The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1267, a gamble that overwhelms the empire (second update!)

PS: Enjoy reading this 5,400-word chapter in one go!

No one in the empire tried to estimate the number of Chaos troops, because there was absolutely no need. A large black mass of barbarian marauders and barbarian riders connected from one side of the horizon to the other, and a low and rumbling dirge blew the air. Got torn apart, the rumble of drums blended with the raucous chants.

The followers of the Four Gods of Chaos are almost crazy with joy, because the destined moment is coming, and they will pass the true civilization to the south, so that the cowardly and ignorant Southerners can truly appreciate the power of the Four Gods of Chaos.

When the Chaos tribe began to enter the shooting range, the Empire's artillery positions began to fire in unison. The roars of hundreds of mortars, cannons and Hellstorm rocket launchers overwhelmed the howls of the barbarians. The shells exploded among the Chaos army. Harvesting lives.

The barbarian marauders on both wings rode their carrion-loving Norscan warhorses to detour from the flanks, but the empire's advantage of standing firm at this time was reflected. The musketeers of the Hawkland and the musketeers of Nuer joined forces. Kill these cavalry one after another and eliminate a large number of barbarian cavalry.

Karl Franz noticed that the barbarians had no discipline or command at all. They just rushed indiscriminately. Of the one or two hundred barbarian plunderers, there would often be only one lucky person who rushed in front of the imperial army. Before the battle ax fell on the shield of the halberdier, it had been stabbed through by a well-trained imperial soldier using a spear or halberd.

"Okay, good fight, just like this." In the heavy rain, the emperor clenched his fists, his face was both worried and happy. Karl Franz knew that if the fight continued like this, the empire would win. , because the Chaos Army does not seem to have a main commander, it is just a reckless rush into the Imperial Army.

The emperor was a little worried again. Didn't the Eternal God's Chosen come? If the Eternal God's Chosen does not appear in the Chaos Army, even if these Chaos armies can be completely annihilated, it will only treat the symptoms and not the root cause.

Chaos's first wave of attacks seemed to have no battle plan at all, no strategy and tactics to win, it just blindly rushed into the imperial army. This was exactly what the imperial people liked, including the artillery and musketeers, as well as the imperial wizards. With their support, the Yankees paid an extremely heavy price.

After three hours of continuous fighting, in front of Karl Franz's central army, Rick led the men to resist every charge of the Yankees and paid a very high price. The spears and halberds were directly pushed away by the Yankees' strong muscles. , the soldiers holding halberds were knocked to the ground by axes, or were trampled under the drooling mounts. The tall and burly beast-like northern barbarians forced their way into the crowded military formation, with chopping and roaring sounds. .

The round after round of attacks did not frighten the Imperial Army. They knew that their emperor was with them today. A whole five established regiments were killed, but not a single Riker leader took a step back, and not a single Riker leader took a step back. The Kron laid down their weapons and begged for mercy, and the warriors in the heart of the Empire fought to the last, much to the pride of their Emperor.

At this moment, the empire's tactics worked. As Marshal Reik Helberg ordered the charge, the lances and iron hooves of Reik's guards swept across the Chaos army. The emperor was angry at Helberg's accuracy in observing the fighter planes. Before he even had time to issue an order, he immediately ordered the great swordsmen to cooperate with Heilberg's actions. Six hundred imperial swordsmen moved forward together. These unparalleled warriors held two-handed swords and twirled exquisitely among the ranks of the barbarians. The blade cuts everything into pieces.

The counterattack was like a hammer blow, killing the leading warband. As a Chaos champion fell under Helberg's rune fangs, the Chaos vanguard began to collapse. The people of the Empire cheered for victory. It's like the war has been won.

This was indeed a victory worth being proud of. The corpses of 30,000 barbarian warriors lay on the battlefield. The Reik leaders also suffered 5,000 casualties. The casualty rate of 6:1 was enough to make the Empire proud.

"Not enough!" The emperor standing on the city wall immediately signaled the army to concentrate. The Chaos tribe was a vast ocean, and the empire had only beaten down the first rolling wave.

The battle continued. The first round of Chaos attack was just a mindless charge of a large group of Norscans and Kurgans, but the appearance of the second round of Chaos army meant that the real battle began.

