The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 125, I have returned

PS. Two updates today! Please help everyone!

Holy Terra, the Royal Palace, the Golden Throne.

I was born from the collective suicide of countless shamans. Thousands of their souls, knowledge, and power gathered to become me—the ultimate creature that the ancient holy city dreamed of, representing the pinnacle of racial evolution.

The man named Emperor was born.

For many millennia, I have traveled through the world. As an observer, I have observed the development of mankind. I have witnessed the collapse of dynasties one after another. I have witnessed mankind's transformation from primitive man, barbarian to space colonization. I have witnessed the dominance of mankind. It fell and was completely destroyed in a storm of barbarism and ignorance. Countless subspace storms flooded human pathways. The awakening of the four gods of chaos tore apart human civilization. Local camps and empires fought for control in the broken territory. power, while other worlds with no access to outside aid fell into planetary famine and insane horrors - and even worse warp catastrophes.

Among them, Terra's situation is the most serious. This planet, the origin of mankind, was completely drained of its last resources thousands of years ago. After losing supplies from other planets, this planet was ruled by barbarism and degradation. It seems that the history of mankind is coming to an end, and it seems that mankind is about to fall into a state of catastrophe.

So I finally decided to reveal my existence to humans.

In just a few hundred years, I completely unified Terra, order and rationality were established, and humanity once again entered prosperity and prosperity under my rule.

All mankind cannot be ruled by me alone. I tried to use my genetic code to create twenty babies, hoping that they would grow into powerful generals to lead my army. I succeeded, but also failed. The Primarch was It was successfully created, but the Four Gods of Chaos used a subspace storm to completely dissipate my works into the void of the universe. I was unable to conduct such an experiment again and could only use the remaining gene seeds of the Primarchs to create it. Space Marine.

At this time, a huge shock wave swept across the non-material space, and the subspace storm that had plunged the galaxy into chaos and lasted for more than five thousand years was swept away, and mankind once again moved towards the galaxy.

In the endless Great Crusade, Primarchs were recovered one after another, and the galaxy returned to the embrace of mankind. After the Great Crusade for a long time, I decided to grant the first son I recovered - He Russ the title of "Warmaster", because he has my most trust, I think he can continue the Great Crusade in my place, and I will return to Terra to carry out my secret plan.

But I failed. Under the plan of the Chaos God, Horus was corrupted and led almost half of the Legion and the Primarch to betray me. The entire galaxy fell into flames. He led an endless army to Terra and besieged the palace. Foolish Magnus, he wanted to use a psionic message to remind me of Horus' betrayal but fell into Tzeentch's trick. His psionic message destroyed Terra's defenses and opened a breach in the Webway. The endless army of Chaos could directly enter the palace through the gap in the webway. I had to use all my strength to sit on the golden throne to keep the webway closed. By the time Horus invaded the palace, I was already weak.

But I must accept the challenge. This is the only way to defeat Horus and save mankind. In order to let me leave, Prime Minister Malcador sat on the Golden Throne instead of me. This will almost destroy his life immediately, but I There is no choice.

After a tragic battle, I finally defeated Horus, but I was also seriously injured and on the verge of death. Poor Malcador, he could have survived, but he chose to imbue his last bit of spiritual power He gave it to me so that I could wake up, and at the same time, he also left the last bit of hope for mankind.

The twenty-first genetic species.

After eleven thousand years of waiting and eternal torment, I finally waited for the destined person. His soul had nothing to do with the subspace, and his blood was a perfect human being. Ryan finally completed my mission. He He lived up to Malcador's hope. He found the remains of the ancient saint. He was loyal, full of wisdom and strength. He was the convergence and crystallization of Malcador's and my will, strength and soul. He won me a comeback. Opportunity.

Now I will revive.

It's time for halftime! ! !

The decayed and broken body on the golden throne gradually began to move. The pure cosmic energy accumulated by the ancient saints for millions of years was released. The withered skeleton was re-wrapped with flesh and blood. The skeleton was being reorganized at an extremely fast speed. Eyes appeared in the deep eye holes, and all the cables, wires and pipes connecting the Emperor's body were disconnected.

The body is reshaped, and the evil curse left by Chaos is dispelled.

