The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1197, The King’s Speech (a super large chapter of 6,000 words!)

The root of power is the alienation of division of labor. The alienation of division of labor is equal to the asymmetry of information under the hierarchical system.

Therefore, when a person becomes a noble and becomes part of the existing power system, no matter he is rich or poor, whether he is smart or stupid, his instinct must be to maintain this power system and ensure his dominance. This is human nature.

In other words, as the hierarchical system continues to extend and be passed on, and as information becomes further asymmetric, the ruling class will gradually have similar thoughts - the origin of my power is reasonable and I deserve to enjoy these powers.

This forms a logical closed loop - now I have power because I am worthy of these powers (the gods have given reasons for sanctity, noble blood, military exploits, etc.), and because I am the owner of the power, I exercise it My power is completely reasonable, because this is my thing.

But actually, right?

In full view of the public, Ryan looked at all the great nobles present, and many thoughts flashed through the king's heart.

In fact, not at all. As mentioned before, the root of power is the alienation of the division of labor. In fact, countless serfs and free people transferred part of their power and handed over part of their income, so that some people could be separated from production and specially protected. Himself, and this is the origin of the knightly aristocracy, and it is also the inevitable result of a period of limited productivity.

As time passed, many knights and nobles had forgotten this.

Now it is revealed that the fairy in the lake is an elf god. This has opened a gap in the closed logic loop of the knights and nobles.

"So we have to talk about this issue now, whether we want to or not, we have to talk about it. What should we do when the Lady of the Lake tells us that she is Lilith, the elven moon goddess?" Ryan continued his speech. , the king said to everyone present: "I think, these days, everyone here must have thought a lot, a lot."

"Are you going to pretend that nothing happened and continue to let a pointy-eared elf god sit on our heads?"

A deep light shone on Ryan's face, and there was a slight noise in the venue.

"Should we quickly change our minds and find us a new god? Charlemagne? Ulric? Tal? Myrmidia? Or some other Phoenix Lord Asuryan or Bloodhand Kane? We Britta The people of Nia can’t wait to bow before the new gods, calling them daddy, begging them to take in these homeless children, asking them to accept us just like they accept other believers?”

The noise in the venue gradually grew louder, and almost everyone was shaking their heads.


"We are Bretons, how could we do something like this?"

"Urik? Are you kidding me? I hate the smell of wolf cubs the most!"

"Thar will turn us into savages!"

"Myrmidia? No, I'm afraid that if this continues, the war cry of us Brittanians will never be heard again in the world."

"The Estalians will take control of our armies and castle in the name of Myrmidia!"

Ryan gave everyone twenty seconds to discuss, and then the king smiled and said: "Then maybe we can do this. I will ask the cabinet to draft a document announcing that starting from today, Britannia will no longer believe in any gods. All The temple of the Lady of the Lake was burned down! All the goddess shrines were smashed to pieces! All the glorious history of the Bretons should be burned at the stake and thrown into the trash. Our so-called glory, It’s just a bunch of shit made up of lies and it’s time to throw them away?”

The noise in the venue became louder, and almost all the knights and nobles showed disgusted expressions, and everyone shook their heads.

"No, it can't be like this."

"No, I can't accept it!"

"Your Majesty. This is not a sensible solution."

"Anyone who thinks so is simply crazy, my lord."

"Very good." Ryan signaled everyone to be quiet again. The king was silent for a few seconds and gently knocked on the table with a small wooden hammer: "Then, let me ask everyone here, you are all dignitaries of Britannia. , you are all the noble elites of Britannia, I want to ask everyone here a question."

"If our goddess, the Lady of the Lake, is completely abandoned by us, what will happen to us in Britannia?" Ryan then asked: "Have you really thought about it?"

There was silence.

"I admit, some people will benefit." Ryan turned his eyes to the large group of knights of the "Free Britannia" faction sitting on the right. The king grinned, both sarcastically and contemptuously: "Because they have Use reasonable and legal excuses to seize more manors, castles and lands, and obtain more titles!"

"They can burn the Holy Grail Cathedral in Kurona to ashes with their own hands! Because it is a lady's thing!"

"They can dismantle the Lion Ring Racecourse with their own hands, tear down the thousand-year-old sculptures on it, throw all the tapestries on the ground, and trample them with their feet, because they belong to women!"

