The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1223, Defending the Golden Fortress

Von-Zhukov Castle was razed to the ground during the Motkin invasion in 2515 Imperial Calendar, and everyone was massacred.

After Motkin committed suicide, the Osterlanders slowly but surely rebuilt the castle. They united with the elector Vamir von Zhukov and the elector's first successor Vasily. Von Zhukov's command allowed Von Zhukov Castle to reappear in the Oster Territory.

Thanks to the gold mines in Wolfenburg, the endless supply of gold there has prevented the Osterland's finances from ever facing a financial crisis. The stubbornness and pride of the people here make the Oster people know that it is a waste of money and there is not much practical benefit. But it still has to be rebuilt, even if the ashes in the tombs of the elector ancestors here have been scattered by Motkin, and even if the castle will never regain its former prosperity and population, the Oster people still have to do it.

The Great Alchemist Belshazer-Gelt, the pinnacle of the Holy Realm, the Chief Grand Wizard of the Empire and the Supreme Grandmaster (Dean) of the Royal Wizarding Academy, is studying the emperor's expression. Of course, the Great Alchemist will not let him The emperor noticed that he was pretending to observe the splendid decorations inside Von-Zhukov Castle.

Emperor Karl-Franz strode around the room. He frowned and seemed to be thinking about a very difficult question to answer. Gelt was not in a hurry. In this way, the great alchemist learned from the emperor. took back control of the conversation.

"I know what you mean, Galt." After a long time, the emperor's voice sounded: "You mean, your guarantee is not very timely, because the Great Wall of Faith is your temporary solution? Are you confident about your own spells? Are you confident, but not sure how long you can last?”

"That's what I meant, Your Majesty, if at that time..." Galt's voice was slightly pleased, as if he was happy that the emperor understood his words, but the great alchemist did not notice that his The tone hurt Karl Franz's heart, and the emperor's expression became slightly unhappy. He immediately made a gesture to tell Geert to shut up!

Galt immediately stopped what he was saying. The great alchemist could feel that the emperor's mood had changed. Yes, this was a dark era. Even the greatest statesman in the empire and the great prince of Reikland had a monopoly. Karl Franz, the leader of the Friedrich family who had been on the imperial throne for three generations, lost his cool.

"I know what you want to say about Archbishop Vikma." The emperor said impatiently: "He did attack in a hurry, but my dear, I must remind you that Vikma is dead. He has already apologized for his recklessness. I paid the price, and there are some things that I don’t want to talk about anymore, which makes me feel very unhappy, you know what I mean?”

Galt was silent. Perhaps other wizards would not understand the emperor's actions, but the great alchemist was not among them.

Why can't the old story of Vikma and his recklessness be revisited?

The reason is very simple. Without Werkmar, there would be no current Emperor Karl-Franz. If the Archbishop had not dropped three votes at the critical moment to help the Emperor turn the tide, then the one standing here now would be Boris Todbringer. .

If the fault of Vikma is to be settled, those who are willing to do so will definitely blame the emperor.

Is that so, as long as you die you can escape all responsibility and be immune from any punishment, while the living have to be blamed and questioned for every mistake?

The Great Alchemist felt very painful and believed in the Great Wall and the Golden Fortress. He had given everything he had to the empire.

Seemingly realizing that this was unfair to Galt, the emperor made a slight concession. He did not ask Galt about the Great Wall of Faith anymore, but focused on the letters, except for the commandment that Ryan said he could not help. In addition, there are also letters from the dwarves. Both the High King and the Butcher King are in great trouble. The Kurgan and Chaos Dwarves from the other side of the Roof of the World Mountains are attacking the dwarves' fortresses, and they are unable to provide help.

"This is the new logistics form, my dear, the bureaucrats in the rear are already complaining." The emperor said to Geert: "The food and drink expenses for hundreds of thousands of people have been mobilized from all the major provinces of the empire. We can still deal with them at the beginning. , but we can’t always go on like this. Maybe some cities and provinces, such as Brunswick, Nuer, my Reikland and Marius’ Aviland can persist, but what about Stirland? ? What about Ostermark? Furthermore, transportation loss is getting higher and higher, from 15% at the beginning to 23% later, and now it is approaching 36%."