The alarm bells rang loudly in the Golden Throne Hall, and countless Imperial Guardsmen who received the alarm rushed into the throne room. Ever since the gap in the webway was re-closed a few months ago, the Imperial Guards had a premonition of this day coming, but when they really When they saw this day, all the Imperial Guards who entered the throne room knelt down, with tears in their eyes, and some were already sobbing.

Their Emperor has returned! The intact Lord of Humanity is standing in front of the Golden Throne, his face that embodies all wisdom and strength is frowning, and his tall body is walking down the steps step by step.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army knelt in front of the golden throne. With disbelief in his eyes, he said in a trembling voice: "My... my Lord? Your Supreme Majesty? This... this is really the most glorious and memorable day in my life. !”

After saying that, tears shed from the eyes of the Marshal of the Imperial Guard. He never thought that he could see the moment when the Lord of Mankind revived. He soon burst into tears in front of the emperor, and just knelt down, unable to speak for a long time.

Finally, under the expectant eyes of all the Imperial Guards, the Emperor spoke. His voice was as loud as a bell, inspiring the deepest loyalty in everyone's heart.

"Eleven thousand years have passed, and Horus has left us beyond redemption. Humanity is struggling painfully on the edge of despair. Sectors are plunged into darkness. Invasions have divided the empire again and again, leaving this fragmented country overwhelmed. "

"Now, the Cadian Gate has also been lost, and the demons will rush into the physical universe. The green wave of evil is raging in the empire, and there is also the Great Devourer from outside the star field..."

"I only see that the human empire is on the verge of destruction. We failed to conquer, we just continued to exist. We failed to prosper, we had to struggle to survive. We sat back and watched the galaxy fall into flames. We sat and watched the human edifice collapse..."

"But now, I'm back!"

At this moment, the Terran Lords of the Terran Supreme Council rushed into the throne room. The Emperor had already ordered the Imperial Guard to let them go. When they looked at the figure standing in front of the throne, these symbols of the highest power of the human empire were all stunned. , until the Emperor continued to speak.

"Good morning, Lords of Terra!"

"Without further ado, we have a lot to do, now let's start one by one!"

"The great sage of the Mechanicum, Belisarius Caul, is declared to be here!"

After receiving the order from the Forbidden Army, the great sage of the Mechanicus immediately put down what he was doing and went straight to the palace.

No one knew what the emperor said to him. Everyone only knew that when the great sage Caul came out of the palace, he seemed to have been reborn, and a fake, counterfeit, pre-made skeleton was Placed on the Golden Throne, the Emperor injected a small portion of his energy into it, creating the illusion that he was still sitting on the Golden Throne.

The resurrected Emperor ordered one after another to reorganize order on Terra. Under his orders, the Imperial Guards mobilized collectively to clean up the corrupt bureaucrats and reorganize order in the name of the God-Emperor.

No one dared to object, no one dared to dissent, for the High Lords of Terra could do nothing but fall to their knees, dazzled when they saw the Emperor.

Two days later.

"Prepare the battleship! I will go to Macragge." The emperor's eyes were burning with golden flames.

The entire galaxy is burning, the empire he built is on the verge of destruction, ignorance and rigid ideas are spreading across the country, and there are endless problems that even he doesn't know where to start with.

Fortunately, there are two loyal sons who are not missing, they are just sleeping.

He needs help.

The southeastern part of the galaxy, the Ultramarines Sector, Macragge.

As expected, the Pearl of the Far East has been fully invaded by Chaos, and the Ultramar garrison fleet is engaged in a fierce battle with the Chaos fleet in orbit.

When a large number of Imperial naval ships appeared in the orbit of Macragge's planet, the Ultramarines Chapter Master Marius Calgar thought he was hallucinating, especially when the other party revealed his identity as a Custodian to the Ultramarines.

"Is it the Forbidden Army? Why did the Forbidden Army appear in this place?" The chapter leader asked the chief think tank Varro Tigurias next to him with a confused look.

"I don't know. The data records that the Imperial Guard never leaves the palace without the emperor's order." The chief think tank also looked confused.

