The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1311, Vlad’s ambition

PS: Happy Labor Day to all readers! The emperor wishes everyone a happy May Day Golden Week and long holiday~

Imperial calendar year 2525, midsummer, the fallen Stirland, the Sylvanian Emperor's tent, and the Death Lord Vlad von Carstein's camp.

Although he is a dead man, Vlad's elegance and high requirements for the quality of life make him seem to understand the importance of etiquette and pomp better than any emperor in the history of the empire. If it weren't for his terrifying vampire fangs, With his long pale hair and spikes on the cursed armor all over his body, it can be said that he is more like an imperial noble than any imperial noble. He speaks ancient Reik, and his pronunciation standard can simply make those who claim to be the most orthodox stubborn The great nobles are ashamed.

The Sylvanian undead army gathered here, growing in size. Every moment, the dead in the battle were pulled up from the ground and awakened. Everything felt so familiar, and Vlad still remembered that he had done the same thing a few years ago - gathering those lost souls, giving them purpose, and making them greater than the life they first returned to.

However, Vlad soon realized his mistake. It was not a few years ago, but 500 years ago. 500 years ago, his last and decisive siege failed under the city of Brunswick. , even though the empire was on the verge of collapse and surrender, and more than two-thirds of the dignitaries and dignitaries in the Imperial Parliament had decided to surrender to him, the destined eternal emperor, Vlad was ultimately defeated by Archbishop Will. Ham III, after his resurrection ring was stolen, Wilhelm launched himself and held him and fell into the city to die together. His wife Isabella died in love for him, and his ambition failed.

Vlad smiled to himself. He was a loser but also a winner, because he could be resurrected again and again and return from the underworld. As long as there is still a blood descendant of von Carstein alive, Vlad On the road to resurrection forever.


Vlad muttered the name of that city in his mind. He seemed to smell the gunpowder on the walls of Charlemagne's throne, the fishy smell of the docks, and the damn sweet Isabella. His wife treated him as always. Tender and affectionate.

Everything will be decided there.

She had been his strength, his everything, everything he did then was tied to her, driven by an astonishingly raw passion.

Being alone, the bitter aftertaste of true loneliness never left me. If he wanted, he could recruit countless prostitutes and mistresses to accompany him, or choose from the corpses of the Lahmian Sisterhood for thousands of years, but there was no one who could replace Isabella and let Vlad rise. That desire.

Vampires have feelings, but probably no vampire has such a sincere and deep love for Isabella like Vlad.

At most, add Arkhan's love for Vlad's ex-wife Neferata, and no more.

Now that Utterbad in Stirland has fallen and the road to Brunswick is clear, Elector Alberich Haute Anderson is unable to resist the westward advance of the Sylvanian army. able to escape and leave the desperate civilians of Stirland to the great Lord of Death.

Vlad did not make things difficult for these mortals. Except for the thousands of city defenders who were all torn to pieces, the Church Fighting Priests, Golden Scythe Knights and Raven Knights who had been against him all day long were all executed and resurrected into a team. In addition to the Black Knight Brigade and the Grave Guard Legion, Vlad even recruited a large number of musketeers, crossbowmen, and artillery regiments from the civilians of Stirland. At the same time, Luther Harken's vampire pirate army also had The land force makes up for Vlad's undead army's lack of range.

It is actually very simple to make mortals willing to serve Vlad. Vlad just grasped six words: "beat the gentry and divide the fields." Lord Death knew very well that as long as these humble mortals saw him, he would bring "fairness" ", fair and open", wipe out the local tyrants and evil gentry and distribute their land to the poor farmers, catch all the greedy Utbad merchants and confiscate all their wealth, and distribute the unwanted parts of the dead to the living. He will never There was a dearth of living men willing to follow him, and so it was that on the first day of the fall of Utbard Vlad had thousands more mortal auxiliaries in his ranks, and he believed there would only be more to come.

Working under me, these living people can get far more than the stingy imperial nobles. I will guarantee your legal rights and provide force protection. You will soon understand that serving von Carstein What a relaxing and enjoyable thing it is, minimum wage, maximum working hours, beating workers! Working spirit! If you do well at your part-time job, you may have the opportunity to join my bloodline and become a noble master!

Vlad thought with satisfaction when he saw the joy of the large groups of mortal auxiliaries assigned to the fields and the joy of getting rid of the plague.

The moss corruption, river silt, and fungus carpet that Nurgle's army is proud of cannot stop Vlad's advance at all. The wind of death is Nurgle's nemesis. Wherever Vlad passes, the vicious green leaves begin to wither and crack, such as Blackened as if burned by flames.