The Chaos Champion Lord Akh'olak-Raven appears, the ninth wasteland bandit. This Norscan warlord was just promoted to the Chaos Champion Warrior yesterday just because he killed all the warlords of the other eleven tribes. Akh'olak The heads of warlords were dedicated to Khorne, their elaborate schemes to Tzeentch, their corrupted hearts to Nurgle, and the art of killing to Slaanesh.

The Chaos Gods were satisfied and promoted Ak'olak to the title of Chaos Champion Lord, commanding a huge Chaos army.

With almost no time to rest, the Imperial Army was once again attacked like crazy. They had to hold on. Only by holding on and waiting until the scheduled plan came, could the Empire see the dawn of victory.

On the left wing of the army, the army of the Elector Marius has begun to exchange fire with the Chaos Army. They have distracted some of the Chaos Army's attention. At the same time, Marius also ordered the cavalry to continue waiting. He must confirm that the Eternal Chosen has really appeared. .

On the right wing of the army, General Meck's carefully designed artillery positions and musket positions were effective. The Chaos army suffered heavy losses in the overwhelming artillery bombardment and hail-like musket barrages. Warten and Hus came to the front line in person, and Charlemagne's The light of the twin-tailed comet shrouded Woten's body. The crazy ascetics waved their hands and flails, shouted all kinds of curses and holy words, and directly fought with the Yankee berserkers. Madmen faced madmen, and the empire did not care at all. Falling to the wind.

Looking at Woten's glorious miracle, everyone firmly believed that Charlemagne and the empire were together on this day.

Helberg enjoys killing, although Marshal Rick has always been unwilling to admit it. He subconsciously knows very well that only killing can slightly reduce his despair and the burden of darkness on the situation, and can slightly relieve his neurotic state for more than a year. Relieved, Runefang was as sharp and invincible as ever, and he chopped off the heads of one Yankee leader after another, driving the sharp blade into the Yankee's helmet.

Chaos was defeated, and Helberg laughed loudly. He enjoyed the cheers of Rick's guards and kept hinting to himself that the empire would definitely win this battle.

The marshal immediately ordered the Reik Guards to recover and not to pursue the remnants of Chaos at will. Once the cavalry rises to kill, it is easy to lose control. The empire's tactics are successful, at least for now. The rear army of Chaos is defeated by the front army. The heavily armored Chaos Warriors had a headache and killed the oncoming deserters. Heilberg seized the opportunity and ordered the Reik Guards to attack the Chaos Warriors' shield wall from the flanks. The Chaos Warriors fell to the ground one after another, killed and killed. slaughter.

A huge Nurgle demon emerged from the battlefield, it was Grug-As! The demon that was previously defeated by Woten and Vlad together! It's back!

Lightning flickered on the northern horizon, the jagged spears were sickly and green, a sigh seemed to pass through the earth, like an uneasy tumbling and shaking from the ground, the rotten swamp was filled with steaming foam, and thousands of yellow smoke Soaring out of the sky, the screams echoed on the battlefield. The cheers of Rick's guards disappeared, as if the ground was vomiting. They boiled out of the soil, exuding a turbid smell and steam-like Hiss.

Tiny malevolent ghosts surged out of the mud, first the emaciated Nurgle Heralds with horns on their heads, then the Rotten Warriors and Festered Warriors of Nurgle Daemons, the plague-bearers and demonic backbones. The holders appeared one after another.

The charge of the Reik Guards was held back by these Nurgle demons. They were like a muddy pond. Not only did the knights no longer be able to exert their own advantages, but they also blocked the charge that they were determined to win. The ground penetrated the bodies of these powerful enemies and fell into the torsos of Nurgle demons, but it could neither cause damage to the Nurgle demons nor banish them. These Nurgle demons laughed loudly and directly crushed them with their bodies. The plate armor of the Reik Guards reached out and pulled out the flesh and blood of these imperial elites from the gaps in the armor.

Heilberg watched with his own eyes as his Rick Guards fell into the muddy pond one after another. The marshal roared angrily and rushed over on horseback. The rune fang in his hand burst out with brilliant divine light, illuminating it. The Great Demon of Nurgle, Gurus-Ag, was dazzled. The dwarven runes on the Rune Fang were extremely bright. A sword penetrated the flesh and blood of the Great Demon and penetrated its arm.

Grug-As roared in pain. It was exiled more than a year ago and is still very weak. The son of a loving father is fighting desperately to regain Nurgle's favor. The heavy blow did not affect its counterattack. Grug knocked Helberg off his mount with one punch. Marshal Rick fell into the swamp, unconscious, and the guards of Rick suddenly became chaotic.

