The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1316, Ryan trains his son (2-in-1 barely pays off the debt)

By July, the sluggish Breton Crusaders finally reached Bogenhafen, the focal point of the axe-biting pass.

After Sun King Ryan heard about Kalad's victory, he personally visited the battlefield with his wife Surya and son Devon Hill on horseback. The soldiers who participated in the war at the time visited the battlefield in person. As Lane described the situation on the battlefield, Lane stopped around the battlefield and sighed for a long time.

A general is easy to come by and hard to find in the three armies. Ryan immediately announced that all soldiers who participated in the Battle of Helmgart would be awarded a third-class Iris Medal. All soldiers who followed Kalad's charge and survived would be promoted, and serfs would be promoted to freedom. Citizens and free civilians receive the title of sergeant. Those with the title of sergeant are directly selected into the Young Guards. The living are rewarded and the dead are pensioned.

As the most important commander, Callard was awarded the honorary title of "Duke of Flanders" and a large fief, which meant that he was politically equal to all the dukes, but there was no corresponding duchy. .

The entire regiment of the Young Guards was temporarily placed under the command of Kalad.

Lawn received the honor of the Special Order of the Holy Grail and was granted the hereditary fiefdom of Chantillon. Lane ordered that the title of Lionheart be added to his title of marshal, so that he could call himself Marshal Lionheart from now on.

Sir Amanric, the Great Holy Grail of Carcassonne, was appointed Marshal of Britannia on the spot, which increased the number of marshals to six. His own army was supplemented by Ryan's deployment of troops, because among his cavalry were white horses. Due to their large numbers and the ability to defend the crumbling city in Helmgart, they were named the "White Horse Legion" by Ryan, and Sir Amanric was also called the "White Horse Marshal".

As for Diego... Diego doesn't need rewards, and Ryan also doubts whether he is qualified to give Diego more rewards. The Supreme Master of the Gray Knight has reached the point where he has no rewards and no rewards. He has become the Supreme Master. Could it be that Ryan gave up his position as the original body to him?

However, the Emperor already has a mature system for how to reward such situations, and Ryan only needs to follow it.

The Emperor said, don't be a slave of honor... Ryan thought in his heart.

But I do.

Because it is cheap, it is not an exaggeration for the Emperor to reward an Emperor's Custodian with the entire world after serving for countless years. However, the Emperor cannot do that, so all he can give is that long string that is almost impossible to finish. name.

It seems unfair and unjust, but the Imperial Guards regard it as the highest level of honor and the highest level of reward.

What about the Emperor? He has done so much for mankind, but has he ever asked for any reward from all mankind?

Thinking of this, Ryan understood that the original body no longer felt guilty towards Diego, because loyalty itself is the best reward. What we do is the welfare of all mankind, and there is no need to care about some details and small sacrifices.

It's over, am I starting to become a Zhuangson?

Thinking of this, Ryan couldn't help but laugh. Yes, the Gray Knight is actually somewhat similar to the Dark Angel.

"Father~" Devon Hill's voice came from the side, and his son, who was about to be twenty years old, said to Ryan: "Mom is calling you."

"What's the matter, Sulia?" Ryan looked at Sulia who was not far away.

The Queen of Knights is wearing her very typical white square-button military uniform with golden tassels today, and a sky-blue Pegasus cloak. Her soft, delicate and sacred face frowns slightly, and her slender white neck stands out against the peaks of the gray mountains. Under the reflection of the white snow, it looks even more arrogant. This is a high mountain flower, which is obviously unique to Ryan. The collar of the plump and strong general uniform is stretched high. From this angle, it is more spectacular than before. White jodhpurs and long boots wrapped around her slim and plump figure, showing off all her moving curves. The charm of a married woman was undoubtedly revealed with the slightest hint of resentment from her master.

"I called you several times, are you thinking about something?" Sulia walked to Ryan and tidied his hair that was blown by the wind a little: "I asked you what to do next."

"Next..." The majestic peaks of the Gray Mountains still rose unimaginably high in front of them. Its distant peaks were isolated and blocked by thick clouds, but the most difficult part of the journey was over. The knights began to carefully go down the mountain along the gravel path full of gravel. They were even more cautious to avoid more horses hooves slipping here.

The air became turbid and foul-smelling, and the expeditionary force soldiers could no longer enjoy the pure and sweet fresh air of Britannia. It was replaced by thicker and thicker filth.

The decaying and ruined town of Helmgart lay just behind Llane, now just a wasteland blasted by the Skaven and covered in thorns.