"There is no reason for this." The great alchemist certainly knew what was fishy in this: "Your Majesty, your bureaucrats must know where these 'disappeared' materials and supplies have gone."

"But this is necessary lubrication for the entire system, my dear." The emperor smiled bitterly: "Do you plan to abandon the hundreds of thousands of Chaos troops opposite the Golden Fortress and attack the bureaucracy?"

Galt was silent. How could the great alchemist not be aware of the internal crisis?

Apart from anything else, after seeing Gelt build the Golden Fortress and create great miracles, the great wizards of the Empire's Royal Wizarding Academy admired his magical attainments on the one hand, but on the other hand they were also envious and jealous, such as It is said that Greg Mattak, the supreme dean of the Amber Academy, has doubted the source of Gelt's great miracles more than once, while the other great wizard of the Holy Domain, Sernus Gehrman, directly left the Golden Fortress without knowing. Where to go.

The many crises weighed down Geert himself and he could hardly breathe, and more importantly, as he told Emperor Karl-Franz, the Golden Fortress was not perfect - it was unstable, and from Erengera Traveling to the Jiakova Fortress in the Roof of the World Mountains, dozens of ritual circles require a large number of wizards and priests to continuously perform rituals and spellcasting maintenance. This is a very hard and torturous job, and some people have mental breakdowns every day. Fallen, even so, the ritual was not flawless, as breaches in the Golden Citadel were often found due to the chaos of the winds of Chaos and the inevitable errors in spellcasting.

How could Chaos miss such a good opportunity? Archaon's lieutenant, thousands of Kron-Conqueror's scouts constantly monitor any situation along the Golden Citadel, and if there is a breach, they will immediately launch a full-scale attack.

At this time, the imperial army must block the gap until the wizards and priests can recast the walls of the Golden Citadel.

In each such encounter, one or two hundred people would die in the Empire, and even more in Chaos.

The only comfort is that in the face of such a difficult situation, the empire is united and everyone understands the seriousness of the crisis.

The eastern section of the Golden Fortress was handed over to Wolfram Hertwig, the Elector of Ostermark. This Elector commanded the war in a disciplined manner, full of pickiness and attention to detail, but also bravery. As the Elector of Ostermark, it is his duty to guard the borders of Ostermark.

The middle section was handed over to the Elector of the Hawkland, Edbrand Ludenhoff. Although his own army of the Hawkland only numbered more than 10,000 people, and more soldiers came from other provinces of the empire, Edbrand Not long ago, he scored a famous victory and severely damaged Velich-The Curse and defeated the Curse army. There is no dispute about his status as the head coach.

The western section is in charge of the elector of Oster, Valmir von Zhukov, and the Grand Duke of Erengrad, Vladimir. They are old rivals with Chaos.

Emperor Karl-Franz led the main force of the empire, the Franz Guards Grand Army, and the Royal Guards at Von-Zhukov Castle, ready to support the front line at any time.

It seems that the situation has stabilized, but this is a respite based on the empire's continuous suffering of casualties and paying the price.

"Gelt, you are my appointed royal chief wizard, right?" Karl Franz asked.

"Of course I am." Galt was very hesitant in his heart. He had several opportunities to confess his specialness, but he missed it. He had a chance to say it just now, but he also missed it.

"Sir Galt, I am asking you this question with pain in my heart. I hope you will answer it honestly as an honorable citizen of the empire. Can we hold on to the Golden Fortress?"

"I'm sure we can hold it, my majesty." Galt said without hesitation: "The Golden Fortress has proven its strength."

"Then the question is, first of all, how long can we persist at this consumption?" The emperor then asked: "Second, even if we expect to be able to persist for a long time, how can we win?"

