The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1226, destiny belongs to von Carstein!


The Great Demon of Tzeentch, the Ever-Changing Demon, the Watcher of Wings, the Eye of the Raven, and the great demon named Nyos fell to the ground. This great demon simply could not believe that it had met such a powerful opponent, drinking The blood sword deeply broke through the multiple shields on the surface of its body and penetrated its throat.

"No, it shouldn't be like this." Neos struggled, and its wings and arms were chopped off.

"Go back to your realm of chaos. This is not the place you came from." Vlad, the demigod, Lord of Death, elector of Sylvania, and blood ancestor of the Von Carstein family, looked at him with disdain. Looking at the Great Demon of Tzeentch in front of him, the blood-drinking sword in his hand continued to move forward. The Great Demon of Tzeentch struggled painfully. It not only recalled what happened during this period.

Five hours ago.

The great alchemists Gelt and Thor led the army to escape. The defense of the entire eastern section of the Golden Fortress was greatly weakened. Tzeentch's plan was realized. Immediately, tens of thousands of Chaos tribes and two Tzeentch Demon Army legions Quickly pass the Golden Fortress and head south.

Only a small number of Ostermark's remnants are stationed here. Ostermark had already lost the elector in the previous defense of Odefen. The leaderless Ostermark army is currently led by Imperial General Jagiełło. Led by King VI, this is a very good imperial general. However, his army cannot withstand the simultaneous attack of the Chaos army and the Tzeentch Demon Army. The Ostermarks once naively thought that they would receive support from the Empire. However, Nothing happened to the west, and in the end the general and almost all of his 4,000-man army were killed.

But the Chaos army did not usher in a major victory as imagined.

"Lord! The Empire is finished!" Vampire Earl Hal Harris walked quickly and shouted towards Vlad von Carstein. He had an indescribable expression on his face, but also something like It's a pity, and it seems like gloating: "Lord, the damn barbarians have occupied the empire's position, and they have also raised the eight-pointed star flag and the Eye of Tzeentch flag!"

"Although these low-level people will never understand what true civilization is, they are all good men." Vlad stood among the army, and the Lord of Sylvania nodded slowly: "Okay, Os. The Temaks are finished, it’s our turn to deal with these barbarians and chaos bastards.”

When the Chaos army, led by the Champions of Tzeentch and the Archdemon of Tzeentch, passed through the Imperial positions, they immediately discovered that a huge undead army had been assembled.

The Battle of Oderwald begins.

Vlad von Carstein has led the undead to wait here for a long time.

Behind the King of Death, the four kings of the undead are lined up. They are:

Arkhan, the Lich King, is at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm and commands the Black Legion.

Gul, the King of the Corpse Demons, is a high-ranking member of the Sanctuary and commands the Corpse Demon Legion.

Neferata, the King of Blood, is at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm and commands the blood army of Silver Peak Mountain.

The King of the Blood Dragon, Valachi Harken, is the pinnacle of the Holy Realm. This guy is the grand leader of the Blood Dragon Knights and the designated successor of the blood ancestor Aibo Wallace. He quickly hurried after receiving Vlad's order. He did not swear allegiance to Vlad, but expressed his willingness to obey Vlad's dispatch and take charge of commanding the Undead Cavalry Legion.

The King of the Deep Sea, Luther Harken, is also a strong man in the Sanctuary (unstable strength), an undead pirate king from Lustria, and leads the Deep Sea Regiment.

The number of undead troops participating in the battle is approximately 40,000, and the number of Chaos troops participating in the battle is approximately 27,000.

On a two-kilometer-long frontal battlefield, the Battle of Oswald began with the roar of the Chaos Dwarf Hell Cannon firing.

This place is a battlefield carefully selected by Vlad. The right wing of the undead army is the upper Tarabek River beach, the middle is the swamp, and the left wing is the black forest. The attack of the Chaos Dwarf Hell Cannon is not easy to form enough on this battlefield. Killings, and soon exposing the location of the artillery position.