Ahead is the city of Bogenhafen. After the passage of chaos, there are almost no living people in the city, but the general outline of the city is still there.

This is not the most troublesome thing. The most troublesome thing is that Nurgle's plague has spread here. The dense poisonous moss, vine and shrub forest starts from the city of Bogenhafen and spreads to a distance of more than ten kilometers away, as eternal as the ocean. Endless.

Under the city of Bogenhafen, the knights were discussing. They looked at the thick tangle of thorns on the city wall. In addition, they looked around at the vines and weeds that were so dense that they were suffocating. Everything seemed to exist. Moving slowly around of their own volition, the trees gathered on the crowded roads, looking as if they had grown from the rocks that had just been given life, their roots frozen on the broken masonry of the city walls, their crowns Longing for the gifts of air and sunshine.

There is no road anymore, and where there should have been a road there is only Nurgle Forest.

There is no river anymore, and where the river should be there is only mud, swamps, and countless poison ivy.

Sulia sighed: "Beria and the others estimate that it will take at least several weeks for us to clear the road. If this is the case throughout the empire, it may take several months for us to reach the city of Brunswick."

"We can't wait that long." Ryan thought for a moment, but immediately denied: "But we can't rush to advance. The army is very tired after walking in the Axe Pass for more than a month. What we need to do is to take a short rest."


"The forest is not a problem." Ryan looked into the distance: "Devin?"

"Huh? What's wrong, Dad?"

"Come with me." Ryan gestured towards Sulia, and the Knight Queen suddenly turned red. This was a gesture to live as a couple at night, but she had no reason to refuse, saying that you should take your son for a walk first.

Ryan took his son and ran towards Bogenhafen, leaving the incomparably beautiful female knight Sulia looking at their backs and shaking her head helplessly. Her husband obviously wanted to say something to his son, but she would not participate. .

"Bogenhafen, as the key point of the Axbite Pass and the communication point with dozens of water veins in the empire, is an important trade town." On the way, Ryan smiled at Devon Hill and said: "When this place was at its peak, There used to be only a lot more gold in the warehouse than in Braunschweig. Several large families controlled the city council of Bogenhafen and enjoyed huge profits. Businessmen from the nearby city of Nuer also came to the river to spread their empire from here. Lead and mercury were found in other areas, and urban residents went down to the mountains to take out locally produced wool and wine in exchange for supplies.”

Devon Hill didn't know why his father told him this for a moment. The son could only say casually: "I know the four major Bogenhafen families, Stein, Hagen, Timgen, and Ruger." Brod, these four families controlled the town councils and ensured that policies and trade taxes benefited the merchant guilds and their families, who made unimaginable wealth."

"Oh, you did a good job on your homework?" Ryan glanced at his son, his face was a little surprised, but he quickly calmed down: "Then what happened next, I don't need to say more, right?"

"The Timgen family declined because of the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance, and Mutual Assistance with the Emperor." Devonshire said with a smile: "Because the empire and we directly reached a trade tariff agreement and an official bulk goods sales agreement, the Timgen family's business It suddenly declined, and they tried many methods to try to reverse this process. Until the new patriarch Johannes took office, the Timgen family's business suddenly exploded and even merged with three other families on a large scale. This attracted the attention of the empire's officials, and soon the battle A team of priests and demon hunters discovered the secret of Johannes joining the Chaos Cult, and the entire family was wiped out and all property confiscated."

"Yes, it seems that you have studied history and humanities well." Ryan nodded slowly, and he continued to smile as he looked at his son.

"Hey, my memory is confirmed by my grandfather." Devon Hill was suddenly proud. Ryan's youngest son put his hands on his hips to show that he was very strong.

His memory and psychic talents truly impressed the Emperor, and many of the ancient spells of the Old Ones were followed by successors.

"Then have you ever thought that this might be a conspiracy of the other three families? Is it possible that Johannes himself is actually a business wizard, and the competition between the other three families just forged Johannes's involvement in the Chaos Cult? The evidence was reported to the imperial officials, which resulted in the destruction of the Timgen family?" Ryan then asked.

"..." Devon Hill was stopped by Ryan's words. His son opened his mouth and suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Don't rush, think slowly." Ryan signaled his son to think first. He noticed that his heir, Caldo Diego, was surrounded by a group of official witches and witch apprentices of Gloria with a troubled face.

"Handsome, handsome! You are so handsome~!"

"You smell so good, which brand of perfume are you using?"

