The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1302, Kane’s Wrath (Second update, please vote!)

In the summer of 2525 in the Imperial Calendar, there was the Phoenix King's Court on the island of Ulthuan.

As the twelfth Phoenix King, Malekith is sitting in the position that should belong to him.

Malekith, who is also the Dark Elf Witch King and the High Elf Phoenix King, is furious. The co-leader of the High Elf and Dark Elf is trying to control his emotions with great endurance and restraint.

Several months have passed, and the war has continued intermittently, but it has become more anxious and cruel.

Malekith tried his best to use all his political wisdom and even showed himself the blessing of Phoenix Lord Asuryan again and again to subdue the voices opposed to him within the high elf, even with the help of Prince Caledor Loyal to the Supreme Mage of the Magister Council, and reluctantly establishing an alliance with Avalon, headed by the Eternal Queen Alarielle, who has the most influence among the high elves, Malekith still has to face endless internal opponents. After all, he was the instigator of the Great Schism and the creator of the pain of the elven civil war for thousands of years. Even now that the truth has been revealed and he has obtained the inheritance and recognition of the Phoenix Lord Asuryan, and officially became the incarnation of Asuryan, these objections still exist. It won't stop, it will just go into the darkness and underground.

There is now two bad news for Malekith. First, Alarielle rejected her proposal. The Eternal Queen was very surprised by Malekith's proposal. You must know that there is about ten years difference between the two. Several times older, Alarielle is only about 200 years old this year, while Malekith is already 6983 years old (not counting the chaotic time he spent in the realm of chaos), and both parties are theoretically close relatives.

But according to high-elite tradition, it is customary for the Phoenix King to marry the Eternal Queen, so he has to taste it.

Alarielle refused, and the Everqueen was forced to tell Malekith the truth: she was married.

"Is it Finubar?" Malekith remembered his father's words.


"Then, is Tyrion?" Malekith quickly asked.

"No, it's Orion." Alarielle quickly explained embarrassedly.

It turns out that since the Wood Elf Queen Alaire and the Eternal Queen Alarielle merged into one, the Forest King Orion has become Alarielle's theoretical husband. Orion was still very conflicted at first, but the Forest King... After feeling the familiar power of his wife in Alarielle, she slowly accepted it and expressed her love with a hug.

In other words, Alarielle is now Orion's wife, although the two parties may or may not have a substantial relationship, maybe?

Malekith was very angry. Firstly, because he could not marry Alarielle, he could not explain to his father and unify the entire elves according to the planned plan. Secondly, he always felt that Orion was a piece of shit. What did the cowardly hunting god Kuros do except hide in the forest all day long and be his true beastman?

This is the first bad news.

The second bad news was equally bad: when Malekith tried his best to suppress the internal voices, he entrusted the army to Imrik, the Prince of Caledor, and named him the Elven Warmaster, letting him lead an army of high soldiers. The mixed army of the Dark Elf went to attack Tyrion, the Grand Master and Regent.

The seriously injured Regent Tyrion was recuperating in the Outer Rim kingdom of Cosqui. The Regent's supporters had to admit that Imric was superior to them on the battlefield.

The Dragon Prince not only successfully defended Caledor, but also conquered the neighboring Tyran Loch and Itain.

The fall of Lothern made Aislin very angry. Now half of the Admiral's troops are trapped in the Sea of ​​Dreams, unable to join the fleet on the vast ocean. On the contrary, the Dark Elf pirates finally got rid of their shackles, and Corrupt Heart and others finally found Chance avenged centuries of humiliation.

Just when Imrik was preparing to march victoriously, Tyrion returned after recovering. The high-elf regent officially announced that he had been crowned the twelfth Phoenix King and began to call himself the Phoenix King.

There were no two masters in the sky, no two masters in the people, and Ulthuan suddenly had two Phoenix Kings.

Many supporters of the Regent thought Tyrion's move was too hasty - any Phoenix King must be tested by Asuryan's sacred fire, but Tyrion insisted, and Witch Queen Morathi dismissed the opponents. They convened to "persuade" them to change their minds. The next day, the opponents either mysteriously disappeared or changed their stance with weak legs, so the remaining people unanimously agreed with Tyrion's coronation as the twelfth president. Phoenix King.

When Tyrion joined the battlefield holding the sword of Khaine, Imric found that they were facing an invincible opponent. Tyrion beheaded a silver moon dragon with one sword, Ulthuan's greatest A swordsman combined with the most terrifying weapon is unstoppable.