The Luther-Hakon Legion, which was affected by the artillery fire, first launched an attack on the Chaos army. These undead pirates had powerful firepower and strange tactics, which was enough for the Chaos army, which was used to fighting the imperial army and the undead army. After suffering, the two sides fought together. The monsters from Norsca and the northern wasteland and the Leviathan and the zombies from the ocean began a bloody hand-to-hand fight. Luther Haken rushed towards the enemy with laughter. The ever-changing tactics left the Chaos army at a loss as to what to do.

But even so, the Deep Marine Corps still fell into a bitter battle after the Tzeentch demon army joined, and the first line of attacks quickly retreated.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Vlad immediately ordered Neferata's Silver Peak Mountain Blood Legion to attack. Lahmia's Blood Ancestor was not very interested in fighting and preferred to cope. The Blood Legion under her command was also quickly defeated, and the Deep Marine Corps The chaos with the Blood Legion attracted the attention of the Chaos Army, and almost all barbarians and Tzeentch Daemons focused their attention on the pursuit.

The blood knight charge led by Valachi Harken, the grand leader of the Blood Dragon Knights, saved the battle. The blood knights caused huge damage to the Chaos army and withstood the enemy's offensive. Then Gul's corpse demon army moved towards The Chaos Army launched a frontal charge. The powerful Corpse Demon King led a large group of Tomb Guards to launch a fierce attack and pinned the main force of the Tzeentch Demon Army to death.

The attack of the Blood Knights, Gul's unremitting fighting and Vlad's excellent command allowed the undead army to pass through its most difficult moment. At this time, the Lich King Arkhan exerted his strength, and countless barbarians on the battlefield The corpses, the corpses of the Imperials, and the fallen undead were constantly resurrected, and the undead army began to attack.

The Chaos army found itself surrounded, and all the Imperial troops that had been wiped out were resurrected and attacked them from behind.

Seeing the right opportunity, Vlad personally led his Death Army and the blood descendants of von Carstein to launch a fierce attack. The Death Army personally faced the Great Demon Nyos of Tzeentch. In the end, the Death Lord and the Great Demon Tzeentch fought together. After many hours of battle, Vlad defeated Tzeentch and sent Nyos and his army of Tzeentch back to where they belonged.

The undead army won a crucial victory at Oswald. This victory was the greatest victory since Vlad's resurrection. It not only fully demonstrated Vlad's outstanding ability in tactics and strategy, but also effectively Preventing the Chaos army from moving south, Tzeentch's carefully designed plan finally failed. In Oswald, the Chaos army lost about 18,000 people, and some of the corpses became recruits of the undead army, providing Vlad with enough The supply of troops was replenished, so that after the battle, Vlad still had about 31,000 troops available for use.

However, the joy of victory did not last long. Vlad soon discovered that Neferata, his ex-wife, secretly left the battlefield before the end of the war and returned to Silver Peak Mountain. Captain Long led most of the blood knights and hundreds of black knights to rush out of the golden fortress and rushed to the north, thus losing two of his canonized monarchs.

Neferata was confident. The Lahmian Blood Ancestor happily held a banquet for eight weeks after knowing that Nagash had not been successfully resurrected. Her attack this time was to give Vlad a face, and by the way, it also gave Arkhan a half. However, the Female Blood Ancestor was sure that Vlad and Arkhan did not dare and would not force her to do anything.

Sure enough, both Vlad and Arkhan expressed their dissatisfaction with Neferata's departure, but they had no intention of pursuing it.

As for Varachi, he is a pure warrior who only pursues extreme battles and worthy opponents. He was not loyal to Vlad in the first place.

Vlad couldn't give orders to Amber Wallace. Even if he was a demigod now, he couldn't give orders. The Blood Dragon Ancestor was also a demigod. Vlad even suspected that he still couldn't be the Blood Dragon Ancestor's opponent.

