The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1339, Lilith: Winner takes all!

Lilith, the Elf Moon Goddess, was successfully promoted at this moment!

The fire of heaven is under control.

The control over the original power and law power of all the unowned clergy is in your hands!

All empty gods are waiting for her canonization!

She dominates the revision and creation of the God-conferred Laws!

She gained the right to admit, appoint, remove, reward, and punish all the gods in the elven pantheon!

"No! No!" Olika screamed and shook her head desperately. The dark elf goddess cried. She had worked hard to plan for so many years, but everything was used as a wedding dress for Lilith. She was not willing to accept it! She is not willing to give in!

Lilith looked at Orica's unwillingness, and the Moon Goddess' breathtakingly beautiful face revealed a faint taunt: You little Bichi wants to fight me, but you still have a million years to go!

Reaching out and gently pressing her lower abdomen, Lilith discovered that Ryan's spirit pattern had not disappeared, but was firmly imprinted on her body. The goddess hesitated for a moment and shook her head. She found that she did not want to wipe away Ryan's spirit pattern at all. Except that, on the one hand, the cost was extremely huge, and on the other hand, she had no idea about this at all.

She loved Ryan, so much.

She wanted to be with Ryan and Lidya Su forever.

"You lost, Orica." Lilith strolled down from the void, her bright eyes burning with platinum heavenly fire exuded endless majesty, Orica only felt that there was a whole world pressing on her, Her thoughts, her soul, and her priesthood were suppressed to the ground by Lilith. There was no way to disobey her. The locks of heaven on the Dark Elf Goddess were unlocked. Lilith came to Orica, and in her tone With a deep chill: "Then, I will only ask once, Orika Corendia, the Pale Queen, are you willing to serve me?"

Orica's eyes were filled with tears. She glanced at Lilith unwillingly for the last time. The dark elf goddess fell to her knees and cried: "I...I choose to serve you, your noble god...the god above gods!"

"That's right." Lilith smiled with satisfaction. The Moon God reached out his hand and struck Orika's chest in an instant. The dark elf goddess screamed and tried to resist but was suppressed by Lilith's power. Si took out a purple-black ball from Orika's chest.

Within the sphere is the remaining will of the Pale Queen of Destruction and Self-Destruction, Erth-Haaei! He still carries hatred and disgust for all mortals in the world, and is full of extreme thoughts.

"Lilith!" Es-Haai already knew what God above God wanted to do. He begged for mercy: "No, please! No, you are already God above God. You need me to help you manage Hades." World, what does that little girl know? I will be your best assistant, I will be your best servant, I can mortgage half of my soul to you, please don’t, have you forgotten that I once told you The days when I traveled around the galaxy with my mother, Isa?"

The moon-goddess Lilith's long, moon-white hair hangs down like a waterfall from the moon-god crown on her head. Her face is exquisite and impeccable. Her stunning oval face is full of sacred and inviolable majesty. She looks at the same Olika, who knelt down and begged for mercy, slowly closed her eyes: "To be honest, Ersi, you are indeed the better choice. It's a pity that I promised someone else."

After saying this, Lilith gently squeezed the whole ball while Es Haai was begging for mercy.

The purple light exploded, and Eth-Haaiyi completely perished.

"Do you feel better?" Lilith asked Orica after thoroughly arranging the arrangements for her predecessor, the Pale Queen: "Get flat, from a certain point of view, we are still sisters."

"It feels like a dream. It feels like thick clouds have dispersed from my head. Well, I'm sorry to the master. I almost betrayed him!" Olika gasped, her whole body Almost exhausted, from this moment on, the influence of Erth-Haai on her daughter was finally completely dissipated. The Dark Elf Goddess first repented, but felt deep sadness in her heart. After all, she let Lilith, a bitch, succeed!

Lost, lost completely!

If it wasn't for the master's sake, Lilith would have definitely arranged it for her, right? She is definitely not as valuable to Lilith as Erth-Ha'ai.

