The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1190, Winter Ice Flower, Ryan Appreciating the Snow

The first snowfall in the year 2522 of the Imperial Calendar came earlier than before. In less than November, just a few days after the autumn harvest was completed around the Gray Mountains, the sky was covered with white snow.

The climate of the old world is becoming more and more severe. Long-term low temperatures and various disasters are crazily tormenting the mortals of the old world.

On the empire side, the great alchemist Belshazer-Gelt was ordered to go to the north of the empire. Taking advantage of the temporary defeat of the World Curse army and the arrival of the Chaos Vanguard Army Kron-Conqueror, Galt was in the north of the empire, along the A giant wall - the Great Wall of Faith - was built on the border of Osterland and Ostermark.

This move emptied out most of the empire's national power and made the electors complain. Many electors were forced to open their family treasury to meet the needs of Gaelt. The Great Alchemist guaranteed that the Great Wall of Faith would be long-lasting and effective. To resist the chaos craze, the premise is that the people of the empire must work together. A large number of imperial wizards are responsible for maintaining the operation of the entire Great Wall of Faith. Whether the Great Wall of Faith is strong or not depends on how strong the faith of the people of the empire is.

Charlemagne's chosen champion, the religious leader of the empire, and the heir to the power of the twin-tailed comet, Woten, led an army of about 20,000 people to Talabheim. The situation has become worse. Woten and Lu Ser-Hus discovered that due to the long-term disappearance of the elector Helmut Feuerbach, several noble families in Taraberheim had begun to openly compete for power and seek the position of the elector. The order was out of control, and the standing army They are either mired in political strife or paralyzed by no one to pay them.

Unfortunately, what Woten can do to Tarabeheim is very limited. Tarabeheim is the headquarters of the Church of Tal, the God of Nature. Secondly, the belief in Ulric dominates. If Woten's special With the attributes of Charlemagne's God's Chosen Champion and the glory of holding Gael Maraz, he had already been driven out of Talabheim.

In order to gain the support of Talabheim, Watten began the time-consuming and laborious work of clearing out the beastmen of the Great Forest.

On the other side, tragic news also came from Heildenheimer Castle in Iveyland. After a fierce battle at Heildenheimer Castle, the headquarters of the Knights Templar, the elector Marius The army quickly arrived and defeated Manfred and his army, but it was too late. Manfred had already obtained the armor of Nagash.

Hans Leitdorf, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, has already led the remaining troops to Brunswick. On the one hand, he asked Geert that your Great Wall of Faith is not useful, and on the other hand, he asked the emperor for reinforcements.

Manfred's place is finished, now all that's left is Arkhan's place.

Walking in the mountains of the Gray Mountains, Lich King Arkhan let the white snow fall on him. He knew that he had to hurry up. The threat of Chaos was getting closer and closer. The Tomb Kings were also ready to move. Settra I don’t know what he is planning, but Arkhan knows Settra, and he must have no good intentions, so he must get the Staff of Nagash immediately to save the fate of the undead.

Obviously, it is impossible for Arkhan to bring those three Holy Titans across the Gray Mountains. Not to mention that it is not easy to cross the border, even the huge Holy Titans in the entire mountain range are difficult to pass. Therefore, this time Arkhan came from Hill Vanya actually didn't bring too many troops when he came out. As the main force, he had a Tomb Guard Corps, a team of Bone Angels, a team of Ghost Riders and a team of Duncanhoff Paladins supported by Manfred, led by von Ka Anak von Carstein of the Stein family, led by the vampire Baron.

The black knights of the Von Carstein family are certainly powerful, but what Arkhan wants most is the blood knights. Since the death of the Red Duke, Arkhan has lost the source of blood knights.

It is a pity that Manfred does not have a blood knight under his command. The only one in the von Carstein family who can command the blood knight is the blood ancestor Vlad von Carstein, the two blood dragons under the blood dragon ancestor. One of the lords, Valachi Harken, once gave Vlad a team of blood knights for him to command. This is the origin of the Von Carstein family's possession of blood knights.

As for Luther Harken, no one knew where he had gone.

The origin of the Bone Angel, this flying winged monster composed of dead bones, is quite interesting. The origin of this group of flying monsters was the battle between the Nicohara dynasties and the undead army of Nagash when Nagash was rising.

When Nagash made up his mind to destroy the Nicohara dynasty and completely defeated the last resistance of the Nicohara kings with the plague, the sun god Petra took action, and Petra sent her own divine envoy. With his angel troops, he fought with Nagash for several days and nights. Nagash was never able to win until he used the dark canopy of the necromancer to cover the sky, so that the Sun God Petra could no longer grant him the power through sunlight. It was only with the power of the divine messenger that the divine messenger and the angels were killed in one fell swoop.