"Mr. Diego, I heard that you are a relative of His Majesty Ryan? Can you tell us something about what happened before?"

"Your muscles are so strong! Can you touch me?"

The Grand Master of the Gray Knight who had slain through the subspace was extremely embarrassed when faced with this situation. He could not fight or scold him, so he could only retreat continuously and was surrounded by a group of idiots. The witches were simply indifferent to the pure light in the subspace like the Gray Knight. There is no resistance, especially for a complete body like Diego. Ryan can't touch it, which is forbidden by the female speaker. The Gray Knight recruits under Ryan's command have few opportunities to interact with him. Now that Diego appears in front of him, there is no reason to let him go. ?

Already a bold fourteen-year-old witch apprentice stretched out his hand and touched Diego's body.

"There is no such worldly desire, there is no such worldly desire!" Diego, who was not embarrassed when facing ten Tzeentch demon legions, was really at a loss and could only keep emphasizing.

"Hahaha~" Ryan didn't seem to have any idea of ​​helping his son. The original Gray Knight smiled for a while and turned his attention back to his son.

"It doesn't make sense, Dad." Devon Hill finally had the answer after thinking for a while. His son pulled the reins of the war horse: "Actually, if you think about it carefully, you will know that if Johannes is truly a business wizard, there is no reason why he should not Handle the relationship with the other three major families well. Moreover, even if it is not handled well, there are many other ways to solve the problem, such as winning people's hearts and giving small favors to the citizens of Bogenhafen, such as donating money to the church. Provide financial support to major guilds.”

"If he doesn't understand this, he is not a business wizard at all." Devon Hill concluded: "So I personally tend to believe that he really joined the Chaos Cult."

"... Being able to judge the truth of the matter by oneself and not being influenced by the instigation of others and subordinates is the standard of a qualified monarch." Ryan nodded and seized this brief opportunity. The Sun King chatted and laughed with his crown prince: " So you, don’t simply care about the strength of your strength. Many times, the strength of your strength does not determine everything. The individual strength of elves and dwarves is strong but their population is sparse. The number of imperial troops is more than the sand on the beach. The Kingdom of Knights has no shortage of strong men, but it lacks powerful infantry regiments. Both vampires and Chaos are particularly afraid of beheading generals. Vampires must constantly devote their energy to controlling the entire army, while Chaos must face eternal challenges and challenges from their subordinates. An insatiable demand from an evil god.”

"Then what is real strength and weakness?" Devon Hill seized this opportunity to discuss with his father. In the past month since the ax bit the pass, his son and his father had discussed a lot, and their relationship had improved: "For example, the country The strength and weakness between countries, the strength and weakness among people?”

"There's a lot to discuss about this." Ryan pursed his lips and smiled. He pulled the reins of the second generation of Grape: "The most typical thing, what is the most important thing at the end of the day? Without them, the first is food, and the second is the army. , that’s all. Fighting a war requires a strong army, and the army needs sufficient food supply. If these two cannot be guaranteed, how can we survive?”

"Is this the so-called farming and warfare system?" Devin Hill drew inferences from one example and asked, "Gather grain and build a strong army?"

"That's right, but what happens after accumulating food and building a strong army?" Ryan then asked: "The high elves have too much food to eat. The farmland near the White Tower of Heth matures 8-12 times a year, and there is no rich country. Strong soldiers?"

"Because... people always want something else after they are full, such as... clothing and warmth? For example... entertainment?" Devon Hill thought thoughtfully: "Mom always told me, eat well and wear warmth. It’s the most basic needs, then safety needs, and then socialization, respect and the realization of self-worth.”

"That's what I taught your mother." Ryan glanced at his son: "After eating and clothing, people will start to have other needs. As you said, they will want to have a house to live in and a pot to cook. They want to use bowls and pans, they want to eat meat, they want to wear nice clothes, they want to leave their village and see the outside world.”

"Yeah." Devon Hill nodded repeatedly.

"When the family has certain conditions and is able to support people who have left their jobs, they will hope to get rid of their fate of farming all their lives. They will want to send their children to the church to study, and they will want to send their children to the army. Serving in the service is expected to change the fate of the mud-legged ones, and many children of knights and nobles with a higher starting point will start as trainee knights and knights errant. Even if their starting point is already much higher, they can't help but want more. , they want to become kingdom knights, want to become successful heroes, want to leave their own glorious epic, and even want to get the gift of the Holy Grail, become a lady's Holy Grail Knight, and return to their hometown with incomparable glory and glory. Accept the adoration and cheers of all.”