With a desperate blow, Imric used Caledor's artifact star gun to break a small hole in Tyrion's breastplate, but the pain only made Tyrion stronger, and Tyrion killed him with a backhand sword. Imrik's shield was smashed, and Caledor's pride was knocked down together with the ancient shining star dragon Minasnir he was sitting on. If the three dragon knights hadn't fought to save him, Imrik I will explain it here on the spot.

Prince Caledor lost, he lost completely. He packed up his army, took his honor and face with him, and retreated in despair.

Tyrion did not pursue him, and Tyrion, who claimed to be the Phoenix King, held the wedding directly in Savrui.

At the wedding, Tyrion officially married Malekith's mother, the witch queen Morathi, the second wife of his ancestor Alario, and they were married. The union of the two seemed wholehearted and almost perfectly coordinated. .

However, the honeymoon between the two parties did not last long. After Tyrion and Morathi had to get up in the afternoon for many days and were tired of being together all day long, Tyrion discovered that Morathi was secretly breaking the road. Beacon Stone, take out the soul of the Elf inside and try to make a deal with the Chaos Demon.

Tyrion discovered and angrily reprimanded Morathi for his stupid behavior, but his newlywed wife (?) didn't feel much about his behavior. Morathi took advantage of the situation and proposed the national policy of "uniting the captives to quell the invaders" toward Tyrion. That is to lead the Chaos Daemons to deal with the foolish Malekith and his ignorant followers.

Tyrion slapped Morathi down, and the guardian of Ulthuan once again felt a trace of humanity and responsibility in his heart. He told Morathi not to think about it, he would never agree, and warned that this was the last time he would show mercy.

Not sure whether he was afraid of the Kane Sword in the hands of Kane's incarnation or saw the shadow of the first Phoenix King Alario in him, Morathi finally reluctantly agreed. This was a promise that very few Witch Queens were willing to keep. She indeed never made a deal with the devil again.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Malekith is facing internal and external troubles. The new Phoenix King has powerful enemies outside and rebellion inside. The most troublesome thing is that the friction between the dark elves and the high elves is increasing, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. Come bigger.

For the dark elves, the wealth and population of the high elves are simply fat in front of them. Some black ark pirates can still remember the Witch King's order, but some black ark pirates really can't restrain their desires, such as the black elves. The Black Ark Navy Admiral Blackblood's pirates took advantage of the darkness of night to plunder a high-elf manor and outpost.

Malekith was so outraged by this that he immediately ordered Blackblood to be executed and the loyal Admiral's head to be fed to Hydra.

As for the high elves, Malekith's cruel and cruel rule, frequent executions and the oppression of political authoritarianism by various secret agents really make most high elf princes at a loss what to do. The high elves pursue freedom and democracy most. Historically, even the Phoenix King Moville, the reckless king, who used the authority of the Phoenix King to establish a compulsory soldier system, was rejected and resented by the high elves. In the end, he was given the title of "the reckless king". This is evident. You must know Caledor II, who lost his power and humiliated his country, was deceived, had his head chopped off by the Dwarf High King, ruined the high elf army and lost the Phoenix Crown, was given the title of "Warrior King".

In the impression of the high elves, Ulthuan has probably not seen a tyrant like Malekith in almost 114514 years.

Perhaps Malekith himself felt that he had changed a lot and was quite tolerant, but in the eyes of the high spirits, Malekith was extremely cruel, at least a hundred times more cruel than the cursed and neurotic King Morville.

The high-spirited Prince Toharun was extremely dissatisfied and planned to shoot at the heart of the Restoration with the mentality of a beast. He planned a useless and impossible assassination and killed him far away from Malekith. Captured by the Phoenix Guard.

Malekith was once furious and sent more than a hundred spies and assassins to kill Prince Harun and his tribe.

In the end, Teclis and Imrik both warned and reminded the new Phoenix King to remember his identity. Teclis even told the Phoenix King that if he planned to do this, he would drive all the centrist forces to Tyrion. By the way, even including himself and Imrik.

Malekith finally came to his senses and withdrew his decision. Under the comfort and assurance of Teclis, the high elf princes reluctantly shook hands with the Phoenix King again and made peace. After all, this was the real incarnation of Asuryan, and life was still the same. Just make do with it.

The apparent dissatisfaction disappeared, but the secret dissatisfaction always existed and gave Malekith a headache. Many elven jokes began to become popular in the Phoenix Court and Lothern. The Phoenix King's subordinates collected some for the Phoenix King to review:

A Naggarond Black Guard returned to his office after a day of trial work and suddenly burst out laughing alone.

The colleague at the desk opposite asked strangely: "Is there anything funny?"

