The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1333, the emperor is dead

Vlad was defeated, and the defeat of Lord Death worsened Braunschweig's predicament.

The three undead kings outside the city all felt Vlad's failure. Among them, Gul and Luther Harkon still wanted to fight, but the Lich King Arkhan decided to retreat.

As we all know, Arkhan's loyalty to Vlad is limited. If Vlad is here, he will naturally obey Vlad's orders. But if Vlad is gone, Arkhan's goal is still to plan how to resurrect him. His master Nagash, Vlad himself knew this very well. However, the absolute pride of being an old nobleman of Nicohara and the absolute confidence of being the Lord of Death made Vlad firmly believe that he would not overturn. Naturally, There is no turning over. To Vlad, Arkhan's loyalty is infinite loyalty.

But Vlad was defeated. The Lord of Death took the big killing move originally intended for Ryan and was killed twice in a row. He was not resurrected so quickly this time. Upon seeing this, Arkhan ordered to retreat, and the undead army obeyed. Following Arkhan's order, they gradually withdrew from the outskirts of Brunswick.

This put the Nuer army under tremendous pressure.

In the Rondstad Castle, the battle is still going on. The Nuer army in black clothes and black armor are guarding the streets under the leadership of Frederick and Noelle. The undead army in the city has all disappeared with Vlad's defeat. .

"Hold on! Hold on!" Frederick had been fighting continuously for more than ten hours at this time. The Baron knew that the Nuer army was very tired. He rode his horse and ran through the streets, calling on the soldiers to hold on.

"My Baron, do we have any reinforcements? Anything!"

"Yes, there will be reinforcements!" Frederick shouted something he didn't believe either.

"Then where will they come from?"

"I said yes!" Frederick didn't know how to answer these questions, so he could only yell in a rude manner: "Just listen to me!"

After rushing through several streets, Frederick came to the front line. Behind the two steam tanks was the solid shield array of the Nur Halberd Legion, the mortars placed and a team of great swordsmen. Noelle was commanding the army, and the war The goddess incarnation saw Frederick coming: "Frey? How is the situation?"

"We may die together, Noelle." Frederick got off the horse, stretched out his hands, held his fiancée's hands, and said with a sad smile: "The undead army has disappeared, and we are the only ones left."

"It's not just ours." The roses on Noelle's cheeks were still so bright. The goddess of war shook her head incarnation: "There are everyone, the soldiers, and the people of Brunswick. Frey, you have to remember , I am with you, the soldiers of Nuer are with you, and the people of the empire are with you."

"Life is like a journey. What matters is not the destination, but the scenery and the mood of seeing the scenery along the way." Noelle stretched out his arms and bravely expressed himself towards Frederick, his fiancé. Thoughts: "In the twilight of dawn, the golden sun will illuminate the earth again. The wilderness is lush and green. On both sides of the road, there are castles, castles, and extremely prosperous markets. The gates of the city are open, belonging to Your family heraldic flag hangs along the city gate, and there are soldiers on both sides. They will chant your name and tell your story. Your traces will remain in the entire country, the entire nation, and every corner of the entire world."

"That sounds really good." Frederick thought about his grandfather's story.

Is the Emperor dead?

Yes, for a long time, ten thousand years, the Emperor was dead.

But is the Emperor alive?

Yes, although the Emperor's body is dead, his influence, his name, his traces, his beliefs, and his will are spread in every corner of the galaxy. From this point of view, he is always alive.

Some people are alive and he is dead.

Some people are dead and he is still alive.

"Then, let's fight!" Frederick suddenly felt some powerful power rising from his body.

Faced with the cruel reality, Frederick had no choice. He exhausted all the cards in his hand, but still faced a desperate situation. Frederick knew that he had to make a choice. He could either choose to stay and turn into ashes with the city. Ashes, to fight an extremely hopeless war.

Or, he can choose to order the Nuer army to retreat and abandon his defense zone. Taking advantage of the fact that the Chaos army has also suffered heavy losses, and there is also a Britannia Jihad army outside the city to support him, it is not difficult to escape, but doing so means that he chooses In order to give up his own people, give up the civilians hiding behind the Nuer army, give up their own responsibilities, just to survive.

So, how to choose?

"Yes, the Chaos army will win, but we are doomed to fail." Frederick smiled, and he clenched the rune fang in his hand. The young baron was like an energetic little lion, facing the crowd. All the Nuer soldiers said: "Soldiers, there is bad news. The enemy is five times more powerful than us!"

