The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1286, The Shura Field of My Lake God Witch and the Empress

Sitting not far from Ryan's desk, the Czarina Katalin, wearing a set of moonlit pure glazed black chiffon light silk petticoat paired with dark gold shiny pantyhose, was constantly and secretly looking at the various official documents and the number of references. A vast array of forms.

Katalin can only see half of Ryan's face now. The Sun King, who is now more mature and exudes a confident and successful masculine atmosphere, lets his long black hair parted in the middle fall down from both sides, and his blue eyes The light of psychic energy is constantly flowing through it, illuminating the current parchment roll.

A confident man is always charming, let alone a top guy like Ryan.

The Czarina glanced at Ryan with a complicated expression and sighed softly.

More than a month has passed since the last time I invited Ryan to "visit" Kislev's "national treasure". It is already late spring and summer is coming soon, but the old world is still very cold, and the abnormal climate has more than just affected it. Crops that grow all over the world also make people panic.

But Katalin isn't too worried. As long as Ryan is here, Britannia won't be able to make any waves.

What the Czarina is really struggling with is the matter between herself and Ryan. Since the last time she committed herself to Ryan, Katalin has been forced to give in. It doesn't matter that she can no longer be the Tsar, she can't even get a title. It doesn't matter, it doesn't even matter that she is willing to be a plaything, as long as she and Ryan have a child to inherit the throne of the Tsar, and Kislev can return to the country in the future, she is really willing.

And Ryan didn't treat her too badly. The Sun King first gave her the title of Countess Valesca, with an annual salary of 800 gold crowns, and the output of three manors in Le-Angoulan and Lyonnasay. They were also granted to her. Although Katalin could not directly manage these manors, she could receive a large amount of in-kind income and special products every year, as well as a small amount of currency.

What really makes Katalin feel very entangled is that Ryan has many things to do, and the two of them have few opportunities to be intimate. In addition, Katalin is afraid of Surya as the queen, so Katalin can only find Aurora and Theresa. As a cover, the Czarina simply moved in with the two ice witches, essentially taking advantage of the mother and daughter's favor. Even so, Ryan only had three private meetings with her this month.

This time and frequency are too few, it is not easy to get pregnant! The tsarina was very anxious. She had already mixed the potion and drank it twice. She was eager to get pregnant this month.

Katalin couldn't help but think of the time she had a private meeting with Ryan. The Czarina's entire face suddenly turned red. She subconsciously tightened her legs and her whole body went limp.

Ryan is a bastard!

This soul made a large floor-to-ceiling mirror in Katalin's room, saying that he wanted to "appreciate" Kislev's national treasure, and then asked Katalin to wear a Romanov royal dress. There are also Olika's customized ice blue or dark gold pearlescent pantyhose, and they even ask her to wear a tsarist crown and address her as "Your Majesty".

Katalin could only agree and look at herself in the mirror.

The extreme mental humiliation and the extreme physical happiness were superimposed, and the queen felt that she was going crazy. Every time she made a fool of herself and was defeated, she always cursed Ryan with great humiliation afterwards, while looking forward to the next one. Ryan comes again.

A month later, Katalin couldn't stand it anymore, and she offered to come and work for Ryan. It happened that Ryan was lacking a full-time secretary role. It was natural that Katalin, who had certain governance capabilities and experience, easily got this position.

But everything is not as easy as imagined.

Katalin couldn't help but shift her gaze to the gorgeously dressed woman sitting on the other side of Ryan.

Morgiana, the Witch of the Lake!

Wearing a rue rose wine-colored delicate leaf suspender evening dress, with a blond hair shawl and a flower crown, the slit in the long skirt reveals the slender legs wrapped in pearlescent flesh-colored pantyhose. Moji can also be seen through the faint luster of the stockings. Anna's skin is as smooth as mutton fat and jade, and her exquisite jade feet are wearing a pair of flesh-colored pearl lace-up high heels. Morgiana, the witch of the Lake God, always shows her beauty to the fullest in front of Ryan.

She went to Belion some time ago to preside over the reconstruction, especially the reconstruction of a series of coastal salt fields in Belion. As the largest and most important sea salt field in Britannia, Belion was almost destroyed during the previous Skaven invasion. Completely destroyed, Morgiana went to take charge of and lead the reconstruction of the entire principality. After Duke Theodoric of Belion died in battle, his grandson inherited the dukedom, but in fact the entire principality fell under the control of Ryan. .

In the same way, the Principality of Lyonnaise, the Principality of Le-Angoulant, the Principality of Mousillon, and the Principality of Carcassonne have fully fallen under the actual control of Ryan. In addition to their own manors and castles, the dukes of these principalities also Apart from actual fiefdoms and a small private army, it is no longer possible to control the principality's finances, customs duties, personnel, and military power.

