The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1330, Death of Lao En

The Brittanian Jihad Army outside the city now only has less than 50,000 active troops left, and they have been exhausted after several hours of fighting. This war has lasted from early morning to afternoon. At this time, only The Norscan dwarves can still maintain a certain level of combat effectiveness.

Ryan was also seriously injured. He could barely stand even with the spear. Although he did not suffer the consequences of having his limbs cut off due to the power of the Shadow of Oblivion, the previous injuries and mental pain also caused him to collapse. The original body It was very clear that his internal organs were bleeding. His lungs were in severe pain due to severe internal bleeding. Every breath was as painful as a steel knife scraping, and there was a smell of rust in his mouth and nostrils. At this time, the Sun King could All he could do was stand, and he could only stand. The overdraft of psychic energy made Ryan's eyes flash with stars. He breathed desperately: "Send the order, the army regroups, we must rush to save the palace before it falls." Brunswick, if Charlemagne’s throne falls, it will be a fatal blow to the empire.”

"Your Majesty, you are badly injured." Marshal Raymond said that. He himself was not much better, with two ax wounds, a sword wound, as well as javelin holes on his shoulders and scratches on his thighs. If It’s not Morgiana’s group healing technique. Raymond would definitely explain here today: “We don’t have the ability to enter the city quickly now.”

"Why?" Ryan felt his eyes darken and he almost fainted.

"Because there are still more than 80,000 Nurgle troops outside the city. The Chaos Demon Army has dissipated, but they are still there!" Raymond said quickly. He waved his hand, and a group of old guard swordsmen rushed over and captured Ryan. He started to retreat: "We think we must regroup first, Your Majesty!"

"Damn it!" Ryan closed his eyes in pain: "Is it still not possible? Or..."

Nurgle's wild laughter and the cry of the goddess of mercy came from the temple of Thalia in the city. Just when Ryan didn't want to give up, the Nurgle army in front rushed over again. Thousands of Norscan Yankees enjoyed the Nurgle feast. In the aftermath of the heavy rain of Nurgle, their wounds healed again, and the entire four groups of outcasts finally received Nurgle's blessing as they wished, and transformed into Chaos Warriors directly on the battlefield.

"Protect the king." Raymond quickly ordered, and more Old Guards came from behind. Ryan could feel that the current Old Guards seemed to be the most intact army, and there were still nearly two thousand. This was first of all because Ryan used it as the last reserve team, and secondly because Sulia personally led the Old Guards into battle many times. This force was protected by the group support of the Angel Alliance.

"Ryan!" A vacuum appeared on the battlefield where the Chaos Demon Army disappeared. Sulia rushed over, protecting Ryan behind her, and signaled the Old Guards to retreat in an orderly manner.

"The Arctic Realm!" Tsarina Katalin's Kislev Guards arrived.

"Firestorm!" Veronica's witch group also arrived.

Looking at the hussars and Kislev's Ksar warriors passing by, Ryan was held up by Sulia and smiled bitterly: "Madam, I've decided that I can't do it anymore."

"You have done a good job, my husband." Sulia said softly: "Next, leave it to us."

"Get ready~" The Dwarf Troll Hammer Rocket Launcher continued to move forward: "Load~Fire!"

A series of rockets blasted an entire team of Chaos Warriors into the sky.

Not far away, two dwarf colossi were still fighting, and the Yankee's behemoth army had suffered more than half casualties, but neither side planned to stop.

Ryan nodded slowly. Even if he defeated the Chaos Demon Army, he was still far away from victory. According to intelligence, even if he could annihilate the Groat Vanguard Army, there would still be at least one main force of Archaon in the Chaos Wasteland. Millions of people.

One million people... Ryan couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought of this, and the Sun King couldn't help but cast his gaze on the twin-tailed comet slowly approaching Brunswick in the sky.

Legend has it that when the empire encounters the most dangerous and terrible disaster, Emperor Charlemagne or the savior Emperor Ludwig will return. The symbol of return is the twin-tailed comet.

But this twin-tailed comet has been flying in the sky for almost three years. Brother, are you reliable?

How much fighting power can the Jihadi Army retain after suffering huge losses in this battle?

Are we still in time?

Ryan was escorted by the Old Guards and dragged back to the Holy War camp by Sulia and Sylvia. What he had to do was to stop the bleeding first. Due to his super high magic resistance, almost all healing spells and magical spells were blocked. None of them had any effect on him, and Ryan's own spiritual energy had been exhausted, so Ryan could only stop the bleeding with the simplest bandages and wood elf potions.