Speaking of this, Ryan chuckled and said, "Son, do you feel that these are far away from you?"

Devon Hill kept silent, he was born with everything, and he was indeed not very interested in it, but his son learned tact from mother Lilith, and learned intelligence and calmness from mother Sulia. He just said: "Almost everything Dad has done in the past decades is under the control of the entire Britannia people. You opened the upward path for knights and serfs, promoted industrialization, expedition to the Eight Peaks Mountain, swept away Chaos, and inherited the grace of the Lady. , to meet the expectations of all people, to realize one’s self-worth, is that nothing more than that?”

"Hey, Devin." Ryan couldn't stop smiling, and he said seriously: "In that case, let me ask you, if getting the Holy Grail means the realization of self-worth, then why do those Holy Grail knights show no mercy to themselves? Where is life?”

Devon Hill was stunned, and he suddenly blushed a little.

"You are my son, Devin." Ryan's face straightened. The original Gray Knight is now more like a father than ever: "You are uniquely endowed, so you should have high requirements for yourself. I have I have something to say to you.

"I'm listening, father." Devonshire said seriously.

"As a descendant of the Lord of Mankind, do you expect that every Gray Knight Brotherhood and Guards Legion will be loyal to you?"

"Then you get the artifact casually? Are your uncles caring about you over and over again?"

"And there was no pressure at all? Did you get the Holy Grail casually? Just pretend to be a lady and the lady showed up?"

"And then you just agree to pursue a girl you like?"

"No way? No way?" Ryan looked at his son with a funny face: "No way?"

Devin Hill blushed.

Ryan ignored Devon Hill, and he just continued: "If someone said this to a serf, I would give him a slap in the face. Talk about struggle with a serf? What chance do serfs have? They have already paid for enough food. How much energy? How many social resources are available for them to allocate? How many serfs join the army every year, and how many can finally join the Old Guard? For serfs, there is an apartment in the castle, they can marry a wife, and they can get a set of armor to become Free people are their highest pursuit, we should not constantly increase the conditions and difficulty for them and criticize them for not having enterprising spirit, this is the human heart."

"Yes." Devon Hill nodded silently.

"But that's a serf, not you." Ryan laughed, but there was no smile on his face: "You are the second generation, you are my son, you have such great potential and unique blessings advantages, you should strive for the most, because you have the conditions, and the last thing for you is to hang around. If you hang around like this, I know you are not willing to follow the Twilight sisters. The roots of the oak tree of the times are afraid of hardship and feel that they are not on the ground. Are you wasting your time down there?"

"This is also the human heart." Ryan continued: "Everyone must have their own goals. Since ancient times, heroes who have become Holy Grail Knights are not even afraid of death, so why do they obey you, fear you, and worship you? Because you Is it Devon Hill? No, it's just because you are my son, the direct grandson of the Emperor! There will be a day when you leave my wings. What will you do then? Kill if you don't obey? Are they not even afraid of death? Are you Can we kill them twice?"

Devin Hill was stunned.

"If you can't even kill the old king, then why do you become the new king?" Ryan bared his teeth: "There is a wall of kings in front of you that is so powerful that you don't know how to surpass it, and you just give up? Then you It’s better to give up as soon as possible and find someone else.”

"I didn't!" The youngest son finally yelled angrily: "Just wait, Dad, I will surpass you! Just wait!"

"Then, I'm looking forward to it." Ryan laughed loudly, swung his riding crop, and signaled Grape II to enter the city quickly.

"Wait, Dad, I have a question!" After Devon Hill yelled, he immediately felt that he was at a disadvantage. His son gritted his teeth and was unconvinced. He thought that he always had to regain some ground.

"Say." Ryan laughed loudly, how could it be so fun to train his son.

"You let your mother wear stockings to show you all day long. Is this also the realization of your self-worth?" Devon Hill deliberately shouted loudly: "The father who repeatedly realizes his self-worth all day long? The great Sun King?"

Devonshire's voice was a bit loud. The Old Guards and the group of Gloria witches next to him all heard the baron's words. The men all showed teasing expressions of "I understand", while the witches laughed and laughed. As a matter of fact, Ryan's hobby is no secret in the Brittanian court.

Bear son! Ryan tilted his body and gritted his teeth, thinking you did a good job!

Tomorrow you go to the Young Guards and watch Kalad treat you!

Without stopping, Lane entered Bogenhafen himself.

The five plague heroes have been waiting in the city for a long time.

They have a huge secret about the town to tell Lane.

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