Even though the remaining dukes of the duchy still have some real power, they are also greatly influenced by Lane. Most personnel appointments and dismissals are subject to the participation of Lane's court. The collection of customs duties and various taxes must be approved by Lane's court. The army is also subject to Lane's control. Control, the Sun King is strengthening his centralized power.

Katalin envied Ryan's super authority. At the same time, she was also very unhappy with Morgiana's behavior of "monopolizing" Ryan. Since the return of the Lake God Witch, she has been sticking to Ryan whenever she has time. They work together and eat together. , enjoy afternoon tea together, entertain together, review the army together, and even cook and bathe together. Generally, there will be no other words until Ryan is about to take a rest.

He lowered his status to become a secretary, but in the end he had no chance to steal anything!

Dog men and women! Katalin clenched the quill in her hand angrily. She secretly watched Ryan and Morgiana being intimate. It was Sunday. Originally, no one was allowed to approach the chapel in the castle that day, but Katalin didn't care about this ban. She secretly watched the scene in the chapel, and sure enough she discovered that there was an affair between the divinely chosen champion of the Lake Fairy and the mortal spokesperson of the Lake Fairy.

Moreover, when Ryan and Morgiana were doing that kind of thing, it was not like when they were with Teresa, they were whispering softly and gently. Ryan tried his best to make the sorceress comfortable, put her to sleep, and then enjoyed the sweet state afterwards. Ryan Being with Morgiana is simply a war, a duel, both sides are like two champions dueling, both using all their moves to fight for the final victory.

The Czarina was jealous and angry. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She was forced to admit that Morgiana was on par with her in terms of appearance, figure and ability, or even slightly better than her. Ryan Doting on Morgiana is not without reason.

Hello! As the chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake, you, Ryan, are actually having such a heated fight with the goddess' first chosen one. If the Fairy of the Lake finds out about this, the designated girl will have your juice!

On the other side, Morgiana was also very annoyed with this female tsar. She thought, when will Katalin go back and rebuild your father's kingdom?

Do you understand that you are interrupting my relationship with Ryan?

There is always the smell of gunpowder in the room, and Morgiana and Katalin always have guns and sticks in their conversations. Ryan can naturally feel it, but the original body obviously doesn't care particularly. These two women are not difficult to control, and Compared to Katalin, Morgiana naturally has a higher status in Ryan's heart. Once the two have a quarrel, Ryan usually tends to defend Morgiana.

This naturally made Katalin even more dissatisfied. Several conflicts had broken out between the two sides in the past few days.

"Ryan, look at the news from Marienburg. A so-called private academic organization came out to accuse us in Britannia, saying that we consumed too much meat, eggs, and milk, which would seriously affect the tropical environment of Lustria. The rainforest survives, so they advocate that as the largest exporter of agricultural products and livestock in the old world, we should reduce the use of meat, eggs and milk, and promote vegetarianism and environmental protection." Morgiana held a document from Marienburg, The Lake God Witch sounded very impatient: "It is said that thousands of people have taken to the streets to protest against our destruction of the environment, and emphasized that Lustria's tropical rainforest belongs to the whole world and is the common wealth of all mankind. The Kingdom of Knights cannot Destroying Lustria’s rainforest for selfish purposes and interests.”

"Pfft~" Ryan laughed out loud. He shook his head repeatedly: "Is this an environmental protection organization?"

"What is an environmental organization?" Morgiana asked.

"That's either an environmental organization or a believer in Nurgle or the Horned Rat." Ryan complained: "Or it's a so-called 'charity organization' backed by a group of big businessmen, and then bribed some so-called 'scholars' to provide Evidence basis, right?”

"Maybe." Morgiana frowned. The Lake God Witch actually doesn't know much about politics and economics, but she knows about people's livelihood and agriculture. Britannia is now almost responsible for more than 50% of the food supply in the entire Old World. , the current food production of the Knight Kingdom not only needs to supply the country's needs on a large scale, but the empire and Marienburg are also pointing to Britannia's food export to save their lives!

There are huge profits in this. Due to the large-scale reduction in food production in the old world, only Britannia is not affected. Therefore, the Kingdom of Knights naturally occupies the pricing power of food. Lane's Court of the Sun decides how much is the price, and Lane naturally does the same. Different treatment, for example, if it is a close strategic partner with Nuer, then the grain will be sold more and cheaper; for example, if the relationship with Marienburg is not harmonious, the grain will be sold less and more expensive.

Obviously, the big trench merchants calmed down for a while after being hit, and now they are eyeing the huge profits from grain.