Even so, Ryan also requires that he must stand among everyone.

No one in the Jihadists objected to this.

Because as long as Ryan stands here, as long as he is with the knight soldiers, the morale of the Brittanian army is completely different.

He is the symbol of victory, and he and the heraldic banner and iris banner behind him are the military spirit of Britannia!

"So, will that star be our turning point?"

While Lane was still retreating under protection, Francois, Bochmond, Callard and others who had just retreated from the front line, who were also covered in injuries, communicated in the camp.

Just after reuniting, everyone learned that the Duke of Montfort had also died in the battle. Philip Mountbatten, the deputy commander of the Coldstream Guards, was also killed in the battle. The commander Oudinot was seriously injured. The Coldstream Guards were almost dispersed, leaving only Less than 400 people.

Now fighting the Chaos tribe is the coalition of Norscan dwarves and Kislev, and the Brittanian army temporarily retreated to regroup.

The Wood Elves also suffered heavy losses. Alaros retreated. The Wood Elf heroes were still trying to reorganize their troops. The Aleer army also chose to retreat. The Twilight Sisters could no longer fight.

"Now, we can only hope that the twin-tailed comet will be like the legend." Francois's face became tangled and pale as paper. Ryan's father-in-law was covered in eight wounds and nearly two liters of blood was lost. If he hadn't been the Great Holy Grail of the Holy Realm and had the family heirloom armor, the artifact Unicorn Sword, and the cloak blessed by Morgiana's holy water, he would have died countless times. Of course, there is a more important reason. His heart aches. After counting the 4,000 knights sent by Winford, there are less than 2,000 left. The Unicorn Guard has been reduced from 1,000 to 561. My father-in-law is heartbroken. These are all good soldiers, the soldiers he brought out!

No matter how noble the Holy Grail Knight's morals are, Francois can fight to the death on the battlefield in matters involving his own core interests, but at this moment, he is still suffering from his loss and muttering about all this. Is it really worth it?

"I can't rush here anymore. The enemies are all hard cans. Plus those behemoth troops. If we continue to fight like this, all our excellent Brittanian knights will have to be handed over here." Marshal Berhemond He also took off his helmet, and his cheek was slashed by the ax of a Chaos Champion. The old Duke shook his head angrily: "Damn it, how many Yankees are here? We go to clean up the Norse coast every few years. The land in the north is barren, basically impossible to plant, the income from fishing and hunting is limited, and there is civil war all day long. How on earth did the Yankees do it? It can't be like growing wheat and it can mature twice a year, right?"

"Only the lady knows." Kalad was still very serious. The giant dragon and golden eagle on the top of his cross helmet had one of its wings chopped off: "We have never dared to go deep into the Norsca mountains. This is the only time in recent years that we have gone deep. That was the time with Oleg von Zhukov."

Everyone knew the outcome of Oleg's deep dive into the depths of Norska, and everyone was silent.

Are you trying to reason with Chaos?

The marshals and generals waited for about a minute before the white-horse marshal Amanrik came in from the outside: "The situation is terrible. We have to retreat and reorganize."

"Wait, where is Lord Raun?" The sharp-eyed Grand Duke Juan of Magritte did not find Raun.

"Your Excellency Amanric, didn't Raun receive news of the retreat?" Hagen, Duke of Gisoleaux, said quickly.

"Lauen... flew into the city with the Royal Pegasus Knights Brotherhood's Sky Host." Amanric shook his head.


While Ryan was fighting the three ultimate demons outside the city, a fierce battle was also going on inside the city of Brunswick.

Nurgle's Chief Archmoku-Gas and Nurgle's Chosen Champion Festus gave up on attacking the hard nut in Nur's defensive circle and instead attacked the temple of the goddess of mercy Thalia, just as Vlad expected. Like that, Kugas and Festus planned to conduct a "harvest ceremony" at the main temple of the Goddess of Mercy. This harvest ceremony would pull the entire city directly into the realm of chaos and become part of the Garden of Nurgle.

At this time, Bishop Margarita, the goddess of mercy, made some efforts. She poured Salia's holy water into the ditch around the main temple. The pure water blessed by the goddess of mercy made it impossible for the chaos demons to break through. The defense of the main temple bought some time. Three reserve militia companies, four imperial provincial companies, and a team of whippers. These soldiers used their lives to resist the attack of Nurgle's demon army and pinned their hopes on those who were almost impossible. of reinforcements.