The newly promoted Moon Goddess didn't care about Orika's feelings because there was no need. She flicked her long sleeves full of stars, swirls and moon patterns, and Alisara, the former high-sperm little queen, appeared on the goddess's skirt. Next, Alisara immediately realized that Lilith had become different. She knelt down tremblingly: " goddess?"

"Go, it's your turn to show off. Go and stop your father." Lilith said calmly: "We agreed before."

"Yes..." Alyssa went.

At this time, the duel between Tyrion and Malekith has reached the final moment.

Both Malekith and Tyrion were seriously injured, but Tyrion was still furious under the blessing of the Divine Sword of Cain, while Malekith was extremely exhausted, and the remaining power of Asuryan in him was gone. Because all the high elite spirits were consumed by summoning, Malekith did not consider the extent of the consumption of Asuryan's power, and used it all in one breath.

Without Asuryan's power, the heavenly fire on Asuryan's Sword was reduced to flames, then sparks, and finally silence. Tyrion seized the opportunity and the Sword of Khaine fell.

Heart-wrenching cries of pain came from the heavens, and there was a crack in Asuyan's holy sword and it was broken into two pieces.

The consequences of this blow were extremely serious. Not only did Malekith fall, but the supreme being who resided in Malekith and the Phoenix Lord who poured his essence into the blade of Asuryan's sword also fell. With all the power stolen by Lilith and the blade broken, it was a complete failure.

Asu Yan, Lord of the Phoenix, fell.

Malekith had only one breath left. His left arm had been cut off, and the Midnight Armor on his body had been shattered. He was alone, unarmed, vomiting blood. He straightened up, preparing to become the Phoenix King. Meet his death.

Tyrion grinned ferociously, holding onto the Divine Sword of Khaine with both hands, intending to deliver the final blow to Malekith.

At this moment, a beautiful and moving voice with a crying tone suddenly sounded from Tyrion's side.

"Father! No!"

Hearing this voice, Tyrion's crazy scarlet pupils suddenly dilated: "Ellie...Sara? Aren't you dead?"

"No, father, you can't kill him!" Alyssa stretched out her arms and stopped in front of Tyrion. The former little queen cried and shouted: "Stop, father, you have caused too many disasters. , stop now!"

"Get out of the way! Alishara!" Tyrion roared in pain: "Don't force me!"

"No, never! Father, you have already made too many mistakes. I can't let you make any more mistakes!" Alisala firmly stopped in front of Malekith. The former little queen was very determined: "You If you want to kill, just kill me! I am the beginning of everything."

After saying that, Alyssa closed her eyes.

"Ahhhh!" Tyrion howled in pain.

"Kill her, kill her!"

"Kill this guy who stopped you!"

"Everything is going to be destroyed. Why don't you take everything away? It's cruel of you, you know?"

"Self-devotion is the highest sublimation of devotional learning. You should start with your daughter to achieve the great harmony of devotion!"

"What are you waiting for?"

Kane's voice continued to enter his mind, forcing Tyrion to make a choice.

For more than a year, Tyrion has obeyed every order of Kane. With Kane's divine sword in hand, he kills all those who disobey him and imagines a beautiful world after loyalty. Tyrion has always followed Kane's instructions. Made according to the idea.

However, this was the first time that Tyrion's own consciousness struggled crazily, refusing Kane's control, refusing Kane's manipulation, and rejecting the "established path" designed by Morathi for him. Tyrion had originally His body froze as his numb, submissive mind resisted Kane's orders with all its might.

"What are you doing, Tyrion? What are you still hesitating about?"

Kane shouted impatiently: "Kill her, then kill Malekith! Kill everyone!"

"No, I can't... That's my daughter, Alishara, she's still alive, I can't..." Tyrion's own consciousness was tumbling in his mind, and he stubbornly refused Kane's order.

No matter how darkened, no matter how crazy, no matter how hopeless, Tyrion is a good father after all. He can never use a sword against his biological daughter no matter what!

Tiger poison cannot eat its seeds, that is his daughter, his favorite daughter, the direct cause of his madness, the starting point of his path to Kane, and everything to him!