"They can plant other flags in Bastogne, in Bordeaux, on our palace in Curona, but those flags that symbolize our thousand-year glory will only be thrown into the fire. In the pile!"

The whole place was in an uproar. The more than 800 nobles present thought of this scene, and an extremely deep chill penetrated their spines.

Is this to kill the Lake Fairy?

If you want to destroy a human country, you must first destroy its history.

This is the foundation of their knightly aristocracy! ! !

After everything about the Lady of the Lake disappears in Britannia, then the knightly culture and the entire kingdom will also cease to exist!

However, if they want to completely abandon the Lady of the Lake, these people must do this. Otherwise, how can "Free Britannia" and "New Britannia" completely separate themselves from the Lady of the Lake?

All the great nobles could feel the blood rushing to their faces.

Never, never let this happen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that's it, right?"


"Do that, right?" Ryan shouted next.


"Can we do this?" the king's voice echoed throughout the halls of Congress.

"Never! Never! Never!!!" The excited roars of all the nobles in the inner hall, and even the four thousand kingdom knights in the outer hall, spread throughout the Congress Hall.

"Okay, very good!" Ryan put his hands behind his ears and smiled at everyone: "I heard it, I heard your call, very good, it seems that you don't want to see this either. A scene happened and I heard it, thank you everyone."

Thunderous applause broke out for their king.

To put it simply, Ryan was thinking about them.

After dozens of seconds, the Congress Hall gradually became quiet, and Ryan continued: "But there must be many people who still feel awkward. We are the descendants of the proud Bretons, how can we believe in an alien god? What's more, she has deceived us for thousands of years, shouldn't she apologize for this, shouldn't she pay the price for taking advantage of us, can she just pretend that nothing happened?"

Everyone here nodded, yes, this level is impossible to pass.

The neutral knights headed by Birhemond all showed tangled expressions. Yes, they just couldn't pass this level. It was difficult for them to have any reason to continue to convince themselves and continue to believe in an alien god?


"Therefore, before that, I must change the topic slightly and ask you to listen patiently." Ryan signaled everyone to be quiet again, and the king said in a deep voice: "I have read our history carefully in the past few days. It is natural for me to We discovered that our history can be said to be a military book. Since the founding of this country, endless wars have continuously invaded this land, from hundreds of tribes fighting in prehistory to fourteen tribes fighting for hegemony in the later period. From the twelve wars at the founding of the People's Republic of China to now a thousand years later, we have had extremely brilliant victories and experienced many shameful defeats. But now, ladies and gentlemen, tell me, where are we now? Our Where is the country?”

"Right here! Right here!!!"

"Thousands of years later, the Bretons are still standing!"

"We are not destroyed!"

The great nobles shouted excitedly, even though they have experienced countless wars, even though the peaceful times in thousands of years of history have not lasted long, even though knights have been passed down from generation to generation, we are still here, and the kingdom is still here!

"Yes, we are still here." Ryan nodded, the light shone on him, and the Sun King's figure was shrouded in the light. He first opened his arms, and then put his hands on his hips: "The duty of a knight is to protect, and so is the virtue of a knight. Guarding, there is nothing more glorious than defending our country, ladies and gentlemen, as knights, must we continue to assure everyone that we will continue to be here to defend and protect our country, our people?"



"Aye! Aye! Aye!"

Voices of approval began to ring out. The great nobles recalled the glory of the past millennium, the sacrifices of each family in the long history, and the generations of clansmen who died fighting to fulfill their knightly duties. They all felt that something was awakened in their bodies. .

Despite the cruelty, corruption, and corruption, when the horn sounded, the knights, all armored, with guns in hand and mounted on their horses, shouted the name of the goddess and fought for their homeland.

Those nobles who were unwilling to fight for their homeland had already been dealt with by Ryan's successive waves of purges, and those who remained now were basically those who had been on the battlefield.

"Yes, we must ensure that. In fact, I have full confidence that I can lead you to protect our country. Everyone, do you think I can?" Ryan smiled and said, "I personally think that as long as we do our job, By doing this, we can continue to recreate our glory in the Eight Peaks Mountains, in the Empire, and in Obien."