"Then why?" Calgar still looked confused, but the chapter leader immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although they had never fought side by side in ten thousand years, the Imperial Army's ships and the Ultramar garrison completed the task. With a perfect cooperation, it only took a few minutes for the human ships originally distributed on isolated and scattered fronts to form a ready attack formation. The Chaos fleet was completely defeated under attack from two sides, leaving only one behind. A large number of corpses of ships fled in panic, and a small number of Chaos Space Marines who landed were also besieged and destroyed by the Ultramarines.

The threat was lifted, but chapter leader Calgar still felt deeply uneasy. He led the Ultramarines chapter and stood in front of the golden landing ship, watching the hatch slowly open.

What happened next he would never forget.

Groups of Custodes emerged from the landing ships, their morale was high, and they had never been so full of pride and glory.

Until that tall figure appeared.

The Emperor wore no helmet, only a golden laurel wreath on his forehead. He revealed his noble face: a face that gathered all the miracles and lights in the world, enough to make anyone offer eternity at the sight of it. A loyal face.

So solemn, so magical, so awe-inspiring, Chapter Master Calgar and all the Ultramarines couldn't help but kneel down. At this moment, all the Space Marines present realized that even if the sun and moon changed and their bodies decayed, they would still be able to survive. It was impossible to forget what I saw at this moment.

Calga realized that he had been stunned for some time, and then he became completely fanatical and crazy.

" majesty?" Calgar spoke, his voice choked with sobs. He was deeply ashamed of his gaffe. He even doubted whether the emperor himself heard what he was saying clearly.

But everyone understood what the Emperor meant. The great Lord of Mankind wanted to see his son.

That was because of the serious injury to the original member of the Thirteenth Legion, Roboute Guilliman, who was sleeping in the stasis field.

Macragge, the Temple of Justice.

Groups of Imperial Guards poured into the temple. The sheer number of them made the Ultramarines a little uncomfortable. However, their hearts were full of expectations. They looked at the majestic figure of the Emperor with fanatical eyes. Many Ultramarines couldn't help but want to shout.

Their primarch had slept for too long, too long.

They firmly believe that the great Lord of Mankind, the father of the original body, will not just come to see his son and do nothing. With a trace of hope in their hearts, they look at the Lord of Mankind with eager eyes.

The Emperor walked up to the Sacred Box.

What appeared in front of him was a pale, stagnant body of a dead soul. His son Roboute Guilliman slept here. There was a fine line on his throat, and the poison of the devil was like a tarsal maggot. Tangled in Guilliman's body, the doctors were unable to expel this deadly poison and could only place him in a static field to maintain his half-dead state.

Just like before.

After his own fall, Roboute Guilliman shouldered the heavy responsibility of rebuilding the Empire. At that time, the Empire was still in chaos and crisis. Half of the Space Marines had rebelled with Horus, and the remaining loyal chapters were Casualties in the battle were heavy, the remaining Space Marines were too few to meet demand, and humanity's enemies were preparing to take advantage of the declining Imperium.

Guilliman stood up. He personally led the subsequent war and restored peace to the galaxy. He compiled the Codex Astartes as a guideline for mankind and ensured the survival of the empire. These were imprisoned in the Golden Throne. All the emperors above saw it.

However, Guilliman soon fell. It was Fulgrim, the former fallen Primarch of the Third Legion and now the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, who seriously injured him. In a reckless and irrational raid, Guilliman was killed. Fulgrim was seriously injured, and then he became what he is now.

Under the fanatical gazes of all the Ultramarines, the great Lord of Mankind gently stretched out his hand towards Guilliman in the Sacred Box, forcefully allowing the doctor's helpless demonic poison to be absorbed by the Emperor's endless power. After being expelled, the Primarch's injuries healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sacred golden light enveloped the entire Temple of Justice.

The pale, sickly complexion quickly faded from Guilliman's face, and the Ultramarines and Custodes had already felt the surging vitality of the Primarch.

This is a miracle, this is a real miracle.

"My God, how could we have waited for such a miracle? How could we have allowed His Majesty to return and give us our original body again." Calgar murmured to himself Yu said that the Space Marine would not cry, but he suddenly had a strong urge to cry.

Standing behind the Emperor, Belisarius Caul, the great sage of the Martian Mechanicum, was the first to hear the words from the Emperor. They were cold words without any emotion.

"Wake up, Roboute Guilliman."

"I need your strength."

Abaddon: "The time of the Primarch is over!"

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