come from? Placement? Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

"Refugees must be accepted! I will be responsible for anything that happens!" Beria also stood up, and he and Theodoric looked at each other.

Devon Hill, who was sitting in the back, was thinking about the causes and consequences.

Why did Beria desperately oppose sending troops before, but now he took the initiative to take charge?

"That's enough!" Raun's voice sounded, and the Kingdom Regent's eyes were fixed on Estalia: "These are not important now. What is important is that we must send a representative, one who can represent our Knight Kingdom. Fly over mountains and plains to reach Magritte, learn what the situation is like, and encourage our old friends to resist."

"Representative, who should I send?" Everyone was still debating.

"I'll go." Devonshire stood up, and the young baron calmly said to everyone: "No one is more suitable than me. I will go with Nestra and Arohan, their forest dragon and the Falcon Cavalry Troops will help me!”

"I am the son of Ryan! No one can represent the Kingdom of Knights better than me!"

"Then I will be with my Pegasus army." The young Duke of Palavon, Casson, also stood up.

A few days later, the Forest Dragon, the Falcon Rider, and a group of Royal Pegasus Knights soared into the sky, flying over Estalia.

"Look, my baron!"

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