He couldn't move his hands, he didn't want to hurt his daughter, no matter what.

When Tyrion was frozen there, a bowstring exploded! The feather arrow carrying moonfire penetrated Tyrion's chest along the damaged part of Alario's breastplate, and pierced into his rotten heart.

"Father!!!" Alisara rushed up and hugged Tyrion. The little pre-ejaculation queen cried again. She didn't know why fate was so cruel to her.

"Ellie... daughter, you're okay. It's great!" Tyrion looked at the arrow that pierced his heart. He saw the Shadow King Aris-Annal in the distance, and the Divine Sword of Kane fell. On the ground, more than a year later, Kane's madness finally left Tyrion's body. The guardian of Ulthuan opened his mouth, and his blood spattered on Alishara's dress. The efforts of being a father He raised his arms, hugged his daughter's waist, patted her twice gently, and forced a smile: "Elsharion...did it...thank you...I just."

Tyrion, the incarnation of Kane, the holder of the Divine Sword of Kane, the guardian of Ulthuan, the regent of the Phoenix Court, and the blood of Alario, could not finish his last words and took a deep breath. Tone, he died.

With his death, Kane who was possessed by him also made a sharp and unwilling struggle sound. Kane, the god king of the elven underground god system, the god of bloody hands, the god of war and murder, fell.

"Mine!" A frustrated Olika suddenly appeared from nowhere. She stretched out her arms and frantically absorbed Kane's remaining broken divine power: "It's all mine!"

"Yes!" Malekith saw Tyrion dead, and the Phoenix King couldn't help raising his arms and shouting yes.

The bowstring rang again, and the moonfire arrow also pierced Malekith's heart from behind. The celebratory expression on the Phoenix King's face turned into astonishment, and he also fell to the ground, his whole body twitching.

"You can't run away either!" Shadow King Aris-Annal put down Lilith's Moon Bow and said coldly.

After completing the goal, the Shadow King himself didn't know whether it was joy or sadness, or the relief after completing the goal he had worked hard for all his life. Aris hid himself in the shadows.

Morathi could not believe that her son and her lover died at the same time. The Witch Queen screamed and threw herself into the maelstrom, hoping to completely free the maelstrom and attract the arrival of Slaanesh himself.

She succeeded for a time, and Slaanesh's sparkling evil eyes penetrated the haze of the maelstrom and looked directly at the world: "Everything has already begun. The East will fall, the era of chaos will come, and the era of elves is over."

Caledor Dragon Tamer, who was in the maelstrom, felt trembling all over, while Teclis prayed to Lilith desperately.

His prayers were not in vain. The god Lilith, whose whole body was burning with heavenly fire, walked gently along the void and approached. Millions of stars and the brilliance of thousands of moons on her dress lit up at the same time. The goddess held her hand with one hand. Aiming at the Eye of Slaanesh, her hand condensed the essence of the Fire God of Heaven, pointing directly at the Eye of Slaanesh: "You have no power here! Prince of Darkness!"

"Hmm! This is it?" Slaanesh's voice was filled with disbelief.

"This is my domain! You are nameless, insubstantial, and powerless here. Go back to your realm of chaos!" Lilith approached step by step: "In the name of the God of Heaven, I order you to go back to your realm." Let’s go to the Si Xing Fortress!”

The light was brilliant, and with Lilith at full strength, a subspace impact nova that could destroy an entire world struck Slaanesh.

"Ah♂!" Slaanesh just had time to stretch out a finger and was bounced away by Lilith's power. The Prince of Darkness screamed. His body disappeared from the other side of the curtain and flew out. The cracks in the subspace were repaired. .

This is the power of God above God! This is why in ancient times, Asuyan, who flew down from the Phoenix Throne, could force the four gods of Chaos to take shelter with one blow!

But part of Morasi's plan still succeeded, and taking advantage of this wave of chaos, the Eight Winds of Magic got out of control.