But there was no fire here—only cold, the cold wind blowing as if from the fish maw of hell, the water turning as dark as rocks, and the distant trees howling and groaning and curling up. Trees began to dry and crack, becoming old and withered in an instant, vines uncoiled from their tight grip, brittle as the sap in their roots hardened and hardened.

Facing the power of this Lord of Death, the corrupt and depraved living creatures had no choice but to wither and collapse.

The roads were open and the road to Braunschweig was clear.

Vlad's power made the vampire lords both proud and fearful. With both kindness and power, Vlad maintained his super control over the necromancers and vampire lords.

The tent opened, and the Lich King Arkhan walked in from the outside. The cyan witchcraft flames in his eyes were burning brightly. Behind him were eight beautiful female vampires from the "Pale Lady Sisterhood" of the Lahmian Sisterhood. , the three of them, Vivian, Lillian, and Morrigan, planned the last and most powerful resistance action before the fall of Marienburg, which made the three Grote brothers dare not act rashly. To a certain extent, they saved Marienburg. Civilians around Limburg.

They were all wearing white dresses inlaid with lace, the color shone like moonlight, and their footsteps left no trace on the wet ground. They performed an ancient curtsey and slowly approached here to pay respect to the Lord of Death. Ladd briefly asked about the fall of Marienburg and expressed his dissatisfaction, then let them out.

"Settra has won again, a great victory." The Lich King Arkhan did not leave. He looked at Vlad playfully, as if spying on the movements of the Lord of Death: "The Tomb Army ——Probably the largest military force in history defeated the Chaos army from Antarctica. Settra ordered that all the hundreds of thousands of Chaos barbarians who landed in Antarctica be executed. No one was spared. This is good news for us. I Seriously."

"The chaos frenzy in the north has troubled us enough." Vlad restrained his joy: "So, what about the alliance I asked you to propose?"

"Of course, our great emperor, the immortal emperor, Kamurikara, Nicohara, the king of kings, the pioneer of the road, the holder of the sacred fire... the reputation includes but is not limited to Settra's refusal mentioned above." Arkhan played with his Arkhan Tomb Sword mockingly, and the Lich King's tone was very yin and yang: "Our great emperor, the immortal emperor, Khemurikara, Nico Emperor Hala, King of Kings, Trailblazer, Holder of Sacred Fire... His reputation includes but is not limited to the above-mentioned tomb leader Settra. He has sternly rejected your request for alliance. If nothing unexpected happens, He will declare war on all forces in the world at the same time, whether they are Chaos or Order, whether they are living or dead, they are all enemies of Settra."

"Does he really think he can fight against the whole world?" Vlad was speechless.

Settra plans to become King Xuan of Qi, right?

"As a Nicohara, don't you understand Settra?" Arkhan continued his mocking attitude: "Settra is only the master of others, not the subject of others."

"Well, at least he is temporarily unable to participate in our war with Chaos." Vlad looked at the map. Although he was once a Nicohara, he did not live in the era of Settra and had not experienced the race. Terra's resurrection also made him less involved in the war between Nagash and the Tomb Kings.

"It will come sooner or later. Both the old world and Chaos will suffer. This is an opportunity for Settra." Arkhan shook his head: "I know him, he will definitely try to come and join in, otherwise he will not be Settra." ”

"The only thing we have to consider now is Braunschweig." Vlad focused his attention on the city that haunted him.

Luther Harken is an idiot, Gul is only responsible for fighting, and Vlad often only discusses important military discussions with Arkhan.

But today was different. Just as the Lord of Death and the Lich King were discussing military affairs, they almost heard the vicious roar in the subspace at the same time.

“All things are created to nourish people, and people have nothing to repay to Heaven!”

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!"

Kane's declaration of becoming Tyrion reached here.

Another King Xuan of Qi? Vlad only felt a lot of pressure.

"Have you heard the echo of the subspace? My Lord?" Arkhan chuckled: "Another madman, the doctrine of Kane, the Bloody Hand God, always makes me interesting."

"Kane's theory?" Vlad was a little interested: "Do you understand it?"

"A lifespan of five thousand years gives me enough time to understand everything." Seeing Vlad's interest, Arkhan highlighted the important points.

Kane, the god-king of the Dark Elf underground god system, actually has a complete set of teachings, which is the so-called Kane's Loyalty Theory.

