The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1187, War Cabinet

Ryan's suggestion stunned everyone present.

War cabinet? What is this stuff?

Doesn’t the cabinet already exist? Now another war cabinet? What means?

The eyes of Beria, Talleyrand and others were bright, and the bureaucrats looked at their Sun King with great expectation.

Chivalric feudalism, no!

Use culture to control martial arts, OK!

Especially these two guys, Talleyrand and Beria. Beria thought that if this wartime cabinet was established, with Ryan's trust in him, how much supervision of the army could he get and how much prestige and power could he expand? .

Apart from anything else, Beria was so happy during this period.

Many specific matters regarding the resettlement of millions of refugees in Estalia have recently been undertaken by Beria and his people. This bureaucrat not only gained huge political prestige during the entire process, but also greatly expanded his own business. The power boundary has even completed some of the ideas he has always had - that is, to establish a puppet regime and control a special department. This department should enjoy great power and be responsible only to Ryan.

It just so happens that the Estalians do not trust the Brittanians. Due to some historical conflicts between the two parties, the Estalians have always doubted whether the Bretons intend to appropriate the land that belongs to them (the fact is The knight nobles did plan that way), and at this time Beria became the target of relative trust of the Estalians.

Few people can influence the destiny of a nation as a foreigner like Beria, but Beria did it.

Therefore, Beria wholeheartedly supported Lane's establishment of a wartime cabinet. The Ugor people were not afraid of offending others. He was ready. As long as Lane gave a wink, he would immediately come out to charge into the battle.

But Talleyrand was different.

The cripple was not interested in Belial's crazy pursuit of power. This cunning high elf took advantage of this period of time to hire a total of 73 beauties aged 14-18 from Estalia refugees to work in his luxurious manor.

Talleyrand also took advantage of the opportunity to make money crazily. During this period, he only spent about 3,700 gold crowns and part of his inventory of food and housing to obtain a total of 126 national treasures from the refugees in Estalia.

Crystals, paintings, tapestries, carpets, lighting, mirrors, pens, clocks, tableware, and then Talleyrand spent about 50,000 gold crowns to buy a box of "land deeds" and "house deeds" from the Estalians.

Of course, this money is not all Talleyrand's own money, I can only say that he understands it.

After hearing this, Ryan could only shake his head. From a certain point of view, "annexation" is simply the instinct of mortals. This kind of historical trend has almost no one except the founding emperor and the powerful centralized emperor like himself. Can be blocked.

Contrary to Beria, Talleyrand was unwilling to stand out, and the high-spirited cripple just kept silent.

"Your Majesty, what are the responsibilities of the wartime cabinet? Who will serve as cabinet members? What matters are they mainly responsible for?" Lawn, the representative of the knight nobles, had to bite the bullet and asked: "There is already a cabinet, why should we set up a wartime cabinet? ? What is the difference between wartime and peacetime? If not, why should we add it? If so, your Majesty, please explain clearly."

This was kicking the ball back again. Ryan was silent for a few seconds and then said: "You have also seen the current situation. According to the defense plan previously arranged by the cabinet, Duke Adehad should defend the city instead of going out to attack. , but he did not obey the order, which led to this tragic victory."

"Therefore, I plan to establish a wartime cabinet. The wartime cabinet is the main agency for strategic command of the war. Now is a war period. We need such an agency to solve the strategic problems we are currently facing." Ryan said: "As for the candidates, , initially decided to be me, Sulia, Lord Bohemond, Lord Lawn, Lord François, Lord Bodrick, Lord Bertrand and Lord Callard."

"Your Majesty, this is really unnecessary." Duke Hagen of Gisoleaux spoke. Duke Hagen obviously did not agree with Ryan's decision. He strode forward: "I think the existing cabinet is enough to deal with the current situation. Well, setting up a wartime cabinet at this time is neither in line with our current national conditions in Britannia nor in line with the founding policy of our Kingdom of Knights for thousands of years."

"I agree with Lord Hagen's proposal." Theodoric, Duke of Belion, also disagreed. This guy shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, the so-called strategic command of the war and solving all strategic problems, does it mean that we have to Give up the glorious tradition of our knightly kingdom and give up the basic national policy of our knights?”