Carl Franz's expression changed drastically when he saw this. The emperor finally couldn't bear it anymore. He ignored Ludwig's advice and roared angrily. The roar of the death claws of the great griffon brought the judgment of the empire. The griffon brought deafening The screaming sound flew into the sky, carrying its master to rescue Helberg. The emperor seized the opportunity, and the dragon's teeth instantly chopped off the head of Guruge As, and the claws of death tore the demon's skin apart. , throwing one of its hands into the air.

Another wave of Chaos armies was defeated, and the Imperial people saw the dawn of victory.

On the right side of the battle line, Charlemagne's chosen god Woten was also fighting with all his strength. After seeing the fighter plane, Charlemagne's army immediately began a fierce attack under the leadership of Woten. The ascetics and fanatics holding the flails of the double-tailed comet advanced crazily. There is only bloodthirsty and a fanaticism that will never give in to the enemy, and in this army, Woten's whole body is burning with the fire of heaven, and the power of the twin-tailed comet draws two lines along the hammer Gal-Malaz. There is a long trail line, and every time Woten makes a move, the holy light shines on the earth, inspiring the determination of the imperial army.

The Norscan berserkers of Skarins and the Bell Pines were horrified to find that Charlemagne's army on the opposite side was an enemy even crazier and more bloodthirsty than them. In the chaotic frontal battle, the barbarian berserkers were no match for the cowards. The Yankees!

The dervishes swung their flails and smashed the shields of the Skarins and the Bell Pines, smashed their heads, and then smashed the bodies of the barbarian berserkers. A Chaos Champion tried to come up to stop Woten's attack, but Woten just raised his hammer and smashed it down, shattering the chief's shield and blowing his skull to pieces. Seeing this scene, intimidated by Woten's courage, the Yankees abandoned the symbol of The honorable Chaos War Standards and Horde War Standards fled in terror.

The Scarings and the Belsonlins were defeated and collapsed. Woten's plan along the way had been successful. Charlemagne's army continued to advance crazily. The joy of victory enveloped everyone until the distant horn sounded.

The banner of the Eternal Chosen came slowly, and a whole legion of Chaos Chosen warriors joined the battlefield. Among them, surrounded by a Chaos Lord wearing a double-horned helmet.

Archaon's lieutenant, Kron the Conqueror, is here!

Seeing the banner of the Everchosen, all the people in the empire thought that Archaon, the Everchosen of Chaos, had finally appeared. Woten urged Charlemagne's army to continue marching, and the whippers' fanatic orders were very effective in helping them deal with the fur-clad men. The Berserkers of Skarins and the Reaver Warriors of Belpinewood, but their Zealots rarely helped them against the Chosen Champions of Chaos who now descended upon them.

Unfavorable in breaking armor. Faced with a group of Chaos Chosen Warriors covered head to toe in heavy armor - the sons of Nephlester, the Charlemagne Army's always proud pig attack method failed. The flail could not harm these Chaos Chosen Warriors. A little bit, it can only make a tinkling sound.

The warriors of the cold Nivlester speak not a word, they do not praise great deeds, nor take oaths, no matter what they sacrifice to the Chaos Gods, they are silent, and in silence, Croon's The Guards carried the attack of Charlemagne's army and chopped these ascetics and fanatic believers into pieces. Axes and giant swords harvested Charlemagne's army like wheat. Charlemagne's army of two to three thousand people only took a few rounds. Just lost more than half.

Warten and Luther Huss fought to the death, and Warten was able to defeat a Chosen Warrior of Chaos with one hammer, but they were still unable to break through the enemy's defense line and reach the "Eternal Chosen". Warten roared unwillingly, He waited eagerly, why didn't the other side of the pincer offensive that Marius promised come?

At this time, on the left wing of the army, the cavalry of Marius and Duke Ivan of the Griffin encountered a huge trouble!

Thirty or forty Nurgle God's Chosen Warriors wearing green rotten armor blocked their attack path. These Nurgle God's Chosen Warriors wore gray-green rotten full-body armor, and their bodies were covered with pox marks, boils, scabs and Rotting sores.

