The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 131, The Baron who just arrived

The wandering knight Lops and the female knight Surya immediately raised their halberds and lances and rushed towards the Cyclops. Alfred followed closely, and Ryan was about to follow, but he Stopped by Julius.

"Not everything requires the Holy Grail Knight to be dispatched, Ryan." Julius shook his head calmly, and then the Kingdom Knight urged his horse and shouted angrily: "For the lady!"

"..." Ryan's warhammer can't be lifted up or put down, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Roar!" The Cyclops raised a large piece of broken stone and threw it towards everyone. Lops and Alfred immediately jumped on their horses to avoid it.

The boulder hit the ground and splashed a lot of dust.

The knight-errant shouted the name of the Lake Fairy, but his horse was frightened and jumped up high, trying to avoid the oncoming gravel.

The young knight errant was indeed not very good at riding. He gave instructions to his horse to continue moving forward, but his horse wanted to move back. So in the conflict, the knight was hit by gravel, and he He fell to the ground together with his horse, howling miserably.

Fortunately, the full set of plate armor on his body was relatively strong, so the injuries were probably just superficial and not fatal.

"For the lady!" The female knight Sulia's long bright golden hair fluttered behind her helmet. She accelerated her charge on her Pegasus, and her lance hit the Cyclops's right leg. The Cyclops immediately launched a counterattack. Sulia saw Pulling up the reins, the Pegasus spread its wings and flew quickly, dodging the attack with a beautiful glide.

"Look at me!" Lopus raised his halberd and cut a gash in the Cyclops's left leg, and then immediately dodged. Alfred wanted to add another blow, but couldn't do it when he saw the Cyclops's slap. Don't give up the attack and choose to dodge.

It might take them many hits to completely defeat the Cyclops, but it only takes one hit for the Cyclops to smash them into a pulp.

"Woo!" The Cyclops's left and right legs were injured. It staggered and was about to fall to the ground, so it stretched out its hands to support itself.

Julius rushed into the battlefield. The powerful knight of the kingdom aimed his lance at the heart of the Cyclops. The Pegasus under his seat learned of its master's intention and moved forward at full speed.

The Pegasus and its knights passed by the Cyclops. The sharp lance penetrated the Cyclops's chest and broke, leaving behind the Cyclops who covered his chest with his hands and fell to the ground.

After a spin in the air, the Aintree brothers and sisters drew their swords together and gave the Cyclops a fatal blow.

The battle ended quickly, leaving only the destroyed windmill and barn.

Several people put away their swords, and Ryan noticed that the Aintree brothers seemed to know this young man. Julius motioned for him to get up, and then said in a cold tone: "Thierry?"

"Chief Instructor Julius!" The young man quickly climbed up and said with a guilty conscience.

"What made you decide to come alone to challenge a Cyclops?" Julius' tone was unpleasant. The challenge level of the Cyclops was at least an elite high-level monster, and it was not recommended to fight alone.

"Well... I'm very ashamed. I met a serf who asked me for help, saying that a Cyclops came here..." The knight-errant named Thierry was a little ashamed and told the cause and effect.

It turned out that the young knight errant named Thierry was only eighteen years old and was still studying at Winford College. The young man's heart was full of passion and the desire to make achievements. When he went out for an outing, he happened to encounter a serf asking for help. So he raised his lance without hesitation and rushed towards the Cyclops, without considering the difference in strength or the fear of the Cyclops.

It's a waste of time if you don't succeed, Ryan thought with a dark streak in his head.

Most of the young knights errant in Britannia are like this. They rush forward with passion and brainlessness regardless of any enemy they encounter, without any regard for the consequences. Therefore, the knights errant always suffer heavy casualties in wars.

However, from another perspective, this is also an effective means to curb the excessive expansion of the aristocratic population and the survival of the fittest.

And the aristocratic education in the Kingdom of Knights is exactly the same.

"What is a knight without a knight? What is a knight without a knight? This is Britannia, horses and knights, serfs and nobles."

