The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1225, Galt’s folly

In the Von-Zhukov Castle, Emperor Karl Franz looked extremely serious. The emperor listened carefully to Luther Huss and Woten's description of Geert, who visited him at night. He even wore a hat on his head. Nightcap, which makes him seem rather comical, but also filled with a certain bitterness that he doesn't know how to do.

After traveling for three consecutive days, Luther Huss was exhausted. The reformer of the Church of Justice and the mentor of the God-chosen champion was always on the verge of excitement and explosion. He almost didn’t realize that he was shouting at the emperor. He just emphasized over and over again that the great alchemist was betrayed. He was simply an undercover agent who broke into our army. He was a lackey and messenger of some evil god. He was not a follower of Charlemagne at all. He never was. Everything was wrong. It's a lie.

Seeing that the emperor could not believe his own judgment, Luther Huss was even more incoherent and relying on anger to express his emotions. However, as the best politician, Emperor Karl Franz became more and more excited when he saw Luther Huss. He didn't believe what Luther Huss was saying. Gelt's loyalty had been proven dozens of times. He was also the chief royal wizard personally promoted by the emperor. The emperor did not believe that Gelt would betray him.

Fortunately, there was still a sober guy. Charlemagne's chosen champion Woten was not as excited as his mentor. Woten just reported everything that happened to Gelt to the emperor truthfully. He made it clear that it might not be possible to determine Gelt now. He is a Chaos believer, but there is no doubt that his loyalty to the empire is not as firm as to a certain supreme being in the subspace. He obeys the orders of that supreme being and uses that will as his absolute yardstick. Woten believes that no matter what Whether Walter betrayed or not, all this must be investigated clearly.

Compared with Huss, Wroten's analysis is not only logically rigorous and powerful, but also evokes two doubts in the mind of Emperor Karl-Franz. The first is the miracle of the Golden Fortress. Geert was the creator of the miracle, but he It was impossible to explain how he obtained this miracle and what the principle of the Golden Fortress was. Secondly, the Emperor once again recalled the anomalies of Gelt, the adventures and changes of that Nordic journey.

Although deep down he still believed that Geert was loyal, the emperor still hesitated after all. He knew that he could not ignore the possibility of Gelt's betrayal. Moreover, there was indeed something unexplainable about Gelt. Karl-Fran Ci thought for a while and said: "I understand, Woten, and Hus. Thank you for coming all the way to describe this problem. I understand. Now you can go down and rest first."

"Your Majesty! This is an urgent matter. Does your Majesty intend to do nothing?" Woten was still calm, but Hus directly pressed forward. The battle priest asked loudly: "Your Majesty, do you intend to pretend that nothing happened?"

"I don't intend to treat it as if nothing happened." Emperor Karl-Franz remained calm, but there was also an impatient look on his eyebrows: "But this is all your words. Of course, I believe you, But Galt has been a veteran of the empire for decades. He has saved this country in countless crises. He can't win it just because of a little thing! You go down and rest first. I will hold a meeting overnight to discuss this matter. thing."

Luther Huss wanted to say something else, but Woten signaled to hand it over to the emperor, and the two of them stepped back first.

Von Zhukov's peaceful night was broken by the arrival of Hus and Woten. After the two men retreated, Karl Franz could no longer sleep. While the emperor was still thinking, Marshal Rick Heilberg Walking in from the outside, the old commander's sleep was obviously very light, or he didn't fall asleep at all. He asked eagerly: "Your Majesty, what happened? Ao Defen's defense line was broken? Otherwise, Hu Hu, who was originally there, How come Si and Woten are here?"

The emperor's reason told him that he could not tell Heilberg about this at this time. Marshal Rick was withdrawn, stubborn and lacked any human touch. As long as Helberg was informed of the news about Huss and Woten, Marshal Rick would definitely lead his troops to Ao in person. Delphin took Gelt, and there was no shortage of torture to extract confessions.

After persuading Heilberg to retreat, Karl-Franz wrote a letter himself. He indicated that the letter must be delivered to Ludenhof in Odefen as soon as possible. The emperor believed that at this moment, no matter whether it was Believing in Woten or Guelt is one-sided. Only the Elector of the Hawkland Ludenhoff is a player in the game and does not stand on either side. Perhaps he can provide some reasonable answers. He understands Ludenhof. Denhoff, the elector would not be easily bribed, and his beliefs were firm but not fanatical.

There is still too little news now, and the emperor can only stop everything at hand and wait for the results of the investigation.

By the way, the emperor continued to urge Boris Todbringer and Emmanuel to come to Von-Zhukov Castle as soon as possible. In this darkest era, the empire cannot lack the help of these two powerful electors.

Boris Todbringer is only obsessed with his White Wolf City. The countless beastman tribes in the Dracovald Black Forest have indeed distracted the attention of the Midden Territory.

And Emmanuel... The Imperial Baroness can't really help the Imperial army when she comes to the front line, but she can get food from Britannia! The five hundred carts of grain ordered by the Empire from Britannia are already on the way, and will be delivered to the front line by the Imperial Lady in person.

