The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1257, The Elf Civil War Begins

In the year 2524 of the Imperial Calendar, thousands of dark elf warships and black arks approached the Ulthuan ring from the west, officially announcing the beginning of the elf civil war.

This hit the high elves by surprise. As we all know, the high elves had just officially expelled the last invading Chaos Demon under the leadership of Tyrion, the regent of Ulthuan, and drove all the enemies out of Ulthuan. Tyrion Ang gathered almost all of Ulthuan's troops, and even some of the dragon princes of Caledor volunteered to join Tyrion's ranks.

After exiling all the Chaos Demons, according to the previous agreement of the High Elf War Council, Tyrion only needs to maintain this peaceful state for one year before he will be crowned the twelfth Phoenix King. This was Tyrion's dream. Since the high elf war lord took over absolute power, the scene of him becoming the Phoenix King has been constantly popping up in his mind.

But when this moment really came, Tyrion couldn't feel very happy. On the contrary, there was only an emptiness in his mind.

Alarielle has been missing for a long time, and his lover has disappeared.

His close friends Elsarion and Beranal have been missing for a long time, and so has Adira.

At the beginning, Tyrion kept trying to deceive himself. Maybe they were just in trouble. Maybe they had rescued Alishara but were unable to return to the old world due to certain circumstances. Maybe Eltharion and the others were already returning to Ulthuan. On the way.

However, months passed, and months passed, until now, more than a year later, no matter how much trouble Elsharion encountered, at least one piece of news should have come.

Tyrion tried his best to block and ignore the news that the great wizards of the White Tower of Hoth confirmed that the great "wise one" Belannar was dead. He refused to listen to the "symbol of Alishara's power" divined by the Phoenix Priests. The magic network has collapsed."

Does Tyrion not know what is going on with his daughter Alishara? What happened to Elsarion and the other three?

He has thought about it, but he is unwilling to accept this fact. The guardian of Ulthuan finds that he is powerless against everything in front of him. He can deal with any enemy in front of him, and he can destroy any obstacle that blocks him. As a high-level One of the most dazzling heroes of the elves, Tyrion is a well-deserved high-elf hero who has "responsibility", "honor" and "obligation" soaked deep in his bones. When Ulthuan faces danger, he must stand up and fight. out, which prevented him from saving his daughter again.

But this also resulted in that in Nagashza, he only had time to meet Alishara for the last time.

Sitting on the armchair next to the Phoenix King's throne, Tyrion closed his eyes tightly: "Is there still no news from Teclis? My brother, what on earth is he doing?!"

Standing next to the Prince Regent was Cohir, the captain of the White Lion Guard.

Cohir was still grieving for Fenuba's death. On the day of One Piece's funeral, he watched Fenuba's stinking body, which had been parked for several months, turn to ashes in the flames. As his best friend, Cohir Hill didn't cry. He just changed the white lion fur on his body to black, and then stood silently in front of Fenuba's fire. Two glasses of wine were poured out, one to pay tribute to the Phoenix King, and one to himself.

The Captain of the White Lion stood alone in front of the fire until the flames went out and until dawn. From that day on, the Captain of the White Lion Guard always wore a black robe to mourn his best friend. Cohir never felt sorry for Fenuba. How and why he died has raised no questions. He can only blame himself. The purpose of the existence of the White Lion Guard is to protect the Phoenix King. Now that Fenubar is dead, he will bear all the responsibilities.

On the one hand, Tyrion deeply appreciated Cohir's loyalty and friendship. The regent never punished the loyal and brave White Lion captain for his mistakes. However, on the other hand, Tyrion secretly wondered why. Fenubar will be killed in the airtightly defended Phoenix Court.

At that time, in order to protect the safety of the Phoenix King, the Star Iron Gate of the Phoenix King's Court was tightly closed. Dozens of White Tower Masters set up an indestructible magic circle. The assassins had to eliminate at least one-third of the White Tower. Only the Archmage can disable the magic circle.

What if someone could sneak in and break in?

It's impossible. The hinges on the Star Iron Gate are so strong that even if I use the Yang Yan Sword, I would have to chop them open for three or four hours.