——Arthur, the first generation of knight king

Nothing makes knights more proud than defending their country. When evil and darkness approach this land, the knights of Britannia will never sit in the castle or stand behind the high wall and wait for death. They will Mount your horse, raise your lance, and bravely face any incoming enemies. Chivalry and belief in the Fairy of the Lake ensure that there will be no cowards.

In this regard alone, the nobles of Britannia are stronger than the nobles of the empire. Many imperial nobles still prefer to appoint generals instead of going to war themselves.

"Ah! You must be the Knight of the Holy Grail, Mr. Ryan Malcador! It's a great honor to meet you!" Thierry suddenly recognized Ryan. He was so excited that he rushed up to shake hands with Ryan, but Ryan had no choice but to shake his hand. By the way, I asked a question I was curious about: "Why is there a Cyclops here?"

"I'm not sure. I heard that there have been several golden-helmeted giants in Baron Jean recently who often appear at night and kill beastmen when they see them. The beastmen tribe that raged in Chalon Forest recently suffered heavy casualties. I avoided Jean's leadership, so I fled here." Thierry scratched his head helplessly.

"..." Ryan suddenly understood something.

Walking to an intersection ahead, Baron Jean was revealed in front of Ryan.

The fairy in the lake treated Ryan well. The barony she arranged for Ryan could already be described as prosperous. It was a town with a population of about two to three hundred households, crisscrossed fields, a vineyard and a horse farm, and a towering A castle halfway up the mountain.

This is my future territory. Ryan rode a horse and stood on a high place, looking at the entire barony in the distance.

Looking into the distance, in addition to the town of Jean, there are some villages on the fields. It is initially estimated that there should be many villages nearby surrounding the Baron of Jean.

"Barony Jean has a total of one town and five natural villages. The registered population is about more than a thousand households. It has two kingdom knights and five knights errant." Ryan took out his baron canonization certificate, which detailed The detailed scale of this fiefdom was clear.

"The north of this barony is the Chalon Forest. There are many beastman tribes in the forest. The east of the barony is very close to the Principality of Winford, and the south is bordered by the Principality of Carcassonne. This side is close to the holy land of the Fairy in the Lake. So there won’t be much of a threat. The northwest along the Chinon River is the direction leading to the Principality of Bordeaux, and the southwest is connected to the Principality of Belian by a road. Mr. Lane, please note that from Estalia The invaders are still fighting Duke Theodoric in the Principality of Berlion, please be careful." This was the advice of the female knight Sulia, and then the female knight and her brother said goodbye to Ryan with their own people. , returned to his principality.

In other words, this place is a place of the Fourth War. In addition to the Principality of Winford and the Principality of Carcassonne in the south, there may be enemies in many places. Ryan frowned.

This place is indeed a rich land, but it is also full of challenges.

The process of entering the castle was very simple. After he proved his identity, a nobleman in charge of the custody immediately greeted him. He looked about forty years old and had a thick beard: "You must be Mr. Ryan, right? ?My name is Gasparton, and I am the tax collector here."

"Hello!" Ryan stretched out his hand to shake his hand. He had learned from the Britannian court that the Fairy of the Lake had arranged a tax collector for him. He was a clergyman of the Order of Saints. Although he The color of the fairy in the lake is very strong, but she can be trusted.

This is tantamount to an assistant sent by his lady.

So sometimes the "won't interfere" said by the Lake Fairy is just a polite statement. This goddess is used to being deeply involved in mortal affairs. Her habits will not change so easily, especially since she is her divinely chosen champion. That's the case. At most, it's just because of my own strength and importance that some things can be discussed.

"It's a tiring journey, Mr. Lane. I have arranged for people to clean the castle. There are many things that you need to see in person. You can choose to see it immediately, or you can rest and look at it another day." Gasparton took out the He took out a large account book and various documents and asked Ryan.

"I'll take a look when I get to the castle." Ryan nodded. It was best for him to take a look at some things immediately, but now they had to enter the city first.

At the gate of the town, all the citizens and serfs of the city were mobilized. In Britannia, serfs served a lord, and the lord would provide a place for the serfs to live. During peacetime, civilians farmed and handed over their harvest to the lord, and the peasants could stay. The harvest depends on the character of his master.