Galt was shocked. The royal chief wizard had not considered this issue, but since maintaining the golden fortress had consumed most of his magic power and energy, he subconsciously did not think about such long-term issues.

But... just don't think about it? Or... there is no answer at all?

Galt was silent for a long time, and the great alchemist considered his answer. If he answered the truth, that is, he also knew that the empire could not persist forever and could not find a way to turn around, then it would be incompetence, and the emperor would not need it. Such an incompetent royal chief wizard may lose his coveted position.

But showing off does not seem to be a reasonable choice. It also means deceiving. It is obviously impossible to deceive such a great politician like Karl Franz.

Fortunately, just when Galt was hesitant and unable to answer this question, urgent military information arrived from outside.

Ao Defen's golden fortress was breached!

Our allies are under attack. Elector Wolfram Hertwig is leading his army and they need support.

The emperor was forced to stop his inquiry. Karl Franz subconsciously wanted to hold the empire's hammer, but Gal Maraz was not in his hand, so he could only say: "Gelt Sir, I can only count on you at this time. Lead your Thor army and quickly go to the gap to repair the golden fortress!"

"Understood!" Galt felt relieved. The great alchemist walked out quickly and disappeared outside the main hall of Von-Zhukov Castle.

When the royal chief wizard rode his beloved Pegasus Swift Silver to the front line, the situation had deteriorated to an unbelievable level. The empire's defenders were collapsing, and there were large gaps in the golden fortress. Within a few kilometers, the north What the Chaos barbarians saw was a large stretch of smooth road. Hundreds of Imperial soldiers had fallen in a pool of blood, while tens of thousands of Chaos tribes were quickly crossing the gap and invading the Empire.

The Yankees, as numerous as the crucian carp crossing the river, crossed the gap at a crazy speed, and the sky was filled with black smoke. The terrible plague was spreading into the empire as the Yankees moved south, and the doctors and priests of the empire had nothing to do about it. ——The goddess of mercy Thalia seems to have disappeared. Without the help of the gods, Thalia's nuns and doctors are unable to fight the spreading plague on their own. More and more imperial soldiers are getting sick, dying of torture or being forced to have their limbs amputated. Galt briefly read several reports, and the contents frightened him - about one to two tenths of the soldiers were infected with Nurgle's plague to varying degrees.

However, this was not what frightened Galt the most. What frightened him most was that as a flying unit and a great wizard at the pinnacle of the Holy Domain, Galt saw an army of tens of thousands on the way here. The human Sylvanian army - both living and dead, is led by a demigod vampire who behaves elegantly and exudes nobility and calmness in his movements. There are hundreds of blood knights around him, Hundreds of black knights and thousands of Tomb Guards.

Large groups of mortal auxiliary troops followed the army of the undead. They were shivering, but they still held muskets and hand crossbows, and it seemed that they all volunteered.

The demigod vampire noticed Galt, and he even used ancient etiquette to give Galt a perfect aristocratic greeting in the air.

Galt suddenly felt cold all over. The great alchemist understood the fact that he had lied - Sylvania was not in the cage, and the terrible undead had escaped. If this truth was revealed to everyone in the empire, then He, Gelt, would lose everything, including his revered position, the admiration of the Imperial people, and his reputation.

God-Emperor, what should I do? Galt couldn't help but reach out and press it on the cover of "Emperor's Book of Holy Words 3.0" on his waist. On it was the blessing given by the God Emperor himself. In this extremely dark era, this book was the only one that supported Galt. Something that crashes.

The battle at the gap in Odefen was extremely fierce. Elector Hertwig personally led an army to fight fiercely with the Chaos army. The leader of the Chaos army was Fistak Krona. This Nurgle champion was the first to lead his followers. One of the war lords who traveled south to Kislev, his slaughter across the steppes only served to enhance his standing in Nurgle's eyes. As the Golden Barrier crumbled before him, Kron was convinced that his time had finally come, and without hesitation led his warband over the fallen stones toward glory.