"Yeah," Black Guard wiped his tears from laughter with a handkerchief: "It's a very funny joke..."

"Oh? Tell me about it?"

"Are you crazy?! I just sentenced the guy who told this joke to ten years of hard labor!"


Three elven souls came to the Pale Queen's kingdom of Hades and talked to each other about the reasons for their deaths.

The first person said: "I opposed Black Ark Admiral Black Blood's robbery of the Elf Outpost."

A second person said: "Because I support black blood."

A third person said: "I am the black blood!"


Malekith made reports everywhere. One day, he went to a sanatorium to give a report. In advance, the person in charge of the sanatorium summoned the high spirits corrupted by Slaanesh and told them: "Applause warmly after the Phoenix King finishes his report."

After Malekith finished his report, he received long and sustained applause. He was very proud. But he suddenly discovered that one of them did not applaud, and he became furious.

Phoenix King asked: "Why don't you applaud?"

The man replied: "My Slaanesh corruption has been cured."


On the Asuyan Phoenix Platinum Pyramid, Phoenix Lord Asuyan suddenly asked: "Now, if you think the king selection system is better, stand on the left. If you think the king selection system is better, stand on the right."

Most of the elven princes stood on the left, a few on the right, and only Malekith stood still in the middle.

Asuryan: "Malekis, do you think the king-selection system or the hereditary system is better?"

Malekith replied: "I think the king-selection system is good, but as soon as I am elected, it will be changed to succession after the death of father."

Asuyan said hurriedly: "Then come to the holy fire quickly!"


A high-spirited old man accidentally fell into the river and shouted for help.

Two dark spirits passed by, turning a blind eye and talking and laughing happily.

The old man shouted on the spot: "Down with Malekith, long live Tyrion!"

The two dark spirits were frightened and jumped into the river to catch him and handcuff him.


Hearing that a high-elf prince was planning to immigrate to the Kingdom of Britannia in the old world, the Phoenix King was very unhappy when he found out and asked himself: "Why are you going to Britannia? Are you dissatisfied with me?"


"Are you dissatisfied with the current laws and military regulations?"


"Are you dissatisfied with your salary and fief?"


"Then I don't understand. Why would you want to go to Britannia if you're not dissatisfied?"

"Because in Brittany Talleyrand could be dissatisfied."


A Lothern citizen lost his parrot.

This is a parrot that can only curse. It would be terrible if it fell into the hands of the black guards of Nagarond.

This person published a statement in the newspaper: "I have lost a parrot, and I do not agree with its political views."

This lot of weird jokes really drove Malekith crazy. He kept suppressing his anger and the anger of planning to annihilate Lothern, telling himself to calm down.

The sword of Asuryan, burning with the holy flame of creation platinum, was placed next to Malekith. The Phoenix King stretched out his hand to caress the sword, feeling the creation power of Asuryan, the lord of the Phoenix and the god of heaven. Finally, my heart gradually calmed down.

Yes, I am the incarnation of Asuyan, and I am the orthodox Phoenix King!

As long as they win, as long as Tyrion is eliminated, these things are just a series of clumsy and unflattering tricks of the high elf court.

Malekith felt the power of Asuryan greedily and piously. He recalled in his mind what the high-spirited moon goddess Lilith told him: "The power of creation of Asuryan is the greatest power. Can make you do anything, anything."

snort! Nonsense, don’t I know how powerful Asuryan is?

In his heart, Malekith showed disdain for the guidance of the Moon Goddess Lilith and the Pale Queen Orika. In his opinion, he was now the King of Gods, the symbol of Asuryan's will and power, and as a god God, Lilith and Orica have no right to instruct him on what to do. As for the fact that they haven't asked them to surrender yet, it's just because the time is not right.

While the Phoenix King was still thinking, the latest news came from outside.

The high-elf false king Tyrion is leading an army into Avalon, intending to forcibly marry the eternal queen Alarielle!

Malekith jumped to his feet when he heard the news.

Not allowed, absolutely not allowed! He can not marry Alarielle for the time being, but Tyrion is absolutely not allowed to do this!

alright! Decided!

No matter so much, this orthodox Phoenix King is now going to personally conquer Tyrion and get back his father's Divine Sword of Kane!

Malekith immediately ordered his troops to prepare for the expedition in person.

Tyrion, who calls himself the Phoenix King, also enters Avalon with his new wife Morathi and an army.

"I have come to fulfill my mission and obligations! My queen, marry me!"

Updated, the second update added some content, so I solved it in two updates at once, yesyes!

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