Nuerjun suddenly fell silent.

"But there's good news, I still have ten bullets!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!" The Nuer people burst into laughter. What a typical Nuer joke, we like it!

Frederick was walking in the queue of great swordsmen. The Baron smiled and said, "Are you confident in your marksmanship?"


"That's it! Just aim and hit me!"

"Yes!" The Nuer army was boiling again. The soldiers shouted Frederick's name, and as if they heard the commotion here, a group of Pegasus knights in the sky crossed the city wall and flew towards this side.

"It's father! Father is here to support us!" Frederick's eyes lit up. The leader of the great gryphon Imperius carried the seriously injured Ryan, as well as the Britannia Marshal Francois behind him. , Duke Casson of Palaon, Speaker Veronica, and more than a dozen Holy Grail Knights came riding Pegasus.

"It's Ryan!"

"Lian is here! Ryan is coming to kill!"

When the Chaos Army saw Ryan's appearance, they retreated one after another. Thousands of Chaos Army could charge against the steam cannon of the Nur Steam Tank, but they would flee immediately when they saw Ryan's arrival. The Nuer people were secretly stunned and couldn't bear it in their hearts. Keep shaking your head.

Chaos's fear of Ryan is engraved deep in his bones. There is news on the city wall that Ryan fights against four chaos demons alone and kills four chaos demon armies. This strength is unparalleled.

"Dad!" Frederick ran to Ryan. The eldest son was so excited that he couldn't contain himself, but he could only stand in front of Ryan and watch him shine brightly. His obviously seriously injured body could scare thousands of Chaos troops. As his father turned around and ran away, Frederick felt a mixture of reluctance, adoration, jealousy, and admiration deep in his heart. He thought for a few seconds before kneeling down on one knee: "Dad, you are finally here. Mom is waiting for you." For a long time."

With a complicated look on his face, Ryan walked down with the support of Duke Casson and Veronica. He looked at Frederick's face that was blackened by smoke and war, the tattered burqa and cloak on his body, and the clothes full of It's the shield with the ax marks. Dad's voice fluctuated slightly: "You have become darker and thinner."

"Really?" Frederick only felt a sore nose, but the son gritted his teeth, raised his head, and looked directly at Ryan's face: "My son feels better and stronger."

"The gods will confer great responsibilities on mortals, and they must first work hard and work hard for them." Ryan's eyes flashed, and he nodded slightly, signaling Frederick to get up: "You have fought well in these recent battles."

"That's all thanks to the support of all the soldiers. The three armies are serving their lives." Frederick did not accept Ryan's praise.

The father and son looked at each other. The father narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to look at his eldest son again. The son was full of stubbornness, but he had to be overwhelmed by his father's momentum. He could not look directly into Ryan's eyes and could only lower his head slightly.

Veronica, who was standing next to Ryan, sighed softly. The female speaker was arguing with Amelia Su. Ryan’s eldest son and younger son were more or less aware of each other. Frederick had not been with Ryan since he was a child. Growing up around him, of course the Nuer people from the Empire would never allow Frey to receive chivalry education next to Ryan, which led to some differences between the father and son.

Is Frederick convinced by his father?

That means he is convinced but not convinced. No matter in terms of prestige, strength, record, or skill, he can't compare with Ryan, his father, and it's not just a little bit worse, it's just a few levels worse. Frey has to be convinced. He is the same in many things. It was only possible due to Ryan's remaining power. Without the support of his father, he would not have gone so smoothly.

Don’t talk too much about the unconvinced questions, you understand.

The relationship between father and son is restrained and awkward, but also honest.

A son is always fighting against his father to become a man.

"Get ready, let's go support the Imperial Palace." Ryan said towards Frederick.

"Just us?" Frederick opened his mouth wide: "Father, does your injury not matter?"

"Where's all this nonsense coming from?" Ryan looked towards the distance of the palace. The twin-tailed comet was crossing the top of the Imperial Palace. The King of Knights was planning to say something, but he suddenly felt the whole world shake, with endless magic. The wind is released!

The Maelstrom is liberated!


…………I am the dividing line between Father and Son…………

Karl-Franz leaned under the golden chain that usually held the hammer Gael Maraz. The golden chain that was once used to hang the hammer was now empty. His whole body was covered in blood and he was dying. His right arm was completely severed by Otto's scythe, and the steps were stained red with blood.