"What to do next?" Lich King Arkhan stood on the battlefield strewn with corpses. He asked tentatively: "You are so loyal to the empire. Ah, Vlad, I want the position of elector. If it’s not enough to reward your loyalty, why don’t we just stay here and guard the border for Karl Franz?”

"I don't have much love for the Imperial people." Vlad gently took out a small piece of silk scarf and wiped away the traces on the blood-drinking sword. The Lord of Death said elegantly: "I have no loyalty to Karl Franz either. "Yan, I just hate Chaos more than anything else. Don't you think that even if Nagash is resurrected, he will never allow the kingdom of the dead to be destroyed by these disgusting things?"

"..." Arkhan would not judge his master, not even in the years when he was forced to submit to Vlad.

Absolute confidence, arrogance and disdain prevented Vlad from pursuing further questions. At this moment, the Lord of Death couldn't help but think of his two "sons" Conrad and Manfred. There was no doubt that Conrad was a psycho and a brain-dead man. But at this moment Vlad missed Conrad's bloody courage and excellent tactical ability.

As for Manfred, he was an ambitious man whose moral integrity was unworthy. He had stayed in the mud and pigsties for too long and no longer knew how to rule his territory normally, but Vlad also loved his own. This "son", he thought that if Manfred was still alive at this moment, maybe his wisdom could give him some advice.

Forget about the schizophrenic in front of me...

Luther Haken stood on a Leviathan. He laughed wildly and shouted: "Oh~ brothers~ all eyes are on me~"

"Look at me, look at me~ I have something to announce~"

"I'm an idiot!!!" Luther Hacken puffed up his chest and laughed wildly: "There's nothing wrong with him~"

The undead people: "..."

After a few minutes, Luther Haken immediately changed his mode again. He grinned innocently and proudly showed off his tattered military uniform: "Our old blood son Long Erren, guess what?"

"After the beating, just like that, when I drink the blood, it's so beautiful, so true~"

"Let's chat ↑"

Vlad forced himself to look away, thinking that he might as well let this lunatic roll back into the sea until everything was resolved.

For Vlad's ambition, guarding the northern frontier of the empire is only the first step. Through this behavior, he will make mortals realize that he is the orthodox and destined ruler of the empire, and the entire empire will cry out for the order that only he can provide.

All people will eventually prostrate themselves before Von Carstein. This is destiny!

Vlad knew human beings too well. Human beings have their natural fragility and unwillingness to learn lessons and call for leaders. When it comes to dealing with living people, Vlad is not a tyrant, or he thinks he is not, brutal. It's just a means, a means to make the inferior people obey and respect you.

After Oswald's victory, Vlad took advantage of the opportunity to control half of Ostermark and part of the eastern section of the Golden Fortress. He killed all the three thousand imperial defenders of Jakowa Fortress and occupied it, and then ordered Gul went to Ostermark to "recruit troops". After the corpse king caused dozens of massacres in Ostermark, the humans here finally submitted to the rule of Vlad von Carstein, and they soon Will realize that serving the great and supreme Vlad is no worse than working under the Elector, and that they can even get more... more...

At this time, Von-Zhukov Castle had no response to the incident in the eastern section of the Golden Fortress. In the past few days, the intensive meetings, crazy mutual accusations and discussions had made the members of the Empire's War Council physically and mentally exhausted.

All questions revolve around one person - is the royal chief wizard and great alchemist Galt a traitor? Has he fallen into chaos?

The Rick guard who went to urge Gelt got the letter from the great alchemist. The content of the letter has been mentioned before and will not be repeated here.

The Imperial War Council also has mixed opinions on how to deal with this matter. There is no doubt that the Golden Fortress is the greatest support against Chaos. If Gelt is a traitor and a lackey of the Chaos God, then this drama is unacceptable from any angle. It would turn out like this, but according to Huss and Woten's reports, Geert's loyalty to the empire was obviously also quite questionable.

The meeting lasted for several days, but no solution could be provided.