After the angels died, their bones were recast into these flying monsters, as a symbol of Nagash's head-on defeat of the gods. Perhaps these once noble creatures never thought that there would be such a day, and they would become Nagash. toys, fighting for the Lord of the Dead.

Why am I not Nagash's toy?

Arkhan tried, but he knew that he had no chance of getting rid of Nagash's control, so he simply turned himself into a tool of the Lord of the Dead. In this way of completely annihilating himself, Arkhan let Everyone thought that he had completely lost himself and regarded himself as the embodiment of Nagash's will.

Strong fortresses always disintegrate from within. In order to regain the Staff of Nagash, Arkhan adopted Mathhubard, Lawn's illegitimate son, early on. As he expected, Mathhubard did play his role. A big deal, but as he was defeated by Ryan early on, the intended accomplishment was nowhere near what Arkhan had hoped for.

Mathubad neither succeeded in seizing the crown that was supposed to belong to Laune, nor in destroying the defenses of Britannia.

Arkhan boiled it down to just one sentence, darling, Abba is very disappointed in you.

Along the way, Arkhan quickly and skillfully found the corpse pits he buried deep in the wilderness and mountains. One after another, the undead army was resurrected by the Lich King's magic. What few people knew was that, Arkhan used his magic to hide many corpse pits in the old world.

The most powerful undead corpse pits that can be found near the Gray Mountains are the Silent Legion under the glacier lake where Gul's bones are buried, where there are an astonishing number of grave guards, and then the Glacier Corpse Demon Legion, a whole group of corpses. The demon king is now ready to obey Arkhan's command.

Not enough, not enough. Arkhan lay dormant and had a headache.

These troops are not enough, even to summon Gul.

How to defeat the Sun King Lion and his army?

That's the only way left!

Mahhubard's final legacy.

Only by making everything chaotic can we truly capture the Abbey of La-Maisonelle and seize the sacred objects inside before the Brittanians react!

…………I am the dividing line between loyal Arkhan…………

Blecher Castle is also very quiet in winter, and the only sound of heavy snow can be heard outside the house.

Blecher Castle is located about thirty-five kilometers west of La-Messnel Abbey and is the current headquarters of the High Command. Lion moved his court here to prepare for Arkhan's undead army.

The original body was sitting in the room of the castle. He silently looked at everything in front of him. Outside the castle, there were villages and farmland, and further away, there were roads and wilderness, and then they were covered with snow. Winter came very early this year. No one expected that just after the autumn harvest, the first snow would fall, and it would be a heavy snowfall.

It was just like when he set out from Nord.

Ryan was wearing a single coat - he was not afraid of the cold anyway. The king just sat like that, looking at the heavy snow without saying a word.

Veronica's contented and thin breathing came from inside the house. The Holy Witch and the female speaker were sleeping in the warm quilt. A pair of torn black ultra-thin pantyhose was thrown under the bed. The color on the carpet was very dark in places, and the tapestry on the wall was crooked in one place. Veronica's clothes were hung loosely on the hangers, and her dress was rumpled and was soon worn by the queen. The servant took it to be cleaned.

He and Veronica had been separated for several months, so they naturally had a small gathering whenever there was an opportunity. Ryan specially summoned Veronica, Theresa and Aurora to Bletcher Castle. Of course, Su Leah also came, while Morgiana stayed in Jean's Tower of the Lake Fairy.

"Time, space, forgetfulness, memory and destiny, which ones are real and which ones are illusory?" Ryan looked at the white land. The King of Knights stretched out his hand to caress Veronica, who was still as delicate as thirty or forty years ago. Sitting there with a smile on his face: "It's so quiet."

"I've thought about it too." Lidya Su appeared.

The tall, elegant knight queen has blond hair and blue eyes. She wears a large white fox velvet vest on the outside, and a complete embroidered kimono on the inside. The kimono has five patterns, namely a golden double-headed eagle and a sharp sword in a book. , iris, pure white horse and angel wings.

The hem has a gorgeous pattern, elegant style, embroidered with landscape paintings, and is made of hand-woven Nishijin woven silk and gold and silver threads, and twill ground weft fabric.

The long golden curly hair was tied up high with a golden hairpin with pine tail and pinned with several Aoxue Hanmei flowers.

Even with a corset and thick clothes, Sulia's arrogant figure is still revealed. The huge breasts of the Knight Queen can hardly be concealed. She directly raises her collar high and keeps jumping up and down with every move. , full and full of elasticity, along the hem of the kimono, the female knight's two slender white legs are wrapped in snow-white flocked love-print Lycra star stockings, and a pair of delicate and small silk feet are stepped on a pair of plush rabbit slippers.