The emperor suddenly realized that he had always overestimated his own strength.

His close friend Len Malcador once "evaluated" Emperor Karl Franz, saying that he was the greatest political master of the empire since Ludwig, a diplomatic genius, an emperor on the gryphon, and an excellent military officer. Home, a qualified duelist.

Karl Franz was very happy to receive such a high evaluation from Lane, but he was also a little unhappy. The meaning of Lane's evaluation was very simple, that is, the emperor's domestic affairs were the best in the world, and his diplomacy was also very strong, leading troops. There is no problem, but he uses a different tone to clearly point out that the emperor's military management is better than general strategy, and general strategy is better than personal bravery.

It wasn't until the emperor was punched away by Otto with the strength of the primary level of the Holy Domain, and he directly lost the ability to resist, that Karl Franz realized that he had been overestimating his own strength. He was invincible in the duel. A large part of the unparalleled power to smash everything comes from the divine hammer Gal-Malaz. This artifact, which is a dwarf heirloom and an imperial heirloom, can increase the user's strength tenfold, and also provides 100% armor piercing. Demon-breaking effect.

With Gael Maraz in hand, the Emperor might still be able to fight for his life against the three Groat brothers. Without the Hammer, the Emperor's strength could only be said to be that much. He was a mortal after all. He realized that he There is no power that can fight against these mutants and those favored by the evil god in front of him. The enemy is too powerful. He just used the rune tooth sword to pierce Gu Ruite's body, but it was of no use. It was just a wound.

So who still has the power to fight against the evil god?

What does everything we have been insisting on count?

The silver seal shone brightly, maintaining the emperor's shaky life. His remaining left arm still held the dragon's tooth sword firmly. He could only watch, watching Matak fight with the second brother of the three Groat brothers. , watching the Death Claw and Gurrit fighting together, watching Matak's two-headed griffon being dismembered by Otto, and its internal organs fell to the ground.

The Imperial Royal Chief Grand Wizard Greg Mattak and Ezerak had a spell duel. Compared to Galt, Mattak was far inferior in strength and resistance to Chaos. His Amber The spear was defeated continuously in front of Ezerak's plague spell. The wizard on the opposite side was far more powerful than him. The good boy authorized by Nurgle could unscrupulously pull out a steady stream of magical power from the realm of chaos and throw it straight at him. As the power of fear grew, Matak found a pustule bulging on his forearm. He realized that his cane was twisting and deforming. Its core was gradually being corroded and began to resist him, and was Gradually transformed into a crazy and fertile monster that destroyed the entire empire from Marienburg to Ostermark.

Matak was frightened. He quickly summoned a flock of crows, then turned and fled. The shouting Imperial Royal Chief Grand Wizard attracted a group of Chaos Warriors and Beastmen to pursue him, but he escaped anyway.

The emperor found that he didn't blame Mattak at all. He had done his best, hadn't he?

At the critical moment, Marshal Rick Heilberg and Griffin Duke Ivan arrived. Rick's guards, griffon knights, and the last less than 30 court guards responsible for guarding the palace were making the final resistance.

The emperor saw Duke Ivan, who was over 120 years old, fighting Ezerak with all his strength, and the Griffin True Silver Holy Sword shining brightly again and again.

The emperor saw that Helberg was still fighting in a corner. The old commander was obviously no match for Otto. He only fought with passion and pure anger, and actually forced Otto back in a moment. However, the old commander's physical energy had long been exhausted, and he Failure is only a matter of time.

The Death Claw and Gurit fought together and fell into the Imperial Garden.

The emperor saw his personal bodyguards, the Reik Guards, the pride of the empire, the Griffin Knights, and the Court Guards, who symbolized the last guard force of the palace, falling one after another. Those familiar and unfamiliar faces, those one by one. With the death of a once vivid name, Karl-Franz couldn't help crying. He wanted to tell everyone that they were wrong. There was no way to defeat Chaos. Even if they could defeat the three Grote brothers here, so what? Half of the empire has fallen, the Chaos army is still rampant, the main force of the Eternal Chosen has not even moved, and the empire is still sinking in corruption.

Throughout his life, Karl-Franz trained his subjects to understand that they must fight, that they must never surrender but obey only the sword.