In fact, Britannia was not like this before.

During the reign of Taylor and the previous knight kings, there were still a large number of yeoman farmers in Britannia. Although they were also classified as serfs, their lives were better than those of today's serfs. At least they owned their own land. There is no need to bear exorbitant taxes and corvees, and they also enjoy more power.

But since the Dole Tower incident, the civil war that broke out among the dukes caused the yeoman farmers to disappear on a large scale. Although the subsequent knight king Taylor had some countermeasures, it is an indisputable fact that the land has been swallowed up by the dukes.

Afterwards, John I and John II became the real tyrants. After Taylor's death, Britannia spent about 130 years under the rule of these two kings. They were so happy that they continued to succeed. He launched a chivalry war and went abroad, even reaching as far as the southern wastelands to fight the greenskin army.

In the devastating Battle of Badwater, Britannia lost over eight thousand knights and twenty thousand levies.

Since then, in order to appease the dukes who suffered huge losses, John I and John II have delegated a lot of power, and the dukes have swallowed up the land of the yeoman farmers. It should be emphasized here that whether the Knight of the Holy Grail has nothing to do with claiming land , whether the Eight Virtues are both has nothing to do with land annexation. The Holy Grail Knights at best treat serfs through relatively low tax rates and land redemptions, which does not mean that they will give up land annexation.

Because of this, the serfs are extremely eager for the Holy Grail Knight to become the knight master who rules this territory, because it means too much.

Many knight lords collect tithes from their serfs (90% is paid excluding basic rations), but the Holy Grail knights are generally not so harsh.

In any dispute between serfs, as long as the Lord Knight intervenes, someone will be hanged. The crime is the same regardless of the severity. For the Lord Knight, as long as the serfs commit crimes, there is no need to worry about the severity of the punishment. Only the Knights of the Holy Grail will not. While they are here to watch, justice will be served.

In addition, there are many benefits, which are also many reasons for Ryan's popularity. The serfs long for the rule of the Holy Grail Knight sincerely. In the dark age, the Holy Grail Knight is their only remaining light and hope.

Unfortunately, the number of Holy Grail Knights is very small, and most of them are in the holy land of the Guardian Goddess.

The town of Jean has a permanent population of about three hundred households. The town is composed of low walls and hundreds of simple houses. However, there are hotels, restaurants, and various guilds. There is also a Shalia temple and a temple in the town. military camp.

At the end of the town, you can reach the Baron Castle of Lane through a short mountain road. This castle occupies a large area and is built on the mountainside. There is a water source flowing behind the mountain. The entire castle is built with huge stone walls. It is divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The castle in the inner court is inhabited by the lord's family and his servants, while the towers and walls of the outer court are enough to garrison the garrison and tax collectors.

Ryan refused help from others and pushed open the heavy door on his own. The dust that came in front of him made both Lops and Alfred frown. Many places in the inner courtyard of the four-story castle were already covered with dust. There are some signs of decay and damage, but overall it is still ready for immediate occupancy.

"Has Jean had a baron before?" Ryan asked Gasparton.

The forty-year-old middle-aged man immediately replied: "Yes, Mr. Lane, but since the last baron died in battle thirty-three years ago, there has been no baron here. Normally, this place is occupied by the Marquis of Ascot." Manage on your behalf.”

Ryan nodded. Barons are not hereditary. This is the same in Britannia and the Empire. After the death of a baron, the duke can openly take back the territory, either for his own use or to transfer it to others.

The current legal claimant to the Barony of Jean is the Marquis of Connelly-Ascot, who is affiliated with the Principality of Winford. He will be Ryan's nominal boss - of course only in name, and the knights of the Kingdom are not eligible. Order the Grail Knight.

The Marquis of Ascot Castle is located about thirty kilometers east of the Barony of Jean, within the Principality of Winford.

After briefly arranging their temporary residences, Ryan came to the auditorium in the inner courtyard and said to Gasparton: "Let's get started."

"Okay, Sir Ryan."

Updated! Asking for all kinds of votes!

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