Holy water is effective against ordinary Nurgle demons, but has little effect on Nurgle's chief demon, Kugas. Kugas directly forcibly broke through the temple's blockade and knocked open the door.

Seeing that victory was just around the corner, a harsh groan and the sound of bone grinding came from the courtyard on the far side of the temple.

In a moment, hordes of undead armies swarmed in from more than a dozen streets and alleys, gathering in front of the demon team behind Ku-Gas and Festus.

The leader of the undead was none other than the Elector of Sylvania, Vlad von Carstein. His fingers rubbed the edge of the blood-drinking sword, and a cold smile appeared on his pale and twisted face.

Again the piercing screams and the sound of trumpets were heard in the air, together with the battle cries of the matchless warriors of Britannia.

The blue sky above the temple was darkened by the wings of Pegasus.

As a united front, the living and the dead charged.

Large groups of Tomb Guards followed the Black Knights personally commanded by Vlad and killed them in the middle of the Nurgling Demon Army. The Death Lord's spell turned all the Nurglings into purple crystals. Vlad was full of contempt. Looking at the enemies with too much liquid, he thought that our undead would never have such a problem. He waved his blood-drinking sword and killed randomly among the Nurgle demons. More undead armies followed Vlad and poured in. battlefield.

This really annoyed Feiga and the two. Facing the joint charge of the Brittanian knights and the undead black knights, capturing the main temple of Thalia seemed to be a very troublesome matter. At this moment, The twin-tailed comet exposed in the clouds caused Fei Ga and his two men to change their expressions drastically: "It's a star! It's that star!"

"We must hurry up!" Kugas has no choice. It has the ultimate move Nurgle gave him to "kill Ryan". It should not be used here, but now it has no choice.

The Nurgle Demon frowned, and its originally happy expression gradually turned gloomy. As the spell was chanted, a hornbeam seed was taken out of Kugas' body and shot directly into Vlad's body.

Vlad was proud of his power. He arrogantly used the blood-drinking sword to flick the seeds away, and smelled the scent on the blade, expressing disdain for Nurgle's little tricks.

However, Vlad's pride cost him a huge price. The seeds flew back into his body after two ejections in the ruins. Almost in the blink of an eye, Vlad's whole body was swallowed up by the power of infection, and he died. The Maharaja was covered with poisonous moss from head to bottom, and terrible mold grew. His body turned into a flesh tree, exuding the smell of decay and decay. Then the Death King fell down and split into pieces in the painful struggle. Pieces of stiff white powdery gravel shook his undead army, but they did not disappear.

Kugas also paid a huge price for his distraction. While he focused all his attention on defeating Vlad, Raun's attack had arrived, and the artifact Kurona's Sword seized Kugas and controlled Hornbeam. The moment the seed parasitized Vlad, Kugas' throat was slit.

Kugas, who was slow to react, punched Raun's beloved hippogryph Pyquis under a nearby statue, and then added another blow to completely kill the beast that had accompanied Raun for decades, but At this time, Lawn's determination was extremely firm, and the regent of the kingdom told himself that if he could defeat the two Feigas here, then Brunswick might still have hope to be saved.

so be it!

A person's life, a knight's life, shouldn't this be what he should live for and die for?

My father Louis, my mother, my son Mathurbad, and the washerwoman... The figures of his family vaguely appeared in front of Raun's eyes. The regent of the kingdom gave a loud shout and continued the Sword of Kurona. Send it towards Kugas' body.

Kugas roared, roared, struggled and smashed, but it was useless. In every wound it caused to Raun, the Holy Grail Knight dripped golden "holy blood", and this golden blood was full of Bisalia. The much stronger blessing of the Lady of the Lake, the golden blood burned the demon's flesh and blood, more effectively than any strong acid, dissolving its physical entity, like being thrown into a ball of mold by charred wood.

To make matters worse, the holy blood dripped into the gaping wound in the demon's festering chest.

Gradually, Kugas's struggle weakened, and Raun seized the opportunity to pierce the rotten and festering black heart of Nurgle's chief demon with the Sword of Korona. The demon's soul bubbled and returned to nothingness, leaving only A burnt stain.

Laun, who was seriously injured, fell to the ground. The regent of the kingdom looked at his victory with great pride. The chief demon of Nurgle was defeated unjustly, and his victory was somewhat tricky. However, there is no need to talk about chivalry when dealing with chaos demons. Killing them all and sending them back to where they belong is the best chivalrous virtue.