The Emperor didn't know what else he could do to save his empire, not even a bit.

He struggled hard and tried to get up. There were already Chaos Champions who couldn't wait to come up and harvest the emperor's life. Ivan, the Duke of Griffin, stopped in front of the emperor and fought hard. After resisting Ezerak's three plagues, After the spell, Ivan finally became dull. Ezerak laughed and smashed the old Duke's head with his staff. The long plague spear pierced Ivan's eye socket, and Ivan stabbed the true silver holy sword. He entered Ezerak's shoulder to force him back, and then fell beside the emperor. He glanced at the emperor with his remaining eye: "Your Majesty... don't give up... it's not over yet... it's not over yet. .”

After finishing speaking, the pupils of Ryan's godfather, the old Duke, who had ruled the Griffin Knights for sixty years, gradually dilated, and his clenched hands loosened.

"Ivan!" Karl-Franz shouted his name in pain, but never received any response.

Similarly, the short duel between Helberg and Otto also resulted in a winner. How could the old coach be Otto's opponent? As his physical strength reached a low point, the old coach's movements deformed, and Otto seized the opportunity to pull the edge of the sickle. The blade slashed hard, and the evil curved edge penetrated Heilberg's breastplate deeply and cut his flesh. With supernatural power, Otto raised the scythe and lifted Helberg's body up. Lifting it up and throwing it out, the sickle slipped out of flesh and tore his chest.

Heilberg also drew a long arc and fell beside the emperor. Marshal Rick saw the emperor again. The madness in the old marshal's eyes gradually dissipated. He reached out and held the emperor's left hand. , held tightly, tightly, with the last glimmer of hope, Helberg inhaled hard and exhaled: "Stand up, Emperor, stand up, continue... fight, keep... fighting."

Marshal Rick, who had suffered countless infamy and assumed all responsibilities, looked at the emperor, waiting for his answer.

"Then, let's fight." After a second, Karl-Franz was no longer desperate. He slowly became indifferent. Looking at Helberg's eager eyes, the emperor nodded slowly, but his tears couldn't stop flowing.

Helberg finally showed an expression of relief, and the light in Marshal Rick's eyes disappeared. His body completely collapsed, motionless and silent at the edge of the altar, and his armor was soaked in blood.

All the glory, all the sins, and all the pain dissipated with Heilberg's passing. A smile finally appeared on Helberg's lips. The torture of the past few months was over and he was free.

Karl-Franz struggled to get up, holding the Rune Fang with one arm. The wound on his right shoulder was still bleeding.

Yes, the armies of Chaos will prevail, but we are doomed.

But so what? Have we ever been afraid? I will fight Chaos to the end! I will dedicate everything I have to this battle between good and evil. I will tell Chaos, do you want to get this city?

Then ask me whether I agree or not!

I am the country, I am the world!

empire? I am the empire!

Want to defeat my empire?

Then step over my corpse! ! !

"Don't these Nannies understand what failure is?" The eldest brother Otto looked at the Nanguo Emperor who looked like Xiaoqiang, with a bored expression on his face: "Servants of the Nanguo Cowardly God, please accept this fact: Human beings The reign is over."

"At least……"


"At least, I still have the Dragon Teeth Sword in my hand!!!"

Under the golden light of the Holy Hammer Hall, the one-armed emperor launched his final charge.

Otto then wielded the Plague Scythe, and as the muscles and tendons tore apart, a long blood mark spread in front of the altar.

The emperor's arms were broken.

Otto flew up with a kick, and Karl Franz fell again in front of the altar of the Holy Hammer Hall. He breathed heavily and looked at the three Groat brothers in front of him.

Otto opened the fingers of the emperor's left arm, picked up the Rune Fang, waved it and let out a roar of victory, then like a conqueror, raised the Dragon Fang Sword and easily sent it into the emperor's chest.

Everything in the Holy Hammer Hall came to a standstill, and the sound of the sword's edge penetrating flesh could be heard.

After a lifetime of hard work, countless battles since he came to the throne, and all possible efforts, Karl Franz, Imperial Emperor, Elector, Grand Prince of Reich, Grand Duke of Braunschweig, Bearer of the Silver Seal and The bearer of the Runefang, the inheritor of Charlemagne's sacred legacy from sea to sea to the Edge Mountains, finally ceased to breathe.

The emperor is dead.

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