"Hear! Hear! Hear!"

The approval was even louder. The knights and the Old Guards who supported Ryan shouted vigorously. The neutral knights slapped their thighs vigorously. Even the knights of Free Britannia couldn't help but be moved by it. .

"I'm very happy to hear your voices of approval. It makes me feel that my previous efforts have not been in vain." Ryan smiled and nodded repeatedly. Sun Dynasty glanced at the outer hall and then said: "But the situation is not optimistic. Estalia has been destroyed, and only Bilibali is still resisting. Tyrell may be able to hold on for a little longer, but without reinforcements, the outcome is already doomed. There is also the Border Prince Territory. According to the Three Guards of the Badlands and Haimen According to the news coming from Guan, the Border Prince Territory has been basically overwhelmed by Skaven, Beastmen and Greenskins. Maybe you haven’t noticed. With Kislev and Sylvania, the entire old world Half of it has fallen."

There were waves of exclamations in the venue. Britannia has been too "peaceful" in recent years, and the sense of crisis among the great nobles is not that strong. Even the Holy Grail knights like Francois think that " The empire and the dwarves will solve their own problems." Everyone was still surprised when they heard the news from Ryan. Unknowingly, half of the old world had fallen?

"All Bretons, the crisis is approaching us!" Ryan said loudly: "Unite, Bretons! Tell us, where is your courage? Do you remember how to defend your kingdom? Right? It's not the first time we've been in this predicament, but it's like what we've seen."

"We are still here, the kingdom is still here!" Ryan's fist knocked on the table with the Knight's Code. The sound was very soft, but it was like a loud bell in everyone's ears.


"Here we are, courage is here!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes~" The response has spread throughout the entire King's Council Hall, and even some of the great nobles of the Free Breton faction couldn't help shouting.

"So, who gave us this courage? Who brought us out of the quagmire when the Brittanians were in despair? Who brought the Holy Grail to us when the Brittanians were on the verge of national annihilation? Who gave it to us, always as the patron saint, guarding our kingdom?" Ryan then shouted.

The entire venue fell silent instantly, and everyone felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over their heads.

It’s the Lady of the Lake.

But...but He is the Elf God after all!

The effect was just right. Ryan took advantage of everyone's silence and smiled: "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that you still lack a little courage. It seems that if you admit all this, will it hurt your dignity?"

More than half of the nobles blushed and lowered their heads subconsciously. Yes, even if she is really nice to us, she is still the god of aliens. If she admits it, wouldn't it make us... very shameless?

Ryan nodded repeatedly, with a hint of blame in his tone: "But you all know very well that many times, it is the little bit of courage in our chests that changes our history, our stories, saves us, and makes mortals able to survive.”

"The former Phoenix King Aenarion was originally a navigator. For him, courage was when he personally climbed into the sacred fire of Asuryan and only asked the Phoenix Lord to save his compatriots. Courage was in him. Under the double curse, he still went to the ceremony site of the Maelstrom in person, fought and defeated the four Chaos Demons alone!"

"For Charlemagne, courage was when he fought for a whole day in the Battle of Blackfire Pass and finally shot the green-skinned warlord in the head. Courage was when he faced off against Nagash, the Lord of the Necron, alone. The Lord sent him back to the tomb, and his courage was that he personally fought against Moka, the chosen one of the eternal gods, for three days and three nights, and drove the chaos things back to where they should be!"

"For Arthur, courage means that he is the first dragon-slaying knight in Brittany. Courage means that when the strength of the army is 1:30, he still bravely comes out to face the greenskin frenzy. Courage means that he has suffered many times. After being fatally wounded by an arrow, you must stand on your horse even if you are tied with a rope!"

"For me, courage means that after I became the king, I did not make a conservative but cowardly decision. I never tried to deny or cover up anything. Courage is the great expeditions. Courage is that I called you to stand here. To and towards you all I speak!”

"So, everyone, what is courage for a lady?" Ryan finally brought up the most critical topic: "For a lady, courage is when the Brittany people are in the most difficult and desperate times, she stands up. And Chu has extended a helping hand to us. Courage means that she appears again and again and stands with us under chaos and various threats. Courage means that when rumors spread, she admits it all frankly. Her elf god identity and gives us the choice!”