It is worth mentioning that the Imperial Baroness is pregnant again. This will be her fourth child, which is also said to be a daughter. Ryan plans to choose one of Paimon, Keqing and Ganyu to name his daughter, but Emmanolly plans to Emmanuel was very stubborn about naming her third daughter and fourth child Eugenie, and Ryan had no choice but to follow her.

Emmanolie is really capable of giving birth, Karl-Franz said in his heart. For this reason, Ryan not only sent a main battalion of the Coldstream Guards, led by the Holy Grail Guards Oudinot, but also sent three Gray Guards. The knight recruits (claimed to be the sons of Britannia), namely captain Pétain, Foch and Joffre, are responsible for escorting Emmanuel.

Now all we can do is wait for the answer from Elector Edbrand-Ludenhof.

The messenger quickly rode away and disappeared into the wilderness under the cover of night.

Three days later, an urgent letter with the emperor's gold seal was delivered to Edbrand Ludenhoff. After reading the contents of the letter, the Elector of Hawkland could not believe it. Geert actually Will he be a traitor?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like it!

As the Elector of the Hawk Territory, Ludenhoff was a powerful hunter and a very staunch but not fanatical Taal believer. After receiving the news from the emperor, Ludenhoff managed to remain calm. He took his small group of Elector Guards with him and set out on the road to the noble manor outside Odefen.

The aristocratic manors on the outskirts were easily identifiable, and Ludenhoff encountered no obstruction.

It was not that the Great Alchemist was unaware of the departure of Hus and Woten, but at this time, Galt had no regard for anything else. The Great Alchemist and the metal wizards under him were feeling the God-Emperor's feelings with incomparable enthusiasm. The gift of the ancient saints and the mysteries brought by the emperor are beyond the reach of most metal wizards. Even the great alchemist Galt himself, who has amazing talents and is the emperor's choice, has been He was shocked by the technology of the Thundercast Eternals given by the Emperor. He had not slept for three days and three nights in a row. Every minute and every second, he was studying how to perform Thundercasting, using the mortal body, flesh, soul, and metal. The magic of the wind is stitched together with the power of faith to create a warrior capable of standing against the warriors of Chaos.

The metal wizards no longer hide themselves at this time. It has been decades since Galt became the dean of the Golden Academy. The corruption known as loyalty has already spread throughout the entire Golden Academy. Now there is no metal wizard who is not the God Emperor. Faithful believers, when the battle priests were around, these metal wizards still tried to hide themselves to some extent, but with the departure of Hus, Woten and others one after another, the relative isolation of the manor and the appearance and blessing of the God Emperor Next, every metal wizard felt crazy excitement and joy, and they decided to build this holy place where the emperor appeared into an indestructible monastery and pilgrimage sanctuary.

When Ludenhoff and his elector guard entered the manor, the elector was already stunned at the changes in the noble manor. Solid golden walls rose high from the ground, with iris flowers and golden doublets printed on them everywhere. The holy emblem with the patterns of eagle, skull and laurel wreath has the emperor's holy words imprinted on it every few meters. In the middle of the manor, a holy statue of the emperor has been erected. Solland and Ostermarkland The soldiers are praying and worshiping the icon.

Ludenhoff didn't know what that icon was. It didn't look like Chaos, but it was definitely not any of the nine gods officially recognized by the empire or the gods of the old world. It was definitely not even an elf god or a dwarf god. !

Then it can only be the God of Chaos! The Elector was horrified.

Galt really betrayed him!

When he approached the courtyard of the noble manor, Ludenhoff no longer doubted the fact of Geert's betrayal. The elector saw with his own eyes that Gelt was training on the human body with several metal wizards under his command!

Several corpses are being smelted back and forth using magic repeatedly! The torrents of metal were constantly being shaped into human shapes under Gelt's control, failed, and then were shaped again. The ground was full of metal residues and fragments that could vaguely be recognized as human limbs. Ludenhoff's expression Pale, the Elector was horrified. He was not a wizard and did not know magic, but there was no doubt that what Guerth had done was toying with the dead and a terrible blasphemy.

There is no need to doubt anymore. Galt has undoubtedly fallen. When the Elector himself was still thinking about how to bring the great alchemist who had gone astray back to the right path, he saw the man standing in the middle of the manor. The emperor's icon seemed to have some kind of mockery on it.

Anger and grief enveloped Ludenhoff's heart. The Elector did not go in to see Geert. He could no longer conceal his disgusted expression. He walked under the icon and questioned the dozen or so Golden Academy members present. Wizards, what made you turn your back on the Empire? What made them choose to surrender? Why has the empire given you such lofty status and rights, yet you have turned into evil wizards who are keen on playing with life?

The fanatical wizards of the Golden Academy couldn't listen at all. Several rational ones among them told Ludenhoff that we did not betray the empire, we were just seeking an unimagined path, and we were trying to save humanity from the fire. Among them, if you truly understand the God-Emperor’s faith, his power, and his greatness, you will definitely choose to join us.

join in? Just this false god? Are you kidding me? Ludenhoff, who was extremely angry, drew his sword and chopped off the head of the icon with one sword. His military boots stepped on the face of the emperor's icon. The elector roared: "Get out of the empire with your false gods." Come on! Heretic!"