Ryan looked at the report. Recently, after forming a new army, Britannia began to train its troops. One training every three days and one training every seven days. In addition to sufficient food supply, meat, eggs, and milk are also absolutely indispensable. This is an important factor in supporting professional soldiers to withstand training. What is vegetarianism?

But don’t pay attention to it, these are just small fights.

Ryan read another report, which was a report on the recruitment and expansion of the 1st Guards Lancers.

It has to be said that the name of the Czarina is indeed very powerful. After Katalin made up her mind to use the power of Britannia to restore the country, Ryan took advantage of the situation and played "The Czarina" towards the Kislev refugees and veterans. Card", the effect is outstanding.

The new Kislev Army was established under the order of the Empress and expanded into three new legions. Lane directly gave three new numbers in the name of Katalin, namely.

Semyonov Guards Corps.

Romanov Guards Corps.

Ugor Guards Cavalry Corps.

The establishment of each legion is 1,200-1,500 men. Military expenses are paid by Britannia, but they are only half of the normal Britannian free civilian sergeants. Even so, it only took one month for the three legions to be fully recruited. , there are even several times as many Mrs. Keesler waiting for positions and acting as reserves.

While Katalin complained that the three legions were "too few," she impatiently gave them the title of "Guard" in the name of the Romanov royal family. She knew very well that this was the key and backbone of her restoration.

Similarly, Lane carefully selected from the veterans of Kislev to replenish and re-equipped the 1st Guards Lancer Regiment that had suffered huge losses. He was trained and proved his strength in a series of wars in the old world. The former commander-in-chief of the Oerengrad Army, General Georgi Konstantinovich was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the 1st Guards Lancer Corps. Katalin gave him the glorious Boye surname "Zhukov" in the name of the Tsarina. "She only has this little power left now, but almost all Mrs. Keesler are still very fond of this trick. Being given a surname is a very high-level honor.

It’s just that Ryan has always had doubts about Zhukov. Needless to say, the military capabilities of this Hussars general. From 2515 to the present 2525, he has fought against Chaos for 10 years and participated in hundreds of battles. His personal military bravery is very outstanding. Moreover, he is bold and brave, with talented military commanders and genius tactics emerging one after another. There is no doubt about the level of army command. After a series of previous northern wars, he was promoted to the Holy Domain. When Winter City fell, Zhukov rushed to the scene with more than a hundred Erengrad remnants. Retreat by sea and come to Britannia at Catalin's call.

But this General Zhukov is different from the late Marshal Rokossovsky in one respect. This guy likes to participate in palace politics very much. He often uses his talents and insights to bargain with Ryan, and he especially likes to contact other politicians. Slev officers, such as General Meretskov and even Beria, wanted to form a "small group", but their political skills were not good enough to make jokes often. Beria reported him to Lane.

In short, "people are addicted to food."

He also expressed more than once that he hoped to "inherit" the rank of Marshal to Marshal Rokossovsky.

"As for Zhukov, we still need to focus his attention on the military." Ryan told Katalin: "I will tell Beria that only war matters are under Zhukov's control. You should also emphasize this to Zhukov. , don’t be distracted by other things.”

"I will." Katalin could only nod. The tsarina was a little reluctant. She originally wanted to keep Zhukov by her side for her own use.

Seeing Katalin's unwillingness, Morgiana frowned and asked, Lake God Witch, what is your attitude? Is this also the attitude when talking to Ryan?

She was about to open her mouth to let Katalin understand her situation, when the unique sound of Talleyrand's crutches came from outside the room. Morgiana immediately shut up, knowing that it must be a big deal that would make Talleyrand come in person.

"Dong dong~"

"Please come in~"

The lame man came in from the door: "Your Majesty, the latest military report from Bafeng Mountain! I will send it to you as soon as I get it!"

"Military report from Bafeng Mountain?!" Ryan stood up and reached out to take the thick cowhide envelope unique to the dwarves. He asked doubtfully: "Didn't it say that Haimen Pass was besieged by Skaven and we couldn't get any news? ?”

"Yes, Your Majesty, that's right, but this letter..." Talleyrand said with a wry smile: "This letter is King Belegar's messenger who passed by Iron Peak Castle and took the bad land to the imperial colony of Sudenberg and then from Sudden Fort boarded the ship along the Nicohara coastline to our Arabi Expeditionary Force stronghold, and then sent it here through the communication channel of the Jihadi Army."

"Ma'am, this is almost halfway around the world." Ryan opened the letter.

The King of Knights was originally a little happy, but after taking a few glances, Ryan's expression changed instantly.


"Ryan? What's wrong?" The Lake God Witch felt a sudden thought.

"Prepare to publish the obituary and honor ceremony." Ryan's hand gently pinched the thick parchment, and the Sun King sighed.

"We have lost another marshal."

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