Crown's command consists of more than a hundred warbands. To make matters worse, Gelt found many Chaos Demons among them. At least three groups of Nurgle Demons are following the Rotten Horde.

Things are always getting worse. When Gelt first came to the northern front, he would only see sporadic Chaos Demons in the barbarian team. However, as time went by, the number of Chaos Demons increased from one or two to From two or three to five, six, seven or eight, Chaos Demons can now be seen operating in the form of squads and warbands, and their existence in the mortal world is getting longer and longer. If someone told Gelt that he would soon The entire well-organized Chaos Demon Legion appeared on the battlefield, and Galt would not feel the slightest surprise.

Ignoring the fierce fighting between the Imperial defenders and the Chaos tribe, Galt came to the ceremony site. He found that the wizards and priests responsible for maintaining the ceremony were all lying in a pool of blood. They were killed by mysterious powers. The great alchemist was determined to Determined to repair the Golden Fortress at all costs, he began to cast a spell.

The great alchemist poured all his magic into the ritual, and at the same time paid some attention to watch the battle. When he saw Elector Hertwig personally leading the Knights of Eternal Light and the Aodefen Cavalry, they rushed in. When the Rotten Horde army was in the formation, Geert yelled at Hertwig that he was a fool and that he should wait for time to allow himself to repair the city wall instead of charging fearlessly, which would cost him his life!

Sure enough, the Elector Hertwig fell into trouble after a heroic charge. A group of Nurgle God's Chosen Warriors with heavy armor resisted the charge of the knights. The Elector fell into a fight and finally encountered Kron, the Nurgle Champion, engaged in a championship duel. The brave Elector Hertwig died gloriously. Kron wanted to show off his victory, but the Nurgle Champion soon understood why Ostermark's The Runefang is called the Troll Scavenger - the sword inflicts a wound that cannot be healed, and the Champion of Nurgle falls with it.

"No! Don't die!" Galt could only look at everything in front of him in pain.

Just when the imperial front was about to collapse, Charlemagne's army led by Woten appeared. The arrival of this unparalleled warrior, Charlemagne's chosen champion, greatly boosted the morale of the imperial army and reorganized the army.

But victory did not come so easily. As the violent wind of chaos and the stinking garden scene connected with the mortal world, an entire Nurgle demon army was thrown into the mortal world by Fat Grandpa. He met his opponent in the unparalleled Woten. ——The Great Demon of Nurgle, Gurug-As, is the current sixth greatest demon under Nurgle.

Woten tried to quickly defeat the powerful enemy in front of him, but the Great Demon of Nurgle could not be defeated casually. Even if the power of Gale-Malaz overwhelmed the rusty sword and plague iron chain in the hands of the Great Demon, the Great Demon of Nurgle could not be defeated at will. His body was burned black due to the divine power emerging from the twin-tailed comet, but Guruge-As still cheered up and fought with Woten while shouting the name of his loving father.

Woten can fight against the Nurgle Demon, but the Imperial army behind him cannot. The brave Imperial soldiers fought hard against the Nurgle Demon. Their bodies were eroded by the plague, they vomited yellow bile, and their hands were corroded. Bones were exposed, and their eyes liquefied and slipped from their sockets in a thick yellow-green mist.

Unable to stand it any longer, the imperial army was crumbling, and Galt closed his eyes in pain.

Lose, lose completely, the golden fortress is over.

"No, the empire is not over." A cold and biting voice with absolute pride rose from the other side of the horizon. The dark sky covered the entire sky, the sound of ancient horns sounded, and the ancient flavor of Reikland of drums.

Von Carstein's red-backed black bat flag was rising. The demigod, Lord of Death, and Lord of Sylvania, Vlad von Carstein, looked at the soldiers of the empire fighting bravely. I couldn't help but nodded in approval.

"The living can no longer withstand it. Now, it's my turn, Sylvania, to go into battle."

"Blood Knight, drive the enemy out of our country!"

"For Isabella, for Sylvania, for von Carstein!"

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