Then the conclusion is ready to come out.

There is a mole in the Phoenix Royal Court! And he is a mole who is powerful enough to directly affect the guardian magic.

There are only three people in Ulthuan who have the opportunity to quietly break through the magic defense and frontal defense to kill Fenubar, or at least provide assistance.

Obviously, this person cannot be Tyrion himself. Tyrion knows that he has the idea of ​​replacing Fenuba, but there is no need for him to do so - as a peak powerhouse in the sanctuary, Tyrion can at least survive. More than 2,000 years, and Finuba is already over 600 years old. He even only needs to wait a little longer. Is one or two hundred years a long time for a high spirit?

This person will not be Cohir. Tyrion understands Cohir's loyalty. As long as he can, Cohir will die for Fenubar without hesitation. If he wants to kill Fenubar, Fenubar He has already died ten thousand times.

Since the mole is not Tyrion himself, nor the White Lion captain Cohir, then who is left?

"There is still no news about the Supreme Mage Teclis. Every messenger sent has not seen the Supreme Mage himself, my regent." Cohir whispered, Tyrion didn't know what he thought of Where did he realize something? The regent felt a wave of anger getting higher and higher. Some kind of crazy blood was breaking free from his shackles. He realized that from the moment he became the regent, many things had left him, love, Family, friendship, these things abandoned him or betrayed him one after another.

"Your Majesty?" Cohill's voice continued, and the White Lion Captain said worriedly: "Are you listening? Do you need me to send out White Lion guards, or go to the White Tower in person?"

"He is my brother, Tigris is my brother! Cohir, remember this!" Tyrion suddenly burst out, and the regent roared like a beastman: "Not allowed! Except! Except for me, no, I don’t allow it.”

"Yes." Cohill was silent.

This is not the end.

In the ten days since Tyrion drove the last Chaos Daemon from Ulthuan, one bad news after another reached the Phoenix Court.

The Storm Fleet of the Dark Elves attacked the Kingdom of Tyranlok. Just after expelling Chaos, the exhausted Tyranlok Kingdom was attacked by the Dark Elves. The ancient watchtower collapsed, was destroyed by witchcraft or engulfed by flames. Along the pier, proud dragon boats shine, then sink calmly beneath the waves.

In a panic, Prince Morwa of Tyranlock summoned all Tyranlock's troops and fought on the coast with the Black Ark pirates led by the legendary Dark Elf hero, Druchi Navy Commander Lockhea-Fallen Heart, which lasted for two days. After the Battle of Tiananmen, the Kingdom of Tyranrok repelled the Black Ark Pirates of the Corrupted Heart at an extremely painful price. Prince Morwa was seriously injured in the battle and died three days later.

The Asurs were glad that the dark elves were repelled, but in fact, this was just Malekith's cover-up. This time, the Witch King's army was unprecedentedly large. After the Tyran Loch Kingdom had lost its combat effectiveness, Durru The Qi army immediately turned to attack Nagaris, aiming directly at the Eagle Gate.

The Dark Elf army outnumbered the Eagle Gate defenders thirty to one. Prince Ivann, who was responsible for guarding the Eagle Gate, knew that he was facing a desperate war.

In normal times, even if it is thirty to one, the Eagle Gate is confident that it can support the arrival of reinforcements.

But today's situation is extremely bad. In the war against Chaos that lasted for nearly a year, the high elves suffered large-scale attacks on fortresses across the island, paying a huge price. The Eagle Gate also suffered from the demon Nurgle. During the attack, 60% of the defenders were injured or killed. Even though many people were temporarily recruited, there was still a vacancy of 40%, and the new recruits were all new soldiers. Without decades of training, how could these new recruits be worthy of serving as heroes? The title of Eagle Gate Guard?

What's even more troublesome is that six of the eight walls that make up the Eagle Gate are damaged, and the repair work is far from complete. The most severely damaged part of the city wall is only as tall as three people compared to other passes that are tens of meters high. It requires a grappling hook and a noose, and the dark elf can cross it in one leap.