The soul of Caledor Dragon Tamer nodded towards Lilith and bowed to express his gratitude. The greatest mage in the history of elves stretched out his arms to hug Morathi, who was still trying to cause trouble, and said softly: "That's enough. You have committed too many sins, Morathi. Now, in the name of Alario's best friend, I advise you to stop and welcome your end, my end."

Morathi screamed, clawing and tearing at Caledor-Dragon Tamer with nails and teeth, but Dragon Tamer persisted, laughing at the top of his lungs, maintaining Dragon Tamer as the maelstrom disintegrated. The power of his existence also disappeared, and a row of black holes swallowed up the souls of all the archmages, as well as those of the dragon tamer. Before his death, he hugged the Witch Queen Morasi until Morasi was in despair. Zhong disappeared with him on the other side of the black hole.

All the eight magical winds flew out from the maelstrom, and Teclis could not control their direction at all. In desperation, Teclis first bound the wind of life (emerald) to the body of the eternal queen Alarielle, and then There was nothing he could do about what happened next.

Malekith was already on his deathbed, and the Phoenix King helplessly looked at Ulthuan, whom he missed so much, as he was about to take his last breath.

But at this time, the shadow wind flying out of the maelstrom spread around and noticed Orica, who was frantically absorbing Kane's divine power, and Malekith, who was dying. The shadow wind swayed back and forth, and finally rushed out. Towards Malekith, the shadows flowed into Malekith's charred body. The shadows entered through the mouth, nose and eyes, seeping into every pore. When the last shadow disappeared, the Phoenix King let out a shrill cry. His body was bent with pain, and only his head and feet did not feel pain.

The screams died down and Malekith fell, the shadowy tendrils in his mouth flickering with every breath, but his wounds were no longer fatal.

Tyrion's army finally collapsed. When their prince died, the madness of the elves began to subside, and now they began to flee, some realizing the terrible crimes they had committed in Tyrion's name, asking for forgiveness, and thus receiving a swift death, Some who fled were embraced by the cold in the stormy seas, while others were met with justice, as Shadow King Aris and Prince of Caledor Imric executed the final judgment against the traitors.

Eternal Queen Alarielle, who received the wind of life, instantly hugged her daughter Alishara. The wind of life flowed through the body of the eternal queen, injecting power into her body, bones and soul, changing her forever. The Eternal Queen felt no pain, only warmth and satisfaction, and felt an incredible power. The surging torrent of life magic in her heart built a mountain peak. A large-scale healing spell covering the entire island not only resurrected all the dying elves, but also turned the originally barren and lonely scenery of Death Island into a lush forest.

Alarielle held Alishara's little hand and walked past Malekith. After hesitating for a long time, she gave Malekith a healing spell. Then she no longer paid attention to the Phoenix King and walked over. Next to Tyrion's body, they looked at their lover with their daughter. The mother and daughter's tears fell on Tyrion's body. Not far from Cosqui's Dragon, Kane's Excalibur was revealed because of Kane's death. All the power gradually dissipated and was absorbed by Orika, turning into a piece of scrap metal.

The final battle of the Maelstrom has since come to an end.

Lilith, the high-spirited moon god, stood quietly on her throne on the dim island of death. All the elves present were looking towards the incomparably beautiful, sacred and inviolable supreme elf goddess on the throne. Bend his knees.

Worship sincerely!

"God above all gods! Supreme God of the Moon, Lord of the Mists, Controller of Dreams, Giver of Wealth, Last Savior of Elf Souls, Protector of All Things Hidden or Lost, Guiding Angel for Travelers in the Wilderness! Lilith! "

"Please save our elves, save us all!"

Standing in front of her throne was the newly minted god Lilith, wearing a star-studded dress and a flower crown of the moon god on her head. The goddess with wings on her back spoke, and the brilliance of the full moon flowed down her head like water. The gorgeous moon-white hair that reaches her ankles flows down: "Ulthuan is about to sink. The only way to save the elves is to migrate."

"The old world will be our new home."

Updated, second update. The plot of the elves’ civil war is over. I hope everyone is satisfied.

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