"I don't agree with that either, Your Majesty." Duke Ford of Montfort also stood up and shook his head: "Your Majesty has already taken a lot from us."

"I don't agree either." Duke Casson of Palavon also stood up, and his words were more gentle: "Your Majesty, we are willing to obey your orders and support you. You know this."

"Your Majesty, I don't agree either." At this moment, Duke Berhemond also spoke. The first marshal shook his head: "Adehad underestimated the enemy and entered rashly. No one will make such a mistake next time. .”

Seeing that everyone disagreed, the atmosphere in the room instantly cooled down.

Obviously, the knights and nobles did not agree with Lane's so-called "war cabinet" plan.

Everyone can see that Ryan is going to continue to take power. If the wartime cabinet is established, then the knight nobles will lose even their original military power! All armies in the entire kingdom will be unified under the name of the War Cabinet. The aristocratic republic will be further eroded by Lane, and the War Cabinet will become a tool of Lane's rule.

At this moment, thunder rumbled, approaching from far away, roaring all the way across the roof of the Fountain Courtyard. Then, a bright bolt of lightning pierced the evening sky, and the originally bright magic lights in the house flickered on and off. , seemed eclipsed for a while.

Ryan and Sulia looked at each other, and the original body fell silent.

Ryan did not expect that he would encounter such great resistance. The knights and nobles present, except for Francois and Callard who were angry beforehand and were silent, almost collectively opposed the establishment of a war cabinet.

This is different from the previous piecemeal and marginal reforms carried out by Lane. The establishment of the wartime cabinet means that Lane will completely penetrate the core interests of the knights and nobles-military power. This is something that no knights and nobles can tolerate.

But again, that's what Ryan had to do.

What does Ryan look like now? He is now a bit like the ultimate enhanced version of the great man of all ages, Kong Yiqi. The knight kingdom is unified on the surface and obeys his orders, and military groups in various places also surrender.

But it is still a military group after all, and it still operates independently. The Dukes are willing to lend their troops to Ryan and are willing to listen to his orders. That is because he is Ryan, not because he is the king. Now Ryan wants to take back the general power through reforming the political system. The knights It is difficult for the nobles to agree to it no matter what.

There was lightning and thunder outside, and there was silence inside.

"So, is it worth accepting another tragic victory in which the Duke is killed? Is it worth accepting another defeat?" Beria came out to fight with the knights and nobles, and the Ugor man said seriously: "When? Already, the Yankees have touched our shores, Kislev has fallen, the empire is besieged by the Sylvanian undead within its borders, Estalia is on the verge of destruction, and the Tyrellian Lucini and Limas are still resisting, it’s now, are you still unwilling to accept His Majesty’s wise leadership?”

"What the hell!" Duke Ford came up directly and scolded: "You have no right to speak here, Ugor people, get out!"

Beria's face was red and veins were pulsing on his forehead. He continued: "Sir Ford, I respect you very much, but please put forward your own point of view. This is the Imperial Council. You are using personal attacks and racial discrimination to express your views. views and virtues of chivalry?"

Duke Ford was trembling with anger. He started to look in his pockets for white gloves, but Francois grabbed him.

"Alas! Ford! This is a royal meeting, let people speak!" Francois immediately scolded: "Beria is a knight of the Kingdom of Britannia and a courtier of His Majesty. He is qualified to participate in the meeting. You Why should you tell him to get out!"

"Just because he doesn't understand the rules of our kingdom of knights!" Duke Ford said sternly: "Do you know what a knight is? Do you know how our country in Britannia was founded? Do you know how we have lived for thousands of years? Really? The laws of our ancestors cannot be abolished. If the wartime cabinet is finalized, in a year or two, won’t even the nobility be needed?! Only you bureaucrats will be left?!"

Duke Casson also disagreed, and Duke Palavon pulled Ford down: "That's enough, Ford, calm down."

Then he gave Ryan the knightly salute: "That's enough, Your Majesty, that's enough."

Duke Berhemond also shook his head: "Your Majesty, although the war between Sylvania and Kislev has not stopped, hasn't the empire won the battle? If we have won, what else do we need to do?"