Ryan's eyes widened when he saw it, and the King of Knights couldn't help but admired: "Madam, you look so good in this outfit!"

This whole set of kimonos is the masterpiece of Riemann Russ. Russ made two trips to the Far East and got a batch of the best silks and fabrics from Ni Peng and Cathay. Ryan thought about asking the tailor to give Su Li the clothes based on his impressions. Asia did this.

As for why they don't make the Aurora style... because Ryan doesn't want anyone to call the police. For example, the Aurora style is not like this. The blond Yangma is not worthy of me to take it off on the spot. You are a inferior copycat.

When Sulia saw Ryan looking at her, the Queen of Knights blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment. Wearing such exotic clothes made Sulia a little unnatural: "It's fine if you like it, but it's a bit troublesome to wear..." And it’s inconvenient to move around, and Ryan, you didn’t design a place to hang the sword on your waist.”

"Oh, why should I hang a sword?" Ryan couldn't help but stretched out his hands to hug Sulia into his arms, hugged his wife and said with a smile: "Are you going to fencing with me in this outfit?"

"Bah, you're still fencing?" Sulia adjusted her neckline awkwardly, and the female knight complained: "And the style you designed... the neckline is too small, I always feel stuffy! They are squeezed together... …”

"Hahahaha~ Then there is no need to bring a sword." Ryan couldn't help but start to use his hands and feet. He stretched out his hand to pull the clothes to open Sulia's collar a little more, and then enjoyed the screams of the female knight and She was so panicked that she almost burst into tears laughing.

Lidya Su was really frightened by Ryan. The Queen of Knights followed Ryan's instructions and only wore this set of clothes! Although there was no outsider, Sulia was so embarrassed and annoyed that she punched Ryan twice, and then broke away from her husband's arms: "You always do mischief. I won't stay with you anymore. I'll go and eat whatever you want to eat tonight." arrange."

"I want to eat a lot tonight." Ryan said meaningfully: "Madam, really, this outfit suits you so well. I really like it, really."

"If you like it...then I'll wear it for a while, provided you don't do anything!" Sulia gave Ryan an annoyed look, and then went down to arrange things.

Lion continued to sit, motionless, as the Primarch recalled his time as a demigod.

When six Little Lanes merge into one, why is there a seventh Little Lane?

Because the seventh little Ryan is exactly human nature.

It’s the humanity that Lane has gone to great lengths to retain.

After sitting for a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The familiar sound of high heels hitting the ground came, and Ryan didn't even look back: "What's the matter?"

Tall, wearing a classic hip-hugging skirt with glazed black dazzling smoke and ink carvings and embroidery, and a wolf fur coat. The mature and charming beauty witch walked into the room from the outside, with two slender black silk legs stretching out from the hip-hugging skirt. Stepping out, stepping on black fish-mouth slender one-buckle high-heeled shoes, her long black hair was tied into a ponytail and fell from her chest. The Holy Witch was full of sourness and resentment: "My Majesty Ryan, and us Mr. Speaker, our MI7 unit is almost busy here, so it’s better for you, one of you is admiring the snow, and the other is sleeping!"

"Otherwise, I pay you such a high salary and provide you with so much funding every year. Now it's your turn to sleep with Teresa and enjoy the snow, and I'm half busy?" Ryan said with a smile.

When Aurora saw Ryan's smile, she had a strange feeling for no reason. It was the body and muscle memory. The Sanctuary Witch's pair of beautiful black stocking legs tightened unnaturally. She quickly got down to business: "Your Majesty, there is new news. Come on."

"What's the news? Just tell me." Ryan's eyes were aggressive, and he seemed to have no intention of hiding himself.

"There is news from Lustria." Aurora handed the envelope to Ryan: "News from Captain Fulgrim. The Skaven and Chaos Demons are fully invading Lustria. Lord Croc is , Lord Mazda Moody and his leadership, the people of the Old Saints are already at full-scale war."

"How is the battle going?" Ryan did not take the envelope, but motioned for Aurora to sit down.

"The battle is not going well." Aurora had no choice but to sit down. The Holy Witch stretched out her hand to hold down her skirt, brought her beautiful black legs together, and said unnaturally: "But it's not important. Commander Fulgen said he has Confidence won the final victory, and he brought an important message... saying that a Khorne skull-hunting army has set off from the Brass Fortress, specifically to hunt for your head."

"The leader is the legendary Great Demon of Khorne. In the Demonic Domain of Khorne, it is called - the Seed of Destruction."

"It only comes to hunt for your head."

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