Frankly speaking, the Emperor's Icon, which was smelted by the wizards of the Golden Academy, cannot be cut off casually. However, the Rune Tooth in Ludenhof's hand is not extraordinary, and when the Emperor's Icon's head fell on the grass of the manor, After rolling several times, everyone lost their minds. The wizards of the Golden Academy regarded the Elector as their enemy the moment Ludenhoff drew his sword. They raised their staffs in fury. The powerful wind spell of Qianmen condensed in the air, turning into a torrent of hot metal and golden retrievers, sweeping towards the Elector himself and his Elector Guards.

At this time, the wind of magic also experienced very strange changes. The magic that was originally just a warning turned directly into a devastating spell. Unprepared, more than a dozen great swordsmen and knights of the Elector Guard were hit by the metal torrent. Then melted in the ultra-high temperature, the golden retriever came up and tore apart their limbs and flesh.

After a volley of magic, only the Elector himself was left alive. Ludenhof used the Rune Teeth to block the spell, and the Elector returned one last blow to Tarr, Charlemagne, Emperor Karl-Franz, and his wife. The two sons said goodbye, and then resolutely rushed towards the wizards of the Golden Academy with their swords. After killing six wizards in a row, Ludenhoff, who was exhausted from the continuous journey and did not carry a magic amulet, fell in a pool of blood.

When Galt came out of the manor after hearing the news, the great alchemist realized the seriousness of the problem.

He and his men killed an Elector!

Seeing the contempt and hatred solidified on the face of Ludenhof's corpse, Galt finally retreated from the frenzy of the past few days. The great alchemist and the chief wizard of the imperial royal family scolded the metal system under his command in disbelief. The wizards then urgently thought about what they should do.

Attributing the death of the Elector to the assassination and sabotage of the Northern Puppet (referring to Chaos)?

No, it's impossible! Geert immediately denied this statement. Too many people saw Ludenhoff entering his manor!

Pretending that Ludenhoff was attacked on the road?

It's also impossible. If nothing else, Ludenhoff's army is in Skalan Castle, which is only half a day's journey away! There is no reason why the Elector's cavalry should not retreat on horseback or look for reinforcements nearby when they are attacked! Furthermore, Chaos was blocked outside the Golden Fortress. Apart from the beastmen and a few greenskins, how could such a powerful attack come from?

Confess to the emperor?

How can it be? ! If we were still a little sure before, but now that everyone has been killed and Ludenhoff is dead, wouldn't it be a trap to confess?

In the end, Galt could only raise the staff clumsily, trying to reforge Ludenhof's body and soul according to the knowledge of the Stormcast Eternals given by the Emperor, but how could the skills of the Stormcast Eternals be used by Galt? Mastered? After spending several hours and emptying his magic power, Galt failed and was still exhausted.

In the end, the great alchemist could only order a fake attack scene, blaming everything on the attacks of the fanged spiders and the goblin tribe in the nearby forest, and waited in fear for the emperor's reply, praying to the God Emperor to hide it.

The emperor's reply was quick. Karl-Franz's messenger brought a document with harsh words and questions. The emperor expressed his disbelief in Geert's reply. He did not believe that Ludenhof died after his brother's death. Breen's attack, but out of trust in Gelt and recognition of his contribution, the Emperor and the Imperial War Council were willing to give Gelt a chance to explain and restricted him to arrive at von Juko within five days. Husband Castle defended himself.

Galt knew that he could not explain himself clearly, because he was the one who killed the person!

Everything was shattered. Everything that Galt had worked hard for for decades had turned into gravel passing between his fingers. The great alchemist cried in pain, if it were not for the faith and loyalty to the Emperor that supported Galt's will. , his world has already collapsed.

After much thought, Geert left a letter in which the great alchemist admitted his folly and the truth about accidentally killing Ludenhoff when he was interrupted during a magic experiment. He also left a message about how to Continuing to maintain the spells and spell models of the Golden Fortress, but hiding the part of the Emperor's faith, after completing all this, the Great Alchemist immediately led the Thor army who were still loyal to him and the wizards of the Golden Academy to leave overnight. Ao Defen, retreat south.

He chose to escape and become a coward, because this was the only way to avoid fighting Karl Franz. The great alchemist planned to withdraw to Sol territory, where there were still troops loyal to him and his sons. People, he wanted to avoid the limelight. Galt knew very well that at this moment, the empire absolutely did not have the energy to send troops to conquer the Thor Kingdom.

Eight days later, when the emperor's second wave of messengers arrived in Aodefen, what they saw was an empty noble manor and the letters left in the manor. All the soldiers led by Thor and the wizards of the Golden Academy were It has been evacuated for several days.

In the chaotic realm of subspace, the crazy laughter of a certain evil god echoed in the crystal maze.

The strongest fortress is indeed the easiest to break from the inside!

The plan goes through! ! !

The impenetrable golden fortress defense line has exposed its flaws, now, it’s our turn to take the stage!

The gates of the Crystal Maze were wide open, and three legions of Tzeentch demonic armies were dispatched under the leadership of two great demons.

"Praise be to Trazech!"

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