Kane, the God of Bloody Hands, God of War and Murder, believes that mortals are destined to be stupid, indolent, and have bad qualities. This bad nature will not change with the improvement of education and economic development. In other words, fools It cannot be cured, and stupidity will only spread and contagion, which will greatly reduce the combat effectiveness and fighting will of mortals, and mortals will perish as a result.

Among them, Kane thinks that the elves are particularly stupid and full of bad qualities, weak, indolent, and Asuryan, the god of heaven, actually ignores the race he created. This is so stupid.

So how can we remove the idiot element that is ingrained in the bones of mortals? Kane, the God of Bloody Hands, believes that devotion is the only way out, that is, loyalty to Kane, the God of Bloody Hands.

How to offer loyalty? The theory is very simple, that is to kill! Solve all problems by killing.

Only through killing can the bad qualities of mortals be removed, so Kane encourages his followers to kill. Killing in any sense is an important way to show loyalty to Kane and eradicate bad qualities. When there is no war, Kane even encourages His followers kill each other, such as the famous Night of Blood, when Khaine followers will walk openly in the streets of the Dark Elf cities and kill any living person who comes into sight.

Through constant devotion, mortals will achieve physical strength and mental bravery, elves will maintain their fighting power and fighting will, and martial virtue will return to the elves. At the same time, overpopulation can be effectively controlled and " "Lazy man" and "burden", Kane believes that this is true equality, that is, I am strong and I am justified, and you deserve to be weak.

Finally, a better era full of martial virtue is coming.

"Destroying the great establishment?" Vlad sneered a few times: "Interesting, why don't Tyrion set a small goal first, for example... first pledge the loyalty of one million elves?"

"It is undeniable that although Kane's Loyalty Learning is really...many elves really rely on this to maintain their fighting power and will to fight." Arkhan was silent for a while, and the Lich King asked tentatively: "What do you think?"

"It can only be said that great chaos is often followed by great governance. This is the case for Nicohara, Sylvania, the Empire, and even the elves. The premise is that there is no trouble." Vlad was silent for a while, and he looked like He was talking to himself, but also seemed to be asking Arkhan: "Do you think the empire will agree? Appoint me as elector? Accept this alliance?"

Arkhan sneered in his heart, the Lich King thought, weren't you extremely confident before? Why are you beginning to doubt yourself again and seek validation from me?

Yes, this is a typical Nicohara noble. They are too proud, so proud that they are absolutely confident and arrogant about themselves.

But after that, there was some kind of low self-esteem. Vlad sent the letter with confidence and did not receive any reply. Lord Death felt that his self-esteem was hurt.

"If you are so confident, why don't you agree to have two emperors? Emperor of the Eastern Empire and Emperor of the Western Empire? Or Emperor of the Eastern Empire and Emperor of Western Sylvania?" Arkhan continued to laugh at Vlad's injured pride. , he took pleasure in this: "He is an emperor, and you are also an emperor."

"The situation does not allow it." Vlad simply said: "First of all, the curse on your master still exists. Secondly, I have no confidence in defeating that guy."

The curse refers to Nagash's curse on the vampire family, "You will never defeat Charlemagne's empire." This curse is still effective even after Vlad absorbed part of Nagash's power, the last bit of power of the Lord of the Dead Also want to thwart Vlad's ambitions.

"That guy?" Arkhan thought for a moment: "Charlemagne?"

"No, Charlemagne has nothing to be afraid of. He will know what to do in this situation. What I am really afraid of is Sun King Ryan Malcador. Can you feel it? His power is too powerful. I don't It is certain to defeat him, and his woman Emmanuel and son Frederic will definitely devote everything to the imperial throne. It will be troublesome to attract him." Vlad considered and said: "For now, first of all, To obtain the officially recognized position of elector, the first goal is to resolve the chaos frenzy first. If the empire is gone, then everything will be lost, and our internal problems should be solved later."

"Are you really willing?" Arkhan was still fighting.

"Time will change everything, and what we lack most is time." Vlad was full of confidence again: "What if we let Frederick be the emperor for a hundred or two hundred years? In order to get Sylvania, I It’s been planned for 1,000 years.”

Arkhan did not refute this time, and the Lich King nodded: "But we must hurry, otherwise Brunswick may fall before we arrive. I think you will also get the answer there."

"Nothing can stop us, my friends. We will sweep towards Charlemagne's throne like a cold wind across a graveyard, and when we arrive, they will see what a mistake it was to ignore the Son of Sylvania." Vlad clenched his blood-drinking sword: "The alliance of order will be established again, and I will get everything I deserve from Charlemagne's throne, wife, Isabella!"

"Wait for me and I'll take you home right away!"

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