The battle began at dawn. Prince Ivan led the guards of the Eagle Gate to fight for a day and a night. Malekith ordered his champion Malus Blackblade to be the vanguard, but Malus launched three attacks and was defeated by Malekith. The Eagle Gate defenders pushed back tenaciously, and with the arrival of the Knights of Arion, the Garrison of Charis, and the Chariots of Tyran Lok, the Dark Elves looked set to face yet another defeat.

Malus was helpless. In order not to bear the terrible punishment of the Witch King, he decided to summon the great demon Zakan in his body. The appearance of Zakan instantly reversed the situation on the battlefield. The finally liberated demon found himself as if he was in a Michelin three-star buffet. It was like a restaurant, surrounded by extremely delicious elven souls. They killed each other indiscriminately, regardless of whether they were friends or foes. The garrison commander, Prince Ivanen, had his throat slit to death after only three rounds of duel.

At this moment, the appearance of Caledor's legion and hundreds of dragons gave the high elves hope. The Asurs burst into cheers, while the dark elves were trembling. Caledor's Why the sound of the dragon's horn means, every Druchi knows best.

That's the end.

The defenders of the Eagle Gate were extremely excited. The young recruits couldn't wait to greet the Dragon Princes from Caledor. They felt honored that warriors like the Dragon Prince, with their great reputations, would participate in the defense with them. They showed as much respect as possible to the Caledonians while giving up their defensive positions.

When they aimed their sights at the dark elves again, the rune sword produced from the Anvil of Vaal pierced their chests from behind.

"Why?" Many young recruits are still asking before they die: "Why?"

"Because Caledor now serves the Witch King." The Dragon Princes said with shame on their faces: "Calledor - the Dragon Tamer's Order, Malekith is the orthodox Phoenix King."

The dragon attacks without warning and mercy. The number of dragons is very large, more than any dragon legion seen since the era of Alario. Hundreds of dragons spread their wings against the sky. On the outer wall of the Eagle Gate, as the dragons Fire swept over the walls and the cheers gradually turned into screams.

By the time the high elf defenders realized that the Caledonians were not allies, it was too late. The dragon's claws tore apart the thin armor skirts, the flames engulfed the archers, and the Eagle Gate gate was jammed by a group of people. The Knights of Ledor opened it, and all who tried to stop them were killed. The Dark Elves rushed into the gate until they killed all the High Elves except the Caledonians.

As the golden eagle at the top of the Eagle Gate fell from the sky, fell to the ground and turned into dust, the battle of the Eagle Gate officially came to an end.

In the Witch King's tent far away from the Eagle Gate, the Witch King Malekith sat carelessly on the main seat. Below him were the two high elf lords who had surrendered. They were the Magister Council of the White Tower of Hoth in the Kingdom of Savri. The Supreme Mage Teclis, and Imric, the last direct bloodline of the Caledor Dragon Tamer, the Prince of Caledor.

This is so easy, so easy. Mom and dad no longer have to worry about my Ulthuan strategy. Malekith spread his legs triumphantly and leaned on the backrest. He had never been so happy. Court of the Phoenix? Assur? The end of these hypocrites and usurpers has come!

Caledor, who symbolizes Ulthuan's most ancient glory and greatest combat power, has surrendered to me!

Teclis, who symbolizes the guardian of Ulthuan and the supreme magical crystal, has pledged his allegiance to me!

Tyrion? What are you fighting with me for? You are surrounded by my people!

Does this mean that those who have attained the Dao will receive much help, while those who have lost the Dao will receive little help? Looking at the battle report from Eagle Gate, Malekith tried his best to contain his joy. The Witch King almost wanted to write the word "justice" behind him.

No, according to Lilith, this was originally mine! The Witch King worked hard to adjust his thinking. He was still adapting to the change in his identity. He was the orthodox Phoenix King by rights, not a usurper or usurper!

Imric looked pained and ashamed. Prince Caledor realized how dishonorable it was to use the dragon horns and summons of his ancestors to summon dragons to massacre his compatriots. Add a stain.