Imperial Countess Emmanuel and Elector Marius Leitdorf of Iverland supported Geert. Elector Marius said it was not surprising for any wizard to have problems if he was rudely disturbed while conducting magic experiments. , and Emmanuel simply voted with her feet. Under the protection of the three sons of Britannia and the Holy Grail Guard Oudinot of the Mousilon Coldstream Guards, the Imperial Countess sternly questioned everyone in the Imperial Parliament. , if it weren't for Gelt's golden fortress, the current empire would probably be preparing for the defense of Herzig, Taraberheim, and Middenheim, right?

The electors could not answer Emmanolie's question. The ferocious gaze of this pregnant lioness swept across the entire conference hall. No one except the emperor and elector Marius dared to look at her. Everyone Everyone knows never to offend a pregnant woman - especially since Nuer provides 70% of the firearms for the empire and she can to some extent determine the empire's diplomacy with Britannia.

Emperor Karl-Franz was hesitant and unable to make a decision. The pressure from Charlemagne's chosen champions Wotten, Hus, the Northern Elector, Ludenhoff's two sons, and the Church of Justice made it impossible for the emperor to declare Guelt innocent. , after all, Geert himself admitted that Ludenhoff was killed by him.

Then declare Geert guilty? So what to do with the Golden Fortress and what to do with the Sol Land?

Everyone was quarreling constantly at the meeting. Emilia, the Imperial Countess, sat in her seat with some boredom. She raised her beautiful legs wrapped in crimson velvet pantyhose. Since she was not pregnant for a long time, Emilia Her belly was not yet visible, and she felt very irritated when she saw that the war council was still unable to come up with a result. The heels of her suede boots tapped lightly on the carpet. If she had no other choice, Emilia really wanted to stay. Spending the winter with Ryan in Brittany.

It’s just that Boris Todbringer doesn’t care, but she can’t, because she wants her son Frederick to be the emperor of the empire in the future!

At this moment, the Gray Knight captain Petain, who was standing next to Emilia, showed a puzzled expression on his face. Emilia noticed this. For this "child" of Ryan, Emilia was Reassured: "What's wrong? Bei Dangqing?"

"I always feel... a little strange. There is some kind of... demonic smell in the hall. It's very faint and almost undetectable, but there is still a trace." Petain said towards Emilia, with a look on his face. A little confused.

"How is it possible that the smell of devil is possible?" Emilia couldn't help laughing: "Are you too sensitive, Pei Danqing?"

"Maybe so." Petain said helplessly.

At this time, the Archbishop and Pope of the White Wolf Church, "Great Ulric" Emil Wagel came to Emilia's side. He looked serious and seemed to be planning to say something to Emilia. , Pétain and others got out of the way when they saw this.

"My Lady, may I lend you a moment to speak?" Emil Wagel said with a smile.

"Take a step to talk? Is there anything you can't say here?" If it was normal, Emilia would have agreed, but she is in a bad mood now, and in addition, Great Yurik had asked very fiercely to deal with Gai. Walter, the Imperial Lady was not interested in talking to him: "I'm not in the mood now, just say what you want to say."

"That's such a shame." Emil Wagel pretended to turn around and want to leave. Emilia frowned and looked away.

During the heated discussion, Great Ulric seemed to request an audience with the emperor for the same reason, and he was quickly approved. However, it seemed that for the same reason, Emperor Karl Franz also shook his head and rejected Emil Wague. I would like to ask you to speak further.

Emil Wagel seemed very angry, and what happened in the next second made everyone in the entire conference hall hold their breath!

I saw Big Ulric roaring angrily, and his body spurted out pink demon-dear fire. The rough giant turned into a ball of colorful flames, attacking directly towards Emilia. The fire of chaos instantly destroyed Five guards and three knights were burned to ashes.

At this time, before Emilia could even react to what happened, Vagel...or something disguised as Vagel appeared in front of her!

The sharp blade of the battle ax hit Emilia directly in the abdomen!

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