"Now, Brittanians, tell me, where is your courage?" Ryan roared: "When half of the old world has fallen, when many countries with a long history have fallen or are about to fall, when the beastmen and the undead , when the Skaven, the Greenskins, and the chaos frenzy in the north may break through the imperial defenses and go south at any time, Brittanians, where is your courage?!"

A certain kind of fire was ignited, and every Brittanian present could feel it. The fire in their chests burned brightly, spreading from the body to the limbs and then to the head, and the long-standing passion was awakened.

The hair stood on end, the thighs shook, the fists were clenched, and the blood was rushing.

The knights and nobles roared. They recalled the exciting history of thousands of years ago, and then remembered what was happening now.

The fire is still burning and the blood is still cold.

"It is the lady who chose us, but it is also our courage that chooses the lady!" Ryan's roar echoed, like a violent storm hitting the beach at the seaside: "We will tell everyone in the world with actions, no matter it is Elf god or human god, the lady is our god! No matter ally or enemy, in the face of the storm, we will never give up, we will never compromise! We will fight to the end, until the last son of Britannia disappears, if This is the end of our history, so we must use our sacrifices to play the last song of our own, the Knight’s Elegy!”

"Elf gods? Human gods, are they really that important? Tell me, Bretons! Do you agree with the lady staying?"

"Agree! Agree! Agree!!!" The voice in the hall rang again, louder than before.

"The lady is our god in Britannia!" Finally, someone shouted

"The lady is our god!" someone said.

"Madam! Madam! Madam!" trickles, rivers, lakes, and seas, to huge storms with turbulent waves.

The great nobles of Free Britannia were almost collectively shaken. More than half of them had expressions of shame on their faces, and were already praying to the goddess for forgiveness.

"The end is near and we will fight in the Empire and Estalia!"

"We will fight on the border of the Kurona Road!"

"We will defend our kingdom at any cost, and if necessary, we will fight on the beaches of Lyonnais and under the lighthouse of Le Angoulant, we will fight among the estates on the plains of Coulona!"

"We will fight in the streets of the capital, in the forests of Arden, in the port of Bordeaux, in the mountains of Montfort, and in Bastogne, our land of dragons!"

"Bretonians, where is your courage? Where is your spirit of chivalry?" Ryan shouted: "Who still remembers the oath of chivalry, who remembers the eight virtues of chivalry?"

"Humility, integrity, mercy, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, soul!" Warm cheers erupted in the hall, and the nobles slapped the seats and railings vigorously, or waved silk ribbons with all their strength. Holding the towel and the parchment in his hand, the excitement surged, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami shaking through the sky, especially the young Devon Hill, the eldest son of Ryan, jumping up and down with excitement, eager to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. Originally, In the cold parliament hall, like a volcano erupting, the scorching gas overflowed the hall and spread to the outer hall.

"Let us invite the lady back and face the final battle. What do you think?"

"Agree! Agree! Agree!" All the great nobles shouted at the top of their lungs. Even the people of the Free Brittania faction stood up. They shouted the names of the lady and Ryan, waving parchments and Silk scarf, express approval.

There is no more doubt, whether the lady is an elf god or a human god, don’t we Brittanians even have the courage to admit the truth?

The Lady gave us courage, now it is our turn to give Him courage!

Duke Birhemond nodded slowly and stood up to applaud. Seeing him stand up, all the neutral knights and nobles also stood up.

"Agree! Agree! Agree!"

"Madam! Madam! Madam!"

"Lane! Lane! Lane!"

The sacred oath of knighthood rang out from the hall again until it spread throughout the palace!

“I swear to be kind to the weak.

I vow to stand up to rape.

I vow to fight against everything that is wrong.

I swear to fight for the defenseless.

I vow to help anyone who asks me for help.

I swear not to hurt any woman.

I swear to help my brother knight.

I vow to treat my friends with sincerity.

I vow to stay with the one I love until death. "

Seeing people rushing to wave the parchment and silk scarves in their hands, Ryan nodded slightly, and the king closed his eyes.

Success is not the end, failure is not the end, the most important thing is the courage to keep moving forward.

And the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage.

I wrote this after not sleeping all night. Everything I wanted to write is written in the main text. I wish you all a happy reading.

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