But the guidance of the Moon Goddess Lilith in the dream made Imric realize that maybe the Witch King might really be the orthodox Phoenix King, especially after the goddess let Imric pass through the barrier of the Maelstrom and briefly see him. When the ancestor Caledor was the dragon tamer, the dragon tamer told Imrik the origin of all the tragedies and told him that no Phoenix King had received Asuryan since the second Phoenix King Beor Shannar. Admit it, that's a curse.

Prince Caledor's pride and shame were placed on a scale. Thousands of years of perseverance and the words of Lilith and the Dragon Tamer echoed in Imrik's mind. It was difficult to say that Imrik Is he more disgusted with Tyrion or Malekith? After all, it is obviously shameless for the proud Prince Caledor to tell Imrik which of the two stinky pieces of shit is more disgusting. matter.

In the end, Lilith's promise played a decisive role, as a dark elf ship in the fog with the sacred emblem of Lilith, the Moon Goddess, painted on the sail appeared carrying hundreds of plundered dragon eggs. Following the whispers of the goddess and being sent to Caledor, Imric finally made up his mind.

This is not a betrayal, I am just trying to make Caledor survive the Battle of Heaven and the Final Moment. This is not a reaction, I am just trying to make Caledor great again.

Imric suddenly felt that he was very noble. He endured the humiliation for the fate of the elves and Caledor. He believed that history would give him a fair evaluation.

All for Caledor!

Compared to Imrik's self-hypnosis, Teclis was shrouded in deeper guilt and torture. His face was as pale as ever. Teclis realized that if Imrik could pass "Calledor's life" "It's fate" to hypnotize himself into betraying his compatriots. As the guardian of Ulthuan, he cannot absolve himself of the responsibility for the betrayal and the deaths of thousands of high elves.

Sorry, brother!

All of this is Lilith's mission, and I am doing this for my mortal destiny.

Can you understand me? elder brother?

"Really, is this what Lilith told you?" Malekith's voice sounded, and the Witch King asked with interest: "Are you sure? That the Moon Goddess will actually stand on our side? I remember Hasn’t she always been Asuryan’s bitch?”

"Please be respectful. Our gods have all come to the mortal world. As the goddess of the moon, Lilith's ability to predict does not need to be questioned." Although Teclis was turbulent in his heart, his face was expressionless: "We all know Isa and Kurnos lived in Athel Loren, and this was a reincarnation, a reincarnation of the War in Heaven.”

"Since it's reincarnation, why does she still want to help me? Can't she just wait for everything to restart?" Malekith is still skeptical about everything: "We will die, but she won't."

"She escaped the last reincarnation disaster, and she plans to escape this time." Teclis said silently: "And the only thing that can resist the four gods of chaos is the creation power of Asuryan. I said before, You are not Kane, never have been, but she is Lilith, always has been, and she even chose to marry..."

"A monkey." Imrik interjected. Prince Caledor remembered Lion's coming to Ulthuan and the dragon tamer's words. He quickly added: "The ancestors mentioned that one is very good at fighting, and it can also fight." A monkey who knows how to speak human language.”

"And the Phoenix Lord never said a word more." Malekith couldn't help but said: "I haven't received any revelation."

"The Phoenix Lord has been defeated in the subspace and fell to the mortal world. His power of creation can do anything, anything. This is the only chance." Tigris emphasized again: "As the orthodox Phoenix King, Only you can inherit Asuryan's power. The strife of the past will disappear. An era of great changes is coming. In this era, the friendships and hatreds of the past will no longer dominate our destiny, she tells us, if we If we want our people to survive, we must let go of the past and embrace the future."

"The elves will be reunited, and a true Phoenix King will reign over the world. As a blood descendant of Alario, this is your destined mission. The ancient war will eventually end, and we will control our own destiny and fight with the world. God together.”

"Okay, okay." Malekith was moved by the scene painted by Tigris.

Three essences unified!

The real Phoenix King!

Dominate the world and rebuild the Elf Empire!

It's on fire!

"So who is Kane's incarnation?" Malekith, who had been burning for a while, suddenly remembered something: "It's impossible for Kane not to choose an incarnation."

"Kane will come at the latest, but He has already chosen a candidate."

"Who? Who will play the role of the destroyer and the one who will bring the end of the world?"

"he is the one……"

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