Everyone nodded, Sylvanian Holy War? Isn’t it a victory? The undead are trapped by the Great Wall of Faith. Are they still considering war?

Northern barbarians? Wasn't Wilich's World Curse Army defeated by Ludenhoff, the great baron and elector of Hawkland?

As for Estalia, the Skaven are indeed a problem, but not to the extent that a wartime cabinet is needed for unified planning!

"Boom!" Thunder exploded outside the house, and quarrels continued inside the house.

The resistance in front of him was so great that it gave Ryan a splitting headache. To deal with the final moment, there must be unified command and a strong army.

Many people may think that since Ryan is now a demigod, why should he still consider the army? Go ahead!

To be fair, demigods are indeed very powerful, but they are not so strong that they can ignore the number of troops.

Why else would the Emperor create Thunder Marines, Space Marines, and the Emperor's Custodes?

Otherwise, why would Fulgrim form the Ember Army as soon as he arrived in Lustria?

Otherwise, why would Acha form a world-destroying army?

The main reason is that demigods are not invincible, and reality is not a game. Oh, once you are promoted to demigod, your armor value will be full, your health bar will be thicker, and others will not be able to hit you.

It doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. Demigods are indeed harder to kill than ordinary people, have stronger defenses, and are better at one-on-one. One person has the ability to destroy a small army, but he still needs an army. Those who support still need to be protected. Even the strong men in the holy realm and the strong demigods will be seriously injured if they are not careful and a mortal's head is shot with a precise fire blunderbuss.

Middenheim's artillery once killed a demon prince with a single precise shot.

The Nur Armored Army once killed a giant dragon with a single salvo.

In the Battle of Wolfen, despite the heavy casualties of Oster's army, they also defeated the Great Demon of Nurgle.

Moreover, mortals can kill gods in a real sense. With the disintegration of the great guardian and the maelstrom, mortals will get back everything they originally deserved, and their power will become complete. If gods are killed by mortals in the mortal world, Die, then really die.

As for why Ryan dared to show up without armor before, the reason is also very simple. People are cheap. He dared because he had a trump card. He has the special ability of the Shadow of Oblivion. He really wanted to try what it would be like to instantly switch places. .

There was another thunder, disturbing the sky outside the Fontainebleau Palace. Dark clouds were rolling, and the terrible autumn rain immediately poured down, rushing over the quarrel in the courtyard. The strong wind blew through the glazed windows and the curtains inside the house. Drifting with the strong wind.

Lidya Su shook her head slightly towards Ryan, indicating that he was impatient and it was not the time yet.

Seeing this, Ryan calmly asked Lao En: "Mr. Lao En, what do you think?"

Raun also calmed down, and the regent of the kingdom knelt down on one knee and whispered to the king: "If your Majesty insists on establishing a wartime cabinet, please issue an edict!"

The wind howled, the thunder rolled, and the thunder light illuminated the faces of everyone in the room.

"If there is no order, please forgive me, Lawn-Leo Cornwall, for not obeying it!"

Ryan stared at Lawn closely, and Lawn raised his head and looked directly into Ryan's blue eyes.

"Let the gods return to gods and the mortals to mortals, Your Majesty." Duke Hagen also knelt down on one knee: "If Your Majesty insists on doing this, please issue an edict!"

"Your Majesty, please give me an order!!!" Except for Francois and Callard, almost all the knights and nobles knelt down.

Another thunderclap!

Ryan's face was livid, he was already in a dilemma.

If he retreats at this time, his prestige will be greatly damaged. The knights and nobles can force him to go to the palace once, twice, or three or four times!

If he forcibly issues an edict at this time, it will be breaking the rules set by Phoenix Lord Asuyan since the creation of the world!

If Ryan refuses to issue the edict and forms a war cabinet on his own, Britannia can now prepare for a civil war!

Is there a civil war at this time?

The Sun King couldn't help but clenched his fist tightly. After all, human beings are such creatures. They will not look back until they hit the south wall, and they will not shed tears until they see the coffin. No one will completely abandon all past prejudices before chaos reaches their doorstep. ,Unite.

For thousands of years, the only lesson for mankind is to never learn a lesson!

what to do?

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