These Nurgle's chosen ones reek of corruption, and flies swarm around them. Even weapons and war machines have been twisted by the energy of the Warp, now powered by sickly Chaos magic, glowing with green energy and oozing gangrenous ichor, whether it be the demi-Gryphon Knight or Marius' None of the Golden Fleece Knights were able to break through their defenses. Marius howled and used the Rune Fangs to rush around and Ivan, the Duke of Griffin, wielded the Griffin True Silver Holy Sword. The two strong men tried their best.

The demi-gryphon collided with these Nurgle God's Chosen Warriors, which at most made them stagger a little. The muskets and cannonballs made them feel a little pain at most, but they could not make them succumb.

In the middle of this group of Nurgle's chosen warriors, Typhons, son of Mortarion and Lord of the Plague Hive, was wielding his massive war scythe.

Typhons moved slowly and gracefully, the giant war scythe being amplified by the length of the shaft, turning into an unstoppable blade shadow.

The thin edge of the blade hissed in the air with blue sparks, and anything it encountered was obliterated by the scythe's all-powerful strike.

Typhonus keeps the edge of his blade sharp, but most of the time the Soul Reaper crushes his enemies rather than cuts them. With one deft strike, he swung the blade in a circle and cut through a defensive line of welded armor plates. It cut through mithril as easily as flesh. The two Golden Fleece Knights were instantly split in half.

Griffin Duke Ivan's mount, the Great Gryphon Beast Bane, was kicked out by Typhons. The Lord of the Hive waved his scythe again, and the three half-gryphon knights transformed into half-gryphons on the spot. into two sections.

"Charge! Charge up!" Marius fought bloody, the Elector screamed.

Most of the Golden Fleece Knights fell in a pool of blood.

An entire group of demi-griffon knights were wiped out! But Marius and Ivan still couldn't break through the defense line formed by Typhons and his Death Guards!

The Imperial Army on the left wing of the Empire (position on the west side) has begun to collapse. Marius's troops already have a small number of people. When all the cavalry and infantry rush forward but are blocked, failure is only a matter of time!

Emperor Karl-Franz was still fighting hard while riding the Deathclaw. He noticed the failure of Marius' plan - neither Wotten nor Marius could cut through the chaotic Chinese army's position from the side, unable to push Woten away. Bring it to the Eternal Chosen One.

The emperor's heart was filled with pain.

They fought against the odds but failed. Their last big gamble was over, and now it was time to pay the lost stakes.

Lost, lost completely.

Did I fail? Karl Franz looked at the chaotic battlefield, where the Imperial Army was still resisting.

Did I fail? The emperor heard Schwartzhammer's voice. The old man was coming with the Rick inner ring guards. He signaled the emperor to retreat to Talabheim and leave it to him.

No! I can't fail here! The empire cannot perish here!

Karl-Franz cheered up again, and the Imperial Emperor signaled the Death Claws to move forward. He ignored Schwarzhammer's request and let the Death Claws rush into the most dangerous place and attract the most attention.

Fight! till the end!

He will fight in person until dawn!

The twenty inner guards of Rick saw the emperor's determination. No one of the inner guards questioned the emperor's decision. Even in hell, they still followed Emperor Karl Franz!

A second ago, the shield wall of Nurgle's warriors had looked impenetrable.

A second later, these people were like smashed wooden walls, and a big hole was forcibly cut out by the emperor and Rick's inner ring guards.

At this second, Karl Franz suddenly felt something. He turned his gaze to the east of the battlefield. Behind him, the last trace of the setting sun was submerged in the black forest, and night had fallen.

On the hillside in the east, a powerful demigod, Lord Death, appeared on the hills riding an undead war horse.

"Vlad von Carstein." Karl Franz looked at the visitor with a complex expression.

Under the black night sky, the bone horse, red armor, white hair, the reins were pulled, and the undead war horse raised its front hooves. The Lord of Death looked at the situation on the battlefield and nodded approvingly.

The Lich King Arkhan, dressed in black robes, appeared behind Vlad von Carstein. Arkhan narrowed his eyes and looked at the battle situation. He said politely: "Charlemagne's empire is isolated and helpless."

"No, with me here, they are not alone." The blood-drinking sword was unsheathed, and Vlad von Carstein's order was immediately issued: "Finally, it's time to show our presence."

"Sylvania!" Hundreds of black knights strolled out and lined up. Dozens of undead legions and hundreds of Sylvanian flags appeared.

"For Vlad, for von Carstein!!!"

The undead looked up to the sky and roared, and the blue soul fire rushed into the sky.

The Battle of Heffengen is far from over.

Updated, second update please vote for me!

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