Then, only the enemy in front of him was left. Raun noticed that the last few Pegasus knights had been killed by Festus. The last remaining Pegasus knights swelled, screamed, and exploded, including people. The horse's blood dripped down like dirty rain.

It's not over yet!

Although Raun was exhausted and lost a lot of blood, the regent of the kingdom resolutely protected the door of the main temple of the Goddess of Mercy behind him. He stepped down the steps and challenged Festus.

Almost all the imperial defenders died in the battle. There were only fragile patients behind the gate, and the goddess of mercy only knew how to heal the sick.

As a knight, it is his responsibility and obligation to protect the weak and fight for justice.

Is there anything else more glorious than what I am doing now? Lawn couldn't help but smile.

that's enough.

The two sides immediately started a big battle. Festus was a little anxious and used all his cards, but instead gave Lawn a chance. The more anxious Festus was, the slower he became. After more than ten consecutive rounds of close combat, Lawn En seized the opportunity, tensed his shoulders, turned over, and stabbed with his sword. The glowing sword penetrated deeply into Festus's gut. This blow was enough to kill an ordinary Nurgle champion.

It's a pity that Raun miscalculated. Festus is not comparable to ordinary Chaos Chosen. As the champion of Nurgle's Chosen, his whole body is blessed by Nurgle. Before Raun draws his sword, Festus Si endured the pain of his internal organs burning, took out a medicine bottle from behind and smashed it into Lao En's face.

Raun staggered back, howling in anger and pain. His entire face was melted, and his forehead bones were exposed.

Seizing this opportunity, Festus took off another meat hook from its belt, and the jagged bone blade slit Raun's throat. In the fury of Nurgle's chosen champion, the bone blade cut back and forth. Sawing back and forth, golden blood sprinkled on Festus's body like raindrops. Festus was in great pain, but he was not Kugas after all. It had an entity, flesh and blood.

Finally, the regent of the kingdom stopped struggling. When Festus saw this, he grabbed his hair and tried to twist his head off. A sharp sword pierced Festus's chest from behind. .

The Lord of Death, Vlad, was resurrected. His face was full of anger after being calculated. The Von Carstein ring was shining. Vlad swore that this was the second time he was furious since his resurrection. The Lord of Death took out the His secret weapon, a makeshift oak spear, penetrated Festus' body again and pierced the heart.

Oak is an extremely inert wood. As soon as it entered Festus's body, it frantically absorbed Nurgle's life energy and broke the balance that Festus tried to maintain. Vlad immediately removed Nagash from his body. The strong wind of death brought by the power was injected into Festus's body. The chosen champion of Nurgle immediately mutated, and his body was covered in amethyst and turned into a statue.

The medicine cat lord fell.

Also falling down was Laun. The regent of the kingdom glanced at Vlad at the last moment of his life. The two looked at each other. The Lord of Death also sighed, nodded towards him, and pulled out the blood-drinking sword to deal with Vlad. A respectable Holy Grail Knight paid von Carstein's standard courtesy, and then signaled the undead army to clean up the nearby Nurgle Demon Army. Without the power of Kugas and Festus, the Nurgle Demon Army had begun to dissipate. It was only a matter of time before he was defeated by Vlad.

Well, that's enough.

Raun lay weakly on the solid temple ground. The Kingdom Regent looked at the sky for the last time. He felt that his consciousness was disappearing and the endless darkness was swallowing him up. However, in its place, there was a peaceful, quiet, clothed In the ideal land full of grasslands, forests, and lakes, the lady stood in front of the Moon Shrine, shedding tears and smiling at him.

"Good job, Lawn-Leo Cornwall, really, good job."

"My lady..." Lawn murmured softly in his vague consciousness.

"You are worthy of your family, you are worthy of your country, you are worthy of the spirit of chivalry, and you are worthy of me, Lawn Leo Cornwall." The goddess wiped away her tears vigorously and opened her arms to welcome Lawn.

"That's enough." Raun said his last words. He showed his last smile with difficulty. The nuns of the Goddess of Mercy surrounded him and called the hero's name, but he couldn't hear anything. .

In this way, with the victory of the defense battle and the resolution of the crisis of Brunswick being dragged into the Garden of Nurgle, amid the calls of the people, surrounded by the living and the dead, on the stone slab of the main temple of the Goddess of Mercy, the Lawn-Leo Cornwall, Regent of the Kingdom of Tania, Marshal of Britannia and Duke of Conronne, died.

This was the seventh